Golu Grows a Nose Question Answers


CBSE Class 7 English Chapter 3 Golu Grows a Nose Question Answers (Important) from An Alien Hand Book


Class 7 English Golu Grows a Nose Question Answers – Looking for “Golu Grows a Nose” questions and answers for CBSE Class 7 English An Alien Hand Book Chapter 3? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 7 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Chapter 3: Golu Grows a Nose now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract-based questions, multiple choice questions and Extra Question Answers 

Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance on exams. 





Class 7 English Golu Grows a Nose Textbook Questions


Golu Grows a Nose Questions Answers

Answer the following questions

Q1. Whom does Golu ask, “Why don’t you ever fly like other birds?”
Ans. Golu asked the ostrich the question, “Why don’t you ever fly like other birds?”.

Q2. Which uncle of Golu had red eyes?
Ans. The uncle Hippopotamus had red eyes.

Q3. Golu’s relatives did not answer his questions because
(i) they were shy.
(ii) the questions were too difficult.
(iii) Golu was a naughty baby.
Ans. (ii) the questions were too difficult. 

Q4. Who advised Golu to go to the Limpopo river?
Ans. The mynah bird advised Golu to go to the Limpopo river.

Q5. Why did Golu go to the river?
Ans. Golu went to the river to get the answer to his questions. He was curious to know more about a specific animal named the crocodile.

Q6. The crocodile lay on the bank of the Limpopo river. Golu thought it was
(i) a living crocodile.
(ii) a dead crocodile.
(iii) a log of wood.
Ans. (iii) a log of wood.

Q7. What did the crocodile do to show that it was a real crocodile?
Ans. The crocodile shed some crocodile tears to show that it was a real crocodile.

Q8. “Come here, little one, and I’ll whisper the answer to you.” The crocodile said this because
(i) he couldn’t stand up.
(ii) he wanted to eat Golu.
(iii) Golu was deaf.
Ans. (ii) he wanted to eat Golu. 

Q9. Who helped Golu on the bank of the river?
Ans. The python helped Golu on the bank of the river. He saved his life by pulling him away from the crocodile.

Q10. Name two things the elephant can do with his trunk, and two he cannot.
Ans. The two things the elephant can do with his trunk are as follows:

  1. He can pick up things with it.
  2. He can protect himself with it and use the trunk as a weapon.

The two things the elephant cannot do with his trunk are as follows:

  1. He cannot see with it.
  2. He cannot stand on the ground by the trunk.


Class 7 English Golu Grows a Nose Lesson 3 – Extract Based Questions


A. Long, long ago the elephant had no trunk. He had only a bulgy nose, as big as a boot. He could wiggle it from side to side, but couldn’t pick up things with it. 

There was a baby elephant called Golu. He, too, had no trunk but only a bulgy nose, as small as a small boot. Golu was full of questions. He asked his tall aunt, the ostrich, “Why don’t you ever fly like other birds?” Then he asked his tall uncle, the giraffe, “What makes your skin so spotty?” He asked his huge uncle, the hippopotamus, “Why are your eyes always so red?” He asked his hairy uncle, the baboon, “Why do melons taste like melons?” 

The ostrich, the giraffe, the hippopotamus and the baboon had no answers to Golu’s questions. “Golu is a naughty baby,” they said. “He asks such difficult questions.”


Q1. Whom did Golu first ask a question, and what was it?

Ans: He asked his tall aunt, the ostrich that why didn’t it ever fly like other birds.


Q2. What kind of nose did Golu have, and how was it described?

Ans: He had no trunk but only a bulgy nose, as small as a small boot.


Q3. Which animals did Golu ask questions to?

Ans: The ostrich, the giraffe, the hippopotamus and the baboon


Q4. What did Golu ask his hairy uncle, the baboon?

Ans: He asked his hairy uncle, the baboon, ‘Why do melons taste like melons?'”


Q5. How did the animals describe Golu because of his many questions?

Ans: Golu is described as a naughty baby who asks such difficult questions.



B. One day Golu met the mynah bird sitting in the middle of a bush, and he asked her, “What does the crocodile have for dinner?” The mynah said, “Go to the banks of the great, grassy Limpopo river and find out.” 

Golu went home. He took a hundred sugar canes, fifty dozen bananas and twenty-five melons. Then he said to his family, “Goodbye. I’m going to the great, grassy Limpopo river. I’ll find out what the crocodile has for dinner.” He had never seen a crocodile, and didn’t know what one looked like. 

He met a python and asked him, “Have you ever seen a crocodile? What does he look like? What does he have for dinner?”

The python uncoiled himself from the branch of a tree but said nothing. Golu politely helped him to coil around the branch again and said goodbye to him.


Q1. Whom did Golu meet sitting in the middle of a bush?

Ans: Mynah bird was sitting in the middle of a bush.  


Q2. What question did Golu ask Mynah Bird?

Ans: Golu asked her, ‘What does the crocodile have for dinner?”


Q3. What advice did mynah bird give Golu?

Ans:The mynah bird advised Golu to go to the banks of the great, grassy Limpopo river and find out what the crocodile ate for dinner.


Q4. What did Golu take with him on his journey to the Limpopo river?

Ans: He took a hundred sugar canes, fifty dozen bananas and twenty-five melons.


Q5. What question did Golu ask the python when he met him?

Ans: Golu asked him, “Have you ever seen a crocodile? What does he look like? What does he have for dinner?”


C. Golu was afraid, but he sat down on the bank and said, “You are the very person I was looking for. Please tell me what you have for dinner.” 

“Come here, little one, and I’ll whisper the answer to you,” said the crocodile.

Golu put his head down close to the crocodile’s snout and the crocodile caught him by the nose.

“I think,” said the crocodile, “today a baby elephant will be my dinner.”

“Let me go. You are hurting me, Mr Crocodile,” screamed Golu.

The python, who had been quietly following Golu, came to the bank and said, “If you do not pull as hard as you can, the crocodile will drag you into the stream.” 

Golu sat back on his little haunches and pulled and pulled. The crocodile slipped into the water making it all creamy with great sweeps of his tail, and he also pulled and pulled.

Then the python coiled himself round Golu’s stomach and said, “Let’s pull harder.” Golu dug in all his four legs in the mud and pulled. The nose kept on stretching. At each pull the nose grew longer and longer and it hurt Golu. The nose was now five feet long, but it was free at last.


Q1. What did Golu ask the crocodile when they met on the bank?

Ans: Golu asked the crocodile, “Please tell me what you have for dinner.”


Q2. How did the crocodile try to deceive Golu?

Ans: The crocodile said, “Come here, little one, and I’ll whisper the answer to you,” and then caught Golu by the nose.


Q3. What did the crocodile tell Golu about his dinner?

Ans: The crocodile said, “I think today a baby elephant will be my dinner.”


Q4. What advice did the python give Golu when the crocodile caught him?

Ans: The python said, “If you do not pull as hard as you can, the crocodile will drag you into the stream.”


Q5. What happened to Golu’s nose while he was pulling to get free from the crocodile?

Ans: Golu’s nose kept stretching longer and longer. It eventually became five feet long.



D. Golu sat down, with his nose wrapped up in a big banana leaf and hung it in the great, grassy Limpopo river to cool.

Golu sat there for two days waiting for his nose to cool and to shrink. It grew cool but it didn’t shrink.

At the end of the second day, a fly came and stung Golu on the shoulder. Golu lifted his long nose (trunk) and with it hit the fly dead.

“Advantage number one,” hissed the python. “You couldn’t have done it with a small nose. Try and eat a little now.”

Golu put out his trunk and plucked a large bundle of grass. He dusted it against his forelegs and stuffed it into his mouth.

“Advantage number two,” hissed the python. “You couldn’t have done it with a small nose. Don’t you think the sun is too hot now?

Golu scooped up some mud from the bank and slapped it on his head.

“Advantage number three,” hissed the python. “You couldn’t have done it with a small nose.”

“Thank you, Mr Python,” said Golu gratefully. “I’ll remember all this and now I’ll go back to my family.”



Q1. What did Golu do to cool his nose after it was stretched by the crocodile?

Ans: Golu sat down, with his nose wrapped up in a big banana leaf and hung it in the great, grassy Limpopo river to cool.


Q2. How long did Golu wait for his nose to cool?

Ans: Golu sat there for two days waiting for his nose to cool and to shrink. It grew cool but it didn’t shrink.


Q3. What was the first advantage of Golu’s long nose, according to the python?

Ans:  The first Advantage of Golu’s nose was that Golu could now protect himself better


Q4. How did Golu use his trunk to eat grass?

Ans: Golu put out his trunk and plucked a large bundle of grass. He dusted it against his forelegs and stuffed it into his mouth.


Q5. What did Golu do to protect himself from the sun?

Ans: “Golu scooped up some mud from the bank and slapped it on his head. 


Class 7 English An Alien Hand Book Lesson 3 Golu Grows a Nose Multiple Choice Questions


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers. 



  1. What did the elephant originally have instead of a trunk?

A) A long tail

B) A bulgy nose

C) A pair of wings

D) A large ear

Ans: B) A bulgy nose


  1. What was the size of Golu’s nose?

A) As big as a boot

B) As small as a small boot

C) As big as a house

D) As small as a pea

Ans: B) As small as a small boot


  1. Who did Golu ask about flying?

A) His uncle, the crocodile

B) His tall aunt, the ostrich

C) His mother

D) His father

Ans: B) His tall aunt, the ostrich


  1. What did Golu ask his uncle the giraffe?

A) Why is your skin so spotty?

B) Why do you eat leaves?

C) Why is your neck so long?

D) Why don’t you run fast?

Ans: A) Why is your skin so spotty?


  1. Who had no answers to Golu’s questions?

A) The mynah bird

B) His family

C) The crocodile

D) The ostrich, the giraffe, the hippopotamus and the baboon

Ans: D) The ostrich, the giraffe, the hippopotamus and the baboon


  1. What did the mynah bird tell Golu to do?

A) Go to sleep

B) Go to the banks of the great, grassy Limpopo river and find out

C) Go home

D) Play with other elephants

Ans: B) Go to the banks of the great, grassy Limpopo river and find out


  1. What did Golu take with him to the Limpopo river?

A) Fish and bread

B) Sugar canes, bananas, and melons

C) Only water

D) Nothing

Ans: B) Sugar canes, bananas, and melons


  1. Who did Golu meet on his way to the river?

A) A lion

B) A monkey

C) A python

D) A parrot

Ans: C) A python


  1. What did Golu ask the crocodile?

A) Why are you so scary?

B) What do you have for dinner?

C) Can you swim fast?

D) How do you catch fish?

Ans: B) What do you have for dinner?


  1. What did the crocodile do when Golu leaned down?

A) He smiled

B) He gave Golu advice

C) He swam away

D) He bit Golu’s nose  

Ans: D) He bit Golu’s nose


  1. Who came to help Golu when he was in trouble?

A) The mynah bird

B) The giraffe

C) The python

D) His aunt

Ans: C) The python

  1. How long did Golu’s nose become after pulling?

A) One foot long

B) Five feet long

C) Ten feet long

D) Three feet long

Ans: B) Five feet long


  1. How did Golu try to cool his nose?

A) By putting it in water

B) By wrapping it in a leaf

C) By hanging it in the river

D) By blowing on it

Ans: C) By hanging it in the river


  1. What happened to Golu’s nose after two days?

A) It shrank

B) It turned into a trunk

C) It grew cool but did not shrink

D) It disappeared

Ans: C) It grew cool but did not shrink


  1. What did Golu do when a fly stung him?

A) He ignored it

B) He cried for help

C) He ran away

D) He lifted his long nose and hit the fly 

Ans: D) He lifted his long nose and hit the fly


  1. What was the first advantage of Golu’s long nose mentioned by the python?

A) He could eat grass

B) He could swat flies

C) He could drink water

D) He could reach high branches

Ans: B) He could swat flies


  1. What was the second advantage of Golu’s trunk?

A) He could swim faster

B) He could climb trees 

C) He could dust his food

D) He could dig holes

Ans: C) He could dust his food


  1. What did Golu say to the python at the end?

A) “I will never trust a crocodile again.”

B) “Thank you, Mr Python. I’ll remember all this.”

C) “I want to go home.”

D) “You are my best friend.”

Ans: B) “Thank you, Mr Python. I’ll remember all this.”


  1. What did Golu’s family call him?

A) A curious baby

B) A naughty baby

C) A silly baby

D) A brave baby

Ans: B) A naughty baby


  1. Where did Golu find the crocodile?

A) In a cave

B) On a tree branch

C) At the edge of the river

D) In a field

Ans: C) At the edge of the river


Class 7 Golu Grows a Nose Extra Question Answers

Q1. Why did Golu sit near the Limpopo River for two days?

Ans: Golu sat down near the Limpopo River for two days waiting for his nose to cool down and shrink


Q2.  What happened when Golu reached the Limpopo river?

Ans: When Golu reached the very edge of the great, grassy Limpopo river, on the bank of the river, he saw a log of wood but it was actually the crocodile who winked at him. Golu asked him if he had ever seen a crocodile. Later the crocodile introduced himself and asked Golu to come closer to him. Golu was much afraid, but he sat down on the bank and requested the crocodile to tell him what he had for dinner. The crocodile told him to come closer so that he could whisper the answer to him. As soon as Golu put his head down close to the crocodile’s snout, the crocodile caught him by the nose.


Q3. What are the questions that Golu asks other birds and animals?

Ans: Golu was just a curious baby elephant. He was always curious about the things around him and so, he was full of questions. He asked his tall aunt i.e. ostrich why she did not fly like other birds. He asked his tall uncle i.e. giraffe, why his skin was so spotty. He asked his huge uncle, the hippopotamus, why his eyes were always so red. He asked the baboon, who is referred to as a ‘hairy uncle’ that why the melons tasted like melons.


Q4. Why did the pythons coil itself round Golu’s stomach?

Ans. The python realised that if he would not assist Golu, the baby elephant would get dragged into the stream. So, he coiled himself around Golu’s stomach. He then asked Golu to pull harder with him.


Q5. What did Golu take with him while going to the Limpopo river?

Ans: While going to the great grassy Limpopo river, Golu took a hundred sugarcanes, fifty dozen bananas and twenty-five melons to eat.


Q6. What happened to Golu’s nose when he was being dragged by the crocodile into the river? How does it help Golu later? 


Ans: When Golu was struggling to save himself from the crocodile he realized that his nose was stretching and getting bigger and bigger. His nose grew into a five feet long trunk until Golu was free from the crocodile. 


Q7. How did Golu’s nose which grew into a trunk helped him later?


Ans. Golu’s nose which grew into a trunk helped him later in the following manner:

  • The trunk helped Golu kill the fly that disturbed him.
  • It helped him pluck a large bundle of grass and eat it easily.
  • The trunk also let him scoop up mud in the form of a ball from the bank of the Limpopo River and slapped it on his head to make himself feel cooler.
