CBSE Class 6 English Unit 2 Friendship Chapter 1 The Unlikely Best Friends Important Question Answers from Poorvi Book
Class 6 EnglishThe Unlikely Best Friends Question Answers – Looking for questions and answers for CBSE Class 6 English Unit 2 Friendship Chapter 1 The Unlikely Best Friends? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 6 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Unit 2 Friendship Chapter 1 The Unlikely Best Friends now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract-based questions, multiple choice questions and Extra Question Answers
Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance on exams.
- The Unlikely Best Friends NCERT Solutions
- The Unlikely Best Friends Extra Question Answers
- The Unlikely Best Friends Multiple Choice Questions
- The Unlikely Best Friend Extract Based Questions
- The Unlikely Best Friends Grammar Exercise
- The Unlikely Best Friends Summary Class 6 Explanation, Word Meaning
- The Unlikely Best Friends Character Sketch
The Unlikely Best Friends Textbook Questions (NCERT Solutions)
Let us do these activities before we read.
1. Friends are an important part of our lives. Why do you think so? Share your ideas with your friend. What do you do when you are with your friends and how do you feel?
Now, complete the following sentences by writing in the shapes given below. Share your completed sentences with your classmates and teacher. One has been done for you.
1. With my friend
i. I play
ii. I laugh
iii. I eat
2. With my friend
i. I feel happy
ii. I feel relaxed
iii. I feel safe
Let us discuss
1. Talk about the things that Gajaraj and Buntee did together. Now, write in the shapes given below. One has been done for you.
Ans. Buntee and Gajaraj
2. Why did the farmer hug Buntee?
Ans. The farmer was extremely happy to see his lost pet Buntee and so, he hugged it.
3. Do you think Buntee will leave Gajaraj and go home with the farmer?
Ans. No, I think that Buntee will live with Gajaraj forever because they have a strong bond of friendship between them.
4. Why did Gajaraj not eat his food?
Ans. He did not eat food because he was missing Buntee.
5. Who were friends at the end of the story?
Ans. Gajaraj and Buntee were friends. Also, the mahout and the farmer became friends.
Let us think and reflect
1. Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow.
(a) In spite of royal comforts, Gajaraj was sad because he had no friends. The mahout, or elephant trainer, was the only one he ever interacted with. The mahout was a kind man who served Gajaraj food, and gave him a bath in the elephant pond daily. He was a good caretaker, but not a friend.
(i) Complete with one word:
mahout : kind : : Gajaraj : ___________
Ans. sad
(ii) The mahout was a good caretaker because he gave _________to Gajaraj and a ______ in the pond.
Ans. food, bath
(iii) What do you think is the difference between a friend and a caretaker?
Ans. A caretaker takes care of one’s needs while a friend shares an emotional bond of love and affection.
(b) “Are you missing your friend?” asked the farmer remembering the happy look on Buntee’s face while sitting on the elephant’s back. “I cannot see you go hungry,” said the farmer, “If you miss your friend so much, go to him.” The farmer removed the rope with which he had tied the dog.
(i) The farmer uses the word __________________ to refer to the elephant.
Ans. friend.
(ii) How did the farmer know that Buntee was hungry?
Ans. He knew this because Buntee had not eaten for several days.
(iii) Why did the farmer remove the rope with which he had tied Buntee?
Ans. He removed the rope to free Buntee and allowed him to go to his friend.
(iv) Complete with one word:
Gajaraj : Buntee : : __________ : farmer
Ans. mahout
2. Give two examples to show that Gajaraj was very happy to have a friend.
Ans. Gajaraj was happy to have a friend. This can be verified from the following –
i. He also noticed that Gajaraj seemed to like the company.
ii. The elephant picked up the dog with his trunk and gave him a joyous swing.
3. How did the mahout come to know that Gajaraj was sad?
Ans. Gajaraj refused food and did not eat his favourite meal. His digestion and stomach were fine, so, the mahout realized that he was sad.
4. Why do you think Buntee licked the farmer’s hand?
Ans. Buntee klicked the farmer’s hand to thank him for granting it freedom to go to his friend.
5. What was ‘unlikely’ about the friendship of Gajaraj and Buntee?
Ans. Gajaraj was a royal elephant while Buntee was a normal dog. This gap of status made it unlikely for them to be friends.
CBSE Class 6 English Poorvi Book Unit 2 Friendship Chapter 1 The Unlikely Best Friends Extra Question and Answers
Answer the following Questions
Q1. What kind of life did Gajaraj live and why was it still unhappy?
Ans. Gajaraj lived a luxurious life in the royal stable. Being the king’s favourite he enjoyed the best services. However, he was unhappy because he did not have a friend.
Q2. How did Gajaraj meet Buntee?
Ans. They met by chance of fate when one day Buntee strayed into the royal stable.
Q3. How did the mahout react to Buntee’s presence?
Ans. When the mahout noticed that Gajaraj enjoyed Buntee’s company, he allowed Buntee to stay there and even offered it a few crumbs of food. He enjoyed when they both played with each other.
Q4. How did Gajaraj and Buntee express their unhappiness?
Ans. Both Gajaraj and Buntee expressed their unhappiness by not eating food.
Q5. The farmer allowed Buntee to go to Gajaraj. What can you say about the farmer’s character?
Ans. The farmer was a sensitive man and he could not see that his pet was sad. For Buntee’s happiness, he untied the rope and allowed him to go to his friend. He even followed Buntee to ensure that he reached there safely and united with his friend.
Class 6 The Unlikely Best Friends Multiple Choice Questions
1. Gajaraj was a –
A. elephant in the zoo
B. royal elephant
C. wild elephant
D. elephant in a circus
Ans. B. royal elephant
2. Identify the caretaker of Gajaraj-
A. Buntee
B. farmer
C. Mahout
D. None of them
Ans. C. Mahout
3. What all did the mahout do for Gajaraj?
A. Trained it
B. played with it
C. took joy rides on its back
D. educated it
Ans. A. Trained it
4. Gajaraj was sad because-
A. it was removed from the jungle
B. it was separated from its mother
C. it did not have a friend
D. the mahout ill-treated it
Ans. C. it did not have a friend
5. The mahout took good care of the elephant.
A. True
B. False
C. not mentioned
D. at times, he did
Ans. A. True
6. Who started into the royal stable?
A. a farmer
B. Gajaraj’s brother
C. a dog
D. None of them
Ans. C. a dog
7. What did Gajaraj do on seeing the tired, hungry dog?
A. he pushed him out
B. He offered him food
C. he disliked the intruder
D. he called the mahout
Ans. B. He offered him food
8. Where did Gajaraj go for his daily bath?
A. village pond
B. royal pond
C. elephant pond
D. All of these
Ans. C. elephant pond
9. Gajaraj was desperate for a __________
A. vacation
B. friend
C. bath
D. sleep
Ans. B. friend
10. How did Buntee show his happiness?
A. by wagging its tail
B. by licking the hand
C. by looking at the face
D. All of these
Ans. D. All of these
11. What did the farmer do on seeing Buntee?
A. He put it in a cage
B. He tied a rope around its feet
C. He tied a rope around its neck
D. None of these
Ans. C. He tied a rope around its neck
12. Buntee was the _________ pet dog.
A. Mahout’s
B. elephant’s
C. king’s
D. farmer’s
Ans. D. farmer’s
13. What did the farmer do when Buntee went missing?
A. He lodged a complaint with the police
B. He went looking for it
C. He did nothing
D. He prayed to god
Ans. B. He went looking for it
14. Was the mahout happy with the bonding between Gajaraj and Buntee?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not mentioned
D. he had mixed feelings
Ans. A. Yes
15. What did Gajaraj and Buntee do when they missed each other?
A. They wept
B. They laughed
C. They did not eat
D. They did not sleep
Ans. C. They did not eat
16. What did Gajaraj do when Bntee ran upto him?
A. Lifted it up and gave it a swing
B. Lifted it up and made it sit on its back
C. poured water on it
D. danced in joy
Ans. A. Lifted it up and gave it a swing
17. Identify a word for ‘pieces of food’ from the lesson
A. meal
B. crumb
C. food
D. stray
Ans. B. crumb
18. The king was happy with the bond between Gajaraj and Buntee
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not mentioned
D. he had mixed feelings
Ans. C. Not mentioned
19. What was Gajaraj’s favourite meal?
A. banana
B. rice
C. both A and B
D. Not mentioned
Ans. D. Not mentioned
20. Why did Buntee scream when the elephant poured water on it?
A. the water was too cold for it
B. it disliked getting wet
C. it has injuries which itched on getting wet
D. All of these
Ans. B. it disliked getting wet
CBSE Class 6 English Chapter 1 The Unlikely Best Friends Extract-Based Questions
Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow-
A. Gajaraj, the elephant, lived in the best booth of the royal stables. The king was fond of Gajaraj, and he had ordered that the elephant should be well looked after.
In spite of royal comforts, Gajaraj was sad because he had no friends. The mahout, or elephant trainer, was the only one he ever interacted with. The mahout was a kind man who served Gajaraj food, and gave him a bath in the elephant pond daily. He was a good caretaker, but not a friend.
1. Who was the royal elephant?
Ans. Gajaraj was the royal elephant.
2. Why was Gajaraj sad?
Ans. Gajaraj was sad because he did not have any friends.
3. Where did Gajaraj live?
Ans. Gajaraj lived in the royal stable.
4. Who was the only one with whom Gajaraj interacted?
Ans. Gajaraj interacted with the mahout who was his trainer and caretaker.
5. What all did the mahout do for Gajaraj?
Ans. The mahout served food, gave him a bath and took care of Gajaraj.
B. “I wish I had a friend I can play with,” thought Gajaraj. One late evening, a dog strayed into the stable. Gajaraj could see that the visitor was tired and hungry. He pushed some of the food he was munching towards the dog. The visitor wagged his tail, looked up at the elephant to convey his thanks, and then turned his full attention to the food in front of him. As soon as he finished eating, he fell asleep.
1. Why did Gajaraj want a friend?
Ans. He wanted a friend to play with.
2. Who strayed into the royal stable?
Ans. A Dog strayed into the royal stable.
3. What did Gajaraj notice?
Ans. He noticed that the dog was hungry and tired.
4. What did Gajaraj do?
Ans. Gajaraj noticed that the dog was tired and hungry. He pushed some of the food towards the hungry dog.
5. How did the dog thank Gajaraj?
Ans. The dog wagged its tail and looked at Gajaraj to thank him for the food.
C. Only when the farmer pulled the rope did the dog realise that he was being taken away from his friend. He yelped, the elephant winced, but neither the farmer nor the mahout noticed that the two friends were in tears.
The next day at lunch time the mahout served Gajaraj his favourite food. When the mahout came back after finishing his other chores, he was surprised to see that the food had remained untouched.
1. Why did the farmer tie a rope around the dog’s neck?
Ans. The farmer was the dog’s master and so he tied a rope around its neck.
2. Did the dog want to go with the farmer?
Ans. No, the dog wanted to be with Gajaraj, his friend.
3. Identify whether the given statement is true or false-
Both Gajaraj and Buntee were unhappy on being separated buth the masters were unaware of this.
Ans. True
4. What did the mahout serve Gajaraj?
Ans. He served the elephant its favourite meal.
5. The mahout had been doing his _____.
Ans. chores
D. The farmer removed the rope with which he had tied the dog. The dog, though weak, sprang to his feet. He licked the farmer’s hand once and then ran. He stopped only when he arrived at the stable.
The elephant picked up the dog with his trunk and gave him a joyous swing. The mahout was relieved. He quickly brought the food. “Both of you eat first,” he said.
1. Why did the farmer remove the rope?
Ans. He freed the dog by removing the rope and allowed him to unite with his friend.
2. Why was the dog weak?
Ans. It was weak because it had not eaten for the past few days.
3. Why did Buntee lick the farmer’s hand?
A. He wanted to thank him.
B. He wanted to eat him
C. He wanted to show his anger
D. He had got bad habits
Ans. A. He wanted to thank him.
4. What did Buntee do on being freed by the farmer?
Ans. Buntee thanked the master and then ran upto the royal stable.
5. How did Gajaraj welcome Buntee?
Ans. Gajaraj lifted Buntee in his trunk and gave it a joyous swing.
The Unlikely Best Friends : Grammar Exercises
Let us learn
1. Gajaraj was sad without a friend and when he met Buntee, he was filled with joy. ‘Sad’ and ‘filled with joy’ are opposites. Opposites can also be formed by adding some letters before a word. For example, un- unhappy, in- incorrect, dis- disconnect, mis- misuse.
Now, take help from the words given as hints and fill up their opposites in the puzzle. (Note: All the words are from the story you have just read.)
- Kind
- Laughed
- Asleep
- Worried
- Found
- Finished
- Disappeared
- Delighted
- Touched
- Love
2. Now, complete the paragraph with some of the words you have used in the puzzle.
My pencil was _____________. I was very ________________ as it was a gift from my friend. I woke up my elder brother who was ____________ on the bed. I told him that my pencil seemed to have ________________. He _______________ and told me to look under my pillow. I was ___________________ when I ______________ the pencil there.
My pencil was lost. I was very worried as it was a gift from my friend. I woke up my elder brother who was asleep on the bed. I told him that my pencil seemed to have disappeared. He laughed and told me to look under my pillow. I was delighed when I found the pencil there.
3. The words that tell us about an action are called verbs. In the story, the author tells us what happened before. To do that, the past form of the action word (verb) is used. Let us learn about the three forms of past tense.
Simple Past Tense | Past Progressive Tense | Past Perfect Tense |
Used to show that the action had happened earlier.
Used to show that the action did not finish and was going on.
Used to show that the action was completed.
Given below are some verbs from the story. Put the verbs in their correct column in the table given above.
Simple Past Tense | Past Progressive Tense | Past Perfect Tense |
Used to show that the action had happened earlier.
Used to show that the action did not finish and was going on.
Used to show that the action was completed.
told | Was looking | Had tied |
looked | Was missing | Had followed |
hated | Was munching | Had remained |
went | Had ordered | |
asked | ||
Joined | ||
gave | ||
felt | ||
arrived | ||
noticed | ||
served | ||
touched | ||
threw |
Select the correct form of the verb to complete the passage. Check your answers with the teacher.
The farmer came back and ____________ (noticed/was noticing/had noticed) that Buntee was sad. He ____________ (tied/ was tying/had tied) Buntee with a rope the day before. He ____________ (asked/was asking/ had asked) Buntee why he was sad. Farmer ____________ (felt/was feeling/ had felt) that Buntee ____________ (missed/was missing/had missed) Gajaraj and set him free.
The farmer came back and noticed that Buntee was sad. He had tied Buntee with a rope the day before. He asked Buntee why he was sad. Farmer felt that Buntee was missing Gajaraj and set him free.
4. ‘…neither the farmer nor the mahout noticed that the two friends were in tears.’
The words ‘neither’, ‘nor’ are used to state that the farmer and the mahout did not notice the same thing. ‘Neither, nor’ connect two negative choices. For example: Neither Rohit nor I want to play football.
When you need to choose between two things that you want, you may use ‘either, or’. For example: Rohit wants to play either cricket or kho-kho. It means Rohit wants to play cricket or Rohit wants to play kho-kho. Discuss the given sentences with your teacher to practice.
- Neither Shikha nor Anuj like to tell stories.
- Either Bhavesh or Abha made this painting.
Let us write
Write six sentences about your friend with the help of the facts collected in the above task. Mention how you are not only similar but also different. You may take help of the words given below.
same | different | and | but |
both | still | like | unlike |
neither | nor | either | or |
My friend and I like to play basketball. Both of us are tall and compete with each other. However, unlike me, my friend is slightly overweight. We share the same food habits and eat clean. Just like me, my friend also dislikes junk food and soft drinks. Still, she is overweight because she eats larger portions.