CBSE Class 10 Footprints Without Feet Book Chapter 2 The Thief’s Story Question Answers from previous years question papers (2019-2024)


The Thief’s Story Previous Year Questions with Answers –  Question Answers from Previous years Board Exam Question papers provide valuable insights into how chapters are typically presented in exams. They are essential for preparing for the CBSE Board Exams, serving as a valuable resource.They can reveal the types of questions commonly asked and highlight the key concepts that require more attention. In this post, we have shared Previous Year Questions for Class 10 English Chapter 2, “The Thief’s Story”.


Questions which came in 2024 Board Exam


Q1. Read the given extracts and answer the questions :

I went back to the bazaar and sat down in the shelter of the clock tower. The clock showed midnight. I felt for the notes. They were damp from the rain.

Anil’s Money. In the morning he would probably have given me two or three rupees to go to the cinema, but now I had it all.

I couldn’t cook his meals, run to the bazaar, or learn to write whole sentences any more.

I had forgotten about them in the excitement of the theft. Whole sentences, I knew, could one day bring me more than a few hundred rupees. It was a simple matter to steal- and sometimes just as simple to be caught. [2024]


(i) Which of the following is NOT a reason why Hari Singh thinks he would not be able to write whole sentences ?

(A) Anil would not be there to teach him.

(B) He had robbed Anil and left.

(C) He would not go back to Anil to learn.

(D) He had no money to take admission in school.

Ans. (D)


(ii) Why is it fair to say that Hari Singh’s tone, when he says “I couldn’t cook his meals, run to the bazaar or learn to write whole sentences any more,” is filled with remorse and regret? Answer in about 40 words.

Ans. Hari realizes that the theft that he has done has led to severe loss in his routine. He feels that the gain is insignificant in comparison to the loss that the has suffered and so, he is regretful.


(ii) What do you infer about Hari Singh from this statement?

“Whole sentences, I knew, could one day bring me more than a few hundred rupees.”

Ans. Hari Singh realizes that getting education will enable him to earn more money and he finds the petty thefts that he does to be insignificant. He is ambitious and wants to earn his money the right may.


(iv) State True or False with reference to the given extract.

The reason Hari Singh was filled with a feeling of guilt was because Anil trusted him.

Ans. True 


Q2. Hari Singh says – “He knew it but neither his lips nor his eyes showed anything.”

Anil successfully addressed the situation by not addressing it at all. Elaborate based on your reading of The Thief’s Story. [2024, 100-120 words]

Ans. When Anil handed the wet currency to Hari Singh, it showed that he was aware that Hari had attempted theft. Anil chose not to confront Hari and he said a lot without speaking a single word. By doing this Anil showed trust in Hari and this made Hari responsible. Hari felt the need to prove his worthiness to such a trusting man. Hari did not want to leave Anil because Anil’s company promised a better future in terms of gaining education and a friend. Anil also believed that there could be the possibility that Hari Singh would change his mood and passion.


Q3. Imagine that Hari Singh from ‘The Thief’s Story’ by Ruskin Bond, writes a diary entry, exploring the theme of human values and relations that are essential in life and can transform a person in the context of his own experience. Write this diary entry as Hari Singh. [2024, 100-120 words]

Ans. Dear Diary,

Today has been a day of reckoning for me. I’ve always lived by taking what I needed, often without considering the consequences. But today, I faced a dilemma that made me question everything. Anil, the man I tried to steal from, showed me kindness and trust instead of anger or betrayal. His simple gestures of teaching me to cook and write left a deep impact on me.

I realized that human values like trust, kindness, and forgiveness are not weaknesses, but strengths that can transform a person. Anil’s faith in me, despite my deceit, made me reflect on my own actions and the emptiness of my previous life. I returned the money I stole, not out of fear, but out of a newfound respect.

Today taught me that relationships built on honesty and mutual respect are the true wealth in life. I want to learn from Anil, to become a better person, and perhaps, to find redemption.

Yours sincerely,

Hari Singh


Questions from the Chapter in 2023 Board Exams


Q1. Why does Anil not hand over Hari Singh to the police? [2023, 40-50 words]

Ans. Anil was a kind man. He knew that Hari had committed the theft but he did not hand him over to the police because when Hari returned the money, he had realized his mistake and was sorry for it. Thus, there was no need to hand him over to the police.


Q2. How did Hari Singh justify to himself his stealing Anil’s money? [2023, 40-50 words]

Ans. Hari justified his act of stealing Anil’s money by thinking that if he would not take it, Anil would waste the money on his friends. Moreover, Anil did not pay Hari so he deserved taking it.


Q3. What does the thief say about the different reactions of the people when they are robbed? [2023, 40-50 words]

Ans. Greedy people can be robbed easily and they can afford being robbed. However, it is difficult to rob a careless man who doesn’t even notice that he has been robbed. This takes away the pleasure out of the work.


Q4. Why did Hari Singh smile in his most appealing way towards the end of the story? [2023, 40-50 words]

Ans.  When Anil gave him a wet fifty-rupee note, Hari realized that Anil had forgiven him. This strengthened their mutual bond of trust which gave Hari the hope for a better future. 


Q5. Trust and compassion can reform a person. Justify this statement in the light of the lesson ‘The Thief’s Story’. [2023, 100-120 words]

Ans. In the lesson, The Thief’s Story, we see that Anil trusts Hari Singh and even overlooks the petty thefts committed by Hari. This casual attitude towards money reforms Hari who loses interest in committing thefts. Anil’s positive attitude and blind faith motivates Hari to return the stolen money. Hari feels that the stolen money is worthless in comparison to the immense trust that Anil has in him. Hari feels that the companionship and guidance of a person like Anil can make Hari a well-educated, white collared individual who can earn much more through his efforts and hard-work. Thus, the thief Hari Singh is reformed through Anil’s trusting and compassionate nature. 


Questions that appeared in 2020 Board Exams


Q1. What made Hari Singh come back to Anil? [2020, 30-40 words]

Ans. Hari Singh returned to Anil because he felt guilty about robbing him. He thought that people have different responses to being robbed. Some people show fear, some show anger, and some show acceptance. But, Hari knew that Anil would be sad, not for the loss of money but for the loss of trust. Hari could not have the inner peace by robbing Anil. So, he returned back to him along with the money.


Q2. In which queer way did Anil make a living? [2020, 30-40 words]

Ans. Anil made a living in a queer way by borrowing money but repaid the loan whenever he earned money through his writings for magazines. He lived life according to the flow of money. When he got money, he enjoyed out with his friends. When he had less money, he reduced his expenses.


Q3. Why does Anil not hand Hari Singh over to the police? [2020, 30-40 words]

Ans. Anil did not hand Hari Singh over to the police because he knew that Hari Singh had started becoming a better person and that’s why he had even returned the stolen money. Anil wanted to improve Hari further. He wanted him to become successful, independent and good at heart.


Q4. Education, love and sympathy can transform even a thief. How is it true in the case of Hari Singh? [2020, 100-150 words]

Ans. In the story titled ‘The Thief’s Story’ we see that Anil Singh’s positive attitude and careless outlook towards money transform Hari Singh, the thief. Anil teaches Hari and overlooks the petty theft of one or two rupee done by Hari on a daily basis. When he observes a change in Hari’s nature, he does not acknowledge the attempted theft done by Hari Singh. He does not hand over Hari to the police because he can foresee a reform in him. Anil’s careless attitude towards money takes away the temptation to rob it and Hari finds robbing such a person to be useless. Thus, Anil gradually reforms the hardened thief. 


Q5. Why did Hari Singh decide to return the stolen money? What light does it throw on his character? [2020, 100-150 words]

Ans. Hari decided to return the money he had stolen because Anil would be sad at the loss of trust that he had in Hari rather than the monetary loss. Hari did not want to lose the trust that Anil had bestowed on him. Hari pondered that Anil had taught him to read and write. Those skills were more valuable than the money he had stolen. Hari did not want to lose the trust and company of a master like Anil. Thus, he wanted to return to Anil and decided to return the stolen money.


Q6. Having stolen Anil’s money what did Hari Singh do? [2020, 100-150 words]

Ans. Hari stole the money and went to the railway station. He had planned to board the train and leave the city but he was unable to cheat Anil. He was reminded of Anil’s kindness and the trust that Anil had shown in Hari. Hari became humane and his heart forced him to return the money. Hari knew that Anil would be sad due to the loss of trust that he had done on Hari. Anil had taught Hari to read and write which would enable him to do better in life. Hari could not cheat such a man. Hari decided that he would not betray Anil and returned the money.


2019 Exam Question and Answers from the chapter


Q1. Why does Anil not hand Hari Singh over to the police? [2019, 30-40 words]

Ans. Anil does not hand Hari Singh to the police because he feels that Hari has realized his mistake and has made amends. Hari places the money back from where he had taken it. Thus, Anil excuses him and does to report the matter.


Q2. Why does the thief say that it is difficult to rob a careless man? [2019, 30-40 words]

Ans. He says this because a careless man does not even realize that he has been robbed. Thus, the thief does not derive any pleasure from robbing a careless man.


Q3. Why did the thief change his name every month? How did he rob people? [2019, 30-40 words]

Ans. He changed his name to evade the police and his former employers. He would gain the confidence of his employer, cheat them and flee.


Also see:

The Thief’s Story Important Questions, NCERT Solutions, Extra Questions 

The Thief’s Story Summary, Explanation 

The Thief’s Story MCQs 

The Thief’s Story Character Sketches