Bihar Board Class 10 English Polythene Bag Summary, Lesson Explanation with difficult word meanings from Panorama-II Book
Polythene Bag – Are you looking for Summary and Lesson Explanation for Bihar Board Class 10 English Poem 3 Polythene Bag from Panorama-II Book. Get notes, summary of the Lesson followed by line by line explanation of the lesson along with the meanings of difficult words and Question and Answers.
- Polythene Bag Introduction
- Theme of the Poem Polythene Bag
- Polythene Bag Summary
- Polythene Bag Summary in Hindi
- Polythene Bag Poem Explanation
- Polythene Bag Figures of Speech
- Polythene Bag Question Answer BSEB Class 10 English Panorama-II Book
Polythene Bag Bihar Board Class 10 English
Durga Prasad Panda
Polythene Bag Introduction
“Polythene Bag” by Durga Prasad Panda is a poem comparing the experience of hurt to the durable nature of a polythene bag. Hurt, like the plastic bag or any non-biodegradable material, does not dissolve easily and affects us in different ways. It squeaks when touched, emits a pungent smell when burnt, and pollutes our emotional environment if left unattended. Despite this, warmth and compassion can soften hurt temporarily, though there is often the presence of unresolved emotions. However, the poem suggests that hurt remains hidden, like germs in a garbage bin, and continues to affect us. Even though we may try to bury it, the pain caused by hurt resurfaces repeatedly. The poem also talks about the enduring and durable nature of hurt and the challenges of healing.
Theme of the Lesson Polythene Bag
The theme of ‘Polythene Bag’ revolves around the lasting impact of emotional pain, the hidden nature of hurt, the complexity of our emotional experiences, the potential for healing from the hurt, and the cyclical nature of emotional distress. The poem talks about how emotional pain, like a plastic bag, sticks around for a long time and affects us deeply. It explores how this pain is often hidden from others, yet it continues to hurt us from within. The poem shows that emotional pain can be complicated, but there is hope for healing through kindness and understanding. However, the pain and hurt often comes back repeatedly, creating a cycle of suffering.
Polythene Bag Summary
The poem “Polythene Bag” by Durga Prasad Panda, compares emotional hurt to a polythene bag. He explains how hurt, like a plastic bag, remains unchanged and affects us even when we try to ignore it. The poem depicts how hurt makes a squeaky noise when touched, emits a pungent smell when confronted, and pollutes our emotional environment if left unattended. Despite this, the poet suggests that acts of kindness and warmth can temporarily soothe the pain. However, the underlying hurt continues to linger, hidden away like germs in a garbage bin. The poem also explains the recurring nature of emotional pain, emphasizing the need for acknowledgment and healing. The poem shows that hurt is something we all deal with, and while it may seem like it never goes away, there’s still hope for healing through understanding and compassion. The poem offers us a reflection on the complex nature of human emotions and the challenges of dealing with hurt in our lives.
Polythene Bag Summary in Hindi
“पॉलीथीन बैग” कविता में कवि दुर्गा प्रसाद पांडा ने भावनात्मक चोट की तुलना पॉलिथीन बैग से की है। वह बताते हैं कि चोट, प्लास्टिक की थैली की तरह, अपरिवर्तित रहती है और हमें तब भी प्रभावित करती है जब हम इसे नज़रअंदाज करने की कोशिश करते हैं। कविता में दर्शाया गया है कि चोट लगने पर किस तरह से कर्कश आवाज आती है, सामना करने पर तीखी गंध आती है और अगर ध्यान न दिया जाए तो यह हमारे भावनात्मक वातावरण को प्रदूषित कर देती है। इसके बावजूद, कवि का सुझाव है कि दयालुता और गर्मजोशी के कार्य अस्थायी रूप से दर्द को शांत कर सकते हैं। हालाँकि, अंतर्निहित चोट कूड़ेदान में कीटाणुओं की तरह छुपी हुई बनी रहती है। कविता भावनात्मक दर्द की आवर्ती प्रकृति को भी समझाती है, स्वीकृति और उपचार की आवश्यकता पर जोर देती है। कविता दर्शाती है कि चोट एक ऐसी चीज़ है जिससे हम सभी निपटते हैं, और हालांकि ऐसा लग सकता है कि यह कभी दूर नहीं जाती, फिर भी समझ और करुणा के माध्यम से ठीक होने की उम्मीद है। कविता हमें मानवीय भावनाओं की जटिल प्रकृति और हमारे जीवन में चोट से निपटने की चुनौतियों पर एक प्रतिबिंब प्रस्तुत करती है।
Polythene Bag Lesson Explanation
‘Hurt’ is such a strange polythene bag
which never gets
dissolved into the earth’s crust
Word Meanings:
dissolved (v): disappeared gradually, ceased to exist
crust (n): outer surface
Explanation: The poet begins by comparing emotional hurt to a plastic bag. Just like the quality of plastic bags which is non-biodegradable, they do not easily disappear into the ground, emotional hurt also stays with us for a long time. It is something that sticks around, even though we might want it to go away. This comparison helps us understand that hurt can have a lasting impact on us, just like how plastic generates pollution and affects the environment.
When touched it makes a squeaky noise,
when burnt it exudes a pungent smell,
when left to itself
it pollutes the environment.
Word Meanings:
squawky (adj): short and shrill
exudes (v): comes or passes out slowly
pungent (adj): poisonous
Explanation: What happens when we encounter emotional hurt is discussed here. When we touch “it” that is hurt, it produces a squeaky noise, which means that there is discomfort or pain. If we try to ignore it and leave it alone, it becomes similar to something burning, giving off a strong and unpleasant smell. And just like how a plastic bag left in the environment can pollute it, emotional hurt can affect our emotional state and the people around us if we do not deal with it properly and let it fester over time. Hurt can have different effects on us and those around us, depending on how we handle it.
Just like the polyethene bag
his ‘hurt’ too melts down
with a little touch of warmth.
Word Meanings:
melts (v): becomes liquid through heating
Explanation: Hurt, just like a polythene bag, can soften or diminish when it encounters warmth or kindness. Just as a plastic bag can soften when exposed to warmth, emotional hurt can also become less intense or painful when someone shows us kindness or understanding. This imagery highlights the idea that simple acts of warmth or compassion from others can help lessen our emotional pain and make us feel better, even if just for a little while. It emphasizes the power of empathy and connection in healing emotional wounds.
But deep inside the grief’s garbage bin
far away from everyone’s gaze
the germs of the disease
keep on growing.
Word Meanings:
grief (adj): deep sorrow
garbage (n): rubbish, waste things
bin (n): a large container for garbage
gaze (n): long and steady look
growing (v): developing, increasing in size
Explanation: Hurt, despite the warmth provided, still continues to reside within us. The poet describes the feeling as being deep inside a garbage bin of grief, hidden from everyone’s view. Just like germs in a dirty bin, the poet suggests that the negative feelings associated with hurt continue to grow and fester within us, even if we try to ignore them or keep them hidden. This emphasizes the idea that unresolved emotional pain and hurt can have harmful effects on our well-being, much like how germs can spread and cause illness if left unchecked. It states the importance of acknowledging and addressing our hurt in order to prevent further emotional distress.
The polythene bag
remains buried within
Only the pain caused by the ‘hurt’
keeps coming back
again and again
Word Meanings:
buried (v): placed under the earth
Explanation: The poet reflects on how hurt persists within us, much like a buried polythene bag. Despite our attempts to bury or suppress it, the pain caused by the hurt continues to resurface repeatedly. This repetition emphasizes the enduring and lasting nature of emotional pain and the difficulty of escaping its effects. While we may try to move on from our hurtful experiences, the pain caused keeps on returning, creating a cycle of suffering. This shows us the ongoing struggle to deal with and overcome emotional wounds, emphasizing the poem’s theme of the lasting impact of hurt on our lives.
BSEB Class 10 English Poem 3 Polythene Bag Figures of Speech
- Metaphor: It is a figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between objects that are different in nature.
- The entire poem is an extended metaphor, comparing emotional hurt to a polythene bag. This metaphor runs throughout the poem, with various aspects of a polythene bag representing different characteristics of emotional hurt, such as
- “‘Hurt’ is such a strange polythene bag”- In this metaphor, emotional hurt is directly compared to a polythene bag, suggesting that both are enduring and persistent.
- “Just like the polyethene bag, his ‘hurt’ too melts down, with a little touch of warmth.”- Emotional hurt is metaphorically compared to a polythene bag melting down with warmth, implying that hurt can soften or diminish when met with kindness or empathy.
- Personification: Personification is the representation of an abstract quality or idea in the form of a person, creature, etc., as in art and literature.
- “the germs of the disease keep on growing” – Here, the poet personifies the germs of the disease, attributing them with the human-like quality of growth.
- Imagery: Imagery is used to make readers perceive things involving their five senses.
- “When touched it makes a squeaky noise” – This line creates auditory imagery, evoking the sound of a squeaky noise.
- “when burnt it exudes a pungent smell” – This line creates olfactory imagery, evoking the smell of something pungent.
- “the germs of the disease keep on growing” – This line creates visual imagery, suggesting the image of germs multiplying and spreading.
- Symbolism: It is the use of an object, person, situation or word to represent something else, like an idea, in literature.
- “the germs of the disease” – This symbolizes the negative emotions or consequences that arise from unresolved emotional hurt.
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