Thinner Than A Crescent Summary


Bihar Board Class 10 English Thinner Than A Crescent Summary, Lesson Explanation with difficult word meanings and Question Answer from Panorama-II Book


Thinner Than A Crescent– Are you looking for Summary and Lesson Explanation for Bihar Board Class 10 English Poem 4 Thinner Than A Crescent from Panorama-II Book. Get notes, summary of the Lesson followed by line by line explanation of the lesson along with the meanings of difficult words and Question and Answers.



Thinner Than A Crescent Bihar Board Class 10 English 



Thinner Than A Crescent Introduction

“Thinner Than A Crescent” by Vidyapati is a poem about the sadness and longing of Radha, a central figure in Indian mythology known for her love for Lord Krishna. It begins by describing how Radha’s tears are so many that they seem to form a river. She sits by this river, feeling hurt and confused. When people talk to her, she does not answer directly because she is so lost in her thoughts and emotions. Her friends hope that she will be happy again someday, but sometimes they lose hope and stop trying to cheer her up. The poem then calls out to Madhava, another name for Lord Krishna, asking for his help. It ends by saying that Radha is becoming weaker and thinner each day, even thinner than the slim crescent moon in the sky. The poem paints a vivid picture of Radha’s sorrow and her longing for Krishna.




Theme of the Lesson Thinner Than A Crescent 

The theme of ‘Thinner Than A Crescent’ revolves around the deep sorrow and longing experienced by Radha because of her separation from Lord Krishna. It emphasizes her intense emotional pain, confusion, and the hope her friends have for her happiness, even though they sometimes feel hopeless themselves. The poem also highlights the devotion and love Radha has for Krishna, showing how it affects her both emotionally and physically. It primarily focuses on themes of love, devotion, despair, and the yearning for reunion with a beloved.




Thinner Than A Crescent Summary

The poem “Thinner Than A Crescent” by Vidyapati is about Radha, who is very sad and heartbroken because she is separated from her beloved, Lord Krishna. Her sadness is so intense that it feels like her tears could create a river. Radha sits by this river, feeling deeply hurt and confused about her situation. She is so lost in her thoughts and emotions that when people try to talk to her, she does not even respond directly and instead talks about other things, showing how distracted and troubled she is. Radha’s friends are worried about her. They hope that one day she will be happy again and return to her joyful self. However, they sometimes lose hope because they see how deeply affected she is and feel powerless to help her. This mix of hope and despair shows how difficult it is for them to see Radha in such pain. The poem then turns to a plea for help. It calls out to Madhava, another name for Lord Krishna, asking him to come and help Radha. The speaker describes how Radha is getting weaker and thinner every day due to her sorrow. She is compared to the crescent moon in the sky, which is thin and delicate, to emphasize how fragile she has become.




Thinner Than A Crescent Summary in Hindi

विद्यापति की कविता “थिनर दैन ए क्रिसेंट” राधा के बारे में है, जो अपने प्रिय भगवान कृष्ण से अलग होने के कारण बहुत दुखी है और टूट गई है। उसका दुःख इतना गहरा है कि ऐसा लगता है जैसे उसके आँसू एक नदी बना सकते हैं। राधा इस नदी के किनारे बैठती है, अपनी स्थिति के बारे में बहुत आहत और भ्रमित महसूस करती है। वह अपने विचारों और भावनाओं में इतनी खोई हुई है कि जब लोग उससे बात करने की कोशिश करते हैं, तो वह सीधे जवाब भी नहीं देती और इसके बजाय अन्य चीजों के बारे में बात करती है, जिससे पता चलता है कि वह कितनी विचलित और परेशान है। राधा की सहेलियाँ उसके बारे में चिंतित हैं। उन्हें उम्मीद है कि एक दिन वह फिर से खुश होगी और अपने आनंदमय स्वरूप में लौट आएगी। हालाँकि, वे कभी-कभी उम्मीद खो देते हैं क्योंकि वे देखते हैं कि वह कितनी गहराई से प्रभावित है और उसकी मदद करने में असमर्थ महसूस करते हैं। आशा और निराशा का यह मिश्रण दिखाता है कि राधा को ऐसे दर्द में देखना उनके लिए कितना मुश्किल है। फिर कविता मदद की गुहार में बदल जाती है। यह भगवान कृष्ण के दूसरे नाम माधव को पुकारता है और उनसे राधा की मदद करने के लिए कहता है। वक्ता वर्णन करता है कि कैसे राधा अपने दुःख के कारण दिन-ब-दिन कमजोर और पतली होती जा रही है। उसकी तुलना आकाश में अर्धचंद्र से की जाती है, जो पतला और नाजुक है, यह इस बात पर जोर देने के लिए कि वह कितनी नाजुक हो गई है।




Thinner Than A Crescent Lesson Explanation



Her tears carved a river

And she broods on its bank

Hurt and confused.


Word Meanings:

carve (v): to make something by cutting it with knife, here, with her tears

brood (v): to continually think about something painful

confused (adj): puzzled, not able to understand properly


Explanation: The poem begins with the poet describing how Radha is feeling very sad. She has cried so much that it seems like her tears could create a river. She sits by this imaginary river, thinking deeply about her troubles. She feels hurt and does not understand why things are the way they are, which makes her feel confused. This imagery of Radha shows just how strong and overwhelming her sadness is.



You ask her one thing,

She speaks of another.

Her friends believe

That joy many come again

At times they banish hope

and cease to case.


Word Meanings:

banish (v): to drive away, to expel

cease (v): to stop


Explanation: When people try to talk to Radha, they ask her a question, but she does not answer directly and talks about something else instead. This shows how distracted and troubled she is by her emotions. Her friends still believe that one day she might find happiness again and return to her old self. However, there are times when even her friends lose hope and feel like giving up because they see that she is deeply affected and they feel helpless in making her feel better. A mix of hope and despair that her friends experience as they try to support her is highlighted here. 



O Madhava

I have run to call you:

Radha each day

grows thinner

Thinner than the crescent in the sky


Word Meanings:

Madhava (n): another name for Lord Krishna, a central figure in Hindu mythology

crescent (n): the curved shape of the moon in its first phase

O (n): used when talking to someone or something, or expressing something in an emotional or formal way


Explanation: The poet here is calling out to Madhava, which is another name for Lord Krishna. The speaker is urgently asking Krishna to come because Radha, who loves him deeply, is suffering. Each day, Radha is becoming weaker and thinner because of her sadness and longing for Krishna. She is so weak now that she is compared to the thin crescent moon in the sky, which shows just how delicate and fragile she has become. The deep love and devotion Radha has for Krishna and how much their separation is affecting her is conveyed by the poet here. 




BSEB Class 10 English Poem 4 Thinner Than A Crescent Figures of Speech


  1. Metaphor: It is a figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between objects that are different in nature.
  • “Her tears carved a river”: This metaphor compares Radha’s tears to a river, emphasizing the abundance and flow of her tears.


  1. Imagery:  Imagery is used to make readers perceive things involving their five senses. 
  • “Thinner than the crescent in the sky”: The imagery of the crescent moon emphasizes Radha’s frailty and delicacy, highlighting her declining physical state.


  1. Hyperbole: Hyperbole is a literary device used to draw emphasis through extreme exaggeration, with examples in film and literature.
  • “Thinner than the crescent in the sky”: This hyperbolic comparison exaggerates Radha’s physical condition, emphasizing her extreme frailty and thinness.


  1. Repetition: It is a literary device in which a word or phrase is used multiple times to create rhythm or emphasize a word or phrase. 
  • The repetition of the phrase “Thinner ” in the last line emphasizes Radha’s diminishing state and adds rhythmic emphasis to the description.


  1. Apostrophe: It is a literary device writers use to address someone or something that is not physically present. 
  • “O Madhava”: The speaker directly addresses Madhava (Lord Krishna) in an apostrophe, calling out to him for help or intervention.


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BSEB Class 10 English Summary, Explanation Notes, Difficult words



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