CBSE Class 11 English Poem 4 Childhood Question Answers (Important) from Hornbill Book
Class 11 English Childhood Question Answers – Looking for Childhood question answers (NCERT solutions) for CBSE Class 11 English Hornbill Book Poem 4? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 11 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Poem 4: Childhood now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract based questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions.
Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance on exams.
- Childhood NCERT Solution
- Childhood Extract Based Questions
- Childhood Short Answer Questions
- Childhood Long Answer questions
Childhood NCERT Solution
Think it out
1. Identify the stanza that talks of each of the following.
Individuality, Rationalism, Hypocrisy
Individuality – Third stanza
When did my childhood go?
Was it when I found my mind was really mine,
To use whichever way I choose,
Producing thoughts that were not those of other people
But my own, and mine alone
Was that the day!
Rationalism – First stanza
When did my childhood go?
Was it the day I ceased to be eleven,
Was it the time I realised that Hell and Heaven,
Could not be found in Geography,
And therefore could not be,
Was that the day!
Hypocrisy – Second stanza
When did my childhood go?
Was it the time I realised that adults were not
all they seemed to be,
They talked of love and preached of love,
But did not act so lovingly,
Was that the day!
2. What according to the poem is involved in the process of growing up?
Ans: According to the poem, the process of growing up involves attaining maturity and becoming a rational and logical thinker. When the poet became an adult, he was able to see the hypocrisy in other people. He could distinguish in the behaviour of double-standard preach and talk of love. A grown-up can tell a difference between reality and fantasy. A mature person stresses on his thoughts and is capable of having his own opinion.
3. What is the poet’s feeling towards childhood?
Ans: The poet is disappointed and puzzled by the loss of his childhood. He wanted to know when was the moment he became a grown-up and loss the innocence of an infant. He expresses his confusion by asking that when and where did his childhood go.
4. Which do you think are the most poetic lines? Why?
Ans: The lines in the last stanza are the most poetic lines in the poem.
It went to some forgotten place,
That’s hidden in an infant’s face,
That’s all I know.
The poet beautifully describes the disappearance of his childhood. He talks about how one can find innocence in an infant’s face. It is a process of life that an individual grows up and slowly starts understanding the concept of the world and people around them. During childhood, a person believes in things that aren’t true or has a different set of reality. When the child grows up and is able to process his own thoughts, he realizes that many things don’t exist the way he thought them to be.
Class 11 English Childhood Question Answers Poem 4 – Extract Based Questions
Extract-based questions are of the multiple-choice variety, and students must select the correct option for each question by carefully reading the passage.
A. When did my childhood go?
Was it the day I ceased to be eleven.
Was it the time I realised that Hell and Heaven,
Could not be found in Geography,
And therefore could not be,
Was that the day!
Q1. When does a poet realise that his childhood has gone?
Ans. Poet becomes aware at the age of eleven.
Q2. Why is the age of eleven so important for the poet?
Ans. He can distinguish between fact and fiction around the age of eleven.
Q3. What is the quality acquired by the poet at this stage of his life?
Ans. At this point, the poet is starting to make sense.
Q4. When did the poet know that ‘hell’ and ‘heaven’ are imaginary concepts?
Ans. When he was unable to find these locations in his geography books.
Q5. Why is the poet worried?
Ans. The poet is concerned because he has lost his innocence.
Q6. Where has the poet’s childhood gone?
Ans. His formative years have vanished into obscurity.
Q7. What is a child’s perception of an adult?
Ans. The child can tell the difference between fact and fiction as they grow older.
B. When did my childhood go?
Was it the time I realised that adults were not
All they seemed to be,
They talked of love and preached of love,
But did not act so lovingly,
Was that the day!
Q1. Why does the poet not talk great of grown up people?
Ans. The poet believes that adults do not practise what they preach.
Q2.Why is the poet confused?
Ans. Poet is unable to distinguish between being a child and an adult.
Q3.What is the poet’s opinion about the people in the world?
Ans. Poet finds the people to be hypocrites.
Q4. Choose word from the passage which means ‘sermonized’.
Ans. Preached
C. When did my childhood go?
Was it when I found my mind was really mine,
To use whichever way I choose,
Producing thoughts that were not those of other people
But my own and mine alone
Was that the day!
Q1. Explain ‘My mind was really mine’?
Ans. That indicates that the poet had total self-control.
Q2. ‘Producing thoughts that were not these of other people’s means:
Ans. The poet now feels comfortable expressing his ideas on his own.
Q3. Which stage of life has been under consideration above?
Ans. The poet is transitioning into adulthood.
Q4. What thoughts of the poet are revealed in these lines?
Ans. His uniqueness is demonstrated here.
D. Where did my childhood go?
It went to some forgotten place,
That is hidden in an infant’s face,
That’s all I know.
Q1. Why is the poet eager to know the lost place of his childhood?
Ans. (i) The poet values childhood beyond everything else.
(ii) The poet wants to live a childlike, innocent life once more.
(iii) The poet is curious to discover the location of his early years.
Q2.Where is the poet able to find his lost childhood?
Ans. On the baby’s innocent face.
Q3. Choose a word from the passage which is synonymous to ‘concealed.
Ans. Hidden
Q4. What is the rhyming scheme of the above lines?
Ans. a b b a.
Class 11 English Childhood Question Answers (including questions from Previous Years Question Papers)
In this post we are also providing important short answer questions from the Poem 4 Childhood for CBSE Class 11 exams for the coming session.
Q1 What according to the poem is involved in the process of growing up ?
Ans. The poem suggests that part of growing up involves losing one’s childhood. Several advantages associated with adolescence offset this loss. They include a greater capacity for comprehension, the ability to reason and discriminate, as well as a sense of uniqueness and self-assurance.
Q2 What are the poet’s feelings towards childhood?
Ans. The poet sees infancy as a crucial time in the maturation process. Childhood is a time for fantasy. Whatever the adults tell them, children readily accept. The loss of the poet’s childhood does not cause him to feel any regret or sadness.
Q3 Bring out the hypocrisy that the adults exhibit with regard to love.
Ans. The poet became more aware of the elders’ double standards as he grew older. Although grownups talked and preached about love, he realised that their actions were quite different and rife with deception. They were all hypocrites who did not act in accordance with their words.
Q4 What did the poet notice about independent thinking? How important was this discovery?
Ans. The poet realised he was unique and had his own unique way of thinking. He was free to form his own opinions without being influenced by others. This finding was crucial to him since it demonstrated his ability to exercise independent thought and judgement.
Q5 According to Markus Natten, when does the child become an adult ?
Ans. Growing up is a complicated process that involves the development of one’s body, mind, and social life. When a youngster can live on his own and take care of his own duties, he is considered to be an adult. In order to build his own beliefs and perspectives, he also develops his own thought process.
Q6 The poet has discussed two stages of life — childhood and adulthood. How do we differentiate one from another?
Ans. According to the poet, childhood is a happy time of life when a person can trust everyone. The ability to notice, distinguish, and learn new things are characteristics of adulthood. So are rational and creative thoughts. One learns to be deceitful and devious at this period of life as well.
Class 11 Childhood Long Answer Questions Poem 4
Q1. The poem ‘Childhood’ exposes man and presents him in his true colours. All adjectives displaying negative qualities are not enough for such a man. This poem very innocently goads him to his real self. Explain.
Ans. Childhood represents purity, tenderness, innocence, and love. These characteristics start to wane as a youngster gets older. Man develops impurity, deceit, sleight of hand, and hypocrisy. Adults start telling outright lies. They profess love while acting in hatred. They advocate for humanity and fraternity while promoting violence and hatred. As soon as a guy leaves his naive infancy, simplicity and honesty vanish into thin air.
Every effort should be made to rekindle that youthful naivety. Every effort should be made to fill the void left by man’s selfishness and greed with the warmth of a child’s innocence and laughter. If a man begins to practise what he teaches, there would be less hostility and more peace worldwide. If a man brings his actual noble characteristics to the forefront, it may happen. The innocence and purity of man are now veiled in layers of enmity. The world would be a nicer place to live in if a man were to take off this mask.
Q2. ‘Childhood is an essential stage in the process of growing up, but it can’t go on forever.” Discuss.
Ans. For every person, childhood is a crucial stage in the process of maturing. Human infants are completely reliant on others, but as they get older, they develop greater physical, emotional, and mental fortitude. As the tiny baby grows bigger in size, other faculties also develop. Although this stage is an important milestone for man, it cannot last forever.
Childhood being a stage, must give way to another stage. Adolescence or early youth come after it. The abilities have now reached their full potential.
The individual gains capacity for reason. His rationalism aids him in determining what is true or incorrect, fact or fiction. He develops excellent analysis and discrimination skills. He is now able to see through people and objects. He begins to understand the hypocrisy of adults. He gains confidence and becomes an independent thinker.
Q3. Write an article in about 150 words about childhood and the process of growing up with reference to the poem “Childhood”.
Childhood is the most fun & pleasant period of one’s life. It is the second phase of life. It is a crucial time when we face the outside world in an effort to learn new things and travel the globe. At this point, the kids are totally reliant on their parents. This time frame is a time for learning. We begin attending school as children and progressively learn more about the world of education. Children have no worries & lead a free independent life, learning new things.
When did my childhood go?
Was it when I found my mind was really mine,
To use whichever way I choose,
Producing thoughts that were not those of other
people, But my own, and mine alone
The poem describes the first step to maturity or loss of childhood when one is able to think logically and rationally. Forming one’s own opinion and not getting influenced by others is also a sign of maturity or loss of childhood.
Childhood memories always make a person nostalgic. During childhood, we develop a stronger bond with our parents. In this stage, moral character and behaviour are developed. The mind is creative and open to learning many new things. During this time, children should be taught good habits and manners that last a lifetime. The youngsters are free of any bad habits and guilt throughout this time, which is comparable to a person’s golden years.
Q4. What is the central idea of the poem “Childhood”?
Ans. “Childhood” by Markus Natten is a poem wherein the poet considers his lost youth in great detail in this poem. Childhood is a period of innocence during which a child has an unconditional love for everyone. The poet has made an effort to pinpoint the times in his life when his ideas and perspectives on the world altered. The poem talks about the loss of childhood or the first step towards maturity when one can think reasonably and sensibly. A further indication of maturity or the loss of youth is the ability to form one’s own opinions without being swayed by others.
The poem also makes reference to the widespread hypocrisy in our culture, when individuals seem to get along but actually don’t.
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