BSEB Class 10 English Meaning of Difficult Words from All Chapters (Prose and Poetry) of Panorama-II Book
BSEB Class 10 English Word Meanings – Here, the difficult words and their meanings of all the chapters of BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book have been compiled for the convenience of the students. This is an exhaustive list of the words and meanings of all the Prose and Poetry from the Panorama-II Book of BSEB Class 10 English. The difficult words’ meanings have been explained lucidly so that every student can understand them.
- Prose 1 – The Pace for Living
- Prose 2 – Me and the Ecology Bit
- Prose 3 – Gillu
- Prose 4 – What is Wrong with Indian Films
- Prose 5 – Acceptance Speech
- Prose 6 – Once Upon A Time
- Prose 7 – The Unity Of Indian Culture
- Prose 8 – Little Girls Wiser Than Men
- Poem 1 – God Made The Country
- Poem 2 – Ode On Solitude
- Poem 3 – Polythene Bag
- Poem 4 – Thinner Than A Crescent
- Poem 5 – The Empty Heart
- Poem 6 – Koel
- Poem 7 – The Sleeping Porter
- Poem 8 – Martha
Prose 1 – The Pace for Living
- Fanciful (adj): highly imaginative
- Dicky (adj): weak-hearted (colloq in expression)
- Despair (n): state of hopelessness
- Enchanting (adj): having the power to cast a spell
- Illustration (n): example
- Adore (v): worship, love and respect
- Superficial (adj) : pertaining to the surface only
- Prejudice (n): a preconceived notion
- Devastating (adj): damaging
- Blonde (n): a woman with coloured hair and usually blue eyes
- Brunette (n): a woman with brown or dark hair
The Pace for Living Summary, Explanation, Difficult Words| BSEB Class 10 English Lesson 1
The Pace for Living Question Answer BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
Prose 2 – Me and the Ecology Bit
- Backtalk (n): to answer back
- Ecology (n): the study of the relationships between plants, animals, people, and their environment, and the balances between these relationships.
- Stuff (n): colloquial term often used to refer to miscellaneous or unspecified things. Here, it might be referred to as leisure activities.
- Innings (n): turn of batting/bowling in cricket
- Compost pile (n): a heap of manure and vegetation and other organic residues that are decaying to become compost
- Pretend (v.t): to profess falsely, to feign
- Compost (n): manure
- Pollution (n): state of the environment being defiled or polluted or made filthy or dirty for various reasons
- Garbage (n): filth
- Wrapper (n): a loose paper cover
- Mess (n): untidy state of things
- Huffing and puffing (idm): breathing in a noisy way, panting
- Keep dogs on a leash (verb phrase): keeping dogs tied
Me and the Ecology Bit Summary, Explanation, Difficult Words| BSEB Class 10 English Lesson 2
Me and the Ecology Bit Question Answer BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
Prose 3 – Gillu
- Unexpectedly (adv): which was not expected to happen
- Poking (gerund): pushing sharply
- Assiduous (adj): hardworking, delighted
- Critique (n): critical essay or revision
- Mythical (adv): belief about the early age, concept of primitive period
- Interception (v): stopped, caused interruption in action
- Prey (n): animal or bird hunted for food
- Assault (n): violent and sudden attack
- Survive (v): to exist, continue to live
- Accede (v): assent, agree
- Refulgent (adj): shining, bright
- Wick (noun): a piece of string, here, in this case, made up of cotton wool used to feed the squirrel.
- Antics (adj): queer or typical behavior
- Abode (n): home, residence
- Astonished (adj): surprised, wondered
- Intellect (n): power of the mind to reason, talent
- Alacrity (n): eager and cheerful readiness
- Acute (adj.): an undesirable situation or feeling is very severe or intense.
- Devised (verb): to work out, plan
- Seized (verb): to take hold of something
- Novel (noun): a long written story about imaginary people and events
- Venture (verb): to embark on a journey
- Twittering (verb): to utter a succession of chirping sounds
- Transpired (verb): to happen or occur
- Peering (verb): to look closely at something
- Liberated (adj.): given liberty, freed
- Exit (noun): a way out
- Fond (adj.): to have a liking
- Emerged (verb): to come out in view, to become apparent
- Courtyard (noun): an open area of ground surrounded by walls or buildings
- Scuttle (verb): to run with short quick steps
- Indispositions (noun): unwillingness
- Prostrate (adj): lying on the ground
- Abstain (v): refrain, prevent
- Tackle (v): to deal with a problem
- Surahi (noun): an Indian clay pot with long neck, used for storing water
- Barely (adverb): by the smallest amount
- Icy (adj.): covered in ice, extremely cold
- Natal (adj.): relating to the birth of an animal
- Ventured out (phr.): dared to go out
- Blossoming (v): to produce or yield blossoms.
- Eternal (adj): lasting forever
- Derive (v): to take from the original
- Sonjuhi Creeper (n): an Indian yellow flower
Gillu Summary, Explanation, Difficult Words | BSEB Class 10 English Lesson 3
Gillu Question Answer BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
Prose 4 – What is Wrong with Indian Films
- Phenomena (n): (plural of phenomenon): happenings
- Potent (adj): powerful
- Versatile (adj): command over many qualities
- Commands: asks for
- Accorded: given to
- Architecture (n): art and science of building
- Creative (adj.): characterized by originality of thought; having or showing imagination a creative mind
- Logic: study backed by reasoning
- Statistical (adj): collections of information
- Potential (adj): inner ability
- Quantitatively (adj): capable of being measured
- Solely (adverb): only, exclusively or merely
- Ashamed (adj): overcome with shame, guilt or remorse
- Acclaimed (v): approved, applauded
- Relative (adj.): having meaning or significance only in relation to something else; not absolute
- Standards (n): criteria; a level of quality used to judge or compare something else
- Attributed (v): to regard as belonging (to), produced (by), or resulting (from)
- Entity (n): something having real or distinct existence, existence or being
- Maturity (adj): to come to full development
- Mysterious (adj): impossible to understand
- Analogy (n): comparison done to show similarity
- Coherent (adj): logical, consistent, orderly
- Equated (v): to make or regard as equivalent or similar
- Melodrama (n): emotional drama
- Improvisational (adj): here, composing music with a play
- Queer (adj): differing from the normal or usual in a way regarded as odd or strange
- Cliches (n): phrases or idea used so often that has become stale
- Irrepressible (adj): uncontrollable
- Repercussion (n): consequences of an event
- Penchant (n): a strong inclination or liking
- Hallmark (n): mark used for marking the standard
- Gloss (n): bright appearance (fig: sometimes deceptive)
- Variance (n): difference, discrepancy
- Indispensable (adj): not dispensable, absolutely necessary
- Iconography(n): the imagery or symbolism of a work of art, an artist, or a body of art
- Harmonious (adj): fitting together well
- Replete (adj): holding much, filled with
- Dissonances (n): inconsistency or disagreement
- Inconsistencies (n): contradictions
- Convolutions (n): coil, twist
- Distinctive (adj.): making different, distinguishing from others
- Evolution (n): process of developing
- Landscape (n): inland scenery
- Simplification (n): the process of making something simpler
- Prevailing (adj.): generally accepted, widespread
- IPTA (abbrv.): Indian People’s Theatre Association
What is wrong with Indian Films Question Answers BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
Prose 5 – Acceptance Speech
- Majesties (n): sovereign powers, Maharajas
- Excellencies (n): a title of honor, Maharajas
- Permit (v): to grant permission, to allow
- Sentiments (n): thoughts, opinions, or attitudes based on people’s thoughts or feelings
- Democratic (adj): upholding or favoring democracy or the interests of the ordinary people
- Well-being (n): welfare
- Pursuits (n): employment, business
- Peace (n): a state of harmony among people or groups
- Eventual (adj): final
- Destitution (n): the state of being destitute, utter poverty
- Dishonored (n): loss of honor, respect or reputation
- Heeded (v): took notice of
- Incarcerated (v): imprisoned
- Plight (n): condition
- Underestimate (v): to estimate too low
- Worthy (adj): virtuous, valuable
- Compound (n): an enclosed area of land that is used for a particular purpose
- Emancipation (n): liberation, socially, politically and legally free
- Tyranny (n): cruel government, cruelty
- Subjection (n): control
- Appeals (n): a request for relief or aid
- Applaud (v): to praise
- Detention (n): check, the state of being kept in prison
- Endorse (v): to confirm, to express formal support for something
- Resolution (n): a formal expression of opinion by a meeting one agreed by a vote
- Unanimous (adj): agreeing to opinion
- Indifference (n): unconcern, lack of interest or concern
- Cynicism (n): surliness
- Encapsulates (v): to express or show something in a short way
- Striving (here, noun): one who makes a great effort to achieve something
Acceptance Speech Summary, Explanation, Difficult Words | BSEB Class 10 English Lesson 5
Acceptance Speech Question Answer BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
Prose 6 – Once Upon A Time
- Lore (n): wisdom, scholarship, learning knowledge
- Restless (adj): unable to stay still or quiet
- Soothing (adj): pacifying, quick, calm
- Culture (n): civilization
- Awe (n): overwhelming wonder, admiration
- Prophets (n): (in the Christian, Jewish and Muslim religions) a person who is sent by God to teach the people and give them messages from God
- Transgression (vt): to violate, to pass beyond limit, the violation of a law
- Clairvoyance (n): the faculty of seeing mentally what is happening, person having power of seeing in the mind either future events or things
- Fraud (n): a cheat
- Profound (adj.): intense or absolute
- Homeland (n): the country in which one lives or was born
- Stern (adj.): firm, strict, authoritarian
- Assertions (v): to insist upon like rights or claims
- Mockery (n): ridicule or contempt
- Parading (n): a visible show or display
- Reprimanded (v.t): to rebuke for a fault
- Discourse (n): a conversation
- Encounter (n): a meeting in conflict
- Frail (adj.): physically weak and delicate
- Latch (n): here, implying a closure, a shutting off of possibilities
- Miasma (n): unhealthy environment or influence
- Ruse (n): an action to mislead, deceive or trick
- Speculations (n): guessing possible answers or situations
- Signify (v): to show, suggest or imply
- Cider (n): a drink made from the fermented juice of apples
- Indistinguishable (adj.): identical or similar
- Shorelines (n): the edge of a body of water
- Wagon (n): any type of wheeled vehicle, here a wheeled bed
Once Upon A Time Summary, Explanation, Difficult Words | BSEB Class 10 English Lesson 6
Once Upon A Time Question Answer BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
Prose 7 – The Unity Of Indian Culture
- Invader (n): one who attacks or enters (a country) so as to occupy.
- Infusion (n): the act or process of infusing, the act of adding something to something else in order to make it stronger or more successful
- Barbarian (adj): rude, uncultured
- Astonish (v): to amaze, to surprise
- Cauldron (n): here, a situation or place where different races or ethnicities mix and interact, often resulting in a blending or merging of cultures and identities.
- Absorb (v): to incorporate
- Vanquish (v): to defeat, to conquer
- Bear (v): to support or hold up, here, can match up to
- Derivation (n): the source, origin, or descent of something
- Vitality (n): the power or the ability to continue to exist, grow
- Vicissitude (n): variation, changes
- Diversity (n): unlikeness, variety
- Strands (n): a set of or one of the individual fibers or threads of string, wire, etc, here the fabric of national life
- Wove (v): to make or construct by such a process
- Toleration (n): to not interfere with, or to recognize and respect (others’ beliefs, practices, etc.) without sharing them
- Fanatic (adj): unreasonably enthusiastic in religion
- Persecution (n): to drive away people because of their race, beliefs or religion
- Virtue (n): practice of moral excellence or righteousness
- Civilization (n): the total culture and way of life of a particular people, nation, region, or period
- Cultured (adj): refined in speech or behavior
- Fervent (adj): warm, zealous
- Universality (n): the state of quality of being universal
- Uniformity (n): a state or quality of being uniform
- Efflorescence (n): the peak or fulfillment, blooming
- Extensive (adj.): having a large extent, area, scope; widespread
- Continuity (n): logical sequence or connection
- Phenomenon (n): any remarkable occurrence or a person
- Permeated (v): to pass into or through and affect every part of
The Unity Of Indian Culture Summary, Explanation, Difficult Words | BSEB Class 10 English Lesson 7
The Unity Of Indian Culture Question Answer BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
Prose 8 – Little Girls Wiser Than Men
- Sledging (n): to ride on a sledge (an object for traveling over snow)
- Streams (n): a narrow moving mass of liquid
- Puddle (n): small shallow pool of liquid that had spread on the ground
- Finery (n): wearing impressive clothes and jewelry on special occasions.
- Splash (v): to hit or disturb water in a noisy way
- Scold (v): to speak angrily when someone does something wrong
- Frightened (adj.): terrified
- Scrambled (v): to move in a hurried way
- Howl: making long, loud cry expressing pain, anger or unhappiness
- Seized (v): to take hold of quickly, grab
- Quarrel (n): an angry disagreement, argument
- Blows (n): to hit with fist or weapon
- Chip (n): a small broken piece of something
- Channel (n): a navigable body of water
- Folly (n): foolish action, mistake
- Pacify (v): to restore peace, calm the anger
- Ashamed (adj.): overcome with shame, guilt
- Delighted (adj.): extremely pleased
- Lassies (n): a young woman, girl
Little Girls Wiser Than Men Summary, Explanation, Difficult Words | BSEB Class 10 English Lesson 8
Little Girls Wiser Than Men Question Answer BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
Poem 1 – God Made The Country
- Abound (v): to be in plenty
- Country (n): village
- Virtue (n): good moral conduct
- Draught (n): (metaphorically) hardships of life
- Grove (n): a small forest
- Threatened (adj.): to intimidate by threats
- Borne (v): carried, supported
- Chariots (n): carriages drawn by horse
- Contrives (v): to make something happen
- Fatigue (n): exhaustion
- Idleness (adj.): inactivity
- Sedans (n): a covered chair to carry one person on poles
- Ye (pronoun): you
- Console (v): comfort
- Pensive (adj.): sad
- Moonbeam (n): moonlight
- Warbling (n): sings softly
- Confound (v): to create confusion
- Thrush (n): a song bird
- Splendor (n): a magnificent appearance
- Eclipse (v): overshadow
God Made The Country Summary, Explanation, Difficult Words | BSEB Class 10 English Poem 1
God Made The Country Question Answers BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
Poem 2 – Ode On Solitude
- Paternal (adj): inherited from father
- Content (adj): satisfied
- Native air (n): air of one’s homeland
- Herds (n): cattle
- Attire (n): dress, clothing
- Flocks (n): a group of animals (such as birds or sheep) herded together
- Yield (v): to give or supply
- Unconcernedly (adv): in an untroubled manner or not in worried or anxious manner
- Blest (v): bless
- Recreation (n): entertainment
- Meditation (n): practice of thinking deeply in silence, contemplation
- Mixt (v): mix
- Unlamented (adj): unmourned, not very sad
- Unseen (adj): not observed or perceived, invisible
- Unknown (adj): not known, understood or recognized
- Lie (v): to bury, remain passively in a horizontal position
Ode On Solitude Summary, Explanation, Difficult Words | BSEB Class 10 English Poem 2
Ode On Solitude Question Answers BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
Poem 3 – Polythene Bag
- Dissolved (v): disappeared gradually, ceased to exist
- Crust (n): outer surface
- Squawky (adj): short and shrill
- Exudes (v): comes or passes out slowly
- Pungent (adj): poisonous
- Melts (v): becomes liquid through heating
- Grief (adj): deep sorrow
- Garbage (n): rubbish, waste things
- Bin (n): a large container for garbage
- Gaze (n): long and steady look
- Growing (v): developing, increasing in size
- Buried (v): placed under the earth
Polythene Bag Summary, Explanation, Difficult Words | BSEB Class 10 English Poem 3
Polythene Bag Question Answers BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
Poem 4 – Thinner Than A Crescent
- Carve (v): to make something by cutting it with knife, here, with her tears
- Brood (v): to continually think about something painful
- Confused (adj): puzzled, not able to understand properly
- Banish (v): to drive away, to expel
- Cease (v): to stop
- Madhava (n): another name for Lord Krishna, a central figure in Hindu mythology
- Crescent (n): the curved shape of the moon in its first phase
- O (n): used when talking to someone or something, or expressing something in an emotional or formal way
Thinner Than A Crescent Summary, Explanation, Difficult Words | BSEB Class 10 English Poem 4
Thinner Than A Crescent Question Answers BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
Poem 5 – The Empty Heart
- Yielding (n): to produce or provide
- Kalpaka (n): Possibly the Kalpavriksha tree here, a mythical tree mentioned in Indian scriptures that fulfills whatever the one sitting under it wishes for.
- Glisten (v): to shine
- Pitcher: a large clay container
- Brim (n): edge or lip of a vessel
- Sevenfold (adverb): by seven times
- Unkind (adj.): lacking kindness, unpleasant
- Vessels (n): utensils for holding something
- Demon (n): an evil spirit
- Shirk (v): to avoid doing one’s work or duty
- Wreck (n): a person who is in a bad physical or mental condition
- Conscience (n): the sense of right and wrong that governs a person’s thoughts and actions
- Anxious (adj.): worried or tense because of possible misfortune or danger
- Eager (adj.): feeling or showing keen desire
- Shamelessly (adj.): having no sense of shame
- Void (n): a large empty space, completely making devoid
- ‘Tis: it is
The Empty Heart Summary, Explanation, Difficult Words | BSEB Class 10 English Poem 5
The Empty Heart Question Answers BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
Poem 6 – Koel
- Lightning (n): flash of light
- Charred (adj): burnt and become black
- Concealed (v): to keep secret, to hide
- Pitched (n): the standard degree of acuteness of a sound that makes it a high note or low
- Strains (n): a melody
- Thy (pro): your
- Thou (pro): you
- Singed (v): sing
- Shed (v): to throw off
- Kindling (v): to set on fire
- Restless (adj.): unable to sit still
- Art (v): are
- Charred (adj.): burned and blackened
- Flaming (adj.): burning with or emitting flames
Koel Summary, Explanation, Difficult Words | BSEB Class 10 English Poem 6
Koel Question Answers BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
Poem 7 – The Sleeping Porter
- Spine (n): the back bone
- Naked (adj): unclothed, uncovered, nude
- Skeleton (n): the bony framework of the body
- Frail (adj): weak, infirm
- Frame (n): a structure, shape
- Uphill (adj): ascending
- Abode (n): a place in which one lives, one’s home
- Sour (adj.): having an unpleasant or foul smell
- Sulphur-like (adj.): a scent resembling that of sulfur or sulfur compounds. This smell is often described as similar to rotten eggs, burnt matches, or sewage.
- Sweat (n): perspiration
- Stain (n): mark
- Fleas (n): a kind of small jumping insect
- Lice (n): pl. of louse, a parasitic insect
- Stout (adj): strong, brave
- Cliff (n): a high area of land with a steep side
- Twittering (adj/n): uttering interrupted sound
- Panting (n): gasping
- Woe (n): grief, sorrow
- Nettle (n): stinging plant
- Vines (n): the creeper which bears grapes
- Conqueror (n): one who conquers, a victor
- Clad (adj): clothed, here, covered
- Studded (v): p.t. of stud adorned with studs
- Lid (n): the cover for the top of something, here, the darkness of the night is like a cover
- Slumber (n): a short sleep
The Sleeping Porter Summary, Explanation, Difficult Words | BSEB Class 10 English Poem 7
The Sleeping Porter Question Answers BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
Poem 8 – Martha
- Hazel (adj): greenish brown
- Glen (n): deep narrow valley in mountains
- Tranquil (adj): calm and peaceful
- Slim (adj): attractively thin and well shaped
- Clasped (v): to hold tightly in arms or hands
- Stared (v): to look at someone for long time
- Grave (adj): person is quite serious in appearance or behavior
- Fairies (n): imaginary creature with magical power
- Gnomes (n): dwarflike beings, supposed to dwell in the earth and guard its treasures
- Fade (v): to lose freshness or youth
- Fordone (v): to destroy or exhaust
- Hush (n): place where things are quiet and peaceful or suddenly becomes quite and peaceful
- Martha Summary, Explanation, Difficult Words | BSEB Class 10 English Poem 8
- Martha Question Answers BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
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- Poetic Devices in BSEB Class 10 Poems