NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill book Ranga’s Marriage Important Question Answers Lesson 3

Class 11 English Ranga’s Marriage Question Answers – Looking for Ranga’s Marriage question answers (NCERT solutions) for CBSE Class 11 English Snapshots Book Chapter 3? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 11 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Chapter 3: Ranga’s Marriage now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract based questions, multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions

Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance on exams. 




Class 11 English Ranga’s Marriage Question Answers Lesson 3 – Extract Based Questions

Extract-based questions are of the multiple-choice variety, and students must select the correct option for each question by carefully reading the passage.

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A. Very hopefully, he asked, “She isn’t married, then?” His voice did not betray his excitement but I knew it was there. “She was married a year ago.” His face shriveled like a roasted brinjal. After a while, Ranga left, saying, “I must go, I have work at home.”

1. What made Ranga distressed?
A) That Ratna was already married
B) That Ratna had a child
C) That Ratna did not want to marry
D) None of these
Ans. A) That Ratna was already married

2. Why was Ranga initially excited?
A) He hoped that Ratna would not be married
B) He was excited to know Ratna
C) He liked Ratna
D) He knew Ratna was not married
Ans. A) He hoped that Ratna would not be married

3. What does the word ‘Betray’ mean?
A) Cheat
B) Enjoy
C) Love
D) None of these
Ans. A) Cheat

4. Why did Ranga leave the place immediately?
A) For he was overjoyed
B) For he was hurt
C) For he was tired
D) For he was not interested in Ratna
Ans. B) For he was hurt

B. It was a Friday, so she was wearing a grand saree. I told her to sit in my room and requested her to sing a song. I sent it to Ranga. While she was singing the song-Krishnamurthy, in front of my eyes-Ranga reached the door. He stopped at the threshold. He did not want the singing to stop, but was curious to see the singer. Carefully, he peeped in. The light coming into the room was blocked.

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1. Who is ‘She’ in the first line?
A) Ranga’s wife
B) Ranga’s mother
C) Ranga’s girlfriend
D) Ratna
Ans. D) Ratna

2. What does the phrasal verb ‘Peeped in’ mean?
A) Look furtively
B) Look outside
C) Sneak out
D) None of these
Ans. A) Look furtively

3. Why did Ranga not want her to stop singing?
A) For she was singing melodiously
B) For she was singing poorly
C) For she was making eye to eye contact with Ranga
D) All of these
Ans. A) For she was singing melodiously

4. Who had called Ranga and Ratna to his house?
A) Shyama
B) Shastri
C) Rama Rao
D) Sarpanch of the Village
Ans. A) Shyama

C. “A man should marry a girl he admires. What we have now are arranged marriages. How can one admire a girl with milk stains on one side of her face and wetness on the other, or so young that she doesn’t even know how to bite her fingers?” “One a neem fruit, the other, a bitter gourd.” “Exactly!” Ranga said, laughing. I was distressed that the boy who I thought would make a good husband, had decided to remain a bachelor.

1. What kind of girl was perfect according to Ranga for marriage?
A) Shy
B) Immature
C) Young
D) None of these
Ans. D) None of these

2. What does the word ‘Distressed’ mean?
A) Disturbed
B) Upset
C) Worried
D) All of these
Ans. D) All of these

3. What had Ranga decided to do?
A) To remain spinster
B) To remain bachelor
C) To remain married
D) None of these
Ans. B) To remain bachelor

4. What is “a girl with milk stains on one side of her face and wetness on the other, or so young that she doesn’t even know how to bite her fingers?” reveal about Ranga’s views on marrying a girl?
A) He did not want to marry a young girl
B) He wanted to marry a grown and matured girl
C) Only A
D) Both A and B
Ans. D) Both A and B

D. That afternoon, when I was resting, Ranga came to my house with a couple of oranges in his hand. A generous, considerate fellow. It would be a fine thing to have him marry, settle down and be of service to society, I thought. For a while we talked about this and that. Then I came to the point. “Rangappa, when do you plan to get married?” “I am not going to get married now,” he said.

1 What does the word ‘Considerate’ mean?
A) Kind
B) Tactful
C) Thoughtful
D) All of these
Ans. D) All of these

2 What was the narrator concerned about?
A) Ranga’s engagement
B) Ranga’s marriage
C) Ranga’s Baptish
D) None of these
Ans. B) Ranga’s marriage

3 What was Ranga’s view about marriage?
A) Optimistic
B) Pessimistic
C) Balanced
D) All of these
Ans. B) Pessimistic

4 Why did Ranga say that “I am not going to get married now,”?
A) He did not want to marry a young girl
B) He wanted to marry a grown and matured girl
C) He did not want to marry young females who lacked manners and were unconcerned about their appearance.
D) All of the above
Ans. D) All of the above


Class 11 English Snapshots Ranga’s Marriage Lesson 3 Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers.

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Q1 “As for his namaskara to me, he did not do it like any present-day boy…” What does it tell about Ranga?
A He was well mannered
B He was disrespectful
C He was forgetful
D He changed his caste
Ans. A He was well mannered

Q2. What was Ranga’s initial take on marriage?
A He wanted to marry immediately
B He wanted to marry a girl chosen by his parents
C He wanted to remain a bachelor
D He wanted an arranged marriage
Ans. C He wanted to remain a bachelor

Q3 According to Ranga, what type of girl should one marry?
A Mature
B Admirable
C Both (A) and (B)
D Not mentioned in the story
Ans. C Both (A) and (B)

Q4 According to the narrator, who would make a suitable bride for Ranga?
A Narrator’s own daughter
B Rama Rao’s niece
C Narrator’s niece
D Rama Rao’s daughter
Ans. B Rama Rao’s niece

Q5 How does the narrator describe Ratna?
A Pretty girl of eleven
B From a big town
C Disrespectful
D Both (A) and (B)
Ans. D Both (A) and (B)

Q6 When Ranga reached the narrator’s house, Ratna was __________.
A sitting
B painting
C singing
D waiting
Ans. C singing

Q7 Ranga was ________ about Ratna.
A curious
B uninterested
C envious
D annoyed
Ans. A curious

Q8 “She was married a year ago.” Hearing this, Ranga was ___________.
A thrilled
B disappointed
C unconcerned
D surprised
Ans.B disappointed

Q9 What is the name of the narrator of the tale?
A Rangappa
B Shastri
C Rama
D Shyama
Ans. D Shyama

Q10 “Come, let’s go and see Shastri.” Who was Shastri?
A The village doctor
B A village elder
C The astrologer
D Not mentioned in the tale
Ans. C The astrologer

Q11 Why was it not important to know Ranga’s star?
A Because Shastri already knew
B Because Shastri was taught beforehand by the narrator
C Because Shastri was not well versed
D All of the above
Ans. B Because Shastri was taught beforehand by the narrator

Q12 According to the Shastri, what was Ranga’s concern?
A Concern for a girl
B Concern for his studies
C Concern for a job
D Concern for his village
Ans. A Concern for a girl

Q13 What sort of cue did Shastri suggest for the girl’s name?
A Something found in the forest
B Something found in the ocean
C Something found in the sky
D None of the above
Ans. B Something found in the ocean

Q14 Later on, Ranga got to know that Ratna was __________.
A divorced
B widowed
C unmarried
D engaged
Ans. C unmarried

Q15 “There’s greater truth in that shastra than we imagine.” Who said this?
A Shyama
B Shastri
C Ratna
D Ranga
Ans. D Ranga

Q16 “Don’t forget, I developed on the hints you had given me.” What does the line suggest?
A Narrator tutored Shastri for what to tell
B Everything that Shastri told was based on his predictions
C Both (A) and (B)
D None of the above
Ans. A Narrator tutored Shastri for what to tell

Q17 Why does the narrator call the couple childish?
A Because they were immature
B Because they named their child after him
C Because they were playful
D Because they invited him for dinner
Ans. B Because they named their child after him

Q18 “It’s Shyama’s birthday.” Who has been referred to in this line?
A Ranga and Ratna’s child
B The narrator
C A child in village
D None of the above
Ans. A Ranga and Ratna’s child

Q19 After reading “Ranga’s Marriage”, who (according to you) played a major role in Ranga and Ratna’s marriage?
A Rama Rao
B Shastri
C Ranga
D Shyama
Ans. D Shyama

Q20 What sort of intentions does the narrator seem to have towards Ranga?
A He is mean
B He feels responsible for his marriage
C He is manipulative
D He feels pitiful
Ans. B He feels responsible for his marriage


Class 11 English Ranga’s Marriage Question Answers (including questions from Previous Years Question Papers)

In this post we are also providing important short answer questions from the Chapter 3 Ranga’s Marriage for CBSE Class 11 exams for the coming session.


Q1. How does the narrator give us a vague picture of Indian villages during British rule?
Answer. During British rule, Indian villages were impoverished and underdeveloped. Only a few people understood or spoke English. So it was a big deal when Ranga was sent to Bangalore to study. It was common practice to marry young. Ratna was married off at the tender age of eleven.

Q2. What were the two distinctive features of the village Hosahalli?
Answer. The narrator speaks highly of his hometown, Hosahalli. He lists several distinguishing features of the location. It employs a doctor who has traveled extensively. In the village pond, there are some unique mango trees and a creeper.

Q3. Why was Ranga’s homecoming a great event?
Answer. Ranga was the village accountant’s son. He was sent to an English school in Bangalore to study. When Ranga returned home after six months, everyone was overjoyed. They anticipated a significant change in the boy. As a result, they rushed to his door. His homecoming became a big deal.

Q4. What role does the narrator play in the life of Rangappa?
Answer. Shyama, the narrator, decides to marry Ranga. He sets up a trap for Ranga. He invites Ratna and Ranga to his home so that they can meet. Ranga becomes attracted to Ratna there, just as the narrator predicted. Finally, the narrator is successful in getting them married. As a result, the narrator serves as a matchmaker.

Q5. What were Ranga’s views on the selection of a bride and marriage in general?
Answer. Rangappa had no plans to marry until he met the right girl. He desired a mature girl as well as one whom he admired. He was opposed to arranged marriages and to marrying an adolescent girl. If he couldn’t find the girl of his dreams, he was content to be a bachelor.

Q6. Who was Ratna?
Answer. Ratna was Rama Rao’s lovely eleven-year-old niece. Her parents had died. She knew how to play the veena and the harmonium because she was from a big city. She had a lovely voice as well. Shyama was instrumental in her marriage to Ranga.

Q7. How did the narrator bring Ranga and Ratna face to face?
Answer. The narrator summoned Ratna to his home to collect some buttermilk. When she arrived, he asked her to sing a song. Meanwhile, he sent for Ranga so that he could see the girl. His strategy worked. Ranga was smitten by the lovely young lady with a sweet voice.

Q8. What tricks did the narrator play to intensify Ranga’s interest in Ratna?
Answer. Ranga was initially opposed to marrying a young and immature girl. However, the narrator played his cards carefully. He brought Ranga and Ratna face to face with each other. When he realized Ranga was interested in the girl, he told him Ratna had recently married. Ranga was saddened and disappointed when he heard this. The narrator then persuades Ranga that Ratna is the girl for him. He takes help from the village astrologer. Even the stars predicted it. As a result, Ranga was persuaded and thus, he married Ratna.

Q9. Why did the narrator resolve to get Ranga married?
Answer. Ranga greeted him respectfully and later came to meet him with a couple of oranges, which pleased the narrator. He believed that such a good boy should marry and settle down. Ranga, on the other hand, had his own ideas about the ideal life partner. He was content to be single until he met the right girl. So the narrator resolved to get the boy married as soon as possible.

Q10. What role does Shastri play in bringing about Ranga and Ratna together?
Answer. The narrator sought Shastri’s assistance in bringing Ranga and Ratna together. He was an astrologer’s tutor. He drove Ranga to his home. Shastriji calculated and read the stars. He finally declared that the girl in Ranga’s head has the name of an ocean creature. Ratna could also be involved. Ranga was convinced that even the stars wanted him to marry Ratna.


Class 11 Ranga’s Marriage Long Answer Questions Lesson 3


Q1. What type of a boy Ranga was before and after getting education in Bangalore ? Have you found any change in him ? Why or not ?
Answer. Ranga was an accountant’s son in the village. He was a simple boy as the others there. Before going to Bangalore he was a boy with feelings overflowing from the heart. After getting education, when he returned to the village everybody waited to see him and check him whether he had changed or not. The narrator found no change in him as far as regard and respect for elders were concerned.
He was a qualified bachelor with a notion that one should marry a mature girl. Ranga was a down to earth man. He was stuck still to his traditions and customs. He did not come wearing Janewara in the neck and touch the elders’ feet on seeing them. Moreover he used to say namaskara to everybody who came to his house. He was spiritually sound. He still believed in religious ceremonies, and even in stars etc. Ranga alias Rangappa is the mirror to other people in the village.

Q2. Why and how does the narrator conspire to get Ranga married?
Answer. Ranga was a bright, well-educated, and promising young man. However, he was adamant about not marrying a very young and immature girl chosen by his parents. He was determined to remain single until he met the right girl, whom he admired. The narrator resolved to marry him. Ratna, Rama Rao’s eleven-year-old niece, came to his mind. She knew how to play the harmonium and had a lovely voice. The narrator confronted Ratna and Ranga in his own home. He piqued the boy’s curiosity about the girl. He informed him that she was already married. However, it was a lie. He plotted with Shastri to advance Ranga’s interest in Ratna.
Ranga was made to believe that even according to the Shastras he was destined to marry Ratna.

Q3. Briefly narrate the main events of the story ‘Ranga’s Marriage’.
Answer. Ranga is the village accountant’s son. When he goes to Bangalore for studies, he becomes a hero. When he returns to Hosahalli village after six months, a crowd gathers at his house. They are interested in seeing how he has changed. But they return disappointed. Ranga’s views on marriage have shifted significantly as a result of his time in the city. He declares that he would marry a mature woman whom he chooses and admires. The narrator Shyama persuades Ranga to marry Rama Rao’s young 11-year-old niece. He summons them both to his home. Ratna arrives with buttermilk. Ranga becomes interested in her after hearing her sing. Shyama tutors the village Shastri, who declares that Ratna, a girl, is the perfect match for him. The wedding was held soon after. Ranga names his first child Shyama. It was his ode to the narrator.

Q4. Astrologers’ perceptions are based more on hearsay and conjecture than what they learn from the study of the stars. Comment with reference to the story.
Answer. Most astrologers rely on hearsay or information gathered from their clients to make their predictions. Astrologers perceptions are based more on hearsay and conjecture than what they learn from the study of the stars is effectively brought through the character of Shastri in the story. The same thing happens in the story when Shyam, the narrator, instructs Shastri to regurgitate the muddled facts in front of Rangappa that Ratna is the only suitable match for him based on the star cast. Because of the dramatic mockery played by Shyam and Shastri, Ranga followed his heart and married Ratna. He was so moved by the story that he named his son ‘Shyama’ after the narrator.

Q5. What kind of a person do you think the narrator is?
Answer. The narrator is a kind and compassionate elderly gentleman who treasures his culture and homeland. At the start of the story, he describes his village in detail, demonstrating how much he adores it. He also questions the significance of English in Indian culture. He regards the foreign language as disgraceful. As a result, the narrator values his own language and traditions and enjoys assisting those around him. The narrator decides to find a suitable bride for Ranga and successfully arranges his marriage. It demonstrates that he was an altruist who would not hesitate to assist others, believing that doing so was a great service to society. Aside from that, he is a very witty individual.His witty quotes are fun to read. The narrator, who plays a very significant role in the story, turns out to be a unique character with many virtues.

Q6. Comment on the influence of English — the language and the way of life — on Indian life as reflected in the story. What is the narrator’s attitude to English?
Answer. The history of the English language is extensive. It was introduced by the British prior to independence and has been in use ever since. English is now widely used in education, administration, trade, and commerce. The problem is also mentioned in the story. It demonstrates that people used to speak in their native language without using English. However, learning English has become mandatory over time, and almost everyone wishes to be fluent in the English language. It has become the primary mode of communication in major cities. Westernisation is gradually infiltrating our culture, and there is a frenzy to learn the language for personal and professional reasons. The narrator finds it disgraceful and strongly opposes the idea. He wonders why we are so interested in something that is not ours.
The narrator never criticized the younger generation for learning a foreign language, but he found it disgraceful to see how language was gradually changing and how many people in his own village could speak the language while others struggled.
He was acutely worried that the next generation must not forget their native language, culture, and tradition.

Q7. The narrator pays a glowing tribute to his village, Hosahalli. What does he say?
Answer. The narrator remarks that it is a “pity” that no one has heard of his village Hosahalli. He explains that there is no mention of it in any geography book because the sahibs in England, writing in English, were unaware that such a place existed. He compares Mysore state to Bharatavarsha as the sweet karigadabu is to a festive meal, and Hosahalli to Mysore state as the filling is to the karigadabu. He claims that he is not the only one who speaks highly of Hosahalli; even the widely traveled doctor, Dr Gundabhatta, concurs. He feels that some mango trees in their village have an extreme potency of sourness just as the leaves of the creeper make an excellent plate to serve the afternoon meal.

Q8. Discuss the reaction of the people towards Ranga.
Answer. Ranga, the accountant’s son, was the first person from the village sent to study in Bangalore. Many people did not speak English at the time. That’s why Ranga’s homecoming was so memorable. People rushed to his door, announcing the arrival of the accountant’s son. They wanted to go and look at Ranga. The crowd gathered in the courtyard.
They were surprised to see Ranga in the same condition as when he had left the village six months ago. An old lady next to him ran her hand over his chest, looked into his eyes, and said that because he still wore the sacred thread, he had not lost his caste.
Once they realized that Ranga still had the same hands, legs, eyes and nose, they went away.

Q9. Describe the narrator’s ploy to get Ranga married.
Answer. The narrator was determined to get Ranga married. He imagined Rama Rao’s niece, Ratna, as the ideal bride for him. He summoned Ratna to his home the next morning and asked her to sing. He also summoned Ranga, who fell in love with her after hearing her sing. Ranga’s interest was noted by the narrator, who informed him that Ratna had recently got married. Ranga looked visibly disappointed when he heard this.
The next morning, the narrator went to their Shastri and told him to prepare everything for reading the stars, as well as tutored him on what to say. As planned, the Shastri pretended to do some calculations and claimed that Ranga’s problem was related to a girl whose name was something found in the ocean, such as Kamala, Pachchi, or Ratna. The narrator forced Ranga to admit his feelings for Ratna before informing him that she was not married.

Q10. Describe Ranga’s meeting with the Shastri.
Answer. The narrator had instructed the Shastri on what to say. He then asked Ranga to accompany him to Shastri’s office. As planned, the Shastri pretended to perform certain calculations and claimed that Ranga’s problem was related to a girl. He went on to say that the girl’s name was inspired by something found in the ocean, such as Kamala (the lotus), Pachchi (the moss), or Ratna (the precious stone). Ratna, according to the narrator, was the girl in Rama Rao’s house. He inquired whether their discussions had any chance of bearing fruit. The Shastri was upbeat, and Ranga’s expression revealed surprise and happiness.The narrator said that the girl was married but there was a possibility of another suitable girl. Hearing this, Ranga was disappointed.


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