Poets and Pancakes MCQs with Answers NCERT Class 12 English Lesson 6

Chp_6_Poets & Pancakes

“Poets and Pancakes” MCQs with Answers from CBSE Class 12 English Flamingo Book Lesson 6

Poets and Pancakes MCQs of Class 12 English Chapter 6, by Asokamitran have been compiled for students to practice. Students of Class 12 can prepare the MCQs of Chapter 6 Poets and Pancakes from NCERT Flamingo book. Each question has four options followed by the correct answer. Students can also take a free test of the Poets and Pancakes MCQ Question Answers Quiz. These MCQ Questions have been selected based on the latest exam pattern as announced by CBSE.

For Correct Answers, see end of post. (below)




Class 12 English Flamingo Poets and Pancakes Chapter 6 Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers.

  1. Who is the author of Poets and Pancakes?
    A) Asokamitran (1931), a Tamil writer
    B) Charu Nivedita
    C) Jayakanthan
    D) Balakumaran
  2. When was Gemini studio set up?
    A) 1920
    B) 1930
    C) 1910
    D) 1940
  3. What was the brand name of the make-up material that Gemini studio bought?
    A) Pancake
    B) Mancake
    C) Fancake
    D) latincake
  4. Who was Greta Garbo?
    A) A Swedish actress- an Oscar winner
    B) A German actress – Noble prize winner
    C) A French actress Oscar nominee
    D) A bengali actress
  5. What was Asokamitran’s job in the studio?
    A) to arrange pancakes
    B) to arrange make up kits
    C) to serve water
    D) cut out newspaper clippings on a wide variety of subjects and store them in files.
  6. Who was the founder of Gemini studio?
    A) Mr. S.S Vasan
    B) Stephen Spender
    C) a Tamil boy
    D) Kothamanglam Subbu
  7. What has been the make-up room compared to?
    A) make-up company
    B) a cafe
    C) a jewellery shop
    D) hair-cutting salon
  8. For whom was Gemini studio making films?
    A) for English people
    B) for illiterate
    C) for elderly people
    D) for simple Tamilians who have no interest in English poetry
  9. Who was the Englishman?
    A) Salman Rushdie
    B) D.H Lawrence
    C) George Orwell
    D) Stephen Spender
  10. Why did Spender visit the studio?
    A) to deliver a speech
    B) to gossip with the workers
    C) to check the workers
    D) to know the film making
  11. Why was MRA invited to Gemini studio?
    A) To show their play
    B) Because of political affiliations
    C) because of cultural exchange
    D) none
  12. Why did everybody in the studio think of giving some work to the author?
    A) because of the idle appearance of his work
    B) because he was an office boy
    C) because he was a helper
    D) none
  13. Why did the office boy in the make-up room come to the author?
    A) because he was unemployed
    B) because of his interest in literary arts and film making
    C) to earn money
    D) to do make up
  14. Who was Subbu’s enemy?
    A) no one
    B) the author
    C) actors
    D) The office boy in the makeup room
  15. The boy in the make-up room was jealous of whom?
    A) actors
    B) author
    C) the visitor
    D) Subbu
  16. What qualities was Subbu admired for?
    A) acting, writing filmmaking skills and the management skills
    B) acting and writing
    C) flattery
    D) gossips
  17. Why was Subbu considered number 2 at Gemini studio?
    A) because of his flattery
    B) because of his abilities
    C) because of creative skills
    D) none
  18. Which plays were presented by MRA in Madras?
    A) Macbeth
    B) Othello
    C) A doll’s house
    D) Jetham Valley and The Forgotten Factors
  19. How was the Gemini studio influenced by the plays staged by MRA?
    A) They imitated their styles
    B) They imitated their dialogues
    C) They imitated their story
    D) They imitated their sets and costumes
  20. What is the example of National Integration in Poets and Pancakes?
    A) Make-up department of Gemini
    B) rehersal room
    C) office of Gemini studio
    D) none
  21. How does the author come to know that the English author was Stephen Spender?
    A) From a painting which has his name
    B) From the newspaper article
    C) from a television show
    D) from a book written by him which had his photograph
  22. How was Kothamanglam Subbu treated in the Gemini studio?
    A) with hatred
    B) rudely
    C) disrespectfully
    D) with high respect
  23. Why was Subbu termed as ‘many sided genius’?
    A) because of his flattery
    B) because he indulged in gossip
    C) because of his ability to interact with others
    D) because of his ability to create and manage several things
  24. How many people were there in the MRA group?
    A) 150 from 15 nationalities
    B) 180 from 18 nationalities
    C) 140 from 14 nationalities
    D) 200 people from 20 nationalities
  25. When did MRA visit Madras?
    A) 1942
    B) 1922
    C) 1932
    D) 1952
  26. What things attracted the audience in the plays staged by MRA?
    A) their jewellery
    B) their make up
    C) their dialogues
    D) their sets and costumes
  27. ‘An extremely talented actress, who was also extremely temperamental, once blew over on the sets’. (CBSE QB, 2021)
    Pick the idiom that matches best with ‘blew over’.

    A) At one’s wits end
    B) Get bent out of shape
    C) Have the blues
    D) Experience pins and needles
  28. What does the expression ‘ fiery misery’ mean?
    A) the fire that burnt near the studio
    B) the bright sunlight during an outdoor shoot
    C) the bright colorful dresses of heroines
    D) discomfort to the actors in the makeup room
  29. Who was heading the make-up department?
    A) a Madrasi, later succeeded by a Gujarati
    B) A tamilian, later succeeded by a Maharashtrian
    C) A Bengali, later succeeded by a Punjabi
    D) A Bengali, later succeeded by a Maharashtrian
  30. In any case, there was this man in the make-up department who would wish the dirtiest things for Subbu’. Here ‘direst things’ refers to something that is (CBSE QB, 2021)
    A) urgent.
    B) desperate.
    C) disastrous.
    D) dreadful
  31. Which of the following actor’s name does NOT appear in ‘Poets and Pancakes’?
    A) Greta Garbo
    B) Kajol
    C) Rati Agnihotri
    D) Miss Gohar 
  32. This gang of nationally integrated make-up men could turn any decent-looking person into a hideous crimson hued monster with the help of truck-loads of pancake and a number of other locally made potions and lotions.
    Which option closest means ‘crimson’?

    A) Brown
    B) Red
    C) Black
    D) Green
  33. The building of Gemini studio previously housed the stables owned by _______
    A) Rati Agnihotri
    B) Subbu
    C) Robert Clive
    D) Stephen Spender
  34. The office boy of the make-up room ________ paint on the faces of crowd players, on days of crowd shooting.
    A) Smeared
    B) Slapped
    C) Smashed
    D) Pasted
  35. Find a synonym of ‘ignominy’.
    A) Humiliation
    B) Worry
    C) Anger
    D) Disappointment
  36. The novel Thillana Mohanambal ws about –
    A) Politicians
    B) Devdasis
    C) Corporate life
    D) A police officer
  37. Find a synonym for ‘tirade’.
    A) Fight
    B) Rant
    C) Anguish
    D) Vehicle
  38. Which of the following images best describes a ‘coat of mail’?

  1. Identify the man of “cold logic”.
    A) Subbu
    B) Office Boy
    C) Asokamitran
    D) Legal Adviser
  2. Which of the following best describes a sycophant?
    A) Radhe Shyam does not bother about other’s feelings.
    B) Jeetendra overlooks her mistakes and praises her falsely.
    C) Anita indulges in excessive merry-making.
    D) Anuradha is unbiased in her opinion.
  3. The word temperamental means-
    A) Subject to unreasonable change in mood
    B) Subject to rapid change in temperature.
    C) Subject to drastic weather changes
    D) Subject to changes in intelligence.
  4. What is a ‘flop’ film?
    A) A multi-starrer
    B) Box-office hit
    C) One which does bad business
    D) One which earns a lot of money and makes the producers billionaires.
  5. Ananda Viktan was a  _______
    A) Play
    B) Weekly
    C) Movie
    D) None of these
  6. Identify a synonym of ‘Compunction’.
    A) Respect
    B) Regret
    C) Shock
    D) Dislike
  7. What are notions?
    A) A set of questions
    B) A set of beliefs
    C) A set of words
    D) A set of watches
  8. Who out of the following can be an acquaintance?
    A) Anirudh met me for the first time today.
    B) Jay, who lives a few blocks away, has met me a few times at the nearby grocery store.
    C) Alok is my elder brother, who lives abroad.
    D) Anupam and I have been studying together for the last two years.
  9. The short story contest was organised by _________
    A) The Manchester Guardian
    B) The Encounter
    C) London Times
    D) None of these
  10. The book ‘The God that Failed’, comprised of essays. One was written by ____________
    A) Byron
    B) Louis Fischer
    C) Wordsworth
    D) Tennyson
  11. Find the meaning of ‘drudge’.
    A) Master
    B) Slave
    C) Victim
    D) None of these
  12. Averse means-
    A) Strong liking
    B) Opposite
    C) Same
    D) Strong dislike

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1 A 26 D
2 D 27 B
3 A 28 D
4 A 29 D
5 D 30 D
6 A 31 B
7 D 32 B
8 D 33 C
9 D 34 B
10 A 35 A
11 B 36 B
12 A 37 B
13 B 38 A
14 D 39 D
15 D 40 B
16 A 41 A
17 C 42 C
18 D 43 B
19 D 44 B
20 A 45 B
21 D 46 B
22 D 47 B
23 D 48 B
24 D 49 B
25 D 50 D


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