The Enemy MCQs with Answers NCERT Class 12 English Lesson 4

The Enemy MCQs Class 12 English

“The Enemy” MCQs with Answers from CBSE Class 12 English Vistas Book Lesson 4

The Enemy MCQs of Class 12 English Chapter 4, The Enemy by Pearl S Buck for students to practice. Students of Class 12 can prepare the MCQs of Chapter 4 from the Vistas reader published by NCERT. Each question has four options followed by the correct answer. Students can also take a free test of The Enemy MCQ Question Answers Quiz. These MCQ Questions have been selected based on the latest exam pattern as announced by CBSE.

For Correct Answers, see end of post. (below)


Class 12 English Vistas The Enemy Lesson 4 Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers.

1- Who is the author of the lesson The Enemy?
A) Pearl S. Buck
B) Dickens
C) D.H.Lawrence
D) None of these

2- Why did Dr Sadao treat the soldier when he was from an enemy nation?
A) He was a doctor
B) It was against his professional ethics
C) as a doctor he could not let anyone die
D) All of these

3- Who was Dr. Sadao?
A) An Iranian Doctor
B) An American doctor
C) A Japanese doctor
D) None of these

4- How did Hana help Dr. Sadao?
A) By forgiving him
B) by giving him money
C) by giving him weapons
D) by working as a nurse

5- Why did the General not pass orders to arrest Dr. Sadao for giving shelter to a whiteman?
A) because he trusted Sadao
B) because he was also supporting the enemy nation
C) General was ill and needed Sadao’s services
D) None of these

6- Why did Hana wash the wounded man herself?
A) Because she wanted to serve him
B) because when she was in America, the landlady had nursed her
C) because her servants refused to help an American enemy soldier
D) None of these

7- Why did the servants refuse to help?
A) out of fear of sheltering an enemy
B) because of superstitions
C) because they were patriots and hated Americans
D) All of these

8- How did Dr. ensure that the American Soldier had reached the island safely?
A) by escorting him to the island
B) by seeing no signal of flashlight
C) by giving him a call
D) by swimming till the island

9- Why did Sadao marry a Japanese girl only?
A) because he liked Japanese
B) he didn’t like any other nationality
C) Because of his father’s fear
D) because he didn’t want to upset his father

10- What kind of a person was Sadao’s father?
A) a serious and grumpy man
B) a jolly good man
C) very strict disciplinarian
D) A true patriot and traditional person

11- Why did the messenger visit the doctor?
A) to meet him
B) for checkup
C) to inform about the General’s pain
D) All of these 

12- Seeing the messenger, what was Hana’s reaction?
A) She got frightened
B) she thought he had come to arrest her husband
C) she couldn’t breathe
D) All of these

13- What kind of a person was the General?
A) kind-hearted
B) wise man
C) selfish man
D) None of these

14- How did Dr get rid of the American Soldier?
A) by giving him food and extra clothing
B) by giving him flashlight to use in times of distress
C) by asking him to row to the island where ships of other nations passed
D) All of these

15- Why was Dr. Sadao not sent to the battlefield?
A) because he had no interest in treating soldiers
B) he didn’t love his country
C) he was supposed to offer his services to the General who was in pain
D) All of these

16- Why did Dr. Sadao give his flashlight to the enemy soldier?
A) to lure him so that he could leave the house
B) he wanted to give him a goodbye gift
C) so that he could send him signal in case of any distress
D) All of these

17- What was General’s plan for American soldier?
A) he wanted him to reach America safely
B) he wanted to inform the army of Japan
C) he planned to get him assassinated by some private assassins
D) None of these

18- Why did the servants leave Dr. Sadao’s house?
A) Because he was wounded
B) because he was not a patriot
C) Because he had sheltered an enemy soldier
D) All of these

19- Where did Dr. Sadao find the American soldier?
A) in the park
B) in the battlefield
C) outside his house
D) None of these

20- What conflicting idea disturbed Sadao?
A) being a doctor and a patriot
B) being a husband and a master of the house
C) being a doctor and a father
D) All of these

21- What kind of person was Dr.Sadao?
A) an excellent doctor
B) a compassionate human being
C) Sincere and responsible citizen
D) All of these

22- Why did Dr.Sadao go to America?
A) to meet the soldiers
B) to meet his future wife
C) to travel
D) to study surgery and medicine which was his father’s wish

23- What did Dr. Sadao give to the soldier?
A) his boat
B) food to eat
C) flashlight to use in distress
D) All of these

24- What is the backdrop of the story?
A) World War 1
B) war between Israel and America
C) war between Malaysia and America
D) World War 2

25- Where did Dr. Sadao meet Hana?
A) in Japan
B) on the way to Japan
C) they were in the same medical school
D) at Professor Harley’s house in America

26- At what age did Dr. Sadao go to America?
A) 22
B) 32
C) 12
D) 42

27- At what age did he come back to Japan?
A) 20
B) 40
C) 50
D) 30

28- How many children does Dr. Sadao have?
A) 4
B) 5
C) 3
D) 2

29- When Sadao was a student, the American apartment manager had
A) nursed him through influenza
B) given him food for a month
C) had mended his clothes
D) had missed a month of rent payment.

30- Prisoner was forced to dress up in ____________.
A) Korean clothes
B) Chinese clothes
C) Indian clothes
D) Japanese clothes

31- Sadao wrapped a _________ around the soldier’s blonde head.
A) Red Bandana
B) Black cloth
C) White handkerchief
D) None of these

32- If food ran short, the little prisoner was instructed to flash the light _____________.
A) twice
B) thrice
C) once
D) not at all

33- When the assassins did not come Sadao decided to
A) kill the prisoner himself
B) help the prisoner to escape
C) hand over the prisoner to the police
D) keep the prisoner at his house

34- The only reason the General wanted Sadao to operate on him was __________.
A) Sadao was very skilled
B) General didn’t like any other doctors
C) General was friends with Sadao
D) General was miser

35- “Why are we different from other Japanese?” this was said by
A) the servant
B) the General
C) Sadao
D) Hana

36- The day Sadao removed the stitches from the soldier, he ___________.
A) called the police
B) typed out a letter to the Chief of Police
C) made him run away
D) tied him up

37- All the servants in Sadao’s household
A) were happy with their master
B) felt that he deserved a reward
C) were very critical of him
D) wanted him to let the soldier die

38- Dr. Sadao mutters the word ‘my friend’ while treating the American P.O.W. in the light of the circumstances, we can say that this was (CBSE SQP 2021-22)
A) humourous.
B) climactic.
C) ironical.
D) ominous

39- Sadao’s servants leave his house, but none of them betrays the secret of the American P.O.W. (CBSE SQP 2021-22)
Select the option that explains this.
A) The servants truly believed that they must not be a part of the household which sheltered a prisoner of war, but their love and loyalty to Sadao made them keep the secret safe.
B) The servants knew that any information about the P.O.W would result in punishment for them and their families which is why they revealed nothing.
C) The servants were superstitious and scared with a white man on the premises and consequently, chose to remove themselves and stay silent about the situation.
D) The servants did not want to incur the wrath of Dr. Sadao and lose their jobs, therefore they chose to exit instead, and return later.

40- Stupor is a state of ______
A) Being dead
B) Semi-unconciousness
C) Alertness
D) None of these

 41- How many siblings did Sadao have?
A) 2
B) 4
C) None
D) not mentioned

42- Sadao was famous surgeon and _____________
A) vet
B) scientist
C) naturopath
D) cosmetologist

43- At Prof. Harley’s house –
A) The rooms were small
B) the food was bad
C) his wife was voluble
D) All of these

44- Which of the following options is suitable for ‘beachcombers’, as used in the lesson-
A) a person who walks along a beach looking for valuable or interesting items.
B) a new comb used for cleaning the beach
C) a long wave rolling in from the sea.
D) an equipment shaped like a comb used at beach

45- “But his trained hands seemed of their own will to be doing what they could to stanch the fearful bleeding.” Stanch means-
A) very loyal and committed in attitude
B) of strong or firm construction
C) to stop the flow of blood or liquid
D) None of these

46- Which of the following images shows ‘sea moss’-

47- “They were staring with a curious repulsion upon the inert figure’. The figure was-
A) invisible
B) enemy
C) unconscious
D) motionless

48- ‘Battered’ means-
A) fitted with a battery
B) damaged
C) better
D) happy

49- The soldier’s cap mentioned-
B) “U.S. NAVY”
C) “U.K. NAVY”
D) “S.E.A.L.”

50- What does the story term the soldier as?
A) White man
B) Young man
C) American guy
D) All of these

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1 A 26 A
2 D 27 D
3 C 28 D
4 D 29 A
5 C 30 D
6 C 31 B
7 D 32 A
8 B 33 B
9 D 34 A
10 D 35 D
11 C 36 B
12 D 37 C
13 C 38 C
14 D 39 A
15 C 40 B
16 C 41 C
17 C 42 B
18 C 43 D
19 C 44 A
20 A 45 C
21 D 46 B
22 D 47 D
23 D 48 B
24 D 49 B
25 D 50 A

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