3 things to get rid of in order to ace Class 10 Board Exams 2023


3 Smart Tips to Prepare for CBSE Class 10 Board Exam 2023


Padhne me nahi Lagta Dil, Know the Biggest Reasons –


The Three Most Important things to get rid of in order to ace Class 10 Board Exams…


Class 10 Board Exam Prepration Tips – With the board exams for class 10th being only a few months away, not all of the students must be on-board to study day-in and day-out for the exams. A good bunch of the students at this time of the year are either burnt-out from studying continuously for the past year or some are simply not motivated enough to study. Both the situations are fairly common for students studying for Board exams. But, if continued in the long run, this can probably be detrimental to not only your mental health, but can also lead, all the preparation done by you for the past year or so, down the drain. To make sure that the above cases do not happen we have prepared a list of The Three Most Important things to get rid of in order to ace Class 10 Board Exams. 

  1. Lack of Confidence
  2. Not Solving Sample Papers
  3. Overachieving

1. Lack of Confidence

I remember the year I gave my Class 10 Board Exams and the one thing that now, as a college student, stands out to me while reminiscing about that year and the exams is the Lack of Confidence that I carried everywhere with me and, me being oblivious to my peers who too wore this Lack of Confidence like our uniforms. Now while writing this article, I feel the most important thing that you should first get rid of is the Lack of Confidence that you might have or may get in the future.

Thinking that your preparation is not enough, revising and re-revising everything again and again, Writing notes constantly, having negative thoughts about oneself, Studying without breaks are some things that originate from Lack of confidence that students generally have when preparing for class 10 exams. Such feelings of self-doubt often lead to a decline in your marks and performance in the Pre-boards that for some students are only a few weeks away and are tougher to attempt than the board exam itself. For starters, if this feeling has been creeping up in you or has been with you since the beginning of the year, INTROSPECT or in other words sit and think about the rational behind this Lack of confidence, because more often than not Lack of confidence does not stem from you not working hard enough or giving your best while studying,but from the self-doubt we carry with ourselves. 

Secondly, choose whether you want your class 10 board exam preparation to be made up of HARD WORK OR SMART WORK. Herein, do your preparation through SMART WORK, i.e., by studying from only a few important resources, dividing your time appropriately, not wasting your time on topics of less importance or weightage, spending too much time on internal projects, constantly doubting yourself and your study methods, etc. Not doing the above in these crucial months would lead to unnecessary distractions in some cases and leave you dejected which would then lead to a lack of confidence when you fail to receive your ideal results, even when you put in time and effort in studying for the exams. It is important to note here that I in any way am not saying that smart work is better than hard work, but that since you have already worked hard for the past year, these few months are all about using your time wisely and appropriately and making the most of it.

Lastly, believe in yourself and the Hard work that you have put into preparing for the exams. DO NOT listen to what ‘Sharma Ji ka beta’ is doing and focus and follow whatever suits you the best. 


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2. Not Solving Sample Papers

Despite being told multiple times students fail to understand the importance of sample papers(and I know you probably are tired of listening to this by now). Possibly the next best thing that I did when preparing for my class 10 board exams was solving sample papers daily once I was done with the syllabus. This is something that I strongly believe in and advise the student to do as well. Now, you must be wondering, “Why do you even need to solve sample papers in the first place and are completing the syllabus not more than enough?”. The answer is NO. Just completing your syllabus especially in the new pattern given by CBSE which includes more objective type questions than the previous year paper is not enough. This is because the new exam pattern not only consists of the classic objective type questions like Multiple-choice questions(MCQs), True/False,etc., but also assertion-reason, case study based,etc. and thus, increasing the difficulty of the exam. 

This new pattern now more than ever requires you to practice these types of questions and to get familiar with the pattern. In addition to this, subjective-type questions as well require a lot of practice to write in the ‘correct way’, i.e., the way that the teacher checking your answer sheet in Board exams would like. This can only be done with sufficient practice which is achieved through attempting sample papers. Completing sample papers from widely recommended books like U-Like, R.D Sharma and Exemplar would ensure that you get an idea of the type of questions asked in the exam and that you ace them.

A Sense of accomplishment when done with a sample paper(s) is also a reward to look forward to. That euphoric feeling when you finally solve that one Math question and finally get the answer right is the same when you solve a whole sample paper and get most of the questions right. This would indirectly lead to an increase in your confidence about your preparation for the exams. 

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3. Overachieving

This is primarily for students who either have just started their preparation or are finished with it but want to cover more books and material. So a small advice for them is to STOP trying to overachieve. Not that some dose of overachieving is bad but, do it when you have no time constraint and almost no mental pressure. Firstly, for students who have just started their preparation the most important advice that can be given to you is to gather your resources and keep them limited, stick to NCERT and sample papers, since the majority of the paper is going to be NCERT- based. Next, study and practice important topics and do not try to learn extra and miscellaneous information and practice SMART WORK. Trying to overachieve when having only a few months for the final board exams, will cause unnecessary stress to you and might lead to a burnout when finally giving the exams and can affect your performance. 

Secondly, for students who are done with their initial or how I like to say, the first-round of learning/preparation (covering NCERT), try not to cover extra material for the exams. Since, this group is already done with their basic preparation you can thus, refer to some extra material like from books or notes given by your teachers, but try and keep it to a minimum. This is because it is easy for you to fall into the vicious cycle of feeling that no amount of studying is enough and that you need more material, stating that “just in case” the topic comes in the exam. This would directly cause an immense amount of stress on you and will surely lead to a burnout for this group, since you have been studying the same syllabus now for a year and are probably already familiar,tired and bored  both emotionally and physically with the monotonous topics. Therefore, try not to overachieve and study from more than 2 resources to avoid confusion and burnout when giving the board exams.

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Now, the above list talks about The Three Most Important things to get rid of in order to ace Class 10 Board Exams, however, to make sure that Padhne Mein Lage Aapka Dil, we have three things that if followed diligently may help you.

  1. Make a study schedule
  2. Start working with your weak points
  3. Take “appropriate” breaks

1. Make a study schedule

It is extremely important for you to have a study schedule since it makes sure that you are consistent and you diligently cover up all your syllabus before the exams start. For this, it is preferable that you customize a schedule that suits your needs and preferences. For instance, if you like studying Social science in the morning hours, fit it there and if Math makes you sleepy in the morning then do it preferably during the day or the night time. One important advice here is to not force yourself to follow this schedule rigidly, here we mean that if your schedule says to study science but you are not in the mood to do it, then it is better to study a subject that you want to do at the moment and switch it with science. With this you would not get bored easily and it allows you to have some fluidity (even though it is minimal) during this period.


2. Start working with your weak points

Most of the schools by now must have already had their half-yearly or mid-semesters by now, this gives you an overall idea about firstly, the subjects that you are excelling and lacking at and secondly, the weak points or topics wherein you tend to lose marks. Make a note of these weak points and practice towards improving them. Jotting down your weak points will help you in identifying the areas where you might lose marks. Practice questions and understand and learn the theory parts again and again to hone these areas.

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3. Take “appropriate” breaks

While studying when in a routine you might often forget about taking a break, which could later cause a burnout to you during the exam season. Therefore, it is extremely important for you to take “appropriate” breaks and sometimes even naps if they help you better. Here we have specified appropriate due to the fact that often when advised to take breaks, students start by taking 3-5 hour long breaks after an hour of studying which is definitely nob the type of break that we advise. When asked to take breaks we mean to take 30 minute break after 90 minutes of studying or 90 minutes break after 180 minutes of studying or any other pattern that you deem as appropriate.
