Which are the Countries and Institutes that offer research programmes in forestry?
If you are scouting for greener pastures abroad, Europe has a long tradition of forest education. Oxford Forestry research institute (UK), European forestry research institute (Finland), New Zealand forestry research institute, forest research institute, Malaysia (FRIM) are some of the research organizations you could consider.
Also a number of esteemed universities such as Yale university, www.yale.edu; university of California, Berkeley, US, Berkeley.edu; Oxford university, UK, www.ox.ac.uk; university of reading, UK, www.rdg.ac.uk; university of Queensland, Australia, and university of Toronto, Canada, www.utoronto.ca offer excellent research programmes for scholars like you.
Closer home, you could consider joining international forestry organizations like international forestry research institute (Indonesia), Regional community forestry training centre for Asia and pacific (Thailand), international centre for integrated mountain development (Nepal), Pakistan forest research institute, institute of forestry (Bangladesh) and Chinese academy of forestry.
A holistic multi-pronged and multi-disciplinary approach needs to be adopted to tackle the global problem of environmental degradation and dwindling forest cover. Most of the courses abroad have adopted this approach to facilitate research work.