Ranjna Vedhera is an ex lecturer in English and Communication Skills. She has also worked as an editor with reputed publishing houses in Delhi. A number of her videos relating to English Grammar and other educational topics can be accessed on You Tube. See Her English Lessons on youtube
So Many Worlds – A Collection of Short stories is her latest offering for the lovers of English Fiction. Stories in this collection are set in disparate zones of time and space reflecting equally variegated shades of human emotions ranging from love, lust and romance to ambition, nostalgia, conflict and sometimes from mortifying cynicism to uplifting positivism. Despite such divergent sensibilities these stories are bound by one single common thread of Humanity.
This bouquet of nine short stories offers an interesting and delightful read for English fiction lovers.
Vedhera recasts these scenarios with unexpected twists, and brings her distinctive insight into the ways human affections both confirm and defy the social designs that try to enclose them. In all, a compelling read and true to its title, a multitude of worlds, Says Divya in her review of the Book at Amazon
The book is available on amazon.in