Jammu and Kashmir Board Class 10 English Prayer Summary, Poem Explanation with difficult word meanings from Tulip Book
Prayer– Are you looking for Summary and Poem Explanation for Jammu and Kashmir Board Class 10 English Poem 1 Prayer from Tulip Book. Get notes, summary of the Poem followed by line by line explanation of the lesson along with the meanings of difficult words.
Prayer Jammu and Kashmir Board Board Class 10 English
G.A. Mehjoor
- Prayer Introduction
- Theme / Central Idea Poem Prayer
- Prayer Summary
- Prayer Summary in Hindi
- Prayer Poem Explanation
- Prayer Figures of Speech
Prayer Introduction
The poem “Prayer” by G.A. Mehjoor is a heartfelt plea to the Lord. The poet expresses his deep faith in God and asks for guidance and blessings. He prays for knowledge, strength, and protection from laziness, doubt, and weakness. The poet wants to sing songs that inspire love and remove hatred, and he wishes to remain strong, not letting life’s hardships bring him down. Even though he feels abandoned by people, he is confident that God will never leave him. The poem reflects the poet’s desire for spiritual growth, hope, and divine support.
Theme of the Poem Prayer
The theme of “Prayer” by G.A. Mehjoor revolves around faith, spiritual longing, and the search for enlightenment. The poet expresses a deep trust in the Lord, seeking guidance, knowledge, and protection from life’s struggles. He prays for inner strength, hope, and inspiration to overcome challenges like ignorance, laziness, and doubt. Another key theme is the desire for transformation and renewal, as the poet asks to sing songs that inspire love and remove hatred.
Prayer Summary
The poem “Prayer” by G.A. Mehjoor talks about how the poet is talking directly to the Lord, asking for help and guidance in life. He starts by telling God that he is his only hope and trust. The poet asks God to lead him towards the truth and give him knowledge because he feels lost in ignorance. He also asks for relief from his suffering, both physical and emotional, and wants to be protected from laziness, weakness, and doubt.
The poet wishes for his heart to be filled with passion, energy, and hope so that he can face life’s challenges with strength. He doesn’t want to spend his time on meaningless or boring things; instead, he wants to sing songs that inspire people, bring life, and remove bitterness and hatred from the world. He compares himself to a flower that bloomed with the gentle breeze of spring but worries that the heat of life’s struggles might cause him to wither away.
In the last part of the poem, the poet expresses his longing for enlightenment, comparing himself to dew waiting for the sun to rise. He feels that, although he looks like a man, he is not fully human in his actions or spirit, and he asks God not to test him too harshly or make him lose his dignity. Despite feeling abandoned by people, he holds onto his faith that God will never leave him alone.
Prayer Summary in Hindi
जी.ए. की कविता “प्रार्थना” महजूर बताते हैं कि वह कवि सीधे भगवान से बात कर रहे हैं, जीवन में मदद और मार्गदर्शन मांग रहे हैं। वह ईश्वर को यह बताकर शुरुआत करता है कि वह ही उसकी एकमात्र आशा और भरोसा है। कवि भगवान से उसे सत्य की ओर ले जाने और ज्ञान देने के लिए कहता है क्योंकि वह अज्ञानता में खोया हुआ महसूस करता है। वह अपनी शारीरिक और भावनात्मक पीड़ा से भी राहत चाहता है, और आलस्य, कमजोरी और संदेह से सुरक्षित रहना चाहता है।
कवि चाहता है कि उसका हृदय जोश, ऊर्जा और आशा से भरा रहे ताकि वह जीवन की चुनौतियों का मजबूती से सामना कर सके। वह अपना समय निरर्थक या उबाऊ चीजों पर बर्बाद नहीं करना चाहता; इसके बजाय, वह ऐसे गीत गाना चाहते हैं जो लोगों को प्रेरित करें, जीवन प्रदान करें और दुनिया से कड़वाहट और नफरत को दूर करें। वह खुद की तुलना उस फूल से करता है जो वसंत की हल्की हवा के साथ खिलता है लेकिन उसे चिंता है कि जीवन के संघर्षों की गर्मी के कारण वह मुरझा सकता है।
कविता के अंतिम भाग में, कवि आत्मज्ञान के लिए अपनी लालसा व्यक्त करता है, और अपनी तुलना सूर्य के उगने की प्रतीक्षा कर रही ओस से करता है। उसे लगता है कि, यद्यपि वह एक आदमी की तरह दिखता है, वह अपने कार्यों या आत्मा में पूरी तरह से मानव नहीं है, और वह भगवान से प्रार्थना करता है कि वह उसकी बहुत कठोरता से परीक्षा न ले या उसे अपनी गरिमा न खो दे। लोगों द्वारा परित्यक्त महसूस करने के बावजूद, वह अपने विश्वास पर कायम है कि भगवान उसे कभी अकेला नहीं छोड़ेगा।
Prayer Poem Explanation
Lord! You are my hope and trust, lead me to the way of truth;
How long shall I dwell in ignorance! Pour me the nectar of knowledge.
Lend ear to my wailing and pleas, cure me of ills and pains;
Be kind each moment to me; let me never fall in want.
Save me from sloth, infirmity and doubt,
Surcharge my heart with passion, zest and hope.
Word Meanings:
dwell (v): to live in a place or in a particular way
ignorance (n): lack of knowledge, understanding, or information about something
nectar (n): in ancient Greek and Roman stories, the drink of the gods
wail (v): to cry because of pain or sadness
plea (n): an urgent and emotional request
sloth (n): unwillingness to work or make any effort
infirmity (n): weakness
surcharge (n): to supply with an extra amount (of energy, etc.)
zest (n): enthusiasm, eagerness
Explanation: In this passage, the poet is talking to God and asking for his help. He starts by saying that he hopes on God for hope and trust and wants him to guide him to the truth. He feels like he has been unaware for too long and asks God to fill him with knowledge, like a drink that brings wisdom. The poet then asks God to listen to his cries for help and to heal him from any physical or emotional pain he is experiencing. He also prays for God’s kindness in every moment and hopes that he will always have everything he needs. He asks God to help him avoid laziness, weakness, and uncertainty. Lastly, he wants his heart to be filled with excitement and hope so that he can face life with energy and enthusiasm.
Let me not ever chant the sleep-inducing tales;
Let me sing the songs which infuse life into the dead.
Let me sing of that which inspires people with love,
And causes all bitterness and hatred to vanish.
You brought me to bloom with the earliest vernal breeze;
Let not the burning heat of summer wither me gray.
Like dew, how long shall I wait for the first flash of the sun?
Awaken me with flowers in the first stroke of the dawn.
In form I am a man, in substance far from humanity,
Subject me not to trials, shame not my human form.
Forsaken by men am I, and so they call me Mehjoor,
People may desert me thus but You don’t abandon me Lord!
Word Meanings:
chant (v): to sing a religious prayer or song to a simple tune
infuse (v): to fill someone or something with an emotion or quality
vernal (adj.): relating to or happening in the spring
wither (v): to fade away
trial (n): a tough test
forsaken (v): abandoned; isolated
desert (v): to abandon
vanish (v): to disappear or stop being present or existing,
breeze (n): a light and pleasant wind
dew (n): drops of water that form on the ground and other surfaces outside during the night
awaken (v): to stop sleeping or to make someone stop sleeping
dawn (n): the period in the day when light from the sun begins to appear in the sky
humanity (n): all people in the world as a whole, or the qualities characteristic of people
Explanation: The poet continues his prayer to God, asking not to be involved in boring or uninteresting activities. He wants to sing songs that bring energy and life to people who are feeling lifeless or discouraged. He hopes to sing about things that spread love and remove anger and hate from the world. The poet mentions that God helped him grow like a flower in spring, and he fears that the difficulties of life (like the heat of summer) might cause him to fade or lose his energy. The poet compares his longing for understanding to dew waiting for the sun to come up, showing how eager he is for a new start. He asks God to give him a fresh, beautiful beginning, like flowers in the morning. He feels that even though he appears to be a man, he does not fully live up to what it means to be human, and he hopes not to face tough tests that could harm his dignity. Even though people have left him and call him Mehjoor, which means being abandoned, he still believes that God will always be there for him.
JKBOSE Class 10 English Poem 1 Prayer Figures of Speech
- Metaphor: It is a figure of speech in which an implied comparison is made between objects that are different in nature.
- “You brought me to bloom with the earliest vernal breeze;”- The poet compares his growth or spiritual awakening to a flower blooming in the spring breeze.
- “Let me sing the songs which infuse life into the dead.”- This metaphor suggests that the poet’s desired songs are so powerful that they can revitalize those who are spiritually or emotionally ‘dead.’
- Apostrophe: An apostrophe is a figure of speech where a speaker addresses someone or something that is not present or cannot respond.
The entire poem is an example of apostrophe, where the poet addresses the Lord directly as if He were present, appealing to Him for guidance and support.
- “Lord! You are my hope and trust, lead me to the way of truth;”
- Repetition: Repetition is a literary device in which a word or phrase is used multiple times to create rhythm or emphasize a word or phrase.
- The word “Let me” is repeated in several lines, especially in the second extract, to emphasize the poet’s urgent requests.
- Simile: It is a literary device that compares two unlike or different things.
- “Like dew, how long shall I wait for the first flash of the sun?”- Here, the poet compares his waiting for enlightenment to dew waiting for the sun.
- Personification: Personification is the representation of an abstract quality or idea in the form of a person, creature, etc., as in art and literature.
- “Let not the burning heat of summer wither me gray.”- The “burning heat of summer” is personified as if it has the power to age or wither the poet.