Maharaja Sriram Chandra Bhanjdeo ((MSCBD) University announces Integrated B.Ed and M.Ed Admission 2022
MSCBD University Integrated B.Ed and M.Ed Admission 2022 – Maharaja Sriram Chandra Bhanjdeo University, Baripda (formerly North Orissa University) invites applications for admission into Integrated B.Ed and M.Ed Courses from aspiring applicants for the academic session 2022-23
MSCBD University Integrated B.Ed and M.Ed Admission 2022
Course Details
- Duration: 3 year (six semesters) Integrated B.Ed-M.Ed Course under self-financing mode
- Intake: is 50 (25 from Science stream and 25 from Arts stream)
Important Dates
- Availability of on-line application forms : 03rd August 2022
- Last date for on-line application form : 31st August -2022
- Date of entrance test offline : 07th September 2022
- Date of publication of results : 15th September 2022
- Date of admission of merit-list students : 20th September 2022
- Date of admission of waiting list students : 21st September 2022
- Commencement of classes : 22nd September 2022
Eligibility Criteria
- Candidates seeking admission to the Integrated B.Ed-M.Ed program should have a Postgraduate Degree (PG) in Sciences/ Social Sciences/ Humanities from a recognised institution with a minimum 55% marks or equivalent grade.
Application Process
- The candidate shall have to download the application form from the University website available from 03.08.2022 and submit the filled in application form along with all the relevant documents on or before 31.08.2022 for appearing in the Entrance Test. No other mode of application shall be considered.
- Before filling the application form the candidate must read carefully the eligibility criteria for admission into the course, reservation and weightage, mode of selection and other information in the brochure available in the website.
- After scrutiny of the application form, the admit card will be sent through email/sms to the eligible candidates which the candidate should download, affix a recent passport size photograph and bring it at the time of Entrance Test.
Application Fee
- Integrated B.Ed.-M.Ed. Course: Rs.500/-
- Pay Mode: Debit card/Credit card of any nationalized bank, by e-payment through internet banking or by e-wallets (Phone-Pe, Amazon pay, paytm etc.)
Selection Procedure
- Mahraja Sriram Chandra Bhanjdeo University will conduct entrance exam only for admission into Int. B.Ed. M.Ed. course for the year 2022-23
- Merit list of the candidates (after the Entrance Test) shall be prepared by taking into account the marks in the Entrance Test (50%) and Academic Career assessment (50%)
Entrance Test
- Entrance Test will be conducted at Maharaja Sriram Chandra BhanjaDeo University, Baripada Campus.
- The duration of the written test will be 90 minutes.
- There will be total 75 objective questions, out of which 50 multiple choice questions with 01(one) mark each and the remaining 25 questions will be of short answer type (fill in the blanks/True or false/ match the columns/ one word answer) each carrying 02 (two) marks All the questions will be from Teaching Aptitude and Basic General Knowledge on Science/Arts & Humanities. The candidate should secure a minimum of 30% marks in the Entrance Test to qualify for consideration in preparation of merit list.
For more details and to apply online, please visit the official website
Also See:
- Admission Notification and Dates 2022
- M.Ed Admission Notifications and Entrance Exam 2022
- B.Ed Entrance Exam 2022