Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay announces Admission to PhD Program for 2022-23 Session (Spring Semester)
IIT Bombay PhD Admission 2022 – Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay invites applications for admission to the PhD Programs for the Academic Year 2022-23, starting from January, 2023 (Spring Semester)
IIT Bombay PhD Admission 2022
PhD Dept. / Facilities
- Aerospace Eng.; Biosciences and Bio-Eng.; Chemical Eng.; Chemistry; Civil Eng.; Climate Studies; Computer Science and Eng.; Design; Earth Sciences; Educational Technology; Electrical Eng.; Energy Science and Eng.; Environmental Science & Eng.; Geoinformatics & Natural Resources Eng.; Humanities and Social Sciences (Economics, English, Philosophy, Sociology, Indian Science and Technology in Sanskrit); Industrial Eng.; and Operations Research; Mgt.; Mathematics; Mechanical Eng.; Metallurgical Eng.; and Materials Science; Centre for Research for Nanotechnology & Science; Physics; Centre for Policy Studies; Systems & Control Eng.; Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas; Centre for Urban Science & Eng
Important Dates
- Availability of application forms: 09th September 2022
- Last date for receipt of completed application forms : 25th October 2022
Eligibility Criteria
- General eligibility criterion for Admission in all academic units : Departments, Centres, Schools and Interdisciplinary Groups:
- Qualifying Degree:
- 1. Master’s or equivalent degree in Engineering/Technology
- 2. Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology
- 3. Master’s or equivalent degree in science
- 4. Master’s or equivalent degree in Arts/Commerce (or allied subjects)
- For qualifying degree listed under (2), (3) & (4), candidates must also fulfil ONE of the following additional requirements:
- Valid GATE/CEED/score
- Selected through National Eligibility Test – UGC NET including lectureship (Assistant Professorship)
- Selected through a National level examination conducted by MHRD or its agencies /Institutions such as UGC/ IIT/ IISc./ IISER/ IIIT etc.
- Selected provisionally for the DSTINSPIRE Fellowship (provisional award letter to be produced)
- Minimum of TWO years of professional experience (acquired after obtaining the qualifying degree and completed before the starting of the semester in which admission is sought)
Application Process
- Candidates are required to apply online through the website
- No Downloadable Forms will be available. After filling the form, you are advised to take a print of your application and keep the same for the record.
- Please read the instructions given in the brochure carefully before filling up the application
Application Fee
- For Women candidates : Rs. 150/-
- For SC/ST/PwD category : Rs. 150/-
- For All other candidates : Rs. 300/-
- Mode of Payment: Through SBI Internet Banking/ Online Payment System
Admission Procedure
- Admission is offered on the basis of an interview held usually a month before the commencement of the semester for which admission is sought.
- The interview may be supplemented by a written test, if necessary.
For more details and to apply online, please visit the official website
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