The Full form of MA is Master of Arts. MA is a masters or postgraduate degree in arts awarded in number of countries across the world. Some of the common subjects studied by students in MA are Philosophy, English, History, Political Science, Sociology, Communication, International Relations, Social Sciences, and Humanities. Traditionally, it is one of the popular courses in India which is chosen by students with passion and great interest.

The duration of this course is generally of 2 years which is further comprised of 4 semesters. The course is available in Distance (correspondence) and Regular mode and its duration may vary depending on the rules and regulation of a university. There are number of institutes and universities in India that offer this degree such as Andhra University, Assam University, Punjab University, Alagappa University, Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, etc.

The candidates who want to pursue a course of MA must possess a graduate degree in any field of study from a recognized university. There are a number of courses that are available in the MA course in India. For example, if a candidate completed his MA in Economics, then this course educates him about the changing scenario of the economy in India and other countries of the world. It gives emphasis on finance, information, technology, trade, currency, and economics, etc.