Marking Scheme for Class 10, 12 Board Exams 2024 for Theory and Practical exam
New Delhi: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the marking scheme for Class 10 and 12 board exams 2024 for both theory and practical exams. As per marking scheme released by the board, the maximum marks allotted to each subject is 100. The marks are distributed among theory, practical, project and internal assessment components.
The marking scheme has been released to aid and assist the schools in smooth conduct of these practical/project/internal assessments and conduct of theory examinations. The marking scheme has been given for 83 subjects for class 10 and 121 subjects for class 12.
See Video: Marking Scheme for CBSE Class 10 2023-24 Board Exams
For Class 10 internal assessments for subjects like Science, Maths, Hindi, Social Science, and English carry 20 marks and subjects such as Music, Painting, Computer, Retail, Information Technology, Security, Introduction to Financial markets, Healthcare, Multimedia etc is 50
For Class 12 practical exams for subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Psychology and Physical Education among others carry 30 marks and for subjects such as Painting, Graphics, Sculpture, Commercial art, Dance, Home Science among others is 50.
In line with the New Education Policy (NEP) 2020, CBSE has also introduced major changes in the exam pattern of class 10 and 12 Board Exam 2024. As per the new pattern, in Class 10, there will be 50 per cent competency or case-based and other type of questions, 20 percent of questions will be response type, 20 percent MCQ questions, and 30 per cent constructed response questions (short answer/long answer type questions) where as in class 12, 40 percent of questions will be competency or case-based and other types, 20 percent will be response type, 20 percent MCQ questions, and 40 per cent will be constructed response questions (short answer/long answer type questions). Candidates will get three hours to write answers to 15 to 35 questions.
The theory exams for Class 10 and 12 are scheduled to commence on February 15, 2024, while the practical exams will commence on January 01, 2024.
To check the CBSE Class 10, 12 Marking Scheme Click Here