Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Ranchi notifies Entrance Exam 2024 for Admission to Masters in Hospital Administration (MHA) Program, Apply Online
RIMS Ranchi Masters in Hospital Administration Admission 2024 – Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi (An Autonomous Institute under Govt. of Jharkhand) has invited applications for admission to Masters in Hospital Administration (MHA) Course through an Entrance Examination for the Academic Year 2024-25
About the Program
- Hospitals play a very important role in delivery of health care services. With advancement in the field of medicine hospitals are able to offer a wide variety of health services. Therefore, the role of hospital administration is increasing day by day for effective and efficient delivery of medical services. Patient satisfaction, cost-containment, quality medical care, are the main output forum of hospital delivery systems which can be achieved by using the management concept and techniques by the trained/qualified hospital administrators and healthcare providers.
Aims & Objectives of the Program
- To prepare the candidate to assume the responsibility of a hospital executive / hospital administration health sector and subsequently function at higher levels in the hierarchy with requisite experience.
- To develop the skills and enlarge the knowledge base to function as hospital manager at various levels in the hospitals
- To provide training in key issues of hospitals like hospital planning / designing, quality and safety in patient care, Accreditation of hospitals and resource management.
Important Dates
- Application form Available (Online): 06th February 2024
- Last Date of Application: 20th February 2024
- Admit card available online from: 27th February 2024 (By e-mail)
- Date of Entrance Exami: 29th February 2024
- Place of Exam: Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi (Jharkhand)
- Date of Result: To be announced on website
Number of Seats
- Six (06) per academic year i.e. January to December of following year.(Reservation as per Government of Jharkhand norms)
- 2 Years, Full time
Medium of Instruction
- The Medium of instruction will be English
Eligibility Criteria
- Graduates from relevant background (MBBS, BDS, AYUSH from an Institute / College recognized by MCI, DCI, AYUSH Ministry) OR as per recognized Institute/University/College of Bachelor of Hospital Administration OR
- Candidates having PGDHHM/PGDHA course from recognized Central / State University of Non-medical stream with minimum 50% of marks, having minimum Five years’ experience in recognized Government/Private Multi-specialty hospital (100 beds and above). However preference will be given to candidates having research experience in hospital administration.
Age Limit
- The upper age limit for admission is 35 years for the session. Upper age limit is relaxable as per Govt. of Jharkhand rules in force at the time of admission.
Application Process
- For application form are available online at the official website https://rimsranchi.ac.in/
- Application should be filled in OFFLINE MODE ONLY
- The Complete Filled Application form duly signed, along with Demand draft must be deposited before the last date to Dean Office, Administrative Block, RIMS Ranchi-834009. Application Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances
Application Fee
- INR 1500 for Unreserved (UR) & OBC candidates and INR 1000 for SC/ST candidates (Demand Draft in favour of Director RIMS, Ranchi)
Selection & Reservation
- Students matching eligibility criteria can apply for a Master in Hospital Administration (MHA) Course. After submitting the application
- All students have to appear for the entrance examination conducted by RIMS. Students qualifying the entrance examination with minimum 50% marks for general candidate and minimum 45 % marks for reserve category will be eligible for GDPI, conducted by RIMS.
- The interview board for GDPI will consist of
- Dean / Medical Superintendent / Dy. Medical Superintendent
- External Expert
- ST / SC Faculty Member
- University / VC Nominee
- Admission to MHA Course would be offered based on merit. Reservation of seats will be in accordance with Jharkhand Government norms.
- Note: In case a candidate is not available against the reserved vacancy then the vacant seat will be filled in accordance with Jharkhand Government norms.
Certification and Approving Authority
- Course has been approved by the Academic / Executive council of RIMS/ Ranchi University and Government of Jharkhand. The student upon successful completion of the course will be awarded “Master in Hospital Administration (MHA)” from RIMS / Ranchi University, Ranchi.
- Note: The course has been approved by Govt. of Jharkhand and Ranchi University. However Final approval is awaited from Ranchi University. This course is recognized as a self-finance course, hence no stipend provided at any stage during the course.
Examination Passing Criteria
- The course is spread out in Four (04) semester search of Six (06) months.
- After each semester an internal examination will be conducted. Summer Training will be held after the Second Semester.
- Attendance: Minimum 80% attendance is mandatory in each semester. including Summer Training to appear for examination.
- It is compulsory to secure 50% marks in each paper individually to pass.
- If a student fails in any of the paper in a semester examination, he will be given a chance to appear in the paper after every six (06) months. However, if he fails in three or more papers he will not be promoted to next Semester. He will be eligible to appear for External Examination only after passing all Semester Exams
- External exam will be conducted after conclusion of fourth semester which comprise of:
- Case Studies / Projects completed by the student.
- Dissertation
- Viva voice
- Practical Examination
- Distribution of marks
- The total number of marks allotted to MHA course will be 100
- The weightage of these marks will be as under: Semester I+ II +Ill +IV=30%
- Final Exam = 70%
- Candidates can appear in External Examination only after clearing all semester exams, completion of Summer Training and submission of Dissertation.
For more details and to apply, please visit the official website