“The Laburnum Top” MCQs with Answers from CBSE Class 11 English Hornbill Book Poem 2
The Laburnum Top MCQs of Class 11 English Poem 2, by Ted Hughes have been compiled for students to practice. Students of Class 11 can prepare the MCQs of Poem 2 The Laburnum Top from NCERT Hornbill book. Each question has four options followed by the correct answer. Students can also take a free test of the The Laburnum Top MCQ Question Answers Quiz. These MCQ Questions have been selected based on the latest exam pattern as announced by CBSE.
Class 11 English Hornbill The Laburnum Top Poem 2 Multiple Choice Questions
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers
1. How did the poet describe the top of the Laburnum tree in the poem ‘The Laburnum Top’?
A. Still and Silent
B. Moving and Angry like
C. Silent and Motionless
D. None of the above
2. What happened to the leaves of the Laburnum tree?
A. they were green
B. turned yellow
C. fallen down
D. new leaves growing
3. How was the tree standing in the month of September?
A. still and death-like
B. alive
C. green and happy
D. still and green
4. When did the death-like tree become alive?
A. in the month of March
B. by the arrival monsoon season
C. by the arrival of the Goldfinch bird
D. by the arrival of sparrows
5. Why did the Goldfinch bird come towards the tree?
A. to feed her young ones
B. to make a nest
C. to rest
D. None of the above
6. Where are the young ones of the Goldfinch bird?
A. On the thickness of the branch
B. On the top of the tree
C. on other tree
D. they were never there
7. What role does the tree play for the Goldfinch bird?
A. As a shelter
B. as a supporter
C. as a means to feed her family
D. as a resting place
8. How did the bird move to the other side of the branch?
A. Like a lizard
B. Slowly
C. Smoothly
D. by flying
9. How did the bird arrive at the other branch of the tree?
A. with a chirping sound
B. silently
C. never arrived at other branch
D. flew away and then arrived at the branch
10. What happened after she fed her young ones?
A. she flew away
B. she flew to the other side of the branch
C. she stayed there
D. she took some rest in the nest
11. Why was Goldfinch’s body barely visible?
A. due to her dark coloured yellow body
B. because she was small
C. because of the height of the tree
D. because she was brown in colour
12. Where did the bird vanish after feeding her young ones?
A. to the other branch
B. to the top of the tree
C. to her nest
D. behind the yellow leaves
13. What happened to the bird in the end of the poem?
A. she flew away
B. she stayed at the tree
C. she went to other tree
D. she went to bring some food for her younger ones
14. How was the tree in the end when the bird flew away?
A. It was still alive
B. Nothing changed in the looks
C. it was death-like again
D. None of the above
15. What instance of Alliteration has been used in the poem ‘The Laburnum Top’ out of the following options?
A. engine of her family
B. her barred face
C. Sleek as a lizard
D. September sunlight
16. What Transferred Epithet was used in the poem ‘The Laburnum Top’?
A. her barred face identity mask
B. engine of her family
C. Sleek as a lizard
D. September sunlight
17. What does the phrase “her barred face identity mask” mean?
A. because she was brown in colour
B. due to her dark coloured yellow body
C. bird’s face became her identity and symbol of recognition
D. None of the above
18. What is the dominant colour used in the poem?
A. Red
B. Blue
C. Yellow
D. Green
19. What is described by the word ‘sleek’ in the poem?
A. Lizard
B. Bird
C. Branch
D. Top of the tree
20. What is described as ‘engine’ in the poem?
A. Lizard
B. Machine
C. Laburnum Tree
D. None of the above
Click Here for MCQ Video of The Laburnum Top
Answer Key
1 | A | 11 | A |
2 | B | 12 | D |
3 | A | 13 | A |
4 | C | 14 | C |
5 | A | 15 | D |
6 | A | 16 | A |
7 | A | 17 | C |
8 | A | 18 | C |
9 | A | 19 | A |
10 | B | 20 | C |
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