CBSE Class 12 English Lesson 6 Memories of Childhood Part 2 Question Answers (Important) from Vistas Book
Class 12 English Memories of Childhood Part 2 We Too Are Human Beings Question Answers – Looking for Memories of Childhood Part 2 We Too Are Human Beings question answers (NCERT solutions) for CBSE Class 12 English Vistas Book Chapter 6? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 12 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the board exam. Our solutions provide a clear idea of how to write the answers effectively. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Chapter 6: Memories of Childhood Part 2 We Too Are Human Beings now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given NCERT solutions to the chapter’s extract based questions, short answer questions, and long answer questions.
Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance on exams.
- NCERT Solutio
- Extract Based Questions
- Multiple Choice Questions
- Short Answer Questions
- Long Answer Questions
- Memories of Childhood Class 12 English Explanation Notes Part 1
- Memories of Childhood Class 12 English Explanation Notes Part 2
- Memories of Childhood Part 1 Important Question Answers
- Memories of Childhood Part 1 Character Sketch
- Memories of Childhood Part 2 Character Sketch
- Memories of Childhood MCQs
- Memories of Childhood Previous Years Question with Answers (2019 to 2024)
Memories of Childhood NCERT Solution
Ans- The autobiographical accounts covered under ‘Memories of Childhood’ are by the two women from socially marginalized sections in two different cultures of the world. In the first story the author describes how she became victim of the social discrimination when she was badly treated by the European staff of the school because she was a Native American. She feels so humiliated when her blanket is removed from her shoulders and her hair was shingled. In her culture shingled hair was a symbol of being a coward. In the second story Bama describes the social discrimination faced by the low castes in India. She being a student of third standard was forced to face the harsh reality of untouchability, when she saw an old Dalit man carrying food packet by strings as it was meant for an upper caste man. Although both the stories are set in different parts of the world but still they have a similar theme. They show the hardships and sufferings of the marginal communities in different parts of the world.
Q2- It may take a long time for oppression to be resisted, but the seeds of rebellion are sowed early in life. Do you agree that injustice in any form cannot escape being noticed even by children?
Ans- Yes, it is true that injustice in any form cannot escape being noticed even by the children. This we have seen in both the stories we have read. In the first story when Judewin told Zitkala that the authorities have planned to shingle their hair, Zitkala decides to rebel. Judewin says that the authorities are strong we have to agree with them. But Zitkala hides herself, when she is found out she kicks and scratches them wildly. Finally she is tied up in the chair and her hairs are cut down. In the second story Bama as a child finds it very funny to see an old man carrying a snack pack by strings. Her brother tells her that they being Dalits cannot touch food meant for upper caste as this will pollute them. Bama gets infuriated on hearing this, she at once makes a decision of snatching the vadais from the upper caste man who according to her did nothing and still treats Dalits badly. Her brother diverts her anger towards studies which makes her topper of her class. All this proves the above said that children not only notice the injustice but also show their anger.
Q3- Bama’s experience is that of a victim of the caste system. What kind of discrimination does Zitkala-Sa’s experience depict? What are their responses to their respective situations?
Ans- Zitkala Sa was ill treated by the European school authorities as she was a Native American. As shown in the story her moccasins were taken away, they remove her blanket from her shoulders which make her feel so insulted and her hairs were shingled. In Zitkala’s culture, only a coward’s hairs were cut down and girls did not wear tight fitting clothes as they were considered immodest. She was even pointed out for not following the table manners. All this took away her confidence and she was left in tears. But when she grew up, she with the power of her education wrote articles against the Carlisle Indian School and their discrimination with the Native Americans. On the other side Bama also studied hard and became a famous writer and wrote against the caste discrimination. So, here we can say that though both the women belonged to different periods of time and different parts of the world but used education as their tool to fight against the discrimination.
Class 12 English Memories of Childhood Part 2 We Too Are Human Beings Question Answers Lesson 6 – Extract Based Questions
Extract-based questions are of the multiple-choice variety, and students must select the correct option for each question by carefully reading the passage.
A Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow:
I was walking home from school one day, an old bag hanging from my shoulder. It was actually possible to walk the distance in ten minutes. But usually it would take me thirty minutes at the very least to reach home. It would take me from half an hour to an hour to dawdle along, watching all the fun and games that were going on, all the entertaining novelties and oddities is the streets, the shops and the bazaar.
1. Who is ‘I’ in the above lines?
A Zitkala-Sa
B Bama
C Getrude Simmons
D None of these
Ans B Bama
2. How long would it take Bama to reach home?
A Thirty Minutes
B Ten Minutes
C Twenty Minutes
D Forty Minutes
Ans A Thirty Minutes
3. What does the narrator mean by novelties and oddities?
A New and Different
B Different and New
C New
D Different
Ans A New and Different
4. Which class would Bama study in?
A Class II
B Class III
C Class IV
D Class V
Ans B Class III
B Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow:
Just then, an elder of our street came along from the direction of the bazaar. The manner in which he was walking along made me want to double up. I wanted to shriek with laughter at the sight of such a big man carrying a small packet in that fashion: I guessed there was something like vadai or green banana bhajji in the packet, because the wrapping paper was stained with oil. He came along. holding out the packet by its string, without touching it. I stood there thinking to myself, if he holds it like that, won’t the package come undone, and the vadais fall out?
1. What did Bama notice?
A Elderly man begging
B Elderly man carrying a packet
C Elderly man dancing
D Elderly man noticing everything
Ans B Elderly man carrying a packet
2. What made Bama laugh?
A Way of carrying the packet
B Way of walking
C Way of speaking to the landlord
D None of these
Ans A Way of carrying the packet
3. What did the packet contain?
A Banana Bhaji
B Vadai
C Idli
D None of these
Ans B Vadai
4. Whom did the elderly man hand in the packet?
A Landlord
B Bama’s brother
C His wife
D None of these
Ans A Landlord
C. Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow:
After I had watched all this, at last I went home. My elder brother was there. I told him the story in all its comic detail. I fell about with laughter at the memory of a big man, and an elder at that, making such a game out of carrying the parcel. But Annan was not amused. Annan told me the man wasn’t being funny when he carried the package like that. He said everybody believed that they were upper caste and therefore must not touch us. If they did, they would be polluted. That’s why he had to carry the package by its string.
1. Who was Bama’s elder brother?
A Annan
B Landlord
C Elderly Man
D None of these
Ans A Annan
2. Why was Annan not amused?
A For he knew the reality
B For he was not there
C For he was not interested
D None of these
Ans A For he knew the reality
3. What would have happened if the elderly man had touched the packet?
A The landlord would have eaten it
B The landlord would have shared the food with him
C The landlord would have considered it polluted
D None of these
Ans C The landlord would have considered it polluted
4. Why was the elderly man carrying the packet with a string?
A lest he should touch the food
B lest he should touch the packet
C Both A and B
D Neither A nor B
Ans C Both A and B
D Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow:
Annan told me all these things. And he added, “Because we are born into this community, we are never given any honour or dignity or respect, we are stripped of all that. But if we study and make progress, we can throw away these indignities. So study with care, learn all you can. If you are always ahead in your lessons, people will come to you of their own accord and attach themselves to you. Work hard and learn. The words that Annan spoke to me that day made a very deep impression on me. And I studied hard, with all my breath and being.
1. Which caste did Bama hail from?
A Upper Caste
B Lower Caste
C Middle Class
D None of these
Ans B Lower Caste
2. How could they throw away those indignities according to Annan?
A By studying
B By progressing
C By educating the upcoming generations
D All of these
Ans D All of these
3. How did Bama take her brother’s words?
A She started ignoring him
B She stopped going to school
C Took his words positively
D None of these
Ans C Took his words positively
4. Name the chapter.
A Evans Tries an O Level
B Memories of Childhood
C The Tiger King
D Journey to the End of the Earth
Ans B Memories of Childhood
Class 12 English Memories of Childhood Part 2 We Too Are Human Beings Question Answers (including questions from Previous Years Question Papers)
In this post we are also providing important short answer questions from the Chapter 6 Memories of Childhood Part 2 We Too Are Human Beings for CBSE Class 12 Boards in the coming session. These questions have been taken from previous years class 12 Board exams and the year is mentioned in the bracket along with the question.
Q1 How long would it take Bama to reach her home?
Ans Bama’s school and home were literally within walking distance of one another. Nonetheless, she would typically need at least 30 minutes to get home. Her feet would be anchored to the ground by a variety of intriguing items.
Q2 What did she see one day when she came from school?
Ans One day, when she arrived at her street, she noticed that a threshing floor had been put up at the opposite corner, and the landlord was sitting on a piece of sacking spread out on a stone ledge, watching the proceedings. In order to separate the grain from the straw, the residents of her hamlet were hard at work driving cattle in pairs around and around.
Q3 What scene made Bama laugh loudly?
Ans Bama noticed a neighbourhood elder walking towards her from the direction of the bazaar. In his hands, he had a little packet. Bama surmised that the packet contained something resembling vadas. When Bama noticed this, she wanted to laugh out loud. Without touching it, he was holding out the packet by its cord. She reasoned that if the packet were opened in this way, the entire contents would spill out.
Q4 When did Bama come to know about the social discrimination towards her community?
Ans When Bama was still a schoolgirl, she first learned about it. She observed a village elder removing a package of vadais from its string. She reasoned that by doing this, the packet could be opened completely and its contents would be separated. The individual for whom the snacks were delivered belonged to a high caste, and her brother believed that the mere touch of anyone from their community would taint him, she was told by her brother.
Q5 What advise did Annan give to Bama?
Ans Bama was instructed by Annan to study carefully and retain everything. Then the populace would approach her voluntarily and affix themselves to her. She was profoundly affected by Annan’s words.
Q6 Why did the landlord’s man ask Bara’s brother on which street he lived? What was the significance?
Ans The segregated neighbourhood that Bama yearned for had residents who lived on a specific street. The landlord’s guy was interested in learning Bama’s brother’s caste. Thus, he inquired as to his street of residence.
Q7 Bama’s innocence was lost when she came face to face with the ugly truth of racial discrimination. Do you think children who have a difficult childhood become even more resolute than children who have a comfortable one? (CBSE QUESTION BANK)
Ans Currently, racial prejudice is a topic of frequent discussion. This type of component does not portend well for the future of a child. Children who experience a difficult childhood become even more determined because they must overcome obstacles and make up their minds to do so. But, kids who grow up in comfort are unable to comprehend how serious the threats to human existence are. Because they are unable to overcome the obstacle, they are unable to do so for the rest of their lives.
Class 12 Memories of Childhood Part 2 We Too Are Human Beings Long Answer Questions Lesson 6
Q1 How long did Bama take to reach home from school and why? Write briefly what she did on her way?
Ans Although she could have covered the distance in ten minutes, it generally took her at least thirty minutes to get home. Her feet would be anchored to the ground by many intriguing things. There might be a monkey show. A snake charmer who keeps his snake in a basket might be present. A biker who hadn’t ridden for three days might exist.
She would observe the large bell hanging in the temple. She would observe the preparation of the Pongal offerings. Afterwards entertainment might be provided in the form of a street play, a puppet performance, or a magic show. These were the obstructions in her path that frequently caused her to pause.
Q2 When did Bama come to know about the social discrimination towards her community?
Ans Bama thought it was amusing how her community’s elders carried their snacks. Without touching the packet, he was holding it out by its string. She reasoned that if the packet were opened in this way, the entire contents would spill out. But, her brother informed her that it wasn’t amusing at all.
The upper caste individuals believed that they would become contaminated by their community members’ physical touch. Bama learned about the social prejudice against her community at that point. She was furious when she had this thinking. She pondered why their people should perform menial tasks for members of the upper caste. All they needed to do was grab their pay.
Q3 The two accounts that you read above are based in two distant cultures. What is the commonality of themes found in both of them?
Ans Zitkala-Sa, a young Native American woman, is mentioned in the first narrative. The European settlers were prejudiced against the aboriginal people. Native Indians are nothing more than enemies to them. Somewhat against Zitkala’s wishes, they shingled her hair. They were not interested in honouring their culture.
Bama’s account is the second. She came from a community that was struggling. The upper caste individuals regarded them with contempt. They believed that the simple act of interacting with members of her community would contaminate them. Hence, it is clear that Zitkala and Bama belonged to various societies and cultures. Nonetheless, the essential themes of both stories are the same: racial prejudice exists practically everywhere in the globe and people from oppressed communities are treated like animals.
Q4 It may take a long time for oppression to be resisted, but the seeds of rebellion are sowed early in life. Do you agree that injustice in any form cannot escape being noticed even by children?
Ans Elders in oppressed groups grow accustomed to the injustice. They do not raise a fuss over any tyranny since they see it as a part of their destiny. Children’s minds, however, are incredibly impressionable. They are aware of all forms of repression and humiliation. They generally revolt against any oppression. When they witness injustice being done to someone, they become quite upset. When they become adults, they make every effort to eradicate any customs that view them as less human. Hence we might argue that the seeds of revolt are sowed early in life.
Q5 Barna’s experience is that of a victim of the caste system. What kind of discrimination does ZitkalaSa’s experience depict? What are their responses to their respective situations?
Ans Native American was named Zitkala-Sa. Native Indians are greatly despised by the European colonisers. They view them as lower beings. They show no regard for their customs. Zitkala was shingled for this reason. Bama, on the other hand, comes from a community that is underprivileged. They are viewed as inferior beings by those of high caste. They believe that even their slightest touch would contaminate Both Zitkala and Bama responded differently to their unique circumstances.
To avoid having her hair shingled, Zitkala hid herself in a space. But, she was exposed, and her hair started to flake. Bama was enraged when she learned about the elder of their street’s humiliation. She put a lot of effort into her studies so that other people would respect her and want to be her friends.
Q6 Children relish the small pleasures of life just like Bama did when she dawdled along on her way back from school, enjoying all the novelties. Elaborate. (CBSE QUESTION BANK)
Ans Children naturally find joy and pleasure in the small things in life because of their fundamental sense of wonder and curiosity. Kids don’t need extravagant gifts or spectacular gestures to be joyful; often the tiniest things can make them the happiest.
The story of Bama serves as an illustration of this, as she dallied on her walk home from school while taking in all the novelties around her. She was able to completely enjoy her surroundings and delight in the simple things as a result of doing this. She might have gotten out of the car to inspect a bright flower growing by the side of the road or to see a bird sitting on a nearby tree branch. Perhaps she stopped to admire how the sun was sinking and casting a pleasant glow over everything in her immediate surroundings. Bama could take pleasure and relish in whatever it was that attracted her eye.
Taking the time to enjoy the little things in life can help us feel more pleased and fulfilled, even when things are stressful or challenging. This is a useful lesson for people of all ages. We can find joy in the most basic things, such as a warm cup of tea, a nice book, or a hug from a loved one, by taking our time and observing the world around us. These seemingly insignificant pleasures can have a significant impact on our general happiness and well-being.
Q7 Both Bama and Zitkala Sa experienced the harsh reality of discrimination in their childhood. Instead of letting it pull them down, they both found a way to overcome it. You wish to include a cameo* of both in your upcoming blog post. As a part of the research, compare and contrast the experiences faced by the two and their response/s to these experiences, in 120-150 words. (CBSE SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER 2022-23)
Ans Both Bama and Zitkala Sa’s discriminating experiences made a lasting impression on their impressionable young minds. Zitkala was discriminated against because she came from a different culture, whereas Bama was discriminated against because of her lower caste. When Bama learned of the unfair acts by the higher castes, she became enraged and wanted to touch the package of “vadai” to protest the injustice.
Zitkala battled valiantly to resist having her hair chopped and so to safeguard her cultural customs, but in the end, she was compelled to give up. Bama and Zitkala both put forth a lot of effort to be the best in their industries because they understood that education was the strongest defence against discriminatory behaviours. They both trained as authors and used their writing to raise awareness of the issue and defend the rights of their respective communities.
Class 12 English Vistas Book Question Answers
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- Memories of Childhood Part 1 The Cutting of My Long Hair Question Answers (Important) | Class 12 English Vistas book
- Memories of Childhood Part 2 We Too Are Human Beings Question Answers (Important) | Class 12 English Vistas book
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