The Interview MCQs with Answers NCERT Class 12 English Lesson 7

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“The Interview” MCQs with Answers from CBSE Class 12 English Flamingo Book Lesson 7

The Interview MCQs of Class 12 English Chapter 7, by Christopher Silvester have been compiled for students to practice. Students of Class 12 can prepare the MCQs of Chapter 7 The Interview from NCERT Flamingo book. Each question has four options followed by the correct answer. Students can also take a free test of the The Interview MCQ Question Answers Quiz. These MCQ Questions have been selected based on the latest exam pattern as announced by CBSE.

For Correct Answers, see end of post. (below)



Class 12 English Flamingo The Interview Chapter 7 Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers.

1- Who is the author of the lesson ‘The Interview’?
A) Christopher Priest
B) Christopher Silvester
C) J.B. Priestley
D) Alfred John Churchley

2- What does V.S. Naipaul feel about interviews?
A) It is a horrifying experience
B) he is happy on being interviewed
C) some people are wounded by interviews
D) none

3- What does Naipaul present in his travel books?
A) his feelings about the behaviour of Indians
B) his feelings about interviews
C) impression of the country of his ancestors that is India
D) none

4- The excerpt -The Interview has been taken from which book?
A) The Penguin Book of Interviews
B) Features for Vanity Fair
C) The name of the Rose
D) none

5- What did he present in this book?
A) varied opinions of politicians
B) varied opinions of civilians
C) varied opinions of armymen
D) varied opinions of celebrities regarding an interview

6- According to an old saying what happens when perceptions are made about a person?
A) Person feels happy
B) person becomes popular
C) Person feels irritated
D) The original identity of his soul is lost

7- How does Umberto Eco find so much time to write so much?
A) using early morning time and missing exercise
B) by being multidextrous
C) using his family time for work
D) by using empty spaces (free times) like waiting for someone, break time

8- What was distinctive (special) about Eco’s academic writing style?
A) His realistic narrative style with trial and errors
B) his interrogative style
C) his monotonous unrealistic style
D) fictitious imaginative style

9- What is the reason for huge success of the novel The Name of The Rose?
A) mystic
B) metaphysics and medieval history period used
C) detective style and theology
D) All these

10- What are some of the positive traits of of interviews?
A) brings out the truth and gives vivid impression of contemporaries
B) helps finding hidden talents
C) useful medium of communication
D) All these

11- Why do most celebrity writers despise being interviewed?
A) they don’t like journalists
B) unwarranted intrusion in their life
C) they face financial losses
D) none of these

12- At what age was Eco’s book published?
A) at the age of 20
B) at the age of 25
C) at the age of 22
D) at the age of 26

13- At what age did he start writing novels?
A) at the age of 55
B) at the age of 52
C) at the age of 57
D) at the age of 50

14- What days did he used to write novels?
A) Saturday night
B) Friday night
C) every evening
D) Sundays

15- Why do the celebrities feel embarassed most often?
A) because of question attacks during interviews
B) because of interviewer’s gestures
C) because of interviewer’s appearance
D) none

16- What is the primitive view about being photographed?
A) person’s soul is stolen
B) part of personality is lost
C) person can be commanded
D) All these

17- What do you understand by the expression ‘Thumbprints on his windpipes”?
A) using a stamp pad to create impression
B) creating impression of thumb on clay
C) creating a choking sensation
D) none of these

18- What in yesterday’s world was the main source of information?
A) social media
B) newspapers
C) short screens
D) Interviews and interactions

19- What satisfied Umberto’s taste for narration?
A) stories
B) children’s works
C) interviews
D) Novels

20- What does writing novels on Sundays signify?
A) writing novels- his passion
B) writing novels- his main work
C) writing novels- his casual job
D) writing novels- his hobby

21- Evaluate- ‘An Interview is a supremely serviceable medium of communication’?
A) a medium to gossip
B) a medium to create hype
C) a medium to to give news
D) a noble medium of interaction and introspection

22- What is an interview?
A) a medium of talking to the people
B) a medium to spread rumours
C) a medium to be the talk of the town
D) a medium of interaction and introspection

23- Explain ‘Denis Brian’s statement “Almost everything of moment reaches us through one man asking questions of others.’
A) The interviewer can modify the truth
B) The interviewer has a high social status
C) The interviewer can elicit the truth and has the power to influence
D) All these

24- What impression is formed of Umberto after reading the lesson- The Interview?
A) A person of substance
B) a person of character
C) a person of words
D) A person of vision and firm convictions

25- What do Umberto’s works for children speak about ?
A) his passion for children
B) children are nuisance
C) children love to be happy
D) non-violence and peace

26- While being interviewed by Mukand, Umberto speaks about his philosophy and novel, What does he point out at?
A) he loves writing
B) he loves to be in spotlight
C) at the universe and its workings
D) at empty spaces in the universe- Interstices

27- How many novels has Umberto written?
A) 10
B) 8
C) 15
D) 5

28- How many scholarly works are to his credit?
A) more than 5
B) more than10
C) more than 20
D) more than 40

29- What facts are being showcased in the interview held between Eco and Padamnabhan?
A) he takes pride in being an academician, a university Professor first
B) Being a novelist is a secondary thing for him
C) uses his free time for writing novels
D) All these

30- What ideas do you form of Umberto’s personality after his interview with Mukand?
A) a very rigid person
B) a boastful and arrogant
C) an illusionary vision
D) an academician with philosophical and ethical interest

31- Why did Umberto start writing novels?
A) to avail an opportunity
B) to be in limelight
C) to share his views
D) to make best use of empty spaces means free time

32- According to Umberto what will happen to the world if we eliminate empty spaces from the universe?
A) The world will become beautiful
B) The world will be completely ours
C) The world will shrink and will become as big as a fist.
D) The world will be round

33- Which period of history do Umberto’s novels deal with?
A) Renaissance
B) dark age
C) modern era
D) Medieval period

34- Why does Eco call the success of his book a mystery?
A) because of its success
B) because of its popularity
C) because of many factors
D) because the cause of its success is unknown

35- What was Lewis Caroll’s opinion of interviews and autographs?
A) wonderful
B) terrorizing
C) horrifying
D) none of these

36- Who has written Alice in Wonderland?
A) Christopher
B) Mukand
C) Rudyard Kripling
D) Lewis Caroll

37- Why were the journalists and publishers puzzled by the success of The Name of the Rose?
A) because readers like trash and it was a serious novel
B) because it was becoming popular
C) because of its highrated success
D) none

38- In what way interviews have become a commom place of journalism?
A) because of its power, influence and medium of communication
B) because of its pomp
C) because of its glory
D) because of its rapport

39- What do Rudyard Kipling and his wife express about interviews?
A) immoral
B) not good
C) very bad
D) immoral and offensive crime against a person

40- What kind of a novel was The Name of The Rose?
A) hilarious
B) fiction
C) non-fiction
D) a serious one

 41- “It was his horror of being lionized which made him thus repel would be acquaintances, interviewers, and the persistent petitioners for his autograph and he would afterwards relate the stories of his success in silencing all such people with much satisfaction and amusement.” ‘Lionized’ here means-
A) To become a lion
B) A notable author
C) the zodiacal sign or constellation Leo
D) a brave, strong, or fierce person.

42- Find a synonym of ‘wrecked’
A) destroyed
B) ruined
C) Damaged
D) All of these

43- ‘The interviewing Ordeal’ implies that it was-
A) An unpleasant task
B) A pain
C) Unwelcomed
D) All of these

44- Who went on to interview Joseph Stalin?
A) Umberto Eco
B) H.G. Wells
C) Christopher Silvester
D) None of them

45- Caroline is the wife of ________
A) Rudyard Kipling
B) Umberto Eco H.G. Wells
C) Christopher Silvester
D) H.G. Wells

46- Find a suitable meaning of ‘vile’ as used in the lesson-
A) Morally bad
B) Extremely unpleasant
C) Of little value
D) None of these

47- The statement – ‘Yet Kipling had himself perpetrated such an ‘assault’ on Mark Twain only a few years before.’ means-
A) Kipling had interviewed Twain
B) Kipling had been interviewed by Twain
C) Both A and B
D) None of these

48- Which writer’s views on interview are ironical in view of his acts?
A) Mark Twain
B) H.G. Wells
C) Rudyard Kipling
D) None of these


49- Eco’s interview is taken from _______
A) Indian Express
B) Times of India
C) The Hindu
The Tribune

50- Find a synonym of Research paper from the lesson
A) Intellectual
B) hypotheses
C) Interstice
D) Dissertation

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1 B 26 D
2 C 27 D
3 C 28 D
4 A 29 D
5 D 30 D
6 D 31 D
7 D 32 C
8 A 33 D
9 D 34 D
10 D 35 C
11 B 36 D
12 C 37 A
13 D 38 A
14 D 39 D
15 A 40 D
16 A 41 B
17 C 42 D
18 D 43 D
19 D 44 B
20 C 45 A
21 D 46 B
22 D 47 A
23 C 48 C
24 D 49 C
25 D 50 D


Class 12 English MCQs


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