Cl-10-Flamingo-Poem-1 Character Sketch

Character Sketch of the Poet and her mother from Class 12 English Flamingo book Poem 1 My Mother at Sixty-six


Character Sketch of the Poet (Kamla Das)

Kamla Das has described her feeling of love and attachment towards her ageing mother. Once the poet went to visit her mother, she was on her way back to the airport to return to Cochin. She looked at her mother who was seated beside her in the car as she had dozed off to sleep and her ageing face – was smoky in colour like ash. Her mouth was open and she resembled a dead body. The poet realized that her mother was old. She felt pain and sympathy for her. In order to come out of the gloom, the poet shifted her glance and looked out of the car’s window. There she saw young trees pass by, little children were running out of their houses into the playgrounds. They symbolised energy, life and happiness contrary to the ageing face of her mother. It reminded her of her childhood when her mother had been young whereas now she is encircled with the fear of losing her and that has made her insecure. The poet is feeling the pain of separation, leaving her mother and going as she fear of losing her mother for forever as she could die of old age. But she keeps a brave front, she hides her tears and smiles.


My Mother at Sixty-six Overview – Ageing and the bond between a mother and her child are the themes in the poetry “My Mother at Sixty-Six” from the Class 12 English Flamingo textbook. The poem reflects on their strong bond and affection while describing the speaker’s observations of their mother’s physical and emotional changes as she ages. 


Some Questions on Character Sketch of the Poet (Kamla Das)

Q1. What were the poet’s feeling on her way to the airport?
Q2. Share your experiences and feelings on your relationship with your mother. Can you relate to the poet’s feelings?


Character Sketch of the Poet’s Mother

In the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’, the reader sees the mother through the eyes of the poet. It is obvious that the mother has been a caring and loving parent to evoke such strong feelings of affection in the daughter. The poet describes her now as being ashen faced like a corpse, or dull like the cold winter’s moon to imply that her mother is at the tail end of her life. She contrasts her with the young trees and the energetic children she sees from the car window. It is apparent to the poet that her mother is now pale and weak, standing at the brink of death. Yet, she prays for her well-being and hopes to see her again. The mother-daughter bond is strong and points towards how well the mother had brought up her children.


Some Questions on Character Sketch of the Poet’s Mother

Q1. How does the poet describe her mother in the poem, ‘My Mother at Sixty-six’?



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