CBSE Class 6 English Unit 2 Friendship Chapter 3 The Chair Important Question Answers from Poorvi Book
Class 6 English The Chair Question Answers – Looking for questions and answers for CBSE Class 6 English Unit 2 Friendship Chapter 3 The Chair? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 6 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Unit 2 Friendship Chapter 3 The Chair now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract-based questions, multiple choice questions and Extra Question Answers
Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance on exams.
- The Chair NCERT Solutions
- The Chair Extra Question Answers
- The Chair Multiple Choice Questions
- The Chair Extract Based Questions
- The Chair Grammar Exercises
The Chair Textbook Questions (NCERT Solutions)
Let us do these activities before we read.
1. Write two words that come to your mind when you think of friendship.
Ans. The two words are-
1. Loyalty
2. Trust
(a) Now, find some more words that are related to friendship from the grid given below. You can search horizontally or vertically. There are eight words. One word has been marked as an example. The first letter of each word has been given in bold.
(b) Fill in the blanks to complete the words, which mean the same as ‘friend’ or ‘friends’ with the help of the meanings.
Meaning | Word |
(i) a person who you do things together with | p __ r __n __ r |
(ii) an informal word for friends | b __ __ d __ __ s |
(iii) a person who you spend a lot of time with | c __ m p __ n __ o __ |
(iv) children who are in the same class as you at school | c l __ s __ m__ t __ s |
Meaning | Word |
(i) a person who you do things together with | p a r t n e r |
(ii) an informal word for friends | b u d d i e s |
(iii) a person who you spend a lot of time with | c o m p a n i o n |
(iv) children who are in the same class as you at school | c l a s s ma t e s |
(c) There are so many words for a friend. What do you call ‘a friend’ in your own language?
Ans. Dost, saathi, saheli.
Let us discuss
1. Mario was very proud of having so many friends. State whether True or False.
Ans. True
2. What did the grandfather take from the attic?
Ans. An invisible chair.
3. Will Mario face any challenges?
Ans. Yes, the challenge is to sit on the invisible chair.
4. Will Mario be able to use the magic?
Ans. Yes, once he sits on the chair, he will be able to use the magic.
5. Mario successfully sat on the invisible chair on his first attempt. State whether True or False.
Ans. False.
6. Fill in the blank with a suitable word.
Mario’s grandfather challenged him to a bet of __________.
Ans. Fruit chaat
7. Match the following characters with their action.
Guneet, Asma and Deepa | a. held Mario up, so he wouldn’t fall |
b. made fun of Mario’s attempts |
Ans. a. held Mario up, so he wouldn’t fall
Let us think and reflect
1. Read the following lines and answer the questions that follow.
(a) “Take it. It’s a very special chair. As it’s invisible, it’s rather tricky to sit on. But if you take it to school and manage to sit on it, then the magic will work and you’ll be able to tell who your real friends are.”
(i) Fill in the blanks with two words that describe the chair.
The chair is _____________ and ___________.
Ans. invisible, tricky
(ii) Why was it tricky to sit on the chair?
Ans. It was tricky to sit on it because it was invisible.
(iii) Why does Mario’s grandfather call the chair ‘special’?
Ans. He calls it special because it is invisible and magical.
(b) “Wait, wait, just a slight technical problem,” he said, trying again. But again, he missed the seat, causing more surprised looks and laughter. Mario wouldn’t give up.
(i) Fill in the blank with a suitable reason.
Mario says there was a technical problem because ___________.
Ans. he fell while trying to sit on the chair.
(ii) Mario’s friends were very caring and helpful. State whether True or False.
Ans. False.
(iii) Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
Mario wouldn’t give up. This shows he is _____________.
- strong-willed
- supportive
- loving
- hard-working
Ans. a. strong-willed
2. Answer the following questions.
(a) What was the bet about?
Ans. The bet was about proving that Mario’s friends were true friends.
(b) What happened when Mario sat on the chair for the first time?
Ans. He fell from it.
(c) How was Mario able to find his real friends?
Ans. Mario was able to find his real friends with the help of the magic chair test. They were the ones who held him and helped him dit on it.
(d) Do you think the magic chair test was good? Why do you say so?
Ans. Yes, it was good because it helped Mario identify who his true friends were.
(e) What does ‘friends for life’ mean to you?
Ans. It means those friends who remain with us all our life, through the ups and downs.
(f) The grandfather’s idea helped Mario find his ‘real friends’. Mention any other way that would help you find out who are your ‘real friends’.
Ans. In case I fall sick when the exams are approaching, my true friend would be the one who would share the class notes with me and help me pass the exams.
CBSE Class 6 English Poorvi Book Unit 2 Friendship Chapter 3 The Chair Extra Question and Answers
Q1. Did grandfather’s suggestion work?
Ans. Yes, grandfather’s suggestion of the chair test helped Mario identify his true friends.
Q2. How many real friends did Mario have?
Ans. He had three real friends – Guneet, Deepa and Asma.
Q3. What was the chair made of?
Ans. It was not a real chair, but, an invisible imaginary chair.
Q4. Why did Mario fall when he tried to sit on the chair?
Ans. As it was an imaginary, invisible chair, there was nothing to sit on. So, when Mario tried to sit on it, he fell.
Q5. What shows that Mario was determined?
Ans. Despite falling several times, Mario continued trying to sit on the magical chair. This shows his determination to see the magic of the chair unfold.
Class 6 The Chair Multiple Choice Questions
1. Who challenged Mario to a bet of fruit chaat?
A. His mother
B. His father
C. His grandfather
D. His teacher
Ans. C. His grandfather
2. What was the bet for?
A. whether Mario had several friends
B. whether Mario had true friends
C. whether Mario was friendly in nature
D. none of these
Ans. B. whether Mario had true friends
3. Why did Mario accept the bet?
A. Even he doubted his friends
B. He wanted fun
C. He wanted to prove grandpa wrong
D. He wanted the fruit chaat
Ans. C. He wanted to prove grandpa wrong
4. What did grandfather get for the test?
A. invisible table
B. invisible chair
C. invisible bag
D. invisible money
Ans. B. invisible chair
5. How would the magic of the chair begin?
A. When Mario would sit on it successfully
B. When Mario could see it
C. When Mario could lift it
D. None of these
Ans. A. When Mario would sit on it successfully
6. Who out of these was NOT one of Mario’s true friends?
A. Asma
B. Guneet
C. Deepa
D. Mina
Ans. D. Mina
7. What did the true friends do?
A. They laughed at his fall
B. The clapped and enjoyed his fall
C. They held him and prevented him from falling
D. They complained to the teacher
Ans. C. They held him and prevented him from falling
8. Find the incorrect adjective for Mario-
A. determined
B. friendly
C. intelligent
D. brave
Ans. C. intelligent
9. Did Mario play video games?
A. Yes, he loved them
B. No, he disliked them
C. Not mentioned
D. He was okay with them
Ans. C. Not mentioned
10. How many siblings did Mario have?
A. 2
B. 0
C. 1
D. not mentioned
Ans. D. not mentioned
11. Mario was a ____
A. boy
B. girl
C. not mentioned
D. transgender
Ans. A. boy
12. Did Mario go to school?
A. Yes
B. No, he was tutored at home
C. not mentioned
D. All of these
Ans. A. Yes
13. When did Mario conduct the chair test?
A. after school
B. in break time
C. before morning assembly
D. all of these
Ans. B. in break time
14. From where did grandfather get the chair?
A. verandah
B. study room
C. attic
D. lobby
Ans. C. attic
15. Mario’s friends stood around him forming a _____
A. rectangle
B. triangle
C. circle
D. square
Ans. C. circle
16. Identify a synonym of friend that has been used in the lesson-
A. pal
B. buddies
C. bestie
D. ally
Ans. B. buddies
17. True friends are those who _______
A. play with us
B. care for us
C. help us cheat in exams
D. tell lies to save us
Ans. B. care for us
18. Which of the following is NOT a character in the story?
A. Asma
B. teacher
C. Deepa
D. grandfather
Ans. B. teacher
19. Find the opposite of ‘showed off’
A. liked
B. displayed
C. boasted
D. hid
Ans. D. hid
20. When Mario sat on the chair, he ______
A. fell
B. broke it
C. threw it
D. fainted
Ans. A. fell
CBSE Class 6 English Chapter The Chair Extract-Based Questions
Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow-
A. One day his grandfather said to him, “Mario, I bet you a fruit chaat. You don’t have as many friends as you think you have. I’m sure many of them are nothing more than companions or partners.”
Mario accepted the bet readily. However, he wasn’t sure how he could test whether his schoolmates were real friends or not. So, he asked his grandpa for help. He suggested, “I have exactly what you need. It’s in the attic. Wait here a minute.”
1. Why did grandfather put a bet with Mario?
Ans. He wanted Mario to check if he had true friends or only companions.
2. Where is an attic generally located?
Ans. At the upper floor of the house.
3. Did Mario accept grandfather’s bet?
Ans. Yes, he readily accepted the bet.
4. What was Mario’s plan to check if he had true friends?
Ans. Mario did not have any way to test whether his schoolmates were real friends or not.
5. Did grandfather help mario?
Ans. Yes, he offered help and went to the attic to get something that would help Mario test his friends.
B. Grandpa left, soon returning as though carrying something in his hand, but Mario could see nothing there.
“Take it. It’s a very special chair. As it’s invisible, it’s rather tricky to sit on it. But if you take it to school and manage to sit on it, then the magic will work and you’ll be able to tell who your real friends are.”
1. What was grandpa carrying?
Ans. He was carrying an invisible chair.
2. Why was the chair special?
Ans. It was special because as it was invisible, it became tricky.
3. How would the chair’s magic work?
Ans. It would work when Mario would manage to sit on the chair.
4. Did the magic chair work?
Ans. Yes, it worked and Mario was able to identify his real friends.
5. Did Mario carry the magic chair to school?
Ans. Yes, he took the chair to school because he was determined to find his real friends.
C. Mario tried sitting on the chair. Having difficulty seeing it, he missed and fell straight onto his backside. His classmates had a pretty good laugh.
“Wait, wait, just a slight technical problem,” he said, trying again. But again, he missed the seat, causing more surprised looks and laughter. Mario wouldn’t give up. He kept trying to sit on the magic chair and kept falling to the ground until, suddenly, he tried again and didn’t fall. This time he sat, hanging in mid-air.
1. How did Mario’s friends react when he fell for the first time?
Ans. They all had a pretty good laugh.
2. State whether the statement is true or false- Mario was determined to perform the magic chair test and identify his real friends.
Ans. True
3. Mario sat hanging in mid-air with the help of _________
A. an invisible rope
B. his grandpa
C. his true friends
D. his teacher
Ans. C. his true friends
4. Mario didn’t give up which shows that he was __________ (friendly / determined)
Ans. determined
5. State whether the statement is true or false- Mario’s friend Asma tripped him to make him fall.
Ans. False
D. Then he finally experienced the magic that his grandfather had been talking about. Looking around, Mario saw Guneet, Asma, and Deepa–three of his buddies—holding him up, so he wouldn’t fall. Meanwhile, many others he’d thought of as friends had done nothing but made fun of him, enjoying each and every fall.
That evening the four children went to see Mario’s grandpa as he had won the bet. They had a great time listening to stories and eating a lot of fruit chaat. From then on, they used the magic chair test on many occasions and whoever passed became friends for life.
1. What was the magic?
Ans. The three real friends – Guneet, Asma and Deepa held Mario to prevent him from falling. This was the magic.
2. Find a synonym for ‘friends’
Ans. Budddies
3. What would Mario get for winning the bet?
Ans. Fruit chaat
4. What did they get other than the fruit chaat?
Ans. They got to listen to grandpa’s stories.
5. A true friend would NOT do-
A. push his friend
B. share notes
C. lend a pen
D. help while climbing the stairs
Ans. A. push his friend
The Chair Grammar Exercises
Let us learn
1. Read the following words from the text.
friendly suddenly talking carrying called showed |
Complete the following table by dividing the words into two parts. One has been done for you.
Column A | Column B |
1. friend | ly |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
5. | |
6. |
Column A | Column B |
1. friend | ly |
2. sudden | ly |
3. talk | ing |
4. carry | ing |
5. call | ed |
6. show | ed |
The words in Column A are called the root words. The sequences of letters that are in Column B which come after the root words are called suffixes. |
2. Match the following root words with suitable suffixes. You can use a suffix more than once as shown. Use them to make sentences of your own. One has been done for you.
S. No. | Root Word | Suffix | Word | Sentence |
1. | magic | -ing | magical | The magician performed an amazing magical act. |
2. | care | -al | ||
3. | celebrate | -ful | ||
4. | laugh | -ly | ||
5. | wonder | -ed | ||
6. | help | -tion | ||
7. | friend | -ous | ||
8. | courage | -ship |
[Note: Observe the changes in spelling in a few word combinations.]
S. No. | Root Word | Suffix | Word | Sentence |
1. | magic | -ing | magical | The magician performed an amazing magical act. |
2. | care | -al | careful | The girl was careful not to disturb her mother while she was asleep. |
3. | celebrate | -ful | celebration | The lohri celebration at my school was a fun event. |
4. | laugh | -ly | laughing | We were laughing all through the comedy night. |
5. | wonder | -ed | wondered | They wondered who was the secret sender of the flowers. |
6. | help | -tion | helped | The maid helped me with the chores. |
7. | friend | -ous | friendly | My friendly neighbour was a help when I fell sick during the lockdown. |
8. | courage | -ship | courageous | The courageous girl faced all hurdles and succeeded. |
3. Read the following lines from the story.
Mario, brave and determined, took the strange invisible chair …
You have already described the chair. Now, describe what kind of a person Mario is in the image given below.
[Use words from the story. You may also use words of your own.]
Ans. Friendly, brave, determined, courageous.
4. Match each word (adjectives) in Column A with a suitable word (noun) in Column B. You can make more than one combination. One has been done as an example.
Column A Adjectives |
Column B Nouns |
Column C Phrases |
Column D Sentences |
1. brave | friends | brave soldier | 1. The brave soldier marched ahead |
2. clever | rain | ||
3. tasty | soldier | ||
4. heavy | plan | ||
5. slight | peanuts | ||
6. true | cold |
Column A Adjectives |
Column B Nouns |
Column C Phrases |
Column D Sentences |
1. brave | friends | brave soldier | 1. The brave soldier marched ahead |
2. clever | rain | Clever plan | Jaya had a clever plan to teach Gita a lesson. |
3. tasty | soldier | Tasty peanuts | Ana got a pack of jaggery coated tasty peanuts. |
4. heavy | plan | Heavy rain | The heavy rain caused waterlogging on the roads |
5. slight | peanuts | Slight cold | I fall sick even in slight cold weather. |
6. true | cold | True friends | Their bonding through thick and thin shows that they are true friends. |
5. Complete the paragraph with suitable adjective-noun pairings. Use the words in the box given below.
Old book | Magical adventures | Happy boy | Amazing stories |
Fantastic adventures | Colorful creatures | Old castles |
Once upon a time in a little village, a/an (i) __________________ named Abhishek found a/an (ii) __________________ in the attic. He read (iii) __________________ about fairy lands, (iv) __________________ and (v) __________________. Abhishek’s eyes got big as he imagined these (vi) __________________. He told his friends about the stories, and they started to have their own (vii) __________________ when they played together.
(i) happy boy
(ii) old book
(iii) amazing stories
(iv) old castles
(v) colourful creatures
(vi) magical adventures
(vii) fantastic adventures
Let us write
1. Read the messages that Mario has written to his friends Deepa, Guneet and Asma.
Dear Deepa,
I feel so special that you are my friend. I know you will always be there for me. Before going to bed, I said a little prayer for Guneet, Asma and you. You made me realise the value of having good friends. Best wishes, |
Dear Asma,
I feel blessed to know that you are my true friend. I would have fallen again today, if it wasn’t for Guneet, Deepa and you. I know I can always depend on the three of you, no matter what. Best wishes, |
(a) Now, choose the correct word given in brackets to complete Mario’s message to Guneet.
Dear Guneet,
I am __________________ (thankful to/requesting) God to have you as a ______________ (lucky/real) friend for life. When everyone was __________________ (laughing at/talking to) me, Deepa, Asma and you showed me that you __________________ (will save/care for) me. You are indeed a __________________ (blessing/loving) in my life.
Best wishes,
Dear Guneet,
I am thankful to God to have you as a real friend for life. When everyone was laughing at me, Deepa, Asma and you showed me that you care for me. You are indeed a blessing in my life.
Best wishes,