Footprint without Feet Chapter 8 - The Hack Driver Question Answers


NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Footprint without Feet The Hack Driver Important Question Answers Lesson 8

Class 10 English The Hack Driver Question Answers –  Looking for The Hack Driver question answers (NCERT solutions) for CBSE Class 10 English Footprint Without Feet Book Chapter 8? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 10 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the board exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Chapter 8: The Hack Driver question answers now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract based questions, multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions


Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance on exams. 



Class 10 English The Hack Driver Question Answers Lesson 8 – Extract Based Questions

Extract-based questions are of the multiple-choice variety, and students must select the correct option for each question by carefully reading the passage.

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A. After graduating with honors, I became a junior assistant clerk in a magnificent law firm. I was sent, not to prepare legal briefs, but to serve summons, like a cheap private detective. I had to go to dirty and shadowy corners of the city to seek out my victims. Some of the larger and more self confident ones even beat me up. I hated this unpleasant work, and the side of city life it revealed to me. (CBSE QB, 2021)

1. The law firm that the narrator joined was
A) splendid.
B) philanthropic.
C) reputable.
D) contemporary.
Ans. A) splendid.

2. ‘Like a cheap private detective’ is a reference to the fact that the speaker?
A) wasn’t drawing as good a salary as a detective.
B) was upset about working in the private sector.
C) wasn’t trying to be an established detective.
D) was disappointed with his allotted work.
Ans. D) was disappointed with his allotted work.

3. Which of the following options was NOT a part of this unpleasant work?
A) searching for law-breakers.
B) serving summons.
C) getting beaten up.
D) preparing legal documents.
Ans. D) preparing legal documents.

4. The shadowy corners of the city conjure up images of places___________
A) with many trees to provide shade.
B) where crime is not uncommon.
C) which receive absolutely no sunlight.
D) with tall buildings and their shadows.
Ans. B) where crime is not uncommon.

5. Choose the option that is NOT TRUE.
The speaker found this side of the city life unpleasant because it revealed people who had ___
A) robbed others of their belongings.
B) threatened others.
C) swindled the innocent.
D) served summons for a case
Ans. A) robbed others of their belongings.


Class 10 The Hack Driver Important Question Answers Video


B. Fritz looked at me, hiding behind Bill. He hesitated, and then admitted, “Yes, he was in here a little while ago. Guess he’s gone over to Gustaff’s to get a shave.” “Well, if he comes in, tell him I’m looking for him.”
We drove to Gustaff’s barber shop. Again, Bill went in first, and I lingered at the door. He asked not only the Swede but two customers if they had seen Lutkins. The Swede had not. He said angrily, “I haven’t seen him, and don’t care to. But if you find him you can just collect that dollar thirty-five, he owes me.” One of the customers thought he had seen Lutkins walking down Main Street, this side of the hotel. (CBSE QB, 2021)


1.  Fritz’s hesitation was on account of wanting to
A) take a moment to comprehend and fall in with the prank.
B) understand what was being asked and answer accordingly.
C) pretend ignorance at the question asked to waste time.
D) confirm that it was him being addressed, before replying.
Ans. A) take a moment to comprehend and fall in with the prank.

2. The narrator lingered at the door while Bill went in first and made enquiries. Pick up the option that does not correctly use the word ‘linger’ in the sentence:
A) It’s best if you can linger in the lobby while I get my luggage.
B) I blurted out the final question that had been lingering in my mind.
C) If a customer lingers over a product, the cameras zoom in to record facial expressions.
D) Mom reminded us that household business cannot be lingered hastily.
Ans. D) Mom reminded us that household business cannot be lingered hastily.

3. The narrator hovered near the door because he
A) wanted to eavesdrop on the conversation.
B) didn’t trust Bill to enquire sternly.
C) had been asked to remain there by Bill.
D) found the interior too stuffy
Ans. C) had been asked to remain there by Bill.

4. One person mentioned that he had seen Lutkins walking down Main Street. This is an example of
A) being taken to the cleaners.
B) sending someone on a wild goose chase.
C) stretching the truth.
D) Making scales fall off someone’s eyes.
Ans. B) sending someone on a wild goose chase.

5. The extract is an example of writing in the style of a/an
A) personal narrative.
B) biography.
C) historical fiction.
D) research article.
Ans. A) personal narrative.


C.He was so open and friendly that I glowed with the warmth of his affection. I knew, of course, that he wanted the business, but his kindness was real. I was glad the fare money would go to this good fellow. I managed to bargain down to two dollars an hour, and then he brought from his house nearby a sort of large black box on wheels. He remarked, “Well, young man, here’s the carriage,” and his wide smile made me into an old friend. These villagers are so ready to help a stranger. He had already made it his own task to find Oliver Lutkins for me.”


A) Who is ‘he’ in these lines?
Ans. ‘He’ in these lines is Bill Magnuson, the hack driver.

B) Give an instance of his kindness.
Ans. He offered to take the narrator through the village and find Lutkins.

C) Find a word from the extract which means ‘a gentle feeling of fondness’.
Ans. ‘Affection’ from the extract means ‘a gentle feeling of fondness’.

D) What is the opposite of kindness?
Ans. Cruelty’ is the opposite of ‘kindness’.


D. “When I got to New Mullion, my eager expectations of a sweet and simple country village were severely disappointed. Its streets were rivers of mud, with rows of wooden shops, either painted a sour brown, or bare of any paint at all. The only agreeable sight about the place was the delivery man at the station. He was about forty, red-faced, cheerful, and thick about the middle. His working clothes were dirty and well-worn, and he had a friendly manner. You felt at once that he liked people.
“I want,” I told him, “to find a man named Oliver Lutkins.”

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A) Who is ‘I’?
Ans. ‘I’ is the young lawyer who is the narrator of the story.

B) Why was ‘I’ disappointed?
Ans. ‘I’ was disappointed because he did not like the muddy streets and unpainted looks of the shops.

C) What does the word ‘expectations’ mean?
Ans. It means ‘a brief about how good something will be’.

D) What is the opposite of ‘disappointed’?
Ans. The opposite of ‘disappointed’ is pleased’.


E. “What really hurt me was that when I served the summons, Lutkins and his mother laughed at me as though I were a bright boy of seven.With loving kindness they begged me to go with them to a neighbour’s house for a cup of coffee. “I told them about you and they’re anxious to look at you,” said Lutkins joyfully. “They’re about the only folks in the town that missed seeing you yesterday.” 


A) What hurt the narrator?
Ans. The laughter of Lutkins and his mother hurt the narrator.

B) Why did the two laugh?
Ans. The two laughed because they had been successful in fooling him.

C) Which word in the extract is a synonym of ‘delivered’?
Ans. The word ‘served’ from the extract is the synonym of ‘delivered’.

D) What is the opposite of ‘bright’?
Ans. The opposite of ‘bright’ is ‘dull’.


Class 10 English Footprint without Feet The Hack Driver Lesson 8 Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers.


Q1. Where did Fritz send them?
A) Gray’s barber shop
B) Gustaff’s barber shop
C) poolroom
D) no where
Ans. B) Gustaff’s barber shop

Q2. Where did they go after visiting Swede’s shop?
A) Gray’s barber shop
B) Gustaff’s barber shop
C) poolroom
D) his mother’s farm
Ans. A) Gray’s barber shop

Q3. What is the meaning of the word “enormous”?
A) huge
B) vast
C) broad
D) all of the above
Ans. D) all of the above

Q4. Where did they go for lunch?
A) Wade’s hill
B) Bill’s home
C) Oliver’s home
D) Oliver’s mother’s farm
Ans. A) Wade’s hill

Q5. Where did they go after lunch?
A) Gray’s barber shop
B) Gustaff’s barber shop
C) poolroom
D) Oliver’s mother’s farm
Ans. D) Oliver’s mother’s farm

Q6. What did Oliver’s mother have in her hand while she ran after them?
A) a pistol
B) a knife
C) an iron rod
D) None of the above
Ans. C) an iron rod

Q7. Did he find Lutkins on his first visit?
A) yes
B) no
C) maybe
D) None of the above
Ans. B) no

Q8. Was he able to serve the summon to Lutkins?
A) yes
B) no
C) maybe
D) None of the above
Ans. B) no

Q9. Who was Lutkins?
A) Fritz
B) Swede
C) Gray
D) Bill
Ans. D) Bill

Q10. How many times did he have to visit New Mullions?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 4
D) 5
Ans. B) 2

Q11. Who accompanied him on his trip to New Mullions the second time?
A) his boss
B) his friend
C) his sister
D) a man familiar with Oliver Lutkins
Ans. D) a man familiar with Oliver Lutkins

Q12. What vehicle did Bill have?
A) Autorickshaw
B) cab
C) hack
D) cart
Ans. C) hack

Q13. In which direction was Oliver’s mother’s farm?
A) south
B) east
C) north
D) west
Ans. C) north

Q14. The summons for Lutkins were for what case?
A) theft
B) murder
C) cheating
D) as a witness
Ans. D) as a witness

Q15. How was Bill’s appearance
A) red faced
B) cheerful
C) thick in the middle
D) all of them
Ans. D) all of them

Q16. According to Bill, Oliver owed him fifty cents for a game of ___
A) chess
B) poker
C) horse race
D) all of them
Ans. B) poker

Q17. Name the barber in the story
A) Garry
B) Mustafa
C) Gustaff
D) Guard
Ans. C) Gustaff

Q18. From where did they get lunch?
A) Community meal
B) Bill’s home
C) cafe
D) restaurant
Ans. B) Bill’s home

Q19. What was Bill’s last name?
A) Magnuson
B) Magie
C) Maddie
D) Magpie
Ans. A) Magnuson

Q20. Why was the narrator ordered back to New Mullion once again?
A) To arrest Lutkins
B) to serve the summons
C) to live permanently in New Mullion
D) all of the above
Ans. B) to serve the summons


Class 10 English The Hack Driver Short Question Answers (including questions from Previous Years Question Papers)

In this post we are also providing important short answer questions from the chapter The Hack Driver for CBSE Class 10 Boards in the coming session. These questions have been taken from previous years class 10 Board exams and the year is mentioned in the bracket along with the question.

Q1. Explain how the narrator’s expectations fell short of what he’d expected when he was sent to New Mullion? (CBSE QB, 2021)

Ans. When he was sent to New Mullion, the narrator’s expectations of a sweet and simple country village were not met. As its streets were mud rivers, with rows of wooden shops either painted a sour brown or devoid of any paint.

Q2. What about the delivery man who appealed to the young junior assistant clerk from the city? (CBSE QB, 2021)

Ans..The only saving grace at the New Mullion station was the delivery man. He was a red-faced, plump man in his forties. He was so cheerful and friendly that the narrator was drawn to him.

Q3. Why did the narrator call his work unpleasant?

Ans. The narrator was dispatched to serve a summon. He had to visit a variety of filthy and dangerous locations. He was also beaten by those people at times. That is why he described his job as unpleasant.

Q4. Why does the hack driver offer to ask about Oliver Lutkins? (CBSE 2012)

Ans. The hacker driver was none other than Oliver Lutkins. He refused to take the summons and appear as a witness. As a result, he pretended to be a hack driver. He offered to assist the lawyer so that the lawyer would not learn of him from someone else.

Q5. The young man earned for himself the ire of his office people on his return from New Mullion. Explain why. (CBSE QB, 2021)

Ans. On his return from New Mullion, the young man incurred the wrath of his colleagues because his task remained unfinished. He went to New Mullion to serve a summons on Oliver Lutkins, who was required to testify. When he failed to locate him, everyone in the office became irritated with him.

Q6. ‘But he was no more dishonest than I’. Explain.

Ans. The narrator intended to say that the hack driver was as dishonest as him because he was paid to ride the narrator on his cart under the guise of assisting him.

Q7. What impressed the narrator most about Bill? Mention any two things.

Ans. The narrator’s first impression of Bill was that he was a cheerful, friendly, and helpful man. Second, he admired Bill for his straightforward and philosophical wisdom.

Q8. How did the chief react when the narrator returned to his town?

Ans. The chief was enraged because the narrator had failed to serve summons on Lutkins. The next day, he decided to send a man who knew Lutkins with the narrator to serve summons on Lutkins.

Q9. What did the hack driver tell the narrator about Lutkins Mother? (CBSE 2014)

Ans. The narrator was told by the hack driver that Lutkins’ mother was a real terror. She was described as a large and hefty lady with a fiery temper by him. He also stated that she was as fast as a cat.

Q10. How did the hack driver befool the lawyer?

Ans. Because he had never seen Lutkins before, the hack driver was able to fool him. He led him around the village while searching for Lutkins.

Q11. The hack driver successfully trapped the narrator in his web of words. Comment.(CBSE SQP 2021-22)

Ans. The hack driver was successful in making a fool of the lawyer. He hid his true identity and offered to search for Oliver Lutkins. The hack driver won the confidence of the narrator and gave his hack on rent, took the narrator around the town to various places, cafes and salons. Everywhere he went inside first so that he could involve the others in his prank. He involved his mother in this prank too.


Class 10 The Hack Driver Long Answer Questions Lesson 8

Q1. Lutkins played with the emotions of the young lawyer. By the end of the story, he was hurt on knowing the truth of the hack driver. Would you call Lutkins an insensitive fellow? Should we hurt the feelings of someone like this?

Ans. Lutkins manipulated the young lawyer’s emotions. He impressed him with his deception. He pretended to assist him. But he was making a fool of himself. He and the lawyer drove around the city looking for Lutkins. He didn’t say anything about himself being Lutkins. He made the lawyer a laughingstock everywhere he went. 

Everyone laughed as they saw Lutkins make a fool of the lawyer. When the lawyer returned to the location at the end of the story, he was hurt to learn how the hack driver had duped him. Without a doubt, the hack driver was a callous individual. He was unconcerned about his emotions. No, we should not inflict emotional harm on others for the sake of self-entertainment.

Q2. In life, people who easily trust others are sometimes made to look foolish. One should not be too trusting. Describe how Oliver Lutkins made a fool of the young lawyer.

Ans. In the story, Oliver Lutkins humiliated the young lawyer. When the lawyer arrived in New Mullion, Lutkins devised a plan to deceive him. When the lawyer informs him that he was looking for Oliver Lutkins, Lutkins openly takes the lawyer all over the village. When the lawyer said he needed to catch the afternoon train back, he realized he’d have to keep him occupied until he could leave.He also had to make certain that the lawyer did not speak to or question anyone else about him, or he would be arrested. As a result, he told the lawyer that Lutkins never paid anyone a dime and that if he tried to collect money from him while dressed up, he would be suspicious and flee. Instead, he’d go into Fritz’s and ask for Lutkins, with the lawyer hidden behind him.

As a result, Lutkins was always the first to enter a location, preventing the lawyer from meeting and speaking with the people. He would then most likely take the people into his confidence so that no one revealed his true identity.

He then persuaded the lawyer that Lutkins’ mother was a terror and that he should deal with her himself. He introduced himself and the lawyer to her and explained why they were there. This introduction was enough for her to figure out what was going on, and she, too, put on an act, not revealing the secret but making a fool of the young lawyer.

Q3. Lutkins appeared humble but he was not.Do you think in real life we come across such people frequently? Does it indicate a lack of integrity in humans?

Ans. Lutkins may have appeared humble, but he was not. When the lawyer arrived in town, he was delighted to meet the hack driver. Oliver Lutkins was, in fact, the hack driver. His simplicity and nature impressed the lawyer. He duped the lawyer by leading him on a search for Lutkins. He pretended to be truthful and helpful, but he only fooled the lawyer. 

Yes, such people do exist in real life. Their outward appearance is deceiving. They appear to be caring, friendly, and cooperative. They initially show concern and care, but when given the opportunity, they reveal their true colors and dupe us. They are without compassion. Yes, it indicates a breakdown in human values. There is a lack of dedication, honesty, and sensitivity.

Q4. The narrator strikes us as a romantic idealist, Do you agree? Support your answer from the text.

Ans. The narrator is most definitely a romantic idealist. He recently graduated from law school. He desires a genuine case. However, as part of his training, he is sent to serve summons. He has difficulty comprehending it. He simply despises his job because it requires him to visit filthy locations. Furthermore, he has a romantic view of the country. He thinks villages are all pure and peaceful. They are devoid of the city’s ugliness. He, too, believes that villagers are trustworthy and decent people. He has a bad habit of blindly trusting people. He believes whatever is said to him. In fact, he is extremely gullible. Later on, he realizes that a village can be unsightly. He also experiences that villagers are not always simple and honest.

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Q5. Describe ‘Bill’ as seen through the eyes of the narrator.

Ans.. Bill impressed the narrator greatly. He first encounters him at the station. The narrator thinks he’s friendly and cheerful. Bill, in his opinion, is very helpful because he offers to drive him around in search of Lutkins. When he goes looking for Lutkins on his behalf, the narrator admires him. Bill exudes a wonderful village charm. Bill, according to the narrator, possesses a distinct country wisdom. He respects him as a storyteller. When Bill goes to Lutkins’ mother’s house to find him, he appreciates him greatly. Bill, according to the narrator, is a friendly man who generously helps others. He is so taken with Bill that he decides to move to the village.

Q6. ‘Appearances are often deceptive’. Comment on the statement in the light of your reading of the story.

Ans. Things are not always as they appear. Appearances are frequently deceptive. In search of Oliver Lutkins, the narrator arrives in a village. At the station, he meets a hack driver. He is warned about Lutkins by the driver. In search of Lutkins, he takes him on a tour of the entire village. He tells the narrator about his experiences as well as the village and its inhabitants. He is liked by the narrator because he is helpful and kind.

He’s even forgotten about Lutkins. The next day, however, he discovers that the hack driver was Oliver Lutkins himself. He realizes that a simple and kind person was actually a trickster.

Q7. Do you think Lutkins was right in befooling the lawyer and earning money by using unfair means? What precautions should one take to avoid a situation like the one in which the lawyer was placed? (CBSE 2014)

Ans. Lutkins was wrong to deceive the lawyer and earn money through unfair means. This demonstrates Lutkins’ contempt for the law. If we were in the lawyer’s shoes, we would not believe in things as they appear. Before accepting another person’s actions, we should carefully evaluate them. Instead of relying on others, we should conduct our own investigations. The lawyer was duped because he let Lutkins do the finding and questioning and did not do anything himself. As a result, he failed to serve the summons on Lutkins.

Q8. Why do you think the lawyer was happy to take summons to New Mullion? How did the lawyer develop a perception about Lutkins? If you would have been in the lawyer’s place, what would have been your reaction towards Bill’s statements?

Ans.  The narrator was excited to visit New Mullion. He imagined it to be a lovely and peaceful village. He thought Lutkins was a nice guy. He appreciated his friendliness, warmth, and affection. He believed his kindness to be genuine. Despite the fact that the hack driver was doing his business and earning handsome money from the lawyer, he was impressed by his willingness to assist. If I were the lawyer, I would never have believed Bill’s statement. I would have checked his statement with other residents of the village. I would not have spent the entire day looking for Lutkins with a single person, but rather consulted several people.

Q9. What did the hack driver tell the narrator about Lutkins’ mother? How did she treat the narrator? Or 

Why did Oliver Lutkin’s mother laugh as she chased him and Bill away?(CBSE Sample Paper 2020)

Ans. The narrator was informed by the hack driver that Lutkins Mother was a large and healthy woman. She stood nine feet tall and four feet wide. She had a bad temper and was a master of the art of swearing at people. She could beat the soul out of anyone if she became enraged. When the narrator and the hack driver arrived at Lutkins’ house, the hack driver informed Lutkins’ mother that they needed to know Lutkins’ whereabouts and that the narrator was a lawyer representing the court, so they had the right to search the house as well. When the woman heard them, she went to the kitchen and returned with a red-hot iron rod to threaten the narrator and the hack driver.She told them that they could search her house only after getting burnt with the hot rod. She laughed at both the men and forced them out of the house by her wacky behavior, since the mother knew her son Lutkins was pretending to be Bill.

Q10. “Lutkins? I saw him around here about an hour ago. Hard fellow to catch though – always up to something or other.” Do you think the speaker is right about Lutkins? Elaborate with the help of examples from the text. 

Ans. The speaker is the hack driver, Bill Magnuson and he is correct about Lutkins. The hack driver offered to assist the narrator in his search for Oliver Lutkins. However, he warned the narrator that finding Lutkins would be difficult because he was always up to something. The hack driver took the narrator to Fritz’s shop, where he expected to find Lutkins playing cards. However, Lutkins left the establishment to shave at Gustaff’s. The owner of Gustaff’s stated that Lutkins had just left for a shave at Grey’s, but Lutkins was not found there. He’d just walked into the poolroom. He was discovered to have left the poolroom a while ago. However, there is an irony here because Bill was Lutkins himself. He had been so clever that he made the narrator search him all day and still concealed the truth from him.

So, Lutkins was nowhere to be found and he kept the hack driver and the narrator on a wild chase for him.

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