Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur

(Deemed to be University)



The Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur is one of the twenty National Institutes of Technology in the Country. The Govt. of India converted this Institute into National Institute of Technology and conferred the Deemed to be University status (under University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (3 of 1956)) with effect from 26th June 2002. Before conversion, the Institute was known as Visvesvaraya Regional College of Engineering that was established in the year 1960 under the scheme sponsored by Government of India and Govt. of Maharashtra.

The College was started in June 1960 by amalgamating the State Govt. Engineering College functioning at Nagpur since July 1956. In the meeting held in October 1962, the Governing Board of the College resolved to name it after an eminent engineer, planner, statesman of the Country Sir M. Visvesvaraya.

Courses Offered

Under Graduate Program


  1. Civil Engg.
  2. Mechanical Engg.
  3. Electrical and Electronics Engg.
  4. Electronics and Communication Engg.
  5. Computer Science Engg.
  6. Chemical Engg.
  7. Metallurgical & Materials Engg.
  8. Mining Engg.

Post Graduate Program
M. Tech. Program

1.Civil Engineering   
             1. Environmental Engg.
2. Water Resources Engg.

2.Electrical Engineering       
            3. Integrated Power Systems

3. Electronics and Computer Science            
            4. Electronic Embedded  System

4.  Applied Mechanics          
             5. Structural Engg.
6. Structural Dynamics & Earthquake Engg.

5 Mechanical Engineering    
            7. Industrial Engg.
8. Heat Power Engg

6 Metallurgical & Materials  Engineering    
            9. Ferrous Process Metallurgy
10. Materials Engg.*
1.Applied Mechanics
            Earthquake Engineering Nonlinear Analysis of structures Structural Engineering

2.Civil Engineering   
Water distribution Systems- Water
Quality Modeling Durability of concrete with marginal
materials Water Resource Engineering Environmental Engineering

3.Computer Science  
Parallel & Distributed Computing

4.Electrical Engineering       
Power System Protection

5.Electronics and Communication    
Embedded Systems VLSI

6.Mechanica Engineering     
Design Engineering Thermal Engineering Production Engineering

7.Metallurgical and Mat. Engineering        
Wear of Composite and Metallic
Materials Welding Metallurgy Development of advanced polymeric
and composite materials Fatigue and Fracture behaviour of
Materials Corrosion Science & Engineering

Rock Fragmentation & Rock Blasting Environmental pollution due to
blasting Strata control in Coal measures Modeling and Simulation

Polymer Composites / Blends Conducting Polymers

Fluid Mechanics Relativity & Cosmology Topology, Integral Transforms, Signals
& Systems

Solid Electrolytes Glasses & Glass Ceramics

Admission Process
Under Graduate Courses
Admissions to all UG courses are done on the basis of rank obtained in AIEEE i.e. All India Engineering Entrance Examination conducted by CBSE, Govt. of India, and admission process is conducted by CCB i.e. Central Counseling Board constituted by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India.
For Admissions of Indian Nationals staying abroad and Foreign Nationals
Contact – Educational Consultants India Limited (EDCIL)
(A Government of India Enterprise)
Edcil House, 18 A, Sector 16 A,
NOIDA – 201 301
Tel. : 0120-4515281
Fax :  0120-4515372
Web-site :
Post Graduate Courses
1.The preference for admission to aforesaid M. Tech. programs is given to GATE qualified candidates
2.The Non-Gate candidates (including sponsored category) are required to appear for entrance test conducted at various departments. When enough GATE qualified candidates are not available, the vacant seats will be offered to Non-Gate candidate as per their merit, based on the marks secured in the entrance test and interview. The department reserves the right to short-list the candidates for the interview.
3.For admission under sponsored category, the candidates must have 2 years of full-time work experience in the relevant field in which the admission is being sought, after attaining the qualifying degree as above. A letter from the employer indicating permission to candidate for seeking admission to PG course is a must.
4.A separate application must be submitted for applying to various courses.
The advertisement for the Post-Graduate programs of this institute appears in leading newspapers in the month of May or June every year and also on our website. The details regarding eligibility, admission procedure, seats availability, schedule for written test & interview for the entrance test etc are published on our web-site ( during above period.
Ph.D.(Full Time)
1. Eligibility :
a)For Engineering : First Class or equivalent CGPA in B.E. / B.Tech (or equivalent examination) and M.Tech / M.Tech. (by research) in basic branch (or allied branch of engineering)
b)For Sciences : First class at B.Sc. and M.Sc. in relevant discipline.
2. Fellowship :
Rs. 8,000/- p.m. for Engineering andRs. 7,000/- p.m. for ScienceIn addition a contingency grant of Rs. 5,000/- p.a. is available for all research students.
4. Selection Procedure :
Candidates applying for full time fellowship will be required to appear for written test to be conducted in the respective departments. Further, the students shortlisted on the basis of performance in the written test shall be interviewed. The schedule of written test and interview shall be communicated to eligible candidates separately. The candidates will be required to appear for written test / interview at their own cost.
Distance Courses Offered

Part time Semester Courses for the Technocrats.

Target Audience: Working Professionals, Teachers, PG students & Senior UG students of Engineering or M. Sc./ M.C.A.

Distance Education Program in collaboration with Kanwal Rekhi School of Information Technology ( KReSIT) & Center for Distance Engineering Education Program (C-DEEP) of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT B), Powai, Mumbai using Live & Interactive Videoconference over satellite communication System / EDUSAT.

VNIT Nagpur, in collaboration with IIT Bombay announces commencement of the part-time PG/UG level Semester Courses.


Visvesvaraya National Institute of  Technology
(Deemed to be University)

South Ambazari Road,
Nagpur 440 011

Tel : 0712-2223969, 2224599, 2226240, 2223297
Fax : 0712-2223230/2223969
Email :
Website :

VC: Prof S S Gokhale
Reg: Shri B M Ganveer