BSEB Class 12 English Chapter 5 Ideas That Have Helped Mankind Summary, Explanation along with Difficult Word Meanings from Rainbow Book
Ideas That Have Helped Mankind BSEB Class 12 English Rainbow Book Chapter 5 Ideas That Have Helped Mankind Summary and detailed explanations of the lesson along with the meanings of difficult words.
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- Ideas That Have Helped Mankind Explanation
BSEB Class 12 English Rainbow book Chapter 5-Ideas That Have Helped Mankind
By Bertrand Russell
Ideas That Have Helped Mankind Introduction
In the lesson “Ideas That Have Helped Mankind”, Bertrand Russell talks about different aspects that might or might not have helped in the development of the human race. Ideas like happiness, population, language, writing, technique, knowledge, morals, agriculture etc. have been discussed in detail as to whether they have helped mankind or not and if they have, then upto what extent.
Ideas That Have Helped Mankind Summary
Bertrand Russell shares a few ideas in the beginning of the lesson that might or might not have helped mankind. Some of these include – increase in human population, being happier, evolving and becoming less like animals, being compassionate towards each other or having a variety of entertainment options. He begins by talking about how an increase in the population has helped the human race. Long time ago, humans were very few in number, barely surviving and they lived in jungles and caves fearing the wild animals. They were hardly able to procure their daily bread and receive basic nutrition but with an increase in their number, they surely have been able to make a dominant position for themselves. Their intelligence has played a vital part in their development. Moreover, these developments have only helped us in becoming less like animals primarily because of these two reasons – their inborn intelligence and ability to develop skills and second, the dominant position that came with being greater in number.
Next is happiness – which has been explained with the example of birds that die in huge numbers in winters due to starvation. Despite the situation, they continue to live through summers without the fear of the past and worry of the future. On the other hand, this is not the case with human beings. This is because a man’s suffering is not only caused by the bad experiences he faces, but also by his own intelligence that turns against him and tells him that he has every reason to be fearful. The human instinct has the capacity to predict and carefully turn away any physical disaster but it causes a lot of worry and costs them their present joy. The author doubts that even the well-read and educated men he knows of, despite having a stable income, are more satisfied than the mice that eat the leftovers from their table as these intellectual minds sleep. Hence, he feels that when it comes to happiness, there has not been any development at all.
Talking about the varieties of means of entertainment, the case is opposite than that of happiness. When a few lions were shown a movie displaying their successful destruction in their own wild habitat, none of them showed any signs of happiness or delight. Not only this, music, poetry, science, sports and even alcohol have proven to be of no enjoyment to animals. Hence, it is our intelligence that has allowed us to enjoy many more varieties of entertainment than is available to animals but this has also come at a much higher cost – the burden on boredom.
The next aspect is civilization. This has been explained using an example of Robins who poke elderly Robins to death and on the other hand, human beings provide elderly men access to pension to be able to survive. Hence, when it comes to people within their own group, human beings are way more kind and compassionate but when it concerns people outside their herd, they can be far worse than animals.
These ideas, however, can be broadly categorized into two types – one, concerning development in technology and knowledge and the second, contributing towards morals and politics. A great invention that has helped mankind is the invention of language because of which it has been made possible to pass on ideas from generation to generation. Similarly, the invention of fire has not only helped humans to keep away wild animals while they slept, but an accident involving a wrongfully thrown meat by a child in the fire led to the discovery of cooking. Life must have been made more easier and comfortable after the beginning of domestication of animals like the cow and the sheep. The tribes that worshiped lions and crocodiles went into extinction whereas those who considered cows and sheeps as sacred grew stronger and healthier.
According to the author, the invention of agriculture has proved to be more useful than the domestication of animals but it led to the introduction of many blood thirsty and violent practices that stayed for a lot of centuries. The rituals to ensure abundance of food included human sacrifice and even cannibalism. Moloch, the ancient Hebrew deity, was offered children as a sacrifice only to guarantee good quality corn. During the beginning of industrialism, the Evangelicals of Manchester forced children as young as six-year-old to work for twelve to fourteen hours a day in circumstances that could lead to their death. It is only now that it has been established that the crops will grow themselves and cotton goods can be produced even without sacrificing the lives of young children. Thus, it can be considered as evidence for development in the world.
Lastly, the author calls the art of writing as the last of the greatest inventions of the prehistoric period. It acted as a precondition for history to be written. It developed slowly over time like speech. However, it has been a long journey from pictures to syllables to alphabets. In China, they still make use of syllables that have never been translated to alphabets.
Ideas That Have Helped Mankind Summary in Hindi
बर्ट्रेंड रसेल ने पाठ की शुरुआत में कुछ विचार साझा किए हैं जिनसे मानव जाति को मदद मिली भी होगी और नहीं भी। इनमें से कुछ में शामिल हैं – मानव आबादी में वृद्धि, खुश रहना, विकसित होना और जानवरों की तरह कम होते जाना, एक–दूसरे के प्रति दयालु होना या विभिन्न प्रकार के मनोरंजन के विकल्प होना। वह इस बात से शुरुआत करते हैं कि कैसे जनसंख्या में वृद्धि ने मानव जाति की मदद की है। बहुत समय पहले, मनुष्य संख्या में बहुत कम थे, मुश्किल से जीवित रहते थे और वे जंगली जानवरों के डर से जंगलों और गुफाओं में रहते थे। वे मुश्किल से अपनी दैनिक रोटी जुटाने और बुनियादी पोषण प्राप्त करने में सक्षम थे, लेकिन उनकी संख्या में वृद्धि के साथ, वे निश्चित रूप से अपने लिए एक प्रमुख स्थान बनाने में सक्षम हुए हैं। उनकी बुद्धि ने उनके विकास में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई है। इसके अलावा, इन विकासों ने मुख्य रूप से इन दो कारणों से हमें जानवरों की तरह कम बनने में मदद की है – उनकी जन्मजात बुद्धि और कौशल विकसित करने की क्षमता और दूसरा, संख्या में अधिक होने के कारण प्रमुख स्थिति।
अगला है ख़ुशी – जिसे उन पक्षियों के उदाहरण से समझाया गया है जो सर्दियों में भूख के कारण बड़ी संख्या में मर जाते हैं। स्थिति के बावजूद, वे अतीत के डर और भविष्य की चिंता के बिना गर्मियों में रहना जारी रखते हैं। दूसरी ओर, इंसानों के साथ ऐसा नहीं है। ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि किसी व्यक्ति की पीड़ा न केवल उसके द्वारा सामना किए गए बुरे अनुभवों के कारण होती है, बल्कि उसकी अपनी बुद्धि के कारण भी होती है जो उसके खिलाफ हो जाती है और उसे बताती है कि उसके पास डरने का हर कारण है। मानव प्रवृत्ति में किसी भी भौतिक आपदा की भविष्यवाणी करने और सावधानीपूर्वक उसे दूर करने की क्षमता होती है, लेकिन यह बहुत अधिक चिंता का कारण बनती है और उनकी वर्तमान खुशी को बर्बाद कर देती है। लेखक को संदेह है कि जिन पढ़े–लिखे और पढ़े–लिखे लोगों को वह जानता है, स्थिर आय होने के बावजूद, वे उन चूहों की तुलना में अधिक संतुष्ट हैं जो अपनी मेज से बचा हुआ खाना खाते हैं क्योंकि ये बौद्धिक दिमाग सोते हैं। इसलिए, उन्हें लगता है कि जब खुशी की बात आती है, तो कोई विकास नहीं हुआ है।
मनोरंजन के साधनों की विविधता की बात करें तो मामला खुशी से उलट है। जब कुछ शेरों को उनके अपने जंगली आवास में उनके सफल विनाश को प्रदर्शित करने वाली फिल्म दिखाई गई, तो उनमें से किसी ने भी खुशी या प्रसन्नता का कोई संकेत नहीं दिखाया। इतना ही नहीं, संगीत, कविता, विज्ञान, खेल और यहां तक कि शराब भी जानवरों के लिए कोई आनंददायक साबित नहीं हुई है। इसलिए, यह हमारी बुद्धिमत्ता ही है जिसने हमें जानवरों के लिए उपलब्ध मनोरंजन की तुलना में कई अधिक प्रकार के मनोरंजन का आनंद लेने की अनुमति दी है, लेकिन इसकी कीमत भी बहुत अधिक है – बोरियत पर बोझ।
अगला पहलू है सभ्यता। इसे रॉबिन्स के एक उदाहरण का उपयोग करके समझाया गया है जो बुजुर्ग रॉबिन्स को मौत के घाट उतार देते हैं और दूसरी ओर, मनुष्य जीवित रहने में सक्षम होने के लिए बुजुर्ग पुरुषों को पेंशन तक पहुंच प्रदान करते हैं। इसलिए, जब अपने समूह के लोगों की बात आती है, तो मनुष्य कहीं अधिक दयालु होते हैं, लेकिन जब बात उनके झुंड के बाहर के लोगों की होती है, तो वे जानवरों से भी बदतर हो सकते हैं।
हालाँकि, इन विचारों को मोटे तौर पर दो प्रकारों में वर्गीकृत किया जा सकता है – एक, प्रौद्योगिकी और ज्ञान में विकास से संबंधित और दूसरा, नैतिकता और राजनीति में योगदान। एक महान आविष्कार जिसने मानव जाति की मदद की है वह भाषा का आविष्कार है जिसके कारण पीढ़ी–दर–पीढ़ी विचारों को स्थानांतरित करना संभव हो गया है। इसी तरह, आग के आविष्कार ने न केवल मनुष्यों को सोते समय जंगली जानवरों को दूर रखने में मदद की है, बल्कि आग में एक बच्चे द्वारा गलत तरीके से फेंके गए मांस से जुड़ी एक दुर्घटना के कारण खाना पकाने की खोज हुई। गाय और भेड़ जैसे जानवरों को पालतू बनाने की शुरुआत के बाद जीवन अधिक आसान और आरामदायक हो गया होगा। जो जनजातियाँ शेरों और मगरमच्छों की पूजा करती थीं वे विलुप्त हो गईं जबकि जो लोग गाय और भेड़ को पवित्र मानते थे वे मजबूत और स्वस्थ हो गए।
लेखक के अनुसार, कृषि का आविष्कार जानवरों को पालतू बनाने की तुलना में अधिक उपयोगी साबित हुआ है, लेकिन इससे कई खून की प्यासी और हिंसक प्रथाओं की शुरुआत हुई जो कई शताब्दियों तक चली गईं। भोजन की प्रचुरता सुनिश्चित करने के अनुष्ठानों में मानव बलि और यहाँ तक कि नरभक्षण भी शामिल था। प्राचीन हिब्रू देवता मोलोच को केवल अच्छी गुणवत्ता वाले मकई की गारंटी के लिए बच्चों की बलि दी जाती थी। उद्योगवाद की शुरुआत के दौरान, मैनचेस्टर के इवेंजेलिकल ने छह साल की उम्र के बच्चों को ऐसी परिस्थितियों में प्रतिदिन बारह से चौदह घंटे काम करने के लिए मजबूर किया जिससे उनकी मृत्यु हो सकती थी। अब यह स्थापित हो गया है कि फसलें अपने आप उगेंगी और छोटे बच्चों की जान की बलि दिए बिना भी कपास का सामान तैयार किया जा सकता है। इस प्रकार इसे विश्व में विकास का प्रमाण माना जा सकता है।
अंत में, लेखक लेखन की कला को प्रागैतिहासिक काल के सबसे महान आविष्कारों में से अंतिम कहता है। इसने इतिहास लिखे जाने की पूर्व शर्त के रूप में काम किया। यह वाणी की तरह समय के साथ धीरे–धीरे विकसित हुआ। हालाँकि, चित्रों से लेकर अक्षरों और वर्णमाला तक की यह एक लंबी यात्रा रही है। चीन में, वे अभी भी ऐसे अक्षरों का उपयोग करते हैं जिनका कभी भी वर्णमाला में अनुवाद नहीं किया गया है।
Ideas That Have Helped Mankind Video Explanation
Ideas That Have Helped Mankind Lesson and Explanation
Passage –
- Before we can discuss this subject we must form some conception as to the kind of effect that we consider a help to mankind. Are mankind helped when they become more numerous? Or when they become less like animals? Or when they become happier? Or when they learn to enjoy a greater diversity of experiences? Or when they come to know more? Or when they become more friendly to one another? I think all these things come into our conception of what helps mankind, and I will say a preliminary word about them.
Word Meaning:
Mankind– human beings considered collectively; the human race
Diversity- variety, multiplicity
Conception- idea, notion
Preliminary- introductory, initial
Explanation of the Above Passage – Before talking about the main topic, the author wants the readers to develop an idea about what our meaning of help to the human race is. He shares a few ideas that we would consider as being advantageous to the human population – being more in number or rather being fewer like animals, being more happy or learning to take delight in a variety of experiences, possessing more knowledge or maintaining a pleasant relationship with others. He feels that all of these topics must be included in our notion of helping mankind and he mentions that he would discuss all of these briefly.
Passage –
- The most indubitable respect in which ideas have helped mankind is numbers. There must have been a time when homo sapiens was a very rare species, subsisting precariously in jungles and caves, terrified of wild beats, having difficulty in securing nourishment. At this period the biological advantage of his greater intelligence, which was cumulative because it could be handed on from generation to generation, had scarcely begun to overweigh the disadvantages of his long infancy, his lessened agility as compared with monkeys, and his lack of hirsute protection against cold. In those days, the number of men must certainly have been very small. The main use to which, throughout the ages, men have put their technical skill has been to increase the total population. I do not mean that this was the intention, but that it was, in fact, the effect. If this is something to rejoice in, then we have occasion to rejoice.
Word Meaning:
Indubitable– which cannot be doubted
Homo-sapiens– a Latin term for the human race
Species- a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding
Subsisting- to get enough food or money to stay alive, but no more
Precariously- in a way that is uncertain or dependent on chance.
Terrified- cause to feel extreme fear
Cumulative- increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions.
Scarcely- only a very short time before
Overweigh– oppress, outweigh
Infancy- the early stage in the development or growth of something
Agility- ability to move quickly and easily
Hirsute- covered with hair, furry
Intention- a thing intended; an aim or plan
Rejoice- feel or show great joy or delight
Explanation of the Above Passage – Undoubtedly, numbers have proved to be the most helpful for the human race. Long time ago, humans were very few in number, barely surviving and living in a sense of insecurity and uncertainty. They lived in jungles and caves fearing the wild animals. They were hardly able to procure their daily bread and receive basic nutrition. During this time, man’s intelligence proved to be most beneficial as it only grew with generations to come and began to outweigh the downsides of his early stages of existence which were, his quickness in comparison to the monkeys and lack of hair-covered bodies to protect against the cold. The number of humans were limited during those days and over a period of time, man has used his craft to expand the population. The author means to say that man’s motive was not just to increase in population, but it surely has been the end result. He feels that if these results are worth celebrating, then they have a reason to feel great joy and delight.
Passage –
- We have also become, in certain respects, progressively less like animals. I can think in particular of two respects: first, that acquired, as opposed to congenital, skills play a continually increasing part in human life, and, secondly, that assuming more and more dominates impulse. In these respects we have certainly become progressively less like animals.
Word Meaning:
Progressively– in forward- looking, innovative manner
Congenital- present from birth
Dominates- (here) be greater in significance than
Impulse- a sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act
Explanation of the Above Passage – Over the period of time, humans have also advanced towards having less similarities with animals. There are two major aspects where this has been observed – one, apart from having the intelligence they are born with, skills continue to grow with time while proving their importance in the evolution of man and second being the belief that with greater numbers comes more power. The author is definite that in these aspects, humans have become distinguished from animals.
Passage –
- As to happiness, I am not sure. Birds, it is true, die of hunger in large numbers during the winter, if they are not birds of passage. But during the summer they do not foresee this catastrophe, or remember how nearly it befell them in the previous winter. With human beings the matter is otherwise. I doubt whether the percentage of birds that will have died of hunger during the present winter (1946-47) is as great as the percentage of human beings that will have died from this cause in India and central Europe during the same period. But every human death by starvation is preceded by a long period of anxiety, and surrounded by the corresponding anxiety of neighbours. We suffer not only the evils that actually befall us, but all those that our intelligence tells us we have reason to fear. The curbing of impulses to which we are led by forethought averts physical disaster at the cost of worry and general lack of joy. I do not think that the learned men of my acquaintance, even when they enjoy a secure income, are as happy as the mice that eat the crumbs from their tables while the erudite gentlemen snooze. In this respect, therefore, I am not convinced that there has been any progress at all.
Word Meaning:
Foresee- be aware of beforehand; predict
Catastrophe- sudden great disaster
Befell- to happen especially as if by fate
Starvation- suffering or death caused by lack of food
Preceded- come before in order or position
Forethought- careful consideration of what will be necessary or may happen in the future
Averts- turn away (one’s eyes or thoughts)
Learned- well educated
Acquaintance- a person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend
Curbing- restriction
Erudite- intellectual, cultured
Explanation of the Above Passage – Talking about happiness as an idea that helped mankind, the author is quite not sure. He mentions that a large number of birds die in winters due to lack of food but during summers, they do not worry about this upcoming disaster nor do they recall how much they had to suffer during the last winter season. But it is not the case with human beings. The author highly doubts that the number of birds that died in the winter of 1946-47 is greater than the number of human deaths in India and central Europe during the same time frame and due to the same reason. But unlike birds, there was a lot of fear, dread and uneasiness before and during the time starvation took so many lives. This is because a man’s suffering is not only caused by the bad experiences he faces, but also by his own intelligence that turns against him and tells him that he has every reason to be fearful. The restriction of instinct that drives human beings has the capacity to predict and carefully turn away any physical disaster but it causes a lot of worry and costs them their present joy. The author doubts that even the well-read and educated men he knows of, despite having a stable income, are more satisfied than the mice that eat the leftovers from their table as these intellectual minds sleep. Hence, he feels that when it comes to happiness, there has not been any development at all.
Passage –
- As to diversity of enjoyments, however, the matter is otherwise. I remember reading an account of some lions who were taken to a movie showing the successful depredations of lions in a wild state, but none of them got any pleasure from the spectacle. Not only music, and poetry, and science, but football, and baseball, and alcohol, afford no pleasure to animals. Our intelligence has, therefore, certainly enabled us to get a much greater variety of enjoyment than is open to animals, but we have purchased this advantage at the expense of a much greater liability to boredom.
Word Meaning:
Diversity– the state of being diverse; variety
Depredation- destruction
Spectacle- a visually striking performance or display
Liability- a person or thing whose presence or behaviour is likely to put one at a disadvantage
Boredom- the state of feeling bored
Explanation of the Above Passage – Talking about the varieties of means of entertainment, the case is opposite than that of happiness. The author shares an account that he recalls reading about a few lions that were made to see a movie displaying successful destruction of lions in their own wild habitat but none of them derived any happiness or delight out of this performance. Not only this, music, poetry, science, sports and even alcohol have proven to be of no enjoyment to animals. Hence, it is our intelligence that has allowed us to enjoy many more varieties of entertainment than is available to animals but this has also come at a much higher cost – the burden on boredom.
Passage –
- But I shall be told that it is neither numbers not multiplicity of pleasures that make the glory of man. It is his intellectual and moral qualities. It is obvious that we know more than animals do, and it is common to consider this one of our advantages. Whether it is, in fact, an advantage, may be doubted. But at any rate it is something that distinguishes us from the brutes.
Word Meaning:
Multiplicity- a large number or a great variety of things
Glory- a state of high honor gained from great achievements
Intellectual- relating to thought or understanding
Brutes- animals especially large and fierce
Explanation of the Above Passage – The author clarifies that it is neither numbers nor the large variety of pleasures that make the glory of a man but it is the morals, values and mental capacity that make a difference. We often consider it as an advantage to have more knowledge than animals but if it is really an advantage or not is still a question. However, it is something that still differentiates us from the large and fierce animals.
Passage –
- Has civilization taught us to be more friendly towards one another? The answer is easy. Robins (the English, not the American species) peck an elderly robin to death, whereas men (the English, not the American species) give an elderly man an old-age pension. Within the herd we are more friendly to each other than are many species of animals, but in our attitude towards those outside the herd, in spite of all that has been done by moralists and religious teachers, our emotions are as ferocious as those of any animal, and our intelligence enables us to give them a scope which is denied to even the most savage beast. It may be hoped, though not very confidently, that the more humane attitude will in time come to prevail, but so far the omens are not very propitious.
Word Meaning:
Civilization- the process by which a society or place reaches an advanced stage of social and cultural development and organization
Robins- any of a number of birds that resemble the European robin, especially in having a red breast
Peck- (of a bird) strike or bite something with its beak
Pension- a regular payment made by the state to people of or above the official retirement age
Herd- a large group of animals, especially hoofed mammals, that live together or are kept together as livestock
Moralists- a person who teaches or promotes morality
Ferocious- savagely fierce, cruel, or violent
Savage- fierce, violent and uncontrolled
Humane- compassionate, kind
Prevail- prove more powerful or superior
Omens- an event regarded as a portent of good or evil
Propitious- prophetic significance
Explanation of the Above Passage – The next big question that the author rhetorically asks is whether human development has trained us to be more kind and friendly with each other. He specifies that the answer to this question is easy as he continues to talk about the British species of Robins who pokes an elderly Robin to death whereas, on the other hand, English men regard their old-age men with pension to support their livelihood. Hence, when it comes to human beings, they are more comfortable and kind with like-minded people than many species of animals but with people outside their group, they are not as friendly. Despite everything that has been done and taught to us by moralists and religious teachers, we continue to maintain an attitude more cruel than animals with people outside our group. Our intelligence makes them more unlikeable than a harmful beast. According to the author, one can only hope and not be confident about the scope for more compassionate and kind attitude towards each other in the future because uptil now, the predictions have not been very favorable.
Passage –
- All these different elements must be borne in mind in considering what ideas have done most to help mankind. The ideas with which we shall be concerned may be broadly divided into two kinds: those that contribute to knowledge and technique, and those that are concerned with morals and politics. I will treat first those that have to do with knowledge and technique.
Word Meaning:
Borne– carried or transported by the thing specified
Explanation of the Above Passage – We must keep in mind all the elements that have been discussed above depending upon how helpful they are to the human race. These ideas, however, can be broadly categorized into two types – one, concerning development in technology and knowledge and the second, contributing towards morals and politics. The author will talk first about the ideas related to knowledge and technique.
Passage –
- The most important and difficult steps were taken before the dawn of history. At what stage language began is not known, but we may be pretty certain that it began very gradually. Without it it would have been very difficult to hand on from generation to generation the inventions and discoveries that were gradually made.
Word Meaning:
Dawn– (here) the beginning of a phenomenon or period of time, especially one considered favorable
Explanation of the Above Passage – The most crucial and hard decisions were made only before the beginning of history. We are not aware of the point in time when language originated but what we are sure of is that it came into practice in a gradual way. It is the source through which discoveries and inventions have been passed on from one generation to another. Without the discovery of language, none of this would have been possible.
Passage –
- Another great step, which may have come either before or after the beginning of language, was the utilization of fire. I suppose that at first fire was chiefly used to keep away wild beasts while our ancestors slept, but the warmth must have been found agreeable. Presumably on some occasion a child got scolded for throwing the meat into the fire, but when it was taken out it was found to be much better, and so the long history of cookery began.
Word Meaning:
Chiefly– for the most part, mostly
Agreeable- quite enjoyable and pleasurable; pleasant
Presumably- used to say what you think is likely to happen or be true even though you are not sure
Explanation of the Above Passage – Another big invention, which might have come before or after the discovery of language, is the usage of fire. According to the author, fire must have been initially used only to keep away wild animals while our ancestors slept, apart from providing warmth in the cold season. It was very likely an accident where a child must have thrown a piece of meat into the fire and would have probably gotten scolded for it. However, upon tasting that piece of meat, they would have discovered that it was better. Thus, it led to the invention of cooking.
Passage –
- The taming of domestic animals, especially the cow and the sheep, must have made life much pleasanter and more secure. Some anthropologists have an attractive theory that the utility of domestic animals was not foreseen, but the people attempted to tame whatever animal their religion taught them to worship. The tribes that worshipped lions and crocodiles died out, while those to whom the cow or the sheep was a sacred animal prospered. I like this theory, and in the entire absence of evidence, for or against it, I feel a liberty to play with it.
Word Meaning:
Taming– domesticate (an animal)
Pleasanter- more pleasant, enjoyable
Anthropologists- expert in anthropology
Sacred- connected with God or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving great respect
Prospered- flourish; grow strong and healthy
Liberty- the power or scope to act as one pleases (freedom)
Explanation of the Above Passage – Life must have been made more easier and comfortable after the beginning of domestication of animals like the cow and the sheep. Those who study aspects of human beings have a unique theory that the advantages of domestic animals were not predicted. However, people continued to domesticate animals whatever their religion taught them to. The tribes that worshiped lions and crocodiles went into extinction whereas those who considered cows and sheeps as sacred grew stronger and healthier. The author is fond of this theory and he feels that he has the freedom to play with it in the absence of any evidence.
Passage –
- Even more important than the domestication of animals was the invention of agriculture, which, however, introduced blood-thirsty practices into religion that lasted for many centuries. Fertility rites tended to involve human sacrifice and cannibalism. Moloch would not help the corn to grow unless he was allowed to feast on the blood of children. A similar opinion was adopted by the Evangelicals of Manchester in the early days of industrialism, when they kept six-year-old children working twelve to fourteen hours a day, in conditions that caused most of them to die. It has now been discovered that grain will grow, and cotton goods can be manufactured, without being watered by the blood of infants. In the case of grain, the discovery took thousands of years; in the case of the cotton goods hardly a century. So perhaps there is some evidence of progress in the world.
Word Meaning:
Domestication– the process of taming an animal and keeping it as a pet or on a farm
Blood-thristy – having or showing a desire to kill
Fertility rites– religious rituals that are intended to stimulate reproduction in humans and abundance of food
Cannibalism- the practice of eating flesh of one’s own species
Moloch- an ancient Hebrew deity to whom children were offered as sacrifices
Evangelicals- a sect of orthodox Christian Protestants
Explanation of the Above Passage – According to the author, the invention of agriculture has proved to be more useful than the domestication of animals but it led to the introduction of many blood thirsty and violent practices that stayed for a lot of centuries. The rituals to ensure abundance of food included human sacrifice and even cannibalism. Moloch, the ancient Hebrew deity, was offered children as a sacrifice only to guarantee good quality corn. During the beginning of industrialism, the Evangelicals of Manchester forced children as young as six-year-old to work for twelve to fourteen hours a day in circumstances that could lead to their death. It is only now that it has been established that the crops will grow themselves and cotton goods can be produced even without sacrificing the lives of young children. It took almost thousands of years to break this myth for the growth of grains but in the case of cotton, it hardly took a century. Thus, it can be considered as evidence for development in the world.
Passage –
- The last of the great prehistoric inventions was the art of writing, which was indeed a prerequisite of history. Writing, like speech, developed gradually, and in the form of pictures designed to convey a message it was probably as old as speech, but from picture to syllable writing and thence to the alphabet was a very slow evolution. In China the last step was never taken.
Word Meaning:
Prehistoric– relating to or denoting the period before written records
Prerequisite- a thing required as a condition for something
Thence– from there
Explanation of the Above Passage – The author calls the art of writing as the last of the greatest inventions of the prehistoric period. It acted as a precondition for history to be written. It developed slowly over time like speech and one can say that it is as old as speech because pictures were used to convey messages. However, it has been a long journey from pictures to syllables to alphabets. In China, they still make use of syllables that have never been translated to alphabets.
BSEB Class 12 English Lessons Explanation
- Indian Civilization and Culture Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- Bharat is my Home Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- A Pinch of Snuff Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- I have a Dream Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- Ideas That Have Helped Mankind Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- The Artist Summary Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- A Child is Born Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- How Free Is The Press Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- The Earth Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- India Through a Traveller’s Eyes Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- The proposal Summary, Explanation, Word meanings
- Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- Song of Myself Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- Now the leaves are falling fast Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- Ode To Autumn Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- An Epitaph Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- The Soldier Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- Macavity The Mystery Cat Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- Fire-Hymn Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- Snake Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
- My Grandmother’s House Summary, Explanation, Word Meanings
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