A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Summary


CBSE Class 7 English Chapter 8 A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Summary, Explanation along with Difficult Word Meanings from Honeycomb Book

A Homage to our Brave Soldiers – Here is the Class 7 English Honeycomb Lesson 8 A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Summary and Detailed explanation of the Lesson along with meanings of difficult words. Take Free Online MCQs Test for Class 7 Click Here



A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Introduction


Two friends, Soumya and Ananda, exchange letters sharing their feelings about India’s brave soldiers. Soumya describes her school trip to the National War Memorial and how the experience made her extremely grateful towards Indian soldiers. Ananda reverts her friend’s letter by agreeing and appreciating her perspective while sharing new information about the Indian soldiers through interview excerpts. We see a feeling of gratitude and patriotism throughout the chapter.


A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Summary


We start the chapter with the opening part of Soumya’s letter to Ananda. Soumya reminds Ananda that they were talking about ‘war and peace’ and the struggles the Indian soldiers had to go through while fighting for Independence and even during post-independence. Soumya always wondered who the Indian soldiers were. She then says that she went to the National War Memorial on a school trip to New Delhi. She tells about its construction dates, inauguration by PM Modi and its significance as a remembrance of the brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives while protecting our borders. She describes the war memorial whose walls are made of tablets on which the names of the brave soldiers have been etched. The brave warriors were awarded various medals to honour their acts of courage. The Amar Jawan Jyoti is a continuous flame of tribute to the soldiers who laid their lives while protecting the borders during wars. Various medals of bravery like the Pramvir Chakra, Mahavir Chakra, Kirti Chakra (KC), Vir Chakra (VrC) and Shaurya Chakra (SC) are awarded to the valiant soldiers.

India’s first Paramvir Chakra was awarded posthumously to Major Somnath Sharma in the 1947, Battle of Badgam. The story of Param Vir Chakra awardee Lance Naik Albert Ekka is heart-touching. 

The National War Memorial also houses the Amar Jawan Jyoti which was earlier placed at the India Gate. It is an eternal flame, a tribute to our brave soldiers and depicts their valour and enthusiasm. The Amar Jawan Jyoti was placed at the India Gate in the year 1972, as a mark of respect to the soldiers who haid laid their lives in the 1971 Indo-Pak war. 

The War Memorial comprises of a pillar surrounded by 4 concentric circles. The Prime Minister inaugurated the memorial and wreaths were placed around the pillar as a mark of respect to the soldiers. 

The significance of the four chakras is as follows – the Amar Chakra has the tall pillar and the eternal flame. The next circle is called the Veerta Chakra which has six murals made of bronze which show the brave actions of the armed forces. The third circle is the Tyag chakra which has concentric walls covered with tablets made of granite. Each tablet is inscribed with a name of one of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for our country. The outermost circle is the Raksha chakra where trees are planted, each tree represents the soldiers and is a reassurance to the citizens that they are safe.

Soumya and her classmates prepared presentations on the martyrs to be displayed at the school assembly. She presented the story of Major Padmapani Acharya who fought the 1999 Kargil War and was honoured with the Mahavir Chakra. Before going for the war, he wrote a letter to his father and quoted lines from the Gita which said that when at war, you may win and enjoy on the Earth or you may loose and go the the heaven above. Either ways, you must be determined to fight. 

Soumya ended the letter by paying her regards to Ananda’s parents, admitting her liking for chhole bhature and biding hello to Amit. 

Ananda replied to her letter by showing his happiness about her visit. She was motivated and planned to join the armed forces. She also felt that it was their duty to visit such places and honour the brave soldiers. She wishes her luck for the presentation. She was reminded of the time when they had visited the war memorial in their city. As it was National Martyrs day, they had visited the Bouganvillea garden in sector 3, Chandigarh where people were offering prayers for the slain soldiers. Thus, she is reminded of a poem titled Pushp ki Abhilasha. She shares that he had read the story of Captain Anuj Nayyar, a recipient of the Mahavir Chakra. Anuj’s mother wrote a memoir for her slain son. 

Ananda discussed the National War Memorial with her friends and they planned to visit it. They had downloaded the mobile app of National War memorial and museum which was interactive and could be used in 21 different languages. She appreciated her letters and also shared that she loved collecting stamps which is called Philately. She added that they had eaten idlies for breakfast and she had thought of Soumya. She paid regards to her parents and ended the letter.


A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Summary in Hindi


हम इस अध्याय की शुरुआत सौम्या द्वारा आनंद को लिखे गए पत्र के शुरुआती हिस्से से करते हैं। सौम्या आनंद को याद दिलाती है कि वे ‘युद्ध और शांति’ के बारे में बात कर रहे थे और भारतीय सैनिकों को स्वतंत्रता के लिए लड़ते समय और स्वतंत्रता के बाद भी संघर्ष करना पड़ा। सौम्या हमेशा सोचती थी कि भारतीय सैनिक कौन थे। फिर वह कहती है कि वह नई दिल्ली की एक स्कूल यात्रा पर राष्ट्रीय युद्ध स्मारक गई थी। वह इसके निर्माण की तारीखों, पीएम मोदी द्वारा उद्घाटन और हमारी सीमाओं की रक्षा करते हुए अपने प्राणों की आहुति देने वाले बहादुर सैनिकों की याद में इसके महत्व के बारे में बताती है। वह युद्ध स्मारक का वर्णन करती है जिसकी दीवारें पटिया से बनी हैं जिन पर बहादुर सैनिकों के नाम उकेरे गए हैं। बहादुर योद्धाओं को उनके साहस के सम्मान में विभिन्न पदक दिए गए। अमर जवान ज्योति उन सैनिकों को श्रद्धांजलि की एक सतत लौ है जिन्होंने युद्ध के दौरान सीमाओं की रक्षा करते हुए अपने प्राणों की आहुति दी। वीर सैनिकों को वीरता के विभिन्न पदक जैसे परमवीर चक्र, महावीर चक्र, कीर्ति चक्र (केसी), वीर चक्र (वीआरसी) और शौर्य चक्र (एससी) प्रदान किए जाते हैं। भारत का पहला परमवीर चक्र 1947 में बड़गाम की लड़ाई में मेजर सोमनाथ शर्मा को मरणोपरांत प्रदान किया गया था। परमवीर चक्र से सम्मानित लांस नायक अल्बर्ट एक्का की कहानी दिल को छू लेने वाली है।


राष्ट्रीय युद्ध स्मारक में अमर जवान ज्योति भी है जिसे पहले इंडिया गेट पर रखा गया था। यह एक शाश्वत ज्योति है, जो हमारे बहादुर सैनिकों को श्रद्धांजलि है और उनकी वीरता और उत्साह को दर्शाती है। अमर जवान ज्योति को 1971 के भारत-पाक युद्ध में अपने प्राणों की आहुति देने वाले सैनिकों के सम्मान में वर्ष 1972 में इंडिया गेट पर रखा गया था।


युद्ध स्मारक में 4 संकेंद्रित वृत्तों से घिरा एक स्तंभ शामिल है। प्रधानमंत्री ने स्मारक का उद्घाटन किया और सैनिकों के सम्मान के प्रतीक के रूप में स्तंभ के चारों ओर पुष्पांजलि अर्पित की गई।


चार चक्रों का महत्व इस प्रकार है – अमर चक्र में लंबा स्तंभ और शाश्वत ज्योति है। तीसरा चक्र त्याग चक्र है जिसकी दीवारें ग्रेनाइट से बनी पट्टियों से ढकी हुई हैं। प्रत्येक पट्टिका पर हमारे देश के लिए अपने प्राणों की आहुति देने वाले सैनिकों में से एक का नाम अंकित है। सबसे बाहरी चक्र रक्षा चक्र है जहाँ पेड़ लगाए गए हैं, प्रत्येक पेड़ सैनिकों का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है और नागरिकों को यह आश्वासन देता है कि वे सुरक्षित हैं। सौम्या और उसके सहपाठियों ने स्कूल असेंबली में प्रदर्शित करने के लिए शहीदों पर प्रस्तुतियाँ तैयार कीं। उसने मेजर पद्मपाणि आचार्य की कहानी प्रस्तुत की जिन्होंने 1999 के कारगिल युद्ध में भाग लिया था और उन्हें महावीर चक्र से सम्मानित किया गया था। युद्ध के लिए जाने से पहले, उन्होंने अपने पिता को एक पत्र लिखा और गीता की पंक्तियों को उद्धृत किया जिसमें कहा गया था कि युद्ध में, आप जीत सकते हैं और पृथ्वी पर आनंद ले सकते हैं या आप हार सकते हैं और ऊपर स्वर्ग जा सकते हैं। किसी भी तरह से, आपको लड़ने के लिए दृढ़ संकल्प होना चाहिए। सौम्या ने आनंद के माता-पिता को अपना सम्मान देते हुए पत्र समाप्त किया, छोले भटूरे के लिए अपनी पसंद को स्वीकार किया और अमित को नमस्ते कहा। 

आनंद ने उसके पत्र का उत्तर देते हुए उसके आने पर अपनी खुशी व्यक्त की। वह प्रेरित थी और उसने सशस्त्र बलों में शामिल होने की योजना बनाई। उसने यह भी महसूस किया कि ऐसे स्थानों पर जाना और बहादुर सैनिकों का सम्मान करना उनका कर्तव्य है। वह प्रस्तुति के लिए उसे शुभकामनाएँ देती है। उसे वह समय याद आ गया जब वे अपने शहर में युद्ध स्मारक गए थे। चूंकि यह राष्ट्रीय शहीद दिवस था, वे चंडीगढ़ के सेक्टर 3 में बोगनविलिया उद्यान गए थे जहाँ लोग मारे गए सैनिकों के लिए प्रार्थना कर रहे थे। इस प्रकार, उसे पुष्प की अभिलाषा नामक एक कविता याद आ गई। वह बताती है कि उसने महावीर चक्र के प्राप्तकर्ता कैप्टन अनुज नैयर की कहानी पढ़ी थी। अनुज की माँ ने अपने मारे गए बेटे के लिए एक संस्मरण लिखा था। आनंदा ने अपने दोस्तों के साथ राष्ट्रीय युद्ध स्मारक पर चर्चा की और उन्होंने इसे देखने की योजना बनाई। उन्होंने राष्ट्रीय युद्ध स्मारक और संग्रहालय का मोबाइल ऐप डाउनलोड किया था जो इंटरैक्टिव था और इसका उपयोग 21 विभिन्न भाषाओं में किया जा सकता था। उसने उसके पत्रों की सराहना की और यह भी बताया कि उसे डाक टिकट इकट्ठा करना बहुत पसंद है जिसे फिलेटली कहा जाता है। उसने कहा कि उन्होंने नाश्ते में इडली खाई थी और उसे सौम्या का ख्याल आया था। उसने अपने माता-पिता को प्रणाम किया और पत्र समाप्त किया।


A Homage to our Brave Soldiers Lesson explanation



Soumya K. 

House No…, Jayanagar, 


Date: 14 April 2022 

Dear Ananda, 

Hope you are all doing well! Do you remember our last conversation about ‘war and peace’? We talked about how India had to struggle for its Independence from the British for many centuries. Post-independence our country has had to fight several wars to protect its borders, territorial integrity, and its people. This made me wonder, who were these brave Indian people? They fought to protect our country and sacrificed their lives so that we could lead our lives in peace. What were their names? Where did they come from? Does anyone remember anything about them? 


Word meanings:

century: a period of one hundred years

post-independence: after independence

territorial integrity: safeguarding nation’s borders



This is the opening letter written by Soumya to her friend, Ananda. She greets her and reminds her of their last conversation, which had been about ‘war and peace’. In the previous conversation, they had talked about India’s struggle for independence. The struggle had lasted for many centuries. The struggle for independence did not end with the British. After independence, i.e. the post-independence period saw more battles. The Indians then had to fight for its borders, its territorial integrity, and its people. Even though India achieved freedom from Britain but was not completely free of war. Soumya then wonders and thinks who these brave people were. The brave people are the Indian soldiers who fight for our country and give not only their best efforts but also their lives to protect the country. Soumya wanted to know the names of the soldiers, where they came from and about their lives beyond the war. She wanted to know more about the soldiers.


Last week I got the answers to some of my questions during an educational trip to New Delhi organised by our school. You may recall, I was looking forward to this trip and our visit to many places of historical and educational significance. I learnt several new and interesting things, and I am excited to share them with you.


Word meanings:

Recall: remember

Looking forward: to be excited about something that is about to happen



The previous week, when she was on an educational school trip to Delhi, she got answers to certain questions. She adds that Ananda could recollect that she had been excited about the trip and their visit to several places of historical and educational importance. She had learned many new and interesting things and was eager to share it with Ananda.


Let me begin by asking you to guess the name of the monument that I found most inspiring. Lets see if you can guess? The construction of this monument started in April 2018 and was completed in February 2019. It was envisioned and then inaugurated by India’s Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in February 2019. In terms of location and size, it is spread over 40 acres of land near the iconic India Gate. But more importantly, it is a tribute to some of the bravest Indians. I’m sure you’ve guessed! It’s the ‘National War Memorial’. Won’t you say, a long desired aspiration was fulfilled?


Word meanings:

Monument: a statue or building erected in the memory of a famous person or event

Inspiring: something which encourages others

Envisioned: imagined a future possibility

Iconic: something which represents a thinking or a time

Tribute: an act or gift to show respect, admiration

Aspiration: a strong desire



Soumya asks Ananda to guess the name of the structure that she had found the most inspiring. She adds that its construction started in the month of April in 2018 and it was completed in February of 2019. It was a vision of the then Prime Minister Modi and he had inaugurated it as well. It was built in an area measuring 40 acres of land and was located near the India Gate. It is a monument to acknowledge the brave soldiers of India – the National War Memorial. She asks Ananda if she also thought that with this monument, a pending desire had been made complete.


Our visit to the National War Memorial began with our teacher explaining that even after independence, India has had to fight many wars to protect itself, and the freedom and security we enjoy today is because of the many brave men and women who have served in the Indian Armed Forces over decades. Sadly, she said, war always takes its toll, and therefore, many brave soldiers have had to sacrifice their lives for the country even after our independence in 1947. This is what makes monuments like the National War Memorial extremely important so that we should never forget the cost of freedom. We are aware, always, of the pain and horrors of war. We learnt that each brick of the memorial is called a tablet, and it bears the names of soldiers who fought for India and made the supreme sacrifice in different wars from 1947 till date, including the Indo-China conflict of 1962, the Indo-Pak Wars in 1965 & 1971 and the Kargil War in 1999. There are 29,000 tablets on which more than 26,000 names of fallen soldiers have been etched.


Word meanings:

Decade: a period of ten years.

Toll: suffering

Supreme sacrifice: to give one’s life

Etched: to cut a pattern in a surface



Soumya gives the details of the visit. The teacher explained them that although India had attained freedom from the British, it had to fight many wars to maintain the freedom and safety of the people. It is because of the brave soldiers that we Indians enjoy our freedom. The teacher added that war always leads to death and even after we gained Independence, many brave men of the armed forces have given up their lives. Thus, monuments like this, act as a reminder for the people that their freedom came at the cost of the lives of several soldiers. Everyone knows about the destruction caused by wars. Every brick of the walls of the memorial is called a tablet and is dedicated to a soldier whose name is inscribed on the tablet. These soldiers gave up their lives in various wars like the war between in India and China of 1962, the 1965 and 1971 wars between Pakistan and India and then the 1999 Kargil war. The memorial has around 29,000 tablets out of which almost 26,000 tablets have the names of soldiers inscribed on them. 


It was heartening to know that our government has recognised the sacrifice of brave soldiers. Our teacher told us about the 21 bravehearts who were awarded the Param Vir Chakra (PVC), India’s highest wartime gallantry medal, for their service to the nation. She also told us about Maha Vir Chakra (MVC), Kirti Chakra (KC), Vir Chakra (VrC) and Shaurya Chakra (SC).


Word meanings:

Gallantry: courageous behaviour especially in war



Soumya is glad that the government recognizes the sacrifices made by our brave soldiers. The teacher told them about the 21 soldiers who were awarded the Paramvir Chakra which is our country’s highest award for courageous behaviour in a war. Other awards for such behaviour are Maha Vir Chakra (MVC), Kirti Chakra (KC), Vir Chakra (VrC) and Shaurya Chakra (SC).


Major Somnath Sharma was posthumously awarded India’s first PVC, in the Battle of Badgam in 1947. Later some more PVCs were awarded for exceptional gallantry during the India-China Conflict of 1962, and the India-Pakistan War of 1965. Besides, a PVC was also awarded for service during the U.N.Peace Keeping Operations in Congo.


Word meanings:

Posthumously: after the death of the originator



India’s first Paramvir chakra was awarded to Major Somnath Sharma after his death. He had sacrificed his life in 1947 in the battle of Badgam. Awardees added to the list after wars in 1962, 1965 and 1971. The award was also given for service during United Nation’s Peace-keeping operation in Congo where Indian soldiers were sent on duty.


In the 1971 war, some of the heroes who were awarded the PVC (posthumously) includes Lance Naik Albert Ekka, Flying Officer Nirmal Jit Singh Sekhon, Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal and Major Hoshiar Singh. Some Navy personnel including Captain Mahendra Nath Mulla were also awarded MVC for their exemplary courage and leadership.


Word meanings:

Exemplary: serving as a perfect example 



A few names of the soldiers who were honoured with the Paramvir Chakra after their death in the 1971 India Pakistan war are Lance Naik Albert Ekka, Flying Officer Nirmal Jit Singh Sekhon, Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal and Major Hoshiar Singh. Certain Navy officers like Captain Mahendra Nath Mulla were awarded the Mahavir Chakra for displaying exceptional courage.


Then the teacher shared with us the citation of Param Vir Chakra awardee Lance Naik Albert Ekka. It touched my heart and also motivated me. We were awestruck and humbled by his bravery. I aspire to be courageous like him when I join the army!


Word meanings:

Citation: a mention of a praiseworthy act in an official report, especially that of a member of the armed forces in wartime

Awestruck: shocked

Aspire: direct one’s hopes or ambitions towards achieving something



The teacher shared the report of Paramvir Chakra awardee Lance Naik Albert Ekka which was emotional and inspiring. The students were surprised to know about the great brave soldier. Soumya wanted to be like him when she would grow up into an army officer


As we continued our visit around the National War Memorial, we came across another important installation called Amar Jawan Jyoti that commemorates our soldiers. The name, as you may have guessed, represents an immortal flame that is kept ablaze all through the day and night to revere the sacrifices of our soldiers. Earlier the Amar Jawan Jyoti which also displayed a rifle and a helmet was alighted under the arch of India Gate in January 1972 to commemorate India’s victory in the India-Pakistan War of 1971.


Word meanings:

Installation: the action of installing someone or something, or the state of being installed

Commemorates: to recall and show respect for something

Immortal: alive forever

Ablaze: on fire

Revere: respect



They also visited another structure called the Amar Jawan Jyoti which literally means a fire of the soldier which lives forever. True to its name, the jyoti burns day and night as a mark of respect for the brave soldiers who laid their lives in the line of duty. It also had a rifle and a hat (symbols of a soldier) and was set at the India Gate in the year 1972 after India’s victory in the Indo-Pak war of 1971.


The National War Memorial now includes Amar Jawan Jyoti in the obelisk which is surrounded by four chakras. During the inauguration, the Prime Minister lit a new flame to commemorate the fallen heroes. Later, the old flame at India Gate was also merged with the new flame at the National War Memorial. Here is a picture of the new Amar Jawan Jyoti if you haven’t seen it. You can see the obelisk surrounded by wreaths that have been placed as a mark of respect. The lighting design is planned in such a way that it transforms the monument’s landscape as sunlight changes from dawn to dusk. It truly is a majestic site that filled me with pride for our nation. I was also overwhelmed by the interminable flame as a metaphor for eternal stories of courage and valour.


Word meanings:

Obelisk: a tapering stone pillar, typically having a square or rectangular cross section, set up as a monument or landmark.

Wreaths: an arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems fastened in a ring and used for decoration or for laying on a grave

Majestic: having or showing impressive beauty or scale

Overwhelmed: have a strong emotional effect on

Interminable: never ending

Metaphor: to draw a similarity between two things

Valour: bravery



The pillar at the war memorial is surrounded by four circles or chakras and it includes the Amar Jawan Jyoti. When the PM of India inaugurated the memorial, she recalled the brave soldiers who had sacrificed their lives. Then, the flame which was installed at the India Gate was merged with the flame at the War Memorial. She even pastes a picture of the memorial. The pillar or obelisk was surrounded by flowery bands, placed as a mark of respect towards the dead soldiers. The lighting at the memorial has been placed in such a way that its appearance changes with the changing time of the day. It is an impressive place which made Soumya proud. The never ending flame was like the immortal stories of the brave soldiers and Soumya was full of emotions.


Our teacher also explained the significance of the Chakras to us. I found it interesting and hence sharing with you. 

The National War Memorial consists of 4 concentric circles which are known as Amar Chakra, Veerta Chakra, Tyag Chakra and Raksha Chakra around a 15-meter-tall central obelisk with the eternal flame— the Amar Jawan Jyoti. It also houses bronze and stone murals and graphic panels. Isn’t it amazing!


Word meanings:

Murals: a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall

Graphic: visual or pictoric depiction



Their teacher also told them the importance of the the four chakras. There were 4 concentric (with the same centre) circles which were named as given. These were around a pillar or obelisk where the never ending fire, the Amar Jawan Jyoti was burning. There were murals made of bronze and stone and visual panels. 


The innermost circle represents the Amar Chakra, also known as the ‘Circle of Immortality’. This has the Obelisk with Eternal Flame. The Amar Jawan Jyoti flame symbolises the immortality of the spirit of fallen soldiers with the assurance that the nation will never forget their sacrifice. 



The smallest circle was the Amar Chakra also called the circle of immortality, where the pillar and the fire were located. The never ending flame was a symbol of the soul of the brave soldiers which was also immortal. It also assured that the people of the country would never forget the sacrifice of these brave men.


The second circle is called the Veerta Chakra which is also known as the ‘Circle of Bravery’. There is a covered gallery that exhibits six murals crafted in bronze depicting valiant battle actions of our Armed Forces.


Word meanings:

Depicting: showing

Valiant: brave



The next Chakra, Veerta Chakra was also known as the circle of bravery. It had a covered gallery which displayed six pieces of art work put up on the walls. These were made of bronze and displayed the brave actions of the Indian soldiers.


The third circle represents the Tyag Chakra, also known as the ‘Circle of Sacrifice’. The circular concentric walls of honour symbolise the ancient war formation which is called Chakravyuh. The walls are covered with granite tablets and individual tablet is solely dedicated to each fallen hero of post-Independent India. Their names are etched in golden letters.


Word meanings:

Concentric: circles of varying radii with the same centre

Etched: inscribed



The next circle was the Tyag Chakra or the circle of sacrifice. The circular walls which separated two chakras symbolised the ancient formation of wars called the Chakravyuh. These walls were covered with tablets made of black granite. Each tablet had the name of a fallen soldier inscribed on it in golden letters.  


The outermost circle represents the Raksha Chakra, which is also known as the ‘Circle of Protection’. In this chakra the row of trees is a reassurance to the citizens of the country about their safety against any threat. Each tree represents the soldiers who ensure the territorial integrity of the nation.


Word meanings:

Integrity: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principle



The outermost circle was the Raksha Chakra or circle of protection. There was a row of trees which assured the people of the country that they were safe in case there was any threat. A tree symbolises a soldier who promised that the borders of the country shall not be breached.


We spent the whole day, from morning to evening, at the National War Memorial and the surrounding areas, marked by majestic lawns and grand buildings of Kartavyapath. We were immersed in the ambience that was solemn and a reminder of what a free nation could achieve. The overall environment created an emotive experience that was visually inspiring. I felt as if I had developed bond with the place.


Word meanings:

Immersed: involve oneself deeply in a particular activity 

Ambience: atmosphere

Solemn: sacred

Emotive: to arise emotions



They remained at the memorial all day. The lawns were beautiful and there was a great building of kartavyapeeth. The students were deeply involved in the atmosphere of the sacred place which reminded them of the capabilities of a nation. The environment was emotional and visually appealing. Soumya felt connected.


I learnt a lot. But I also have to admit that the various discourses on the day brought tears to my eyes. It was sad to think about the massive devastation and loss of life caused by wars. It motivated me to live a life worthy of the sacrifices of our heroes. 



Soumya learnt a lot and also got tears in her eyes due to the high emotional touch of the place. The death and destruction caused by wars moved her. She thought of living a good life which would be worth the great sacrifice done by the fallen soldiers.


After our visit, the class decided to make presentations on stories of valour of the brave hearts we came across at the National War Memorial. We divided ourselves into five groups. We are choosing martyrs to make presentations depicting their courageous stories. Our teacher has also advised us to share our experience during the school assembly. I am delighted that all the students of our school will get to know about the National War Memorial and the soldiers it commemorates.


Word meanings:

Discourses: serious discussion of a subject

Massive: huge

Devastation: destruction

Martyrs: one who gives up his or her life for his nation

Depicting: showing



The students decided to make a presentation on the brave dead soldiers. They had divided themselves into groups and would talk about their experience in the school assembly to sensitize all the students about the memorial and the brave soldiers of our country.


I am going to give a presentation on the story of Major Padmapani Acharya who fought for India in the 1999 Kargil War and was awarded the Maha Vir Chakra.



Soumya would prepare a presentation on the life of Major Padmapani Acharya who laid his life while fighting in the Kargil war of 1999 and was awarded the MVC.

The citation mentioned the details of the encounter, the timeline of events, the courageous acts of the slain soldier and the manner in which he gave the supreme sacrifice. The citation invokes deep emotions of grief and courage.


Before he went into battle, he wrote a letter to his father that he wasn’t afraid or scared about losing his life while trying to protect the motherland. Quoting Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, he went on to say:

Hato vaa praapsyasi svargam jitvaa vaa bhokshyase mahiim 

Tasmaaduttishtha kaunteya yuddhaaya kritanischayah

 If you fight, you will either be slain on the battlefield and go to the celestial abodes, or you will gain victory and enjoy the kingdom on earth. Therefore arise with determination. O, son of Kunti, and be prepared to fight.

Here is the website link for the National War Memorial https://nationalwarmemorial.gov.in/. Share it with your friends to learn more about it.



Before going for the war, the soldier wrote a quote from the religious book the Bhagwat Gita which said that at the battlefield either of two things will happen. Either one would be killed and advance to heaven or gain victory and enjoy on the Earth. Therefore, the brave soldier, the son of Kunti should be prepared to fight with bravery.

Soumya shares the website link for the memorial and asks Ananda to share it with her friends.


We reached Bengaluru yesterday. I have written a long letter as I could not help sharing this inspiring experience with you. 

Give my regards to your Mom and Dad. I miss your Mom’s Chhole Bhature. You know I am a foodie! Say hello to Amit. 

Your friend, 




Soumya had reached Bengaluru the previous day and wrote such a lengthy letter to share the experience with Ananda. She pays respect to Ananda’s parents and also mentions her liking for Chhole Bhatura dish as she was a food lover. She sent wishes to Amit as well and ended the letter.





House No…., Sector … 


Date: 24 April 2022 

Dear Soumya, 

It was such a pleasure to receive your letter. I enjoyed reading your experience of the visit to the National War Memorial in Delhi, as well as your observations and feelings during the visit. You really have an eye for detail and being the sensitive person that you are, you have been able to capture the essence of the emotions associated with this Memorial. 


Word meanings:

To have an eye for detail: one who observes small details too

Essence: core or depth of something



Ananda replies to Soumya’s letter and expresses her happiness on getting her letter. She enjoyed reading about her experience on her visit to the memorial. She adds that she is observant and sensitive and so she had captured the innermost features and feelings linked to the monument.


I was happy to hear that you got an opportunity to visit the National War Memorial. I have heard a lot about it. Some people might see a war memorial as just a monument, statue, an edifice to celebrate a war or victory and commemorate those who were martyred or injured in war.. In my view, it is also an expression of deep gratitude for the supreme sacrifice made by our brave soldiers defending the sovereignty and integrity of the country. I feel motivated and I am seriously thinking of joining the Armed Forces for serving my motherland. 


Word meanings:

Edifice: a large imposing building

Supreme sacrifice: here, means sacrificing their life



Ananda was happy that she had got a chance to visit the monument. She had heard a lot about it. Some people simply considered such places to be a monument or a statue where wars and victories were celebrated but according to her, the place was a mark of thankfulness to the valiant men who laid their lives for the country. She was motivated and felt like joining the armed forces.


I also feel it is our duty to periodically visit such places to honour our valiant soldiers, who have made great sacrifices for us. Their sacrifices enable us to walk freely in our country without fear of enemy threats. It is nice of your teacher and school to arrange this visit to give you all a chance to learn about India’s heroes and also pay your respect to them. The idea of your class to make a presentation at the school and making every one a part of your experience is wonderful! Best of luck for your presentation, I hope it goes well and motivates the school students to join the Indian Armed Forces. 


Word meanings:

Valiant: very brave



Ananda says that it was their duty to visit such places from time to time and give honour to the brave men. It is because of their sacrifice that the countrymen lead a free and fearless life. She adds that her school and teacher were great to have organised such a trip. She finds the idea of making presentations and sharing with the entire school to be a great one. She wishes her luck for it and hopes that it motivates the students.


Your letter has reminded me of a time when we visited the war memorial in our city. If I remember correctly, the day was National Martyrs Day. While visiting one of Chandigarh’s gardens we saw a lot of activity around the Bougainvillea Garden in Sector 3. As we approached the garden, we saw people offering flowers and prayers. We joined the group out of curiosity and quickly realised that they were all there to pay respect to the soldiers at the War Memorial. 


Word meanings:

Bougainvillea: the name of a flower



Ananda is reminded of the time when she had visited the war memorial in her city, Chandigarh. It was National Martyrs Day when they happened to visit the Bouganvillea garden in sector 3 and saw unusual activity there. People were praying and offering flowers as a mark of respect to the soldiers of the country. They too joined the group.


When I think back about my visit where everyone was dedicating flowers as a mark of respect to our soldiers, I was reminded of the following poem: 

Pushp ki Abhilasha 


Chah Nahi, Main Sur Bala

Ke Gehano Mein Goontha Jaaun, 

Chaah Nahi, Premi Mala Mein 

Bindh Pyaari Ko Lalchaaun!


Chaah Nahi, Samraato Ke Shav 

Par, He Hari, Dala Jaaun, 

Chaah Nahi, Dewon Ke Sar Par 

Chadhoon, Bhagya Par Itraun! 


Mujhe Tod Lena, Banmali! 

Us Path Mein Tum Dena Phaink, 

Matra Bhoomi Per Sheesh Chadhane 

Jis Path Jaayen Veer Anek! 


–Makhanlal Chaturvedi



When she tought of offering flowers as a mark of respect, she was reminded of a poem titled Pushp ki abhilasha. 


I hope you like the poem. I must say, I was inspired by your idea of presenting the valourous stories of India’s soldiers. There are so many stories of courage, bravery, and sacrifice which remind us that many of the challenges we face in our lives are inconsequential. We can enjoy peace in our country and the luxury of exchanging ideas with our friends because our Armed Forces are alert and work hard to create that environment for us.


Word meanings:

Inconsequential: not important or significant



Ananda was inspired by Soumya’s presentation of the stories of the brave men. These numerous tales indicate that our challenges are very small. We are enabled to live a peaceful life only because of the alert and hardworking armed forces.


Very recently I read in the newspaper that Captain Anuj Nayyar, MVC, an Indian Army officer of the 17 Jat regiment was posthumously awarded the Maha Vir Chakra, India’s second highest gallantry award, for exemplary valour during the Kargil War in 1999. I look forward to learning more about him. Meanwhile, I learnt that his mother Meena Nayyar has written a memoir titled Tiger of Drass– Capt. Anuj Nayyar – 23 – Kargil Hero which I shall certainly go through. I am sharing with you an excerpt of her interview with IANS.


Word meanings:

Memoir: account of one’s personal life and experiences

Exemplary: exceptional

Excerpt: a part



Recently, she had read in the news about Captain Anuj Nayyar, a recipient of the MVC and his bravery in the Kargil war. His mother Meena Nayyar had written a text in his memory and Ananda shares a part of it.


“Writing about the smallest things about your child who is not with you really used to shake me but gradually I came to terms with it by telling myself that if I didn’t write about him no one in the world would or could, and no one will know about Anuj’s sacrifice,” 

Published on : 13 Apr, 2022, 1:59 pm



It said that she gathered a lot of courage to write the minute details of her son who was no longer with her but she wrote them because if she did not, then no one would ever know them. No one would know the sacrifices that Anuj had made.


I have shared your experience with many of my friends. We all wish to visit the National War Memorial, Delhi. We have found out a mobile app ‘National War Memorial and Museum’. This app is very interactive and provides answers to our queries in 21 languages. The murals on the walls are enchanting. A great learning experience indeed! 

Next week, I am going to share this idea with my classmates and my teacher. I think it would be great to create a collage capturing the lives and stories of people that can inspire us each day. 


Word meanings:

Interactive: influencing each other

Enchanting: attractive

Collage: a piece of art made by sticking various pieces of paper, fabric to a backing



Ananda told her friends about Soumya’s visit to the war memorial. They also wanted to visit it and downloaded a mobile application – ‘National War Memorial and Museum’. The application interacted with the user and provided access in twenty-one languages. She found the murals to be attractive and would share the idea with her classmates and teachers. It was a nice idea to create a collage and through which she could share the various stories of soldiers and motivate people.


I know that we can email each other. I really like to receive letters from you, not just because of the ideas that you share but also because the envelope of your letters often comes with beautiful stamps, that make me happy. I don’t know if I ever shared it before, but collecting stamps is one of my favourite hobbies. I’ve been doing it for years. But I learnt recently that the act of collecting stamps is called ‘philately’. This time I received a stamp that celebrates India’s independence, a theme related to your letter. 



Ananda was glad that they shared e-mails. She liked getting letters from Soumya also because the envelopes carried stamps and she was into Philately- the act of collecting stamps. The latest stamp that she had received was celebrating India’s independence which was related to Soumya’s letter.


Okay, that’s all from me for now. But before I conclude, guess what we had for breakfast!— fluffy idlies and we all remembered you. Give my regards to your parents. 

I am inspired by your letter! 

Hope to hear from you soon about your new adventures and experiences. 

Best wishes, 




Ananda ends the letter by telling Soumya that they had eaten South Indian Idlis for breakfast and had remembered her. She paid regards to her parents and hopes to hear from her.

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