Jammu and Kashmir Board Class 10 English Snowdrop Summary, Lesson Explanation with difficult word meanings from Tulip Book
Snowdrop– Are you looking for Summary and Lesson Explanation for Jammu and Kashmir Board Class 10 English Poem 4 Sonwdrop from Tulip Book. Get notes, summary of the Poem followed by line by line explanation of the lesson along with the meanings of difficult words.
Snowdrop Jammu and Kashmir Board Class 10 English
Ted Hughes
- Snowdrop Introduction
- Theme of the Poem
- Snowdrop Summary
- Snowdrop Summary in Hindi
- Snowdrop Poem Explanation
- Snowdrop Figures of Speech
Snowdrop Introduction
The poem “Snowdrop” by Ted Hughes tells us about the harshness of winter and nature’s resilience in the face of it. The poem focuses on animals like the mouse, weasel, and crow, as well as the snowdrop flower, all struggling to survive the cold. Through imagery and comparisons, Hughes shows how the animals seem frozen and lifeless, while the snowdrop, though delicate, pushes through the cold, showcasing endurance. The poem depicts nature’s raw, brutal side, while also showing its determination to keep going.
Theme of the Poem Snowdrop
The theme of “Snowdrop” by Ted Hughes revolves around the harshness of nature and survival in adversity. The poem portrays the brutal and unforgiving side of winter, where animals are stiff and lifeless, and the environment is cold and bleak. Despite this, the snowdrop flower emerges as a symbol of resilience and perseverance, surviving in the harshest conditions. The contrast between the frozen, almost lifeless animals and the delicate yet determined snowdrop shows nature’s continuous struggle for survival and the persistence of life even in the toughest circumstances.
Snowdrop Summary
The poem “Snowdrop” by Ted Hughes talks about the harshness of winter and how living creatures struggle to survive in such a cold, unforgiving environment. The poem begins by describing how winter seems to shrink the world, making everything feel smaller and tighter. The animals, like the mouse, weasel, and crow, appear lifeless, almost as if they are frozen or made of metal. They are not in their normal state, and winter has dulled their energy and spirits.
The weasel and crow are described as if they are “moulded in brass,” emphasizing how stiff and immobile they seem in the cold. Winter has made everything hard and unfeeling. These animals, usually full of life, are reduced to mere statues, surviving but barely alive. Amidst this bleak and frozen world, the poem introduces the snowdrop flower. Even though the snowdrop is small and fragile, it pushes through the hard, cold ground. The flower is described as having a “pale head heavy as metal,” which gives it a sense of weight and strength, despite its delicate appearance. The snowdrop represents resilience and survival, showing that even in the harshest conditions, life can endure and find a way to push through.
Snowdrop Summary in Hindi
टेड ह्यूजेस की कविता “स्नोड्रॉप” सर्दियों की कठोरता और कैसे जीवित प्राणी इस तरह के ठंडे, कठोर वातावरण में जीवित रहने के लिए संघर्ष करते हैं, के बारे में बात करती है। कविता इस बात का वर्णन करके शुरू होती है कि कैसे सर्दी दुनिया को सिकोड़ती हुई प्रतीत होती है, जिससे सब कुछ छोटा और तंग लगता है। चूहे, नेवला और कौवा जैसे जानवर बेजान दिखाई देते हैं, लगभग ऐसे जैसे वे जमे हुए हों या धातु से बने हों। वे अपनी सामान्य अवस्था में नहीं हैं, और सर्दी ने उनकी ऊर्जा और उत्साह को कम कर दिया है।
नेवला और कौवा का वर्णन इस तरह किया गया है जैसे कि वे “पीतल में ढले हुए” हों, जो इस बात पर जोर देता है कि ठंड में वे कितने कठोर और स्थिर लगते हैं। सर्दी ने सब कुछ कठोर और बेजान बना दिया है। ये जानवर, जो आमतौर पर जीवन से भरे होते हैं, केवल मूर्तियों में सिमट कर रह गए हैं, जो जीवित तो हैं लेकिन मुश्किल से जीवित हैं। इस उदास और जमी हुई दुनिया के बीच, कविता स्नोड्रॉप फूल का परिचय देती है। भले ही स्नोड्रॉप छोटा और नाजुक है, लेकिन यह कठोर, ठंडी जमीन से आगे बढ़ता है। फूल को “धातु की तरह भारी पीला सिर” के रूप में वर्णित किया गया है, जो इसे अपनी नाजुक उपस्थिति के बावजूद वजन और ताकत का एहसास देता है। स्नोड्रॉप लचीलापन और अस्तित्व का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है, यह दर्शाता है कि सबसे कठिन परिस्थितियों में भी, जीवन टिक सकता है और आगे बढ़ने का रास्ता खोज सकता है।
Snowdrop Poem Explanation
Now is the globe shrunk tight
Round the mouse’s dulled wintering heart
Word Meanings:
globe (n): snowdrop is metaphorically called globe because of its roundness
dulled wintering heart (adj.): severe winter has reduced the functioning of the mouse’s heart
shrunk (v): to become smaller, or to make something smaller
Explanation: Hughes describes how winter has made the world feel smaller and harsher for the mouse. The “globe” here symbolizes the world, and it’s described as “shrunk tight,” meaning that the cold of winter has made everything feel restricted and difficult. The mouse’s “dulled wintering heart” means that the mouse is barely surviving in the cold. Its heart, which represents its energy and life force, has slowed down (“dulled”) as it struggles to stay alive during winter. The phrase “wintering heart” tells us that the mouse is trying to get through the harsh season.
Weasel and crow, as if moulded in brass,
Move through an outer darkness
Not in their right minds,
Word Meanings:
weasel (n): a small mammal with reddish brown fur and a long body, which can kill other small animals such as mice and birds for food
moulded in brass (v): frozen stillness of creatures compared to brass. It depicts their immobility
Explanation: The weasel and crow appear stiff and lifeless, almost like statues made of metal. The comparison to being “moulded in brass” tells us how the cold of winter has affected them, making them seem unresponsive and heavy. The phrase “Move through an outer darkness” means that these animals are moving in a sad, dark environment, which reflects the harshness of winter. The “outer darkness” refers to both the physical darkness of winter nights and a sense of hopelessness in their struggle to survive. The phrase “Not in their right minds” implies that the animals are not behaving normally due to the extreme cold. They might be confused or affected by the challenges of winter, suggesting that the harsh conditions are impacting their mental state as well as their physical form.
With the other deaths. She, too, pursues her ends,
Brutal as the stars of this month,
Her pale head heavy as metal.
Word Meanings:
other deaths (n): severe winter cold which is the cause of death
she too pursues her ends (v): nature knows how to achieve her goals
brutal (adj.): cruel, violent, not considering someone’s feelings
pale (adj.): used to describe a person’s face or skin if it has less color than usual
Explanation: The snowdrop flower represents the tough reality of winter, where many plants and animals are struggling to survive or even dying. The phrase “pursues her ends” means that the snowdrop is determined to grow, even when faced with harsh conditions. This shows its strength and ability to keep going despite the challenges. The line “Brutal as the stars of this month” compares the snowdrop’s fight for survival to the cold and harsh conditions of winter, which are sometimes reflected in the stars above. The word “brutal” shows how tough the environment can be and that even the stars, which are usually beautiful, seem cold and uncaring during this time. Lastly, the phrase “Her pale head heavy as metal” describes the snowdrop’s flower. Although it looks delicate and light, it feels weighed down by the harshness of winter, almost like it is carrying a heavy burden. Comparing it to “metal” suggests that even though the flower is delicate, it has a strong will to survive.
JKBOSE Class 10 English Poem 4 Snowdrop Figures of Speech
- Metaphor: It is a figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between objects that are different in nature.
- “Now is the globe shrunk tight” – The globe (world) is metaphorically described as shrinking due to the harshness of winter, implying how winter restricts life and activity.
- Imagery: Imagery is used to make readers perceive things involving their five senses.
- “her pale head heavy as metal”
- “moulded in brass”
Vivid descriptions like “her pale head heavy as metal” and “moulded in brass” create strong mental images that evoke the harshness and coldness of winter.
- Symbolism: It is a figure of speech in which a person, situation, word, or object is used to represent another thing.
- The snowdrop flower symbolizes endurance and survival in harsh conditions, standing for resilience and the ability to bloom in adversity.
- Simile: It is a literary device that compares two unlike or different things.
- “Weasel and crow, as if moulded in brass” – The weasel and crow are compared to being moulded in brass, using “as if” to liken their stiffness in winter to statues cast from metal.
- Personification: Personification is the representation of an abstract quality or idea in the form of a person, creature, etc., as in art and literature.
- “Her pale head heavy as metal”- The snowdrop flower is personified as “pursuing her ends” and having a “pale head,” attributing human-like qualities of determination and resilience to the flower.
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