(Deemed University)
National Institute of Technology at Jamshedpur which was born as Regional Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, was established by the Government of India and the Government of Bihar as a joint venture in 1960 with the aim to generate technical graduates of highest standards who could provide technological leadership to the region. The foundation stone of this Institute was laid on 15th August, 1960 at Adityapur.
The D-day for RIT, Jamshedpur was 27th December, 2002 when it was formally upgraded to National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur with the Deemed University status.
Courses Offered
B. Tech.
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgical Engineering and Material Science
- Production Engineering and Management
- Extractive Metallurgy (Met. Engg. & Mat. Sc. Deptt.)
- Foundry Technology (Met. Engg. & Mat Sc. Deptt.)
- Power System (Electrical Engg.’ Deptt.)
- Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing (Mechanical Engg. deptt.)
- Surface Science and Engineering. (Chemistry Deptt.)
- Metallurgical Engineering and Material Science Department
Industrial oriented M. Tech. courses
- Extractive Metallurgy of Iron & Steel.
- Foundry Technology
MCA Programme
Metallurgical Engg.: Iron and steel making, Physical Metallurgy, Corrosion Engineering, Material Science, Thermodynamics, Waste Management and Utilisation.
Mechanical Engg.: Solar Energy, Heat Transfer, Mechanism of Machine Theory.
Department of Computer Applications: Applications of quantitative techniques / computer in various fields of Industrial Management, Business Intelligence, Supply Chain Management, ERP, EIS etc.
Applied Mechanics: Fluid Mechanics & Thermal Engineering, Structural Mechanics.
Electrical Engg.: Control System, Electro Magnetic Fields. Electrical Machines, Power System, Digital Relaying, Digital Instrumentation & Measurement, Modeling of Transducers & their Performance Evaluation, Process Instrumentation & Drives.
Mathematics: Operational Research – Theory and Applications, Special Functions, Statistics.
For the field of specialization of other departments candidate may contact respective HOD.
Admission Process
Out of total seats of 390 available in this institute, 50% (195 seats) are reserved for candidates qualifying from the state in which the institute is located and rest 50% (195 seats) are reserved for the other candidates based on the population of the respective state, which is decided by MHRD, Govt. of India.
For 195 seats allotted to the students of other states, the respective National Institute of Technology of the state nominate the students for the admission at this institute on the basis of the combine entrance examinations conducted by AIEEE. The reservation policy of the Central Govt. was followed in nominating the students from S.C /S.T. categories.
Few seats (decided by Ministry of Foreign affairs, Govt. of India, New Delhi) are reserved for the students of foreign nations, which are nominated by ICCR, New Delhi.
M. Tech. students are admitted on the basis of their GATE score & their performance at a screening test / interview conducted by the institute.
Students are admitted to the MCA program based on their performance at NIMCET
Selection Procedure
Candidate possessing qualification as given are to be selected for admission to the program on the basis the following weightage:
a Overall academic performance 70 percent
b Test and Interview conducted by Department 30 percent
Admission Requirements for Ph.D. Programme
A sponsored scholar selected for admission shall be required at the time of joining the Institute:
To submit evidence of having passed the qualifying examination and such other documents as the Institute may require.
To produce certificate from the employers to the effect
i That he has been officially released from his duties for purpose of joining the program and has been granted the leave for the required period.
ii That his services shall be retained with the employers.
A self supporting candidate in service shall produce a release certificate from his/her employer at the time of admission.
National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur
(Deemed University)
Jamshedpur, NIT Campus, P.O.RIT
Jamshedpur 831014,Jharkhand, India
Phone No. : +91-657-2407614, 2407642
Fax No. : +91-657-2382246, 2408811