Kerala State Biodiversity Board notifies Post Doctoral Fellowship Program 2019
Kerala State Biodiversity Board Post Doctoral Fellowship 2019 – Applications are invited for two Post-Doctoral Fellowships from eligible candidates who wish to do research in specific areas on conservation of Biodiversity in Kerala for the year 2019
- The Post-doctoral fellowship in Biodiversity is aimed to identify motivated young researchers and provide them support for doing applied research in Biodiversity conservation
Also See : Admission Notifications
Eligibility Criteria for Kerala State Biodiversity Board Post Doctoral Fellowship 2019
- PhD in Life Sciences focusing on Biodiversity Conservation from any University in India recognized by UGC as evidenced by publication (Provisional Certificate may be accepted in case the degree is not awarded). Knowledge of local language is mandatory
Age Limit
- Not more than 40 years as on the date of Advertisement
- The period of fellowship shall normally be for a period of not exceeding 1 year. The Research fellows should complete the research programme within the prescribed time
Area of Research
- The Post-Doctoral fellow will be given specific Research Programmes by KSBB and they have to work in the Biodiversity conservation/Biodiversity application research accordingly. For 2019-20 the areas of research identified are
- Bioresource potential of Kerala
- City Biodiversity Index for three major cities in Kerala
Kerala State Biodiversity Board Post Doctoral Fellowship 2019 Application Process
- Application in prescribed format can be downloaded from the website. The duly filled application along with copies of relevant records should reach the undersigned directly or by post on or before 31st July 2019
- Applications which are incomplete/not in prescribed proforma will be rejected without further intimation. The right to accept/reject an application will be vested solely with the Board.
- Selection of Post Doctoral Fellows will be based on an interview conducted by an expert panel at the Head office of Kerala State Biodiversity Board. No TA/DA is permissible. Result will be uploaded in the website
- Each selected Post Doctoral (PD) Fellow will be eligible for a monthly fellowship of Rs.35,200/- for one year and an annual contingent grant of Rs.50,000/- The contingent grant may be utilized for books, stationery, computer related costs, and the field work expenses connected with the research work.
- The last 2 fellowships will be released only after submission of the detailed research report. The fellow will be issued a PDF Completion Certificate after successfully submitting comprehensive report of research work
Monitoring of Fellowship
- The Post Doctoral fellow should submit monthly work report of the activities done. Regular monitoring of Fellowship will be done on the basis of Six Monthly and Annual Progress Reports and presentation.
- The fellowship may be discontinued if research progress is found unsatisfactory. The KSBB may ask for annual presentation/mid-term appraisal of the research work.
Kerala State Biodiversity Board Post Doctoral Fellowship 2019 Important Dates
- Last Date for Online Registration for Scholarship is 31st July 2019