H2 – The Unlikely Best Friends Summary and Explanation 

CBSE Class 6 English Unit 2 Friendship Chapter 1 The Unlikely Best Friends Summary, Explanation along with Difficult Word Meanings from Poorvi Book

The Unlikely Best Friends Summary – Are you looking for the summary, theme and lesson explanation for CBSE Class 6 English Unit 2 Friendship Chapter 1 The Unlikely Best Friends from English Poorvi Book. Get Lesson summary, theme, explanation along with difficult word meanings





CBSE Class 6 English Unit 2 Friendship Chapter 1 – The Unlikely Best Friends

By Subba Rao

The Unlikely Best Friends Introduction

The story sensitizes us about the deep impact that emotions can have over the well-being of animals. Gajaraj, the elephant finds a friend in Buntee, the dog. Both suffer emotionally on being separated and their kind masters unite them, to see their happy and lively pets once again. 

The Unlikely Best Friends Summary

Once upon a time there was a royal elephant named Gajaraj who was the king’s favourite and so, got the best mahout and a royal life. He remained sad because he did not have a friend. The only companion was the mahout who was a trained and a caretaker.
One day a dog came into the stable by chance. Gajaraj could make out that it was tired and hungry. He offered it food for which the dog looked at Gajaraj and moved its tail to convey his thanks. Then the dog dug into the meal and gulped all of it. Next, the dog took a deep sleep.
The next morning when the mahout came, he saw the dog but did not remove it because he noticed that Gajaraj liked its presence. Gajaraj was taken for his daily bath and the dog went along. It saw Gajaraj go into the pond, fill its long trunk with water and pour the water on its bady. Then Gajaraj took another trunkful of water and poured it on the dog. The dog cried because it disliked getting wet. The mahout enjoyed this scene.
On the way back from the pond, Gajaraj lifted the dog and kept it on its back. The dog enjoyed the ride. A farmer passing by, screamed at the dog and called him by his name – Buntee. He informed the mahout that he had been looking for his pet dog ever since it had gone missing. Then he tied a rope around the dog’s neck and asked it to accompany him home. The mahout chose not to say anything as the farmer took Buntee away. 

It was when Buntee felt the pull of the rope, that he realized that the farmer was taking him away. Buntee cried as he did not want to leave Gajaraj. Even Gajaraj shivered in pain. However, the farmer and the mahout were unaware of this bond.
It was when both the animals refused food for several days, did the masters realize that they were missing each other. The farmer untied the rope and allowed Buntee to go to Gajaraj. Buntee and Gajaraj were extremely happy on being united. Gajaraj lifted Buntee in its trunk and gave it a swing. The mahout got food for both of them. He also became good friends with the farmer who had reached the stable while following Buntee. Both the masters witnessed the bond of friendship that had formed between Gajaraj and Buntee.

Summary of Lesson The Unlikely Best Friends in Hindi

एक बार की बात है, गजराज नाम का एक शाही हाथी था जो राजा का पसंदीदा था और इसलिए उसे सबसे अच्छा महावत और शाही जीवन मिला था। वह दुखी रहता था क्योंकि उसका कोई दोस्त नहीं था। एकमात्र साथी महावत था जो प्रशिक्षित और देखभाल करने वाला था।
एक दिन संयोग से एक कुत्ता अस्तबल में आ गया। गजराज ने देखा कि कुत्ता थका हुआ और भूखा है। उसने उसे खाना दिया, जिसके लिए कुत्ते ने गजराज की ओर देखा और धन्यवाद देने के लिए अपनी पूंछ हिलाई। फिर कुत्ते ने भोजन को गटक लिया और इसके बाद कुत्ता गहरी नींद में सो गया।
अगली सुबह जब महावत आया, तो उसने कुत्ते को देखा लेकिन उसे हटाया नहीं क्योंकि उसने देखा कि गजराज को उसकी उपस्थिति पसंद है। गजराज को उसके दैनिक स्नान के लिए ले जाया गया और कुत्ता भी साथ गया। उसने गजराज को तालाब में जाते, अपनी लंबी सूंड में पानी भरते और उस पानी को अपने ऊपर डालते देखा । फिर गजराज ने सूंड में पानी भर के कुत्ते पर फेंका।  इससे कुत्ता चिल्लाया क्यूंकि उसे गीला होना नापसंद था।  महावत को यह दृश्य बहुत पसंद आया।
तालाब से वापस आते समय गजराज ने कुत्ते को उठा लिया और अपनी पीठ पर बिठा लिया। कुत्ते को सवारी बहुत पसंद आई। पास से गुजर रहे एक किसान ने कुत्ते पर चिल्लाया और उसे उसके नाम से पुकारा – बंटी। उसने महावत को बताया कि जब से उसका पालतू कुत्ता गायब हुआ है, तब से वह उसे ढूँढ़ रहा था। फिर उसने कुत्ते के गले में रस्सी बाँधी और उसे अपने साथ घर चलने को कहा। किसान बंटी को ले जाने लगा तो महावत ने कुछ नहीं कहा।

जब बंटी ने रस्सी का खिंचाव महसूस किया, तब उसे एहसास हुआ कि किसान उसे ले जा रहा है। बंटी रोने लगा क्योंकि वह गजराज को छोड़ना नहीं चाहता था। यहां तक ​​कि गजराज भी दर्द से कांप उठा। हालांकि, किसान और महावत इस बंधन से अनजान थे। जब दोनों जानवरों ने कई दिनों तक भोजन से इनकार कर दिया, तब मालिकों को एहसास हुआ कि वे एक-दूसरे को याद कर रहे हैं। किसान ने रस्सी खोल दी और बंटी को गजराज के पास जाने दिया। बंटी और गजराज एक होने पर बेहद खुश थे। गजराज ने बंटी को अपनी सूंड में उठा लिया और उसे झुलाया। महावत उन दोनों के लिए भोजन ले आया। वह उस किसान से भी अच्छा दोस्त बन गया जो बंटी का पीछा करते हुए अस्तबल में पहुंच गया था। दोनों मालिकों ने गजराज और बंटी के बीच बनी दोस्ती के बंधन को देखा।

Theme of the Lesson- The Unlikely Best Friends 

Importance of friendship

The story highlights the importance of friendship.
The elephant Gajaraj lives a royal life, enjoys the patronage of the king but still remains sad because he doesn’t have a friend.
We also see his bonding with a dog who meets him by chance. This shows that friendships can be made in unpredictable ways.


Both the mahout and the farmer display responsible behaviour towards the animals who are under their care. They are sensitive and kind towards their emotions and allow them to unite. They play an important role in maintaining the bond between Gajaraj and Buntee.


The Unlikely Best Friends: Lesson Explanation



Passage: Gajaraj, the elephant, lived in the best booth of the royal stables. The king was fond of Gajaraj, and he had ordered that the elephant should be well looked after. 

Word meanings:
booth: rectangular space
stables: living spaces for animals

Explanation: Once upon a time, there was a royal elephant named Gajaraj who lived in the best stable. Gajaraj was the king’s favourite elephant and so, he got good care.


Passage: In spite of royal comforts, Gajaraj was sad because he had no friends. The mahout, or elephant trainer, was the only one he ever interacted with. The mahout was a kind man who served Gajaraj food, and gave him a bath in the elephant pond daily. He was a good caretaker, but not a friend.

The Unlikely Best Friends Lesson image 1

Word meanings:
interacted with: communicated with

Explanation: Although Gajaraj had a life of the kings, he remained sad due to a lack of friends. His only interaction was with his trainer, the mahout. The mahout was good-natured, he served food to the elephant and even bathed it everyday, at the pond dedicated for Gajaraj. However, Gajaraj wanted a friend other that a trainer – cum – caretaker.


Passage: “I wish I had a friend I can play with,” thought Gajaraj. One late evening, a dog strayed into the stable. Gajaraj could see that the visitor was tired and hungry. He pushed some of the food he was munching towards the dog. The visitor wagged his tail, looked up at the elephant to convey his thanks, and then turned his full attention to the food in front of him. As soon as he finished eating, he fell asleep.


Word meanings:
strayed: came by mistake
munching: chewing
wagged: moved from side to side
convey: communicate

Explanation: One day, by mistake, a dog lost his way and entered Gajaraj’s stable. Gajaraj offered him food, the tired and hungry dog looked up at the elephant and waged his tail as a note of thanks. Then he ate the entire food snf went off to sleep.


Passage: The next morning, the mahout found the stray dog in the stable. He did not mind the dog. He also noticed that Gajaraj seemed to like the company. So, he threw some crumbs to the dog, which the animal accepted wagging his tail.

Word meanings:
crumbs: small pieces of food

Explanation: The next day, when the mahout visited the stable, he spotted the dog but did not try to remove it because Gajaraj enjoyed his presence. So, the mahout offered a few bits of food to the dog. The dog moved its tail to show acceptance for the offering.


Passage: When the elephant went out for a bath, the dog accompanied his friend. Plunging into the water, the elephant gave himself a shower using his long trunk, as the dog watched. The elephant took a trunkful of water and playfully splashed the water on his friend. The dog yelped for he hated taking showers. The mahout laughed. 

Word meanings:
accompanied: went with someone
plunging: jumping in
trunk: long nose
splashed: threw
yelped: cried

Explanation: The dog went with Gajaraj when it went to the pond for a bath. The elephant went inside the water and filled its trunk with it. Then it threw the water on itself and the dog looked upon. Then Gajaraj, splashed a trunkful of water on the dog. The dog cried to show his dislike for getting wet and this made the mahout enjoy.

The Unlikely Best Friends Lesson image 2

Passage: On their way home, the elephant picked up the dog with his trunk and placed him on his back. The dog was delighted to get a ride.

Word meanings:
delighted: happy

Explanation: After the bath, on the way back, Gajaraj lifted the dog with its trunk and kept it on its back. The dog was happy to get a ride. Ths, Gajaraj had got a friend that he had wished for.


Passage: A farmer passing by saw the dog. “Buntee,” he yelled. The dog ran to him. The farmer hugged the dog and told the mahout that he was looking for his dog ever since he disappeared from his house. He was glad he found him now. The mahout had no objection to the farmer taking the dog home. The farmer tossed a rope round the neck of the dog, saying, “Come Buntee, let’s go home.”

Word meanings:
disappeared: was not seen
hugged: held closely

Explanation: A farmer crossed them and when he saw the bog, he called out his name- Buntee. The dog, on seeing its master, ran to him. The farmer held it closely and informed the mahout that he had been searching Buntee as he had gone missing a few days ago. He was happy to find Buntee and the mahout did not stop the farmer from taking it although he knew that Gajaraj had developed a liking for it. The farmer tied a rope around Buntee’s neck and told it to accompany him home.



Passage: Only when the farmer pulled the rope did the dog realise that he was being taken away from his friend. He yelped, the elephant winced, but neither the farmer nor the mahout noticed that the two friends were in tears.

Word meanings:
realise: understand
winced: shrunk back in pain or distress

Explanation: When the master pulled Buntee’s rope, the dog realised that he was being separated from his friend, the elephant. Buntee cried and Gajaraj also felt the pain of separation. However, the mahout and the farmer were clueless of their bond.


Passage: The next day at lunch time the mahout served Gajaraj his favourite food. When the mahout came back after finishing his other chores, he was surprised to see that the food had remained untouched.

Word meanings:
chores: daily duties

Explanation: The next day as the mahout served Gajaraj his favourite meal, he was shocked to see that the food had not been eaten by Gajaraj; although a lot of time had passed.

The Unlikely Best Friends Lesson image 3

Passage: “Why Gajaraj, aren’t you hungry?” he asked concerned. The elephant did not react. “He may have slight indigestion. Let me not force him to eat,” thought the mahout.

Word meanings:
slight: a little
indigestion: upset stomach

Explanation: The mahout was concerned and asked Gajaraj if it wasn’t hungry. Gajraj did not respond and the mahout thought taht perhaps indigestion was the reason behind Gajaraj not eating the meal. He did not force the elephant to eat. 


Passage: That night too, Gajaraj did not touch his food—nor the next day. Now, the mahout was worried. He ran his hand on Gajaraj’s tummy and felt there was nothing wrong. “Why was he not eating then? Is he missing his friend, that dog?” the mahout wondered.

Word meanings:
tummy: stomach

Explanation: However, Gajaraj did not eat the dinner as well. He did not eat the next day too which made the mahout worried. He felt the elephant’s stomach to detect any disturbance like gas but could not find any problem. Then the mahout realised that perhaps Gajaraj was missing Buntee and so, he wasn’t eating.


Passage: Meanwhile at the farmer’s house, the dog had also not touched his food ever since he was brought home.
“Are you missing your friend?” asked the farmer remembering the happy look on Buntee’s face while sitting on the elephant’s back. “I cannot see you go hungry,” said the farmer, “If you miss your friend so much, go to him.”

Explanation: The same scene was there at the farmer’s house. The dog Buntee also remained away from food ever since being separated from Gajaraj. The master asked Buntee if it was missing its friend the elephant. He could recollect Buntee’s happy face when he was seated on Gajaraj’s back. The farmer could not bear to see that Buntee remained hungry and offered him to go to his friend in case he was missing him.


Passage: The farmer removed the rope with which he had tied the dog. The dog, though weak, sprang to his feet. He licked the farmer’s hand once and then ran. He stopped only when he arrived at the stable.

Word meanings:
sprang: jumped


Explanation: The farmer untied the rope from Buntee’s neck. Buntee was weak and it had not eaten since the past few days. However, the thought of meeting Gajaraj, his friend, energised him and he sprang up to his feet. He licked the farmer’s hand as a note of thanks and ran to the royal stable to be with Gajaraj.

The Unlikely Best Friends Lesson image 4

Passage: The elephant picked up the dog with his trunk and gave him a joyous swing. The mahout was relieved. He quickly brought the food. “Both of you eat first,” he said.

Word meanings:
joyous: happy
swing: move side to side or back and forth
relieved: thankful

Explanation: Gajraj lifted Buntee in his trunk and gave it a swing. The mahout was relaxed to see that both Gajaraj and Buntee were happy on being united. He brought food for them and asked both to eat first.


Passage: By then the farmer who had followed the dog, joined him. The two of them watched with satisfaction the two friends eating food. “It’s not only Gajaraj who has found a friend,” said the mahout hugging the farmer, “I’ve also found one.”

Word meanings:
satisfaction: happiness

Explanation: The farmer who had been following Buntee joined the mahout. Both the masters watched as the two friends ate food happily. The mahout hugged the farmer and said that even he had found a friend in the farmer.



The story The Unlikely Best Friends sensitizes us about the deep impact that emotions can have over the well-being of animals. This post contains the summary of The Unlikely Best Friends which will help students to get a gist of the lesson. With the help of lesson explanation and meanings of difficult words you can get a good understanding of the story which will help you give answers to the questions asked in exams.