Mystery of the Talking Fan Summary


CBSE Class 7 English Poem 6 Mystery of the Talking Fan Summary, Explanation along with Difficult Word Meanings from Honeycomb Book


Mystery of the Talking Fan – Here is the Class 7 English Honeycomb Book Poem 6 Mystery of the Talking Fan Summary and Detailed explanation of the Poem along with meanings of difficult words. Take Free Online MCQs Test for Class 7 Click Here


Mystery of the Talking Fan Introduction

The poem is about the electrical noises that make the poet think that he has a talking fan.

Mystery of the Talking Fan Class 7 Video Explanation

Mystery of the Talking Fan Summary

The poem tells us that once upon a time, the poet had a talking fan, which used to give an electrical chatter. The poet couldn’t hear what the talking fan would say, and she wrote that she hoped that the electrical chatter was meaningless in context. This is because one day someone came and oiled the fan so that it couldn’t make its chatter-like noise, and since then there had been no mysterious noises from it, no mystery behind its chatter as it worked as noiseless or as still as stagnant water.

Mystery of the Talking Fan Summary in Hindi

कविता हमें बताती है कि एक समय की बात है, कवि के पास एक बोलने वाला पंखा था, जो बिजली की आवाज़ देता था। कवयित्री यह नहीं सुन सकी कि बात करने वाला पंखा क्या कहेगा, और उसने लिखा कि उसे आशा है कि बिजली की बकवास संदर्भ में अर्थहीन थी। इसका कारण यह है कि एक दिन कोई आया और उसने पंखे में तेल लगा दिया ताकि वह चट-चड़ की आवाज न कर सके, और तब से उसमें से कोई रहस्यमयी आवाज नहीं आई, इसकी बकबक के पीछे कोई रहस्य नहीं है क्योंकि यह नीरव या स्थिर पानी की तरह काम करता है।

Mystery of the Talking Fan Explanation

Mystery of the Talking FanPoem

Once there was a talking fan —
Electrical his chatter.
I couldn’t quite hear what he said
And I hope it doesn’t matter
Because one day somebody oiled
His little whirling motor
And all the mystery was spoiled —
He ran as still as water. 

Word Meaning
chatter: gossip, informal talk
whirling: characterized by rapid movement round and round.
motor: engine

Explanation of the Poem – Once upon a time, the poet Maude Rubin had an electrical fan. It might have been old, as it wasn’t properly oiled. Due to that, the electrical fan made mysterious electric noises. The poet, who might have been young at that time, thought that the noises meant that the electrical fan was talking, which is why she has referred to it as a ‘talking fan’ in her poem. She writes that the talking fan’s chatter was electrical, which indicates that there was something stuck in the motor which made noises issued from the machine. The poet thought the noises to be mysterious and would try to find out what the fan meant to say. However, she couldn’t do so, which is why she says that she hopes that the noises didn’t matter. She hopes for such a thing because she regrets not being able to solve the mystery of the talking fan. The poet says that one day, someone oiled the fast and circular moving motor so that the machine would work noiselessly. Ever since then, no noise had been produced by the mysterious talking fan, which ended or spoiled its mystery before it was complete. It then worked as noiselessly as stagnant or still water.

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