Keeping Quiet MCQs with Answers NCERT Class 12 English Poem 2

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“Keeping Quiet” MCQs with Answers from CBSE Class 12 English Flamingo Book Poem 2

MCQs of Class 12 English Poem 2 Keeping Quiet by Pablo Neruda have been compiled for students to practice. Students of Class 12 can prepare the MCQs of Poem 2 Keeping Quiet from NCERT Flamingo book. Each question has four options followed by the correct answer. Students can also take a free test of the MCQs of Keeping Quiet.These MCQ Questions have been selected based on the latest exam pattern as announced by CBSE.

For Correct Answers, see end of post. (below)



Class 12 English Flamingo Keeping Quiet Poem 2 Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers

1- What does the title of the poem suggest?
A) Being dumb
B) noise
C) unhappiness
D) Maintenance of silence

2- What does the poem convey?
A) the necessity to be happy and enjoy life
B) the necessity to introspect, understand and have feelings of brotherhood
C) the necessity to work quietly and be serious in life
D) none of these

3- What can human beings learn from nature?
A) the concept of beauty
B) the value of keeping quiet
C) to be happy
D) the concept of life after death

4- What is always alive even when everything seems to be dead or still?
A) mountains
B) rivers
C) Sun
D) Earth and nature

5- ‘Truck with death’ means-
A) dead soldiers
B) mass killing of truck full of pilgrims
C) truck carrying coffins for the dead
D) Truck transporting inflammable substances

6- Pablo Neruda was a ______
A) English
B) French
C) Indian
D) Spanish

7- What is the essence or message of the poem?
A) introspection and retrospection to be more peaceful and be in harmony
B) to prosper by earning lots of money
C) to be happier by creating big families
D) to reach out to more people

8- Why does the poet want us to walk about with our brothers doing nothing?
A) he wants to promote laziness
B) then we will have peaceful discussions instead of wars
C) he wants us to involve in social networking
D) he is promoting gossip

9- According to the poet, what creates barriers?
A) interactions
B) reactions
C) fighting
D) languages

10- Why does the poet ask people not to speak?
A) because it creates noise
B) he doesn’t like noise
C) it makes things unpleasant
D) because he wants people to ponder over the result of their activities

11- What is the rhyming scheme used in the poem?
A) enclosed rhyme
B) Monorhyme
C) sonnet
D) Free verse

12- How is keeping quiet related to life and can change our attitude?
A) it makes us inactive
B) it makes us introspect
C) helps to develop new thinking process
D) All of these

13- Why does war lead to a victory with no survivors?
A) everyone dies fighting
B) people are so busy
C) people are indifferent
D) none of these

14- In the sentence – “Perhaps the Earth can teach us”, the Earth has been _________.
A) immortalised
B) revered
C) condemned
D) personified

15- What does number 12 represent?
A) hours of the day and months of a year
B) earth
C) clock
D) cricket players

16- What does the poem Keeping Quiet teach us?
A) how to maintain silence
B) not to make noise
C) speaking creates noise
D) To have feelings of brotherhood

17- ‘Not move our arms’ what does this expression refer to?
A) sit quietly
B) stand quietly
C) stop talking
D) stop working

18- Identify the figure of speech used –
“Now we will count to twelve”
A) Alliteration
B) Oxymoron
C) Metaphor
D) All of these

19- What should not be confused with total inactivity?
A) no war
B) a statue
C) talking people
D) Stillness and silence

20- What can be a cure or an antidote to violent actions?
A) Non-violent peace talks
B) sermons
C) green wars
D) Practice of silence

21- What is the sadness in the poem that the poet speaks about?
A) violence because of unthoughtfulness of the people
B) unnecessary movement
C) speaking aloud
D) injuring one’s hands

22- What does the earth symbolise?
A) perseverance and new beginning after seeming still
B) stillness and being fixed
C) greenery and nature
D) prosperity and growth

23- Why is everyone sad?
A) because of paucity of funds
B) because they do not speak all languages
C) because there is a shortage of food
D) because there is a constant threat of death

24- What harm do languages do?
A) They are tough to learn
B) They hamper communication
C) Different languages create barriers
D) Learning them is costly

25- What does the poet want people to do for one second?
A) to sing
B) to close eyes
C) to stand quietly
D) to be silent and motionless

26- How can the moments of no activity help people?
A) they will be healthy
B) they will be happy
C) they will work easily
D) to relax and be more thoughtful

27- What will happen if there are no engines and no rush?
A) noise will be lessened
B) no crowd on roads
C) no traffic rush
D) it will create an exotic moment

28- Why is the moment of silence called ‘Exotic’?
A) because of the beautiful scenery around
B) because all engines will stop working
C) because of a large gathering
D) because it will be unusual when no one would be in a rush

29- What would everyone feel at that exotic moment?
A) happy and merry
B) satisfied on getting rest
C) calm and peaceful
D) strange blissful oneness

30- Identify the figure of speech-
“Let’s not speak in any language,
Let’s stop for one second”
A) Onomatopoeia
B) Metaphor
C) Anaphora
D) All of these

31- Why does the poet suggest that the survivors would walk in the shade doing nothing?
A) he wants to promote idleness
B) he wants to promote brotherhood
C) he wants everyone to enjoy life
D) he wants them to plant more trees so that they can get more shade

32- What is the poet expecting from fishermen?
A) to find more fish
B) to go deeper into the sea
C) to think and stop harming the fish
D) none of these

33- What does “hurt hand” refer to?
A) Growing needs of the man
B) growing greed of man
C) unfulfilled desires
D) growing insensitivity of man to pain

34- How will silence benefit man and nature?
A) both will be friends
B) man will know nature better
C) man will be healthy
D) man will stop hurting nature and both will heal themselves

35- Which images in the poem show that the poet condemns or hates violence?
A) fishermen not harming whales
B) wars leaving behind no survivors to celebrate
C) poet’s refusal to deal with death
D) All of these

36- What symbol from nature does the poet use to prove that keeping quiet is not total inactivity?
A) whales
B) engine
C) war
D) earth

37- What are the different kinds of wars mentioned in the poem?
A) War with fire
B) War against nature
C) War with gases
D) All of these

38- Identify the tone of Pablo Neruda in the following line: Perhaps the Earth can teach us…. (CBSE SQP 2021-22)
A) Confident and clear about the future events.
B) Dramatic about the prediction he made.
C) Convinced about the sequence of events to follow.
D) Uncertain, yet hopeful about the possibility.

39- What statement does Neruda make about wars? (CBSE QB, 2021)
A) Wars are of varied kinds – internal, green wars, wars with gas, with fire etc.
B) Wars are wasteful and cause irrecoverable loss and damage to property and life.
C) Wars never yield any winners, and the loss is far greater than what can be measured.
D) Wars are unavoidable in the enduring struggle for human dignity and power.

40- “Now I’ll count up to twelve and you keep quiet and I will go.” Why does the poet wish to go at the end of the poem? (CBSE QB, 2021)
A) The poet does not believe people will be quiet.
B) The poet has already invested enough time.
C) The poet will move on and seek to inspire others.
D) The poet is marking the end of the poem by leaving.

41- ‘Clean clothes’ is a ________
A) Symbol
B) Alliteration
C) Both A and B
D) None of these

42- What could be the significance of choosing number twelve?
A) refers to the twelve hours of a day
B) Refers to the twelve months of a year.
C) refers to the twelve Zodiac signs
D) All of these

43- Identify the poetic device used-
“Without rush, without engines”
A) Simile
B) Metaphor
C) Repetition
D) Refrain

44- Which of the following options best explains the reason for fishermen harming the whales?
A) For entertainment
B) For procuring whale oil
C) For safeguarding their life
D) None of these

45- Why, according to the poem, do we move our arms so much?
A) To dance
B) To work
C) To fight
D) None of these

46- Which of the following figure of speech has NOT been used in the poem?
A) Alliteration
B) Imagery
C) Onomatopoeia
D) Antithesis

47- Find a synonym of “strange” from the poem-
A) Survivors
B) Exotic
C) Shade
D) Interrupt

48- Which figure of speech is prominent throughout the poem?
A) Repetition
B) Enjambment
C) Refrain
D) None of these

49- Find the poetic device used-
“As when everything seems dead
And later proves to be alive.”
A) Metaphor
B) Antithesis
C) Alliteration
D) All of these

50- Which of the following can be best termed as “green war”?
A) Planting trees
B) Deforestation
C) Harvesting crops
D) Increasing forest cover


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1 D 26 D
2 B 27 D
3 D 28 D
4 D 29 D
5 A 30 C
6 D 31 B
7 A 32 C
8 B 33 D
9 D 34 D
10 D 35 D
11 D 36 D
12 D 37 D
13 A 38 D
14 D 39 C
15 A 40 C
16 D 41 C
17 D 42 D
18 A 43 D
19 D 44 B
20 A 45 B
21 A 46 C
22 A 47 B
23 D 48 B
24 C 49 B
25 D 50 B


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