The Chair Summary and Explanation

CBSE Class 6 English Unit 2 Friendship Chapter 3 The Chair Summary, Explanation along with Difficult Word Meanings from Poorvi Book

The Chair Summary– Are you looking for the summary, theme and lesson explanation for CBSE Class 6 English Unit 2 Friendship Chapter 3 The Chair from English Poorvi Book. Get Lesson summary, theme, explanation along with difficult word meanings





CBSE Class 6 English Unit 2 Friendship Chapter 3 – The Chair

The Chair Introduction

The chair is the story of a young boy named Mario who is friendly in nature and claims to have several friends. Read the story to find out how his grandfather helps Mario realize who his ‘true friends’ are.


The Chair Summary

Mario is a young boy who is friendly in nature and claims that he has several friends at school. However, his grandfather thinks the opposite and so, he offers a bet of fruit chaat to prove if they are his true friends or only his partners.
Grandfather gets a special invisible chair from the store room and asks Mario to take it to school. Mario is advised to sit carefully on the chair because it is a tricky one. If he succeeds to sit on it, then he would see the magic happen.
The next morning, during the lunch break at school, Mario does as instructed by his grandfather. He makes several attempts to sit on the chair but he fails and falls on to the floor because it is not visible. All his classmates find this amusing and enjoy.

Mario keeps on trying and is amazed when he realizes that this time he is hanging mid-air. He is surprised to see three of his friends – Guneet, Asma and Deepa who are holding him and preventing him from falling. Many other students whom Mario had thought to be his true friends were still laughing and enjoying his falls. Thus, with the grandfather’s guidance, Mario was able to identify true friends – those who held him and prevented him from falling. 

Mario told the three of them about grandfather’s trick. In the evening the four friends met grandfather. They enjoyed the fruit chaat as Mario had won the bet. They also enjoyed grandfather’s stories. The magic chair test became a custom to identify true friends and those who passed became friends forever. 


Summary of the lesson The Chair in Hindi


मारियो एक युवा लड़का है जो स्वभाव से मिलनसार है और दावा करता है कि स्कूल में उसके कई दोस्त हैं। हालाँकि, उसके दादाजी इसके विपरीत सोचते हैं और इसलिए, वे यह साबित करने के लिए कि वे उसके सच्चे दोस्त हैं या केवल उसके साथी हैं, फ्रूट चाट की शर्त लगाते हैं।
दादाजी स्टोर रूम से एक विशेष अदृश्य कुर्सी लेते हैं और मारियो से उसे स्कूल ले जाने के लिए कहते हैं। मारियो को कुर्सी पर सावधानी से बैठने की सलाह दी जाती है क्योंकि यह एक मुश्किल काम है। अगर वह इस पर बैठने में सफल हो जाता है, तो वह जादू होते हुए देखेगा। अगली सुबह, स्कूल में लंच ब्रेक के दौरान, मारियो अपने दादाजी के निर्देशानुसार करता है। वह कुर्सी पर बैठने की कई कोशिश करता है लेकिन वह असफल हो जाता है और फर्श पर गिर जाता है क्योंकि यह दिखाई नहीं देती है। उसके सभी सहपाठियों को यह मज़ेदार लगता है और वे इसका आनंद लेते हैं।
मारियो कोशिश करता रहता है और जब उसे पता चलता है कि इस बार वह हवा में लटका हुआ है तो वह हैरान रह जाता है। वह अपने तीन दोस्तों – गुनीत, अस्मा और दीपा को देखकर हैरान हो जाता है जो उसे पकड़ रहे हैं और उसे गिरने से रोक रहे हैं। कई अन्य छात्र जिन्हें मारियो ने अपना सच्चा दोस्त समझा था, वे अभी भी हँस रहे थे और उसके गिरने का आनंद ले रहे थे। इस प्रकार, दादाजी के मार्गदर्शन से, मारियो सच्चे दोस्तों की पहचान करने में सक्षम हो गया – जो उसे थामे रखते थे और उसे गिरने से बचाते थे। मारियो ने उन तीनों को दादाजी की चाल के बारे में बताया।
शाम को चारों दोस्त दादाजी से मिले। उन्होंने फ्रूट चाट का आनंद लिया क्योंकि मारियो शर्त जीत गया था। उन्होंने दादाजी की कहानियों का भी आनंद लिया। सच्चे दोस्तों की पहचान करने के लिए मैजिक चेयर टेस्ट एक रिवाज बन गया और जो पास हो गए वे हमेशा के लिए दोस्त बन गए।


Theme of the Lesson- The Chair

True friendship
The story ‘The chair’ gives an important message that true friends are those who help us. They would not want bad luck to strike their friend. It is important for us to identify true friends and differentiate them from companions or partners.

Quality over quantity
Having a huge number of friends is not important. It is important to be sure that even if you have a handful of friends, they are your true friends who will stand by you and support you in times of distress.


The Chair Lesson Explanation



Passage: There was a boy called Mario who loved to have lots of friends. He showed off a lot, always talking about how many friends he had at school, and how he was so friendly with everyone.

Word meanings:
showed off: boasted

Explanation: Once there was a boy named Mario who liked to make a lot of friends. He took pride in claiming that he had several friends at school and that he was a friendly child.


Passage: One day his grandfather said to him, “Mario, I bet you a fruit chaat. You don’t have as many friends as you think you have. I’m sure many of them are nothing more than companions or partners.”

Word meanings:
Bet: to risk a sum of money or a valuable item (here, fruit chaat) against someone else’s item against an unpredictable outcome.
Fruit chaat: a snack made by cutting various fruits into bite-size pieces and sprinkling it with lemon juice, salt, pepper powder, etc.

Explanation: However, his grandfather wondered if the so-called ‘friends’ of Mario were truely his friends or mere partners. So, he challenged Mario to a bet and in case he lost, he would treat him to a snack of fruit chaat. The grandfather claimed that Mario did not actually have a lot of friends as he thought because most of them were only companions or partners. He differentiated between friends and companions as friends were those who would help one in need and would care for you.


Passage: Mario accepted the bet readily. However, he wasn’t sure how he could test whether his schoolmates were real friends or not. So, he asked his grandpa for help. He suggested, “I have exactly what you need. It’s in the attic. Wait here a minute.”

The Chair Lesson Explanation image 1

Word meanings:
accepted: agreed to
readily: without any problem
attic: a storage space in a house just under the roof

Explanation: Mario accepted the grandfather’s bet but he did not know how to prove that they were actually his friends. Grandfather offered to help him and added that he had something that could help Mario. It was kept in the store room on the upper floor of the house. He asked Mario to wait till he got it.


Passage: Grandpa left, soon returning as though carrying something in his hand, but Mario could see nothing there.
“Take it. It’s a very special chair. As it’s invisible, it’s rather tricky to sit on it. But if you take it to school and manage to sit on it, then the magic will work and you’ll be able to tell who your real friends are.”

Word meanings:
invisible: impossible to see 

Explanation: The grandfather returned and behaved as if he was carrying something. However, Mario could not see it.
He asked Mario to take the special invisible chair to school. He added that sitting on the chair was tricky and if Mario succeeded, then he would be able to identify his ‘friends’. In reality, there was no chair and the trick was that after repeated failures, his true friends would be those who would hold him, prevent him from falling and help him ‘sit’ on the invisible chair. 



Passage: Mario, brave and determined, took the strange invisible chair and set off for school. At break time, he asked everyone to form a circle. He put himself in the middle, with his chair.
“Nobody move. You’re about to see something amazing.”

Word meanings:
determined: firm in decision
amazing: very surprising

The Chair Lesson Explanation image 2

Explanation:  Mario was a courageous and determined boy. He took the invisible chair to school. During the lunch break, he asked his friends to stand around him in a circle. He stood in the middle and kept the chair beside him. Then he asked them not to move as they were about to see something surprising.


Passage: Mario tried sitting on the chair. Having difficulty seeing it, he missed and fell straight onto his backside. His classmates had a pretty good laugh.
“Wait, wait, just a slight technical problem,” he said, trying again. But again, he missed the seat, causing more surprised looks and laughter. Mario wouldn’t give up. He kept trying to sit on the magic chair and kept falling to the ground until, suddenly, he tried again and didn’t fall. This time he sat, hanging in mid-air. 

Explanation: As directed by the grandfather, Mario tried to sit on the chair but as he could not see it, he fell on the floor. All his friends enjoyed this and laughed. He tried this a few times and failed everytime, creating humour for all his friends. However, once, he tried to sit again but this time, to his surprise, he did not fall. He was in the sitting position, mid-air but something held him to prevent him from falling to the floor.


Passage: Then he finally experienced the magic that his grandfather had been talking about. Looking around, Mario saw Guneet, Asma, and Deepa–three of his buddies—holding him up, so he wouldn’t fall. Meanwhile, many others he’d thought of as friends had done nothing but made fun of him, enjoying each and every fall.

Word meanings:
experienced: felt

Explanation: Thus, the magic claimed by grandfather happened. To Mario’s surprise, he was held by three of his friends – Guneet, Asma and Deepa. They held him to help him sit on the magic chair and they did not want their friend Mario to fall again. On the opposite, there were several other kids whom Mario had thought to be his friends but all they had done was to laugh and enjoy his fall. Thus, those were not friends but mere partners. So, with this test, Mario had identified his friends. 


Passage: Leaving with his three friends, he explained to them how his grandfather had so cleverly thought of a way to show him that true friends are those who care for us. A friend wouldn’t be someone who takes joy in our bad luck.

Explanation: Mario took along his friends Guneet, Asma and Deepa. He told them the trick that he had done on his grandfather’s suggestion to identify his friends. Those who were his true friends would be concerned for his well-being and would take care of him. A true friends would not be happy in seeing his friend getting bad result.

Passage: That evening the four children went to see Mario’s grandpa as he had won the bet. They had a great time listening to stories and eating a lot of fruit chaat. From then on, they used the magic chair test on many occasions and whoever passed became friends for life. 

Explanation: In the evening, Mario, Guneet, Asma and Deepa went to meet grandfather. As Mario had won the bet, grandfather treated them to fruit chaat and his stories. The magic chair test became their custom to find out who was a true frind and the one who passed it became a friend for life.



The chair is the story of a young boy named Mario who is friendly in nature and claims to have several friends. This post on the lesson gives a Summary for getting a quick recap of the story. Students can also learn the meanings of difficult words and understand the story with the help of the explanation provided. 
