Koel Summary


Bihar Board Class 10 English Koel Summary, Lesson Explanation with difficult word meanings from Panorama-II Book


Koel– Are you looking for Summary and Lesson Explanation for Bihar Board Class 10 English Poem 6 Koel from Panorama-II Book. Get notes, summary of the Lesson followed by line by line explanation of the lesson along with the meanings of difficult words.




Koel Bihar Board Class 10 English 

Puran Singh


Koel Introduction

The poem “Koel” by Puran Singh tells us about how the koel, a type of cuckoo bird known for its melodious call, hides among the mango leaves. Its high-pitched song awakens deep and powerful memories within the poet. The poet wonders why the koel seems both fresh and charred, asking what kind of lightning or fire has affected the bird. The song of the koel is described as spark-shedding, creating an image of roses on fire and burning mango trees, which symbolizes the intense emotions the song evokes. The koel responds explaining that the fire of love has charred its wings, making it restless and eager to find its beloved. The sight of the blossoming mangoes increases the bird’s longing, making its heart burn brighter in the lush, green garden. The koel’s soul asks where its beloved is, asking the still leaves to speak and reveal the beloved’s location. The poet shows the deep feeling of longing and the strong effect love has on the soul, using the simple yet meaningful metaphor of a bird’s song.


Theme of the Poem Koel 

The theme of “Koel” by Puran Singh revolves around the power of love and longing. The koel’s song symbolizes deep emotional yearning and the vivid memories it evokes. Through the imagery of burning nature and restless searching, the poem explores how love can both torment and renew one’s soul. The koel’s transformation through the fire of love highlights the transformative impact of these emotions, reflecting the inner feeling of longing, memory, and emotional fulfillment.


Koel Summary

The poem “Koel” by Puran Singh talks about the deep emotions and powerful effect of a koel bird’s song. The poet starts by talking to the koel, a bird known for its beautiful call, which is hiding in the mango leaves. The koel’s song brings back many memories for the poet, making him wonder about what has happened to the bird. The poet asks what kind of lightning or fire has touched the koel, making it seem both fresh and burnt. This means the bird has gone through something very intense and transformative. The koel’s high-pitched song is described as restless and full of sparks, as if it could start fires. The poet imagines the environment reacting strongly to the koel’s song, with roses and mango tree shades seeming to catch fire implying how powerful the bird’s song is. The koel then explains that its wings have been burnt by the fire of love. This love has both hurt and renewed the bird, making it restless as it looks for its beloved. Seeing the blooming mango trees makes the koel’s longing even stronger, making its heart burn brighter in the green garden. The koel’s soul is described as flaming, always asking, “Where is my beloved?” showing the bird’s deep longing and desire to be with its beloved. The poem ends with the koel asking the still leaves to speak, showing its impatience and longing for an answer. 


Koel Summary in Hindi

पूरन सिंह की कविता “कोयल” कोयल पक्षी के गीत की गहरी भावनाओं और शक्तिशाली प्रभाव के बारे में बात करती है। कवि कोयल से बात करके शुरुआत करता है, एक पक्षी जो अपनी सुंदर आवाज़ के लिए जाना जाता है, जो आम के पत्तों में छिपा रहता है। कोयल का गीत कवि के लिए कई यादें ताजा कर देता है, जिससे वह आश्चर्यचकित हो जाता है कि पक्षी को क्या हुआ है। कवि पूछता है कि किस प्रकार की बिजली या आग ने कोयल को छू लिया है, जिससे वह ताजा और जली हुई दोनों प्रतीत हो रही है। इसका मतलब यह है कि पक्षी बहुत गहन और परिवर्तनकारी किसी चीज़ से गुज़रा है। कोयल के ऊंचे स्वर वाले गीत को बेचैन करने वाला और चिंगारी से भरा बताया गया है, मानो यह आग भड़का सकता है। कवि कल्पना करता है कि वातावरण कोयल के गाने पर तीव्र प्रतिक्रिया कर रहा है, जिसमें गुलाब और आम के पेड़ों की छटाएं आग पकड़ती दिख रही हैं, जिससे पता चलता है कि पक्षी का गाना कितना शक्तिशाली है। तब कोयल बताती है कि उसके पंख प्रेम की आग से जल गए हैं। इस प्रेम ने पक्षी को चोट भी पहुंचाई है और नवीनीकृत भी किया है, जिससे वह बेचैन हो गई है क्योंकि वह अपने प्रिय की तलाश कर रही है। आम के पेड़ों पर फूल खिलते हुए देखने से कोयल की लालसा और भी प्रबल हो जाती है, हरे-भरे बगीचे में उसका दिल और भी तेज़ हो जाता है। कोयल की आत्मा को ज्वलनशील बताया गया है, जो हमेशा पूछती रहती है, “मेरा प्रिय कहाँ है?” पक्षी की अपने प्रिय के साथ रहने की गहरी लालसा और इच्छा को दर्शाता है। कविता का अंत कोयल द्वारा शांत पत्तों से बोलने के लिए कहने के साथ होता है, जो उसकी अधीरता और उत्तर की लालसा को दर्शाता है।


Koel Poem Explanation



Koel! what lightning fell? What singed by wings? 

What keeps thee fresh, yet charred? 

Concealed in the mango-leaves, thou singest!

Thy high-pitched strains wake in my soul a 

thousand memories!


Word Meanings:

lightning (n):  flash of light

Charred (adj): burnt and become black

concealed (v): to keep secret, to hide

pitched (n): the standard degree of acuteness of a sound that makes it a high note or low

strains (n): a melody

thy (pro): your

thou (pro): you

singed (v): sing


Explanation: The poet begins by mentioning the koel bird, known for its melodious song. The poet wonders what caused the bird’s current state of being – both fresh and charred. This imagery suggests that the bird has undergone some intense experience or transformation, perhaps like being struck by lightning. Despite this, the bird continues to sing from within the mango leaves, its song bringing up many memories for the poet. The poet is awed at the mysterious nature of the koel’s song and its ability to bring about deep emotions and memories for individuals and the poet.



Why so restless that thy spark-shedding notes

go forth kindling fire? 

Lo! The roses are on fire which winds and 

waters catch!

The shades of mangoes burn!

What a rain of sparks art thou, O little bird!

Koel! what lightning fell? What singed thy wings?


Word Meanings:

shed (v): to throw off

kindling (v): to set on fire

Restless (adj.): unable to sit still


Explanation: The poet wonders why the koel bird’s song is so restless and intense, as if it is  shedding sparks that ignite fires. The poet compares the effect of the bird’s song to setting roses on fire, which even winds and waters cannot put out. The poet also mentions that the shades of mango trees seem to burn because of the koel’s song, suggesting that the koel’s song has a powerful and fiery impact on its surroundings. The poet continues to question what event or experience caused the koel’s wings to be singed, stating the intensity and transformative nature of the bird’s song.



The fire of love has charred my wings and 

made me anew

I am restless! Where is my Beloved?

The sight of mango-blossoms fires me all the more!

The greener the garden, the brighter burns my heart!

My flaming soul asks, “Where? Where is 

my Beloved?”

“Speak! speak! why are thy leave so still?” 


Word Meanings:

art (v): are

Charred (adj.): burned and blackened

Flaming (adj.): burning with or emitting flames


Explanation: The koel bird expresses how the fire of love has burned and transformed it. Despite this, the koel feels restless and longs to find its beloved. The sight of blooming mango trees increases its longing even more. The greener and more vibrant the garden is, the stronger the koel’s feelings become. The koel’s soul burns with passion, constantly asking where its beloved is. The koel urges the still leaves to speak, showing its impatience and desperate longing for an answer. 


BSEB Class 10 English Poem 6 Koel Figures of Speech


  1. Metaphor:  It is a figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between objects that are different in nature.
  • “What lightning fell? What singed thy wings?”-  Lightning is used metaphorically to suggest a sudden and intense experience or transformation.
  • “The fire of love has charred my wings”-  Love is metaphorically compared to fire, representing its intense and transformative nature.


  1. Imagery: Imagery is used to make readers perceive things involving their five senses. 
  • “Concealed in the mango-leaves”- This creates a vivid image of the bird hidden among the foliage.
  • “The shades of mangoes burn!”- Evokes the image of mango tree shades appearing to catch fire due to the intensity of the bird’s song.


  1. Hyperbole: Hyperbole is a literary device used to draw emphasis through extreme exaggeration, with examples in film and literature.
  • “Thy high-pitched strains wake in my soul a thousand memories!”- Exaggerates the impact of the bird’s song on the poet’s memories, emphasizing its evocative power.


4.Simile: It is a literary device that compares two unlike or different things. 

  • “What a rain of sparks art thou, O little bird!”- The bird’s song is compared to a rain of sparks, emphasizing its intense and fiery nature.


  1. Personification: Personification is the representation of an abstract quality or idea in the form of a person, creature, etc., as in art and literature.
  • “The fire of love has charred my wings”- Love is personified as a force capable of charring the bird’s wings.
  • “why are thy leave so still?”- Leaves are personified as if they have the ability to speak or move.