Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University Sardarkrushinagar


Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University was established under Gujarat Act 5 of 2004 (Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University Act, 2004) for development of Agriculture including Animal Husbandry and allied sciences in the state of Gujarat.

Courses Offered

 C. P. College Of Agriculture Sardarkrushinagar
Under Graduate Courses 
1. B.Sc. (Agri)

Post-Graduate Courses

  1. M.Sc.: 2 Years/ 4 Semester,
  2. Ph.D.: 3 Years/ 6 Semester)

College Of Veterinary Science And Animal Husbandry

  1. B.V.Sc & A.H.


  1. M.V.Sc.
  2. Ph.D degrees.

Aspee College Of Home Science

  1. B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science


  1. M.Sc.(Home Science)

B.Tech. (Dairy Technology)
M.B.A.  programme in International Agri. Business
Diploma in Agriculture

Certificate Training Courses
1. Livestock Inspector’s Training Course
2. Home Science Certificate Course
3. Mali Certificate Course
4. Certificate course in Baking Science

Admission Process

Admission is any course would be made on the basis of candidate’s performance in the admission test; if and where, no test in conducted, admission would be made on the basis of aggregate total marks secured by the candidate in / at the qualifying examination and marks obtained by the candidate in eligibility subject
For latest information regarding Courses duration, eligibility, and fee structure visit University/college website

Affiliated Colleges

  1. C. P. College Of Agriculture Sardarkrushinagar
  2. College Of Veterinary Science And Animal Husbandry
  3. Aspee College Of Home Science

1.Assistant Extension Educationist
Agricultural School ( ONLY FOR GIRLS )
S.D.Agricultural University
At & Po. : Deesa -385 535    Dist : Banaskantha (Gujarat)

2.Assistant Extension Educationist
Agricultural School ( ONLY FOR TRIBALS BOYS)
At & Po. : Khedbrahma-383255
Dist : Sabarkantha (Gujarat)

3.Assistant Extension Educationist
Agricultural School ( FOR OPEN CATEGORIES BOYS)
S.D.Agricultural University
At & Po. : Jagudan-382710   Dist : Mehsana (Gujarat)

Proposed New Centres Of Excellence
1. Centre for Biotechnology and Neno Technology  Sardarkrushinagar
2. Centre for Dairy and Food Technology   Sardarkrushinagar
3. Centre for Moisture Conservation and Micro Irrigation Desertification   Kothara
4. Centre for Floriculture   Sardarkrushinagar
5. Centre for Mushroom Cultivation  Sardarkrushinagar
6. Centre for  Durum Cultivation and Export  Vijapur
7. Centre for Modernization of Seed Spices Industries   Jagudan
8. Centre for Modernization of Isabgul Industries  Unjha
9. Centre for Modernization of Pulse Industries  Sardarkrushinagar
10. Centre for Demonstration of RCT Technology for Drought Prone Areas.  Rapar
11 Centre for Agriculture Tourism   Sardarkrushinagar
12. Centre for Agriculture Resources Information System  Deesa
13. Centre for Value Added Project from Fruits and Vegetable on PPP mode Prantij
14. Centre for Agriculture & Products & Management  Unjha/ Deesa

Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University

Dantiwada Campus,
Sardarkrushinagar 385 506,

Tel : 02748-278222-444, 278220/21, 278226, 278227
Fax : 02748-278234/278 261
Email :,
Website :

VC: Dr R C Maheshwari
Reg: Dr H N Kher