Rama to the Rescue Summary and Explanation

CBSE Class 6 English Unit 1 – Fables and Folk Tales Chapter 3 Rama to the Rescue Summary, Explanation along with Difficult Word Meanings from Poorvi Book


Rama to the Rescue Summary – Are you looking for the summary, theme and lesson explanation for CBSE Class 6 English Unit 1 – Fables and Folk Tales Chapter 3 Rama to the Rescue from English Poorvi Book. Get Lesson summary, theme, explanation along with difficult word meanings



CBSE Class 6 English Unit 1 – Fables and Folk Tales Chapter 3 Rama to the Rescue

Rama to the Rescue Introduction

‘Rama to the Rescue’ is a folk tale from Tamil Nadu. The script was written by Louis M. Fernandes and illustrated by Ram Waeerkar. Fernandes kept the language of the folk tale simple, using a contracted form of words. He used many interrogative and exclamatory sentences. 

In ‘Rama to the Rescue’, as the title suggests, the main character of the folk tale is Rama. He is the only character who has a name. Fernandes artfully used the theme of individuality and identity, by giving a name to the village Kotwal. The name gives him power and identity over the other unnamed characters. However, Fernandes ironically questions this power, as the couple played an important role in getting the thief arrested. The thief got past Rama, without his knowledge. Only when the couple called out to him did he arrest the thief. The title ‘Rama to the Rescue’ highlights the glory of the people in power, while the couple who played an equal role in getting the thief arrested were neglected.

Rama to the Rescue Summary

One night in the village, a man returns from work to his home, only to find his wife listening quietly to the voices outside. She even tells her husband to be quiet and listen to the voices. To his surprise, a thief has already entered. He tells his wife to lie down and immediately plans a way to call Rama, the kotwal of the village.

The thief tried to listen to their conversation, hoping they would talk about the money, but they were busy playing their silly game. The wife asked her husband what would be the name of their child. He told her that they should name him Rama. The man then asked his wife what she would do if their child would be in the yard. His wife said she would softly call out to him, ‘Rama!’. Her husband then kept extending the area where their child could be, to call out the Kotwal Rama to his home. Eventually, Kotwal Rama heard her voice and arrested the thief. It was her husband’s cleverness that the thief got arrested without even the thief doubting them.

Summary of the Lesson Rama to the Rescue in Hindi

गाँव में एक रात, एक आदमी काम से अपने घर लौटता है, लेकिन देखता है कि उसकी पत्नी चुपचाप बाहर की आवाज़ें सुन रही है। वह अपने पति से भी चुप रहने और आवाजें सुनने के लिए कहती है। उसे यह देखकर आश्चर्य हुआ कि एक चोर पहले ही अंदर आ चुका था। वह अपनी पत्नी को लेटने के लिए कहता है और तुरंत गांव के कोतवाल राम को बुलाने की योजना बनाता है।

चोर उनकी बातचीत सुनने की कोशिश कर रहा था, उम्मीद कर रहा था कि वे पैसे के बारे में बात करेंगे, लेकिन वे अपना मूर्खतापूर्ण खेल खेलने में व्यस्त थे। पत्नी ने अपने पति से पूछा कि वे अपने बच्चे का नाम क्या रखने जा रहे हैं। उसने उससे कहा कि उन्हें उसका नाम राम रखना चाहिए। फिर उस आदमी ने अपनी पत्नी से पूछा कि अगर उनका बच्चा आँगन में हो तो वह क्या करेगी। उसकी पत्नी ने उससे कहा कि वह धीरे से उसका नाम पुकारेगी, ‘राम!’। उनके पति उस क्षेत्र का विस्तार करते रहते हैं जहां उनका बच्चा होगा, ताकि वह कोतवाल राम को अपने घर बुला सके। आख़िरकार, कोतवाल राम ने उसकी आवाज़ सुनी और चोर को गिरफ्तार कर लिया। यह उसके पति की चतुराई ही थी कि चोर पकड़ा गया और चोर को उन पर शक भी नहीं हुआ।

Theme of the Lesson – Rama to the Rescue

Help Yourself

The couple remained calm even when they were in a problem. They discussed what they should do about it. They helped themselves by using their mind. They hatched the plan to call out to the kotwal, without making the thief doubt their plan. They helped themselves before asking Rama, the kotwal of the village, to help them. 

Couple’s Teamwork 

It’s the wife’s alertness and the husband’s cleverness that saved them from getting robbed. The wife heard the noises outside their house, which eventually told them about the thief in their house. After that, the husband hatched the plan to catch the thief. They perfectly executed the plan without letting the thief doubt them. The thief underestimated their conversation as a silly game, which was, in fact, a smart move against him. 


The wife was alert enough to notice the thief and the man was a quick-thinker to make the plan against him. It’s his cleverness to make a conversation related to their future child, Rama, on the pretext of calling out Rama, the kotwal of the village. His wife played along with him, to get the thief arrested. It was only their quick-wittedness that helped them to call out the kotwal of the village. 

Power and Identity

Fernandes artfully used the theme of individuality and identity, by giving the name to the village Kotwal. The name gives him power and identity over the other unnamed characters. However, Fernandes ironically questions this power, as the husband and wife played an equal role in getting the thief arrested. The thief got past Rama, without his knowledge. Only when the couple called out to him did he arrest the thief. The title ‘Rama to the Rescue’ highlights the glory of the people in power, while the couple’s efforts go unappreciated.

Rama to the Rescue: Lesson Explanation

Rama to the Rescue Lesson Explanation image 1

Word meanings
hard day:  a difficult day with hard work
rescue: save someone from a difficult situation

Explanation of the above passage—One night in a village, a man who was tired from work came back to his home. He saw his wife was quietly listening to the sound outside. When the man asked her about it, she told him to be quiet and listen to the voice outside.

Rama to the Rescue Lesson Explanation image 2

Word meaning
lie down: a sleeping position
got past: to be able to pass an obstacle
get in: enter

Explanation of the above passage—The husband tells his wife that somebody is trying to get in; in fact, he has already entered their house. He then told his wife to lie down; a thief had come inside their home. The thief must have got past Rama, the Kotwal.

Rama to the Rescue Lesson Explanation image 3

Word meaning
asleep: in a sleep
meanwhile: in the intervening period
awake: not asleep 

Explanation of the above passage—The wife asked her husband what they should do about it. Her husband told her what they had to do to get the thief arrested. Meanwhile, the thief was waiting for them to fall asleep. He wonders where they could have kept their money.

Rama to the Rescue Lesson Explanation image 4

Word meaning
closely: with little or no space 

Explanation of the above passage—The thief tried to listen to their conversation, thinking that they would be talking about their money. However, the wife asked her husband what they should name their child. Her husband told her that they should name him Rama. His wife appreciated his choice. She said that when he would be in the house, she would call out to him softly.

Rama to the Rescue Lesson Explanation image 5

Word meaning
yard: the garden of a house
silly: foolish 

Explanation of the above passage—The man asked his wife what if their child is in the yard, then what would she do? She told him that she would call out to him a little louder. The thief gets angry and thinks it would be better if they stopped playing this silly game and talked about their money. At least, he wished they had fallen asleep. The man then asked his wife if the child was out in the street what would she do? She called out very loudly, “RAMA! RAMA!”

Rama to the Rescue Lesson Explanation image 6

Explanation of the above passage—The man’s wife continues to call out the Kotwal name, “RAMA!”.  Unknown to the thief, the Kotwal Rama came running towards him.

Rama to the Rescue Lesson Explanation image 7

Word meaning
dug his way into the house: someone entered the house
chatter: talking about unimportant matters

Explanation of the above passage—The kotwal Rama came towards the house from which his name was being called. He saw that a thief had dug his way into the house. The thief was relieved that the couple had finally stopped their conversation, unaware of the Kotwal Rama standing behind him.

Rama to the Rescue Lesson Explanation image 8

Explanation of the above passage—The thief was thinking that the couple would soon be asleep, but Kotwal Rama came and arrested him. The couple was happy that their plan worked and they were saved from getting robbed.



The story Rama to the Rescue is an interesting comic strip which tells us about the witty couple who were clever enough to get rid of the thief. This post on The story Rama to the rescue gives the summary which will help students of class 6 to get a quick recap of the story. Students can take help of the post to understand the lesson and also learn the difficult word meanings of Rama to the rescue to get a better grasp over the story. 


Lesson notes written by Deepali Khurana