First Flight Book Poem 7 - Animals Question Answers


NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English First Flight Animals Important Question Answers Poem 7

Class 10 English Animals Question Answers – Looking for Animals question answers (NCERT solutions) for CBSE Class 10 English First Flight Book Poem 7? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 10 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the board exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Poem 7: Animals question answers now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract based questions, multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions

Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance on exams. 


Class 10 English Animals Question Answers Poem 7 – Extract Based Questions

Extract-based questions are of the multiple-choice variety, and students must select the correct option for each question by carefully reading the passage.

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A. “I think I could turn and live with animals,

so placid and self-contain’d,

I stand and look at them long and long.”


Q1. What does the poet want to turn into?

Ans.. The poet wants to turn into an animal.

Q2. Which qualities of animals attract the poet?

Ans. The poet is attracted to the calmness and poise of the animals.

Q3. Which word is similar to the word “Calm”?

Ans. The word is ‘Placid’.

Q4. Explain the successive use of the word ‘long’ twice and bring out its significance.

Ans. The successive use of the word ‘long’ makes the line significant; the first ‘long’, denotes ‘period/Time’ whereas the other, ‘a desire’.


B. They do not sweat and whine about their condition, 

They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins, 

They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God, [CBSE 2015]


Q1. Why do humans lie awake in the dark?

Ans. Humans lie awake in the dark weeping for their sins.

Q2. What do humans do about their condition?

Ans. They sweat and whine about their condition.

Q3. Which word is opposite to “good deeds”?

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Ans. The word is ‘Sins.’

Q4. Find a word from the passage that is an antonym of ‘Thanking’.

Ans. The word is ‘whine’


C. “Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with 

the mania of owning things,

Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that

 lived thousands of years ago,

Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.”


Q1. What does the poet call a mania here?

Ans. The habit of owning things by humans has been called a mania.

Q2. How are the animals not dissatisfied?

Ans. Since animals do not have the desire to own anything, therefore they are never dissatisfied.

Q3. What does ‘demented’ mean?

Ans. It means mad or unbalanced.

Q4. Which word in the passage means ‘species’?

Ans. The word is ‘Kind’.


D. Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago,

Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.


Q1. Who does ‘another’ refer to here?

Ans. ‘Another’ refers to other animals here.

Q2. Who is the poet referring to that lived thousands of years ago?

Ans. The poet is referring to the ancestors of human beings who lived thousands of years ago.

Q3. What does ‘kneel’ symbolise here?

Ans. Kneel is symbolic of praying in the above line.

Q4. Which word in the passage is an antonym of ‘a part’?

Ans. The word is ‘Whole’.


E. So they show their relations to me and I accept them, 

They bring me tokens of myself, they evince them plainly in their possession

 I wonder where they get those tokens, 

Did I pass that way huge times ago and negligently drop them? [CBSE 2014]


Q1. Who does ‘they’ refer to here?

Ans. ‘They’ refers to the animals.

Q2. Explain the line: “They bring me tokens of myself”

Ans. The poet here means that the animals remind him of true values of the human nature such as kindness and innocence.

Q3. Which word in the stanza means “show”?

Ans. The word is ‘Evince’.

Q4. What similarities does the poet find between human beings and the animals?

Ans. The poet finds that animals, like human beings, do not trouble others unless they are compelled; they are equally kind and innocent.


F. I wonder where they get those tokens, 

Did I pass that way huge times ago and negligently drop them?


Q1. What does the poet wonder?

Ans. The poet wonders whether the animals get all their virtues from humans.

Q2. Why does the poet say that he negligently dropped them?

Ans. The poet believes that animals got their values from humans while they lost them a long time ago and have forgotten about them.

Q3. Which word in the stanza means “carelessness”?

Ans. The word is ‘Negligent’.

Q4. Find from the passage a word which means ‘enormous’?

Ans. The word is ‘Huge’.


Class 10 English First Flight Animals Poem 7 Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers.

1. Look at the images given below. Choose the option that does not reflect “tokens” referred to by Whitman?


A. (i) and (ii)
B. (ii) and (iii)
C. (i) and (iii)
D. (i) and (iv)

Correct Answer: Option C

2. How would you describe the tone of the poet?

(i) melancholic, resigned
(ii) fanciful, noble
(iii) reflective, idealistic
(iv) fearful, gloomy

A. (i)
B. (ii)
C. (iii)
D. (iv)

Correct Answer: Option C

3. Imagine you were asked to rename the poem.

Column A lists titles of some famous poems.

Column B justifies how each of these titles may be appropriate for the above extract.

Choose the option that correctly lists the matching of Column A to Column B.

Column A
Column B 
I. ‘Paradise Lost’
(i) This title is appropriate as the poet speaks about how man chose not to take the path of a simple, unaffected life as that of the animals.
II. ‘The Road Not Taken’
(ii) This title is appropriate as this is a commentary on the importance of living life by remaining close to our innate nature and qualities.
III. ‘The Deserted Temple’
(iii) This title is appropriate for the given extract as the poem laments the loss of a simpler and more harmonious life.
IV. ‘Nature’
(iv) This title is appropriate for the given extract as it reflects how man has abandoned his sacred bond of harmony with nature.


A. I – (i); II – (ii); III – (iii); IV – (iv)
B. I – (ii); II – (iii); III – (iv); IV – (i)
C. I – (iii); II – (i); III – (iv); IV – (ii)
D. I – (iv); II – (i); III – (ii); IV – (iii)

Correct Answer: Option C

4. The word ‘envince’ means the same as

A. deactivate.
B. devastate.
C. deteriorate.
D. demonstrate.
Correct Answer: Option D

5. The repetition of “not one” in the poem signifies the poet’s

A. effort to create a sense of continuity.
B. attempt at musicality and rhythm.
C. sense of disappointment and frustration.
D. feelings of anger and vengeance.

Correct Answer: Option C

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6. Which of the following set of qualities does the poet attribute to animals in the poem?

(i) discontented, furious, respectful
(ii) fearless, materialistic, reputable
(iii) contented, equal, non-acquisitive
(iv) happy, self-serving, intelligent

A. (i)
B. (ii)
C. (iii)
D. (iv)

Correct Answer: Option C

7. Pick the option that completes the following analogy-

Dementia : demented :: mania: _______

A. maniac
B. manically
C. mania
D. maniacal

Correct Answer: Option D

8. Choose the option that contains a statement which CANNOT be conclusively inferred from the poem.

A. Man is miserable
B. Man is materialistic.
C. Man is power-hungry.
D. Man is curious.

Correct Answer: Option D

9. Which of the following characterises the poet’s attitude towards animals in the poem?

A. admiration
B. nostalgia
C. jealousy
D. enthusiasm

Correct Answer: Option A

10. Name the poet of the poem “Animals”.
A. Walt Whitman
B. Carolyn Wells
C. Leslie Norris
D. Adrienne Rich

Correct Answer: Option A

11. Identify the poetic device. “I stand and look at them long and long.”
A. Personification
B. Simile
C. Repetition
D. Metaphor

Correct Answer: Option C

12. Identify the figure of speech used in. “sweat and whine”
A. Personification
B. Simile
C. Repetition
D. Metaphor

Correct Answer: Option D

13. Identify the poetic device. “They bring me tokens of myself”
A. Personification
B. Simile
C. Repetition
D. Metaphor

Correct Answer: Option D

14. The poem “Animals” is written in-
A. free verse
B. ballad
C. couplet
D. Quintet

Correct Answer: Option A

15. The theme of the poem is-
A. Loss of human virtues
B. Evolution of animals
C. Human behaviour
D. Laws of Nature

Correct Answer: Option A

16. Who have become uncivilised beasts?
A. Predators
B. Animals
C. Human beings
D. Children
Correct Answer : Option C

17. Choose the most appropriate meaning of the phrase “weep for sins”.
A. To express approval
B. Regret or repent for wrong deeds
C. Feel proud of achievements
D. Be ignorant

Correct Answer: Option B

18. What does “evince” mean?
A. signs and symbols
B. show and reveal the presence of
C. ancestors and forefathers
D. obsession

Correct Answer : Option B

19. What does “demented” mean ?
A. behaving wildly and irrationally on account of anger, distress, or excitement
B. having or showing a very abnormal or sick state of mind
C. suffering from memory loss
D. All of the above

Correct Answer: Option D

20. Choose the most appropriate of the phrase- “Lie awake in the dark”
A. to take a calculated guess
B. spend sleepless nights
C. to be afraid of the dark
D. to stop all activities or communication

Correct Answer: Option B


Class 10 English Animals Question Answers (including questions from Previous Years Question Papers)

In this post we are also providing important short answer questions from the poem Animals for CBSE Class 10 Boards in the coming session. These questions have been taken from previous years class 10 Board exams and the year is mentioned in the bracket along with the question.


Q1. How would you evaluate the poet’s opinion on religion? [CBSE QB 2020-21]

Ans. The poet says that animals do not have to repent or pray to God to ask him for forgiveness as animals are innocent and do not commit any sins or crimes.

For humans, the poet says that humans do not have a clear conscience and weep over their sins throughout the night. Their sins and misdeeds don’t allow them to enjoy sound sleep. They simply pretend to be religious. It can be clearly said that the poet thinks that people do not really follow their religion, rather they remember God only when they need forgiveness.

Q2. Does Whitman believe that animals and humans are essentially similar? Provide one reason to support your opinion. [QB 2020-21]

Ans. The answer is yes and no both.

Yes – Whitman believes that animals and humans are essentially similar. According to him, humans too possessed the same qualities like calmness, self, restraint etc. Now these qualities are possessed by animals. With the passage of time, humans have lost them and passed them to the animals.

No-– According to the poet, animals and humans are not at all similar. He finds that humans lack many virtues that animals have. The animals are calm and content whereas the men are not.

Q3. Calling someone ‘an animal’ usually has a negative connotation. How does the poet invert it? [QB 2020-21]

Ans. Calling someone an animal means the targeted person is uncivilised. The poet inverts this by highlighting the qualities of calmness and self-restraint possessed by animals. By this he brings about the fact that animals are far more civilised than humans who are greedy and sinful.

Q4. A misanthrope is a person who dislikes humankind. Do you think the poet is a misanthrope? Provide a rationale to support your response. [QB 2020-21] 

Ans. Walt Whitman perfectly suits to be a misanthrope because he loves animals and feels that humans are losing that essence of good values in the rapid process of civilization. He hates them and worries for them. He is shown so disappointed with humankind that he wanted to live with animals rather than amongst humans. 

Q5. Walt Whitman wrote this poem towards the end of the nineteenth century. How might it be different if he were writing it today?

Ans. If Walt Whitman would have to write this poem today, then I suppose it would be even more audacious than the present version. As humans have become more uncivilised and selfish with the passage of time, the poet would have described it more sarcastically. Humans today have lost all their virtues. Hence, the reality in the poem about human values would have been uglier if the poet would have written it today. 

Q6. In the debate between NATURE and NURTURE, on which side might you find the poet? Support your stance with evidence. [QB 2020-21] 

Ans. According to me, the poet might be found on the side of NATURE because he believes that initially, both animals and humans possessed noble qualities. These virtues were natural to them. But later, humans lacked the qualities of being respectable, happy, content and peace-loving which is still reflected in animals. 

Q7. Whitman’s ode to animals is merely a yearning for a simpler life. Do you agree? Justify your answer. [QB 2020-21] 

Ans. Yes, I agree that his ode to animals is merely a yearning for a simpler life. In the poem ‘Animals, Whitman urges man to slow down and lead a peaceful life. He believes that man’s lust for greed is taking a toll on his quality of life.

Q8. The poet has an exaggerated and idealized perception of animal life. Do you agree? Why or Why not? [QB 2020-21]

Ans. I don’t think that the poet has exaggerated and idealized the perception of animal life because all the points mentioned by him in the poem are true about the animals. He has not fabricated any of it. For example: The animals never sweat and whine about their condition. That is so true and real.

Q9. Why do you think the poet has called the desire to own things, a mania? Is the poet right in doing so?

Ans. The poet uses words such as ‘demented’ and ‘mania’ for the never ending desire of human beings to own materialistic things. These words show that the poet is comparing this desire to madness. The poet stands right in doing so as this desire makes us greedy and traps us in a vicious circle of aspiring more and more. Human desires are endless but animals are free from any possession and are also free from sins, worries and complaints. In order to gain more wealth, all the important values such as morality and kindness are left behind.

Q10. It is not complaining but accepting a situation, the key to happiness in life. Elaborate in context of the poem Animals’. [CBSE 2015]

Ans. The poet Walt Whitman in his poem ‘Animals’ compares animals to human beings and differentiates between them on the basis of their characteristics. Animals have been ranked much higher than humans in the poet’s perception. Since animals do not complain about their situation, they are considered to be much happier than humans. Animals live in natural surroundings, they accept their natural lives. Humans, on the other hand, have never accepted nature, which is the reason why they complain about it and try to change it, leading to an unhappy life.

Q11. Justify how ‘Animals’ by Walt Whitman is a criticism of mankind and its ways. (CBSE SQP 2021-22)

Ans. Walt Whitman composed the poem animals. The poet believes that animals are better than humans because, unlike humans, they do not complain about their conditions or regret previous mistakes. Animals do not have greedy attitudes and they don’t spend their time desiring materialistic things. Humans are blemished by ego, hatred and greed.


Class 10 Animals Long Answer Questions Poem 7


Q1. Imagine that Walt Whitman and Nelson Mandela are invited to engage in a discussion on the topic – ‘Man’s Journey – Vices, Virtues and Vision’. Based on your reading of ‘Animals’ and ‘Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom’, present the similarities and differences in their viewpoints and vision of human beings in the form of a conversation.


Nelson Mandela is more hopeful about human kind than Walt Whitman. Do you agree? Support your opinion based on your reading of ‘Animals’ and ‘Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom’.

Ans. Nelson Mandela in ‘Long Walk to Freedom’ talked about the value of freedom from the eyes of that human being who has not enjoyed it till he gets it. Think about a bird or animals which are caged, which once had the habit of living with full freedom. But in the cage, it is not free and its condition is very pitiable.

Similarly, life becomes hell if we are deprived of freedom. If a man is free to do his duties, he can produce better results. He believed that oppressed and the oppressor both were equally to be blamed. Similarly, Walt Whitman in ‘Animals’ says that human beings are not free. They are bound by greed, dissatisfaction, over ambition and arrogance. Animals are far better than humans. Animals still continue walking on the path of nobility. Whitman compares humans with animals and keeps animals on a higher rank. They are contented, self-sufficient, simple

and free from confusions and the burden of sins and misdeeds. So, the poet wants to change sides and wants to be a part of the animal’s world.

We can conclude that Nelson advocates the right to freedom for human beings. At the same time, Whitman goes a step further and accuses men to misuse their freedom.

Q2. How can you relate Baloo’s words — “They’ll ruin him. They’ll make a man out of him!”— to the poem ‘Animals’ by Walt Whitman?

Walt Whitman

Ans. Baloo’s words— “They’ll ruin him. They’ll make a man out of him!” satirically mirrors human nature and aptly fits to the poem ‘Animals’. According to the poet, the animals are pure souls who are calm, composed, satisfied, and happy. They do not possess any ‘mania’ of acquiring wealth or materials. They have been able to preserve their natural values of innocence. The poet draws many comparisons to prove that animals are better than humans. Humans commit sins, animals don’t, animals don’t care about worldly things while humans do, animals do not discriminate while humans do. Animals never discuss their duties to God while humans do. So, the poet desires that humans should adopt the qualities of animals to become better humans. Baloo rightly said that if Mowgli would live amongst men, he would be ruined by them as Men are so greedy, cold-hearted, insincere and hypocritical beings. They would make him one of them. The poet has the same idea about humans in the poem ‘Animals’. 


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