The West Bengal University of Health Sciences Admission to M.Sc. (Nurse Practitioner in Critical Care) Course 2019-20
WBUHS MSc Admission 2019 – Applications are hereby invited for admission to M.Sc. (Nurse Practitioner in Critical Care) Course for the session 2019-2021 at College of Nursing, Asia Heart Foundation, Kolkata; affiliated to ‘The West Bengal University of Health Sciences’.
Program Available
- M.Sc. (Nurse Practitioner in Critical Care) Course (NPPC)
No. of Seats
- Total number of seats is 10 (Ten)
See: MSc Admission 2019
Eligibility Criteria
- Registered B. Sc. or Post Basic B. Sc. Nursing degree from any institution recognized by Indian Nursing Council; with a minimum of one year clinical experience after passing the aforesaid degree. Intending candidates must have 55% marks in aggregate in all the four years of the degree course taken together
Application Procedure
- Application form can be downloaded from the official website
- The intending candidates will gave to apply by filling in the proforma appended at the end of it and submitting the filled in proforma accompanied by photocopies of the following documents:
- Proof of identity (Passport /ADHAR / Voter ID / Driving license)
- Proof of Age (Birth certificate / Admit of Class X examination
- B.Sc. Nursing/ Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree certificate
- All the marksheets of B.Sc. Nursing / Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing Degree examinations.
- Proof of experience of working in clinical nursing for at least one year
- A demand draft amounting to Rs.3000/- drawn in favour of “The West Bengal University of Health Sciences” payable at Kolkata purchased on or before 08th October 2019 and must be submitted at the time of handing over the application form
- The photocopy of the application form will be kept by the students. The application form is to be submitted to the office of the Controller, WBUHS, till 04.00 pm on 13th September 2019
- However, any print copy of the application form will be accepted by the office of the Controller of Exams till 16th September 2019, provided the draft is purchased before 13th September 2019
See: Latest Entrance Exam Notification
Admission Test
- An interview will be conducted for the purpose by experts on the field. The interview will be held on 24th September 2019 at 11.00 a.m. at the premises of WBUHS
- The candidate has to bring legible photocopies of the above mentioned testimonials for verification at the time of interview. The merit list of the intending candidates will be prepared based on the cumulative score calculated taking into consideration the aggregate marks of the degree courses and that obtained in the interview
- In case more than one person secures the same score; first better marks in the degree examination will be considered and if those are the same; the person older by age will be placed higher in the merit list.
Publication of Results
- The list of the candidates appearing on the interview will be notified in the official website of WBUHS to make them appear in the counseling; a separate notice for which will be published in the website
See: MSc Nursing Entrance Exam
Important Dates
- Application Form is to be submitted to the office of the Controller, WBUHS, till 04.00 pm on 13th September 2019
- Print copy of the application form will be accepted by the office of the Controller of Exams till 16th September 2019
- The Interview will be held on 24th September 2019 at 11.00 a.m. at the premises of WBUHS