Indian Civilization and Culture


BSEB Class 12 English Chapter 1 Indian Civilization and Culture Summary, Explanation along with Difficult Word Meanings from Rainbow Book

Indian Civilization and Culture – BSEB Class 12 English Rainbow Book Chapter 1 Indian Civilization and Culture Summary, detailed explanations of the lesson along with the meanings of difficult words.



BSEB Class 12 English Rainbow book Chapter 1 – Indian Civilization And Culture

By Mahatma Gandhi


Indian Civilization and Culture Introduction


In the extract “Indian Civilization and Culture”, Gandhiji elaborates how Indian civilization is far more superior than Western Civilization as it has withstood the passage of time with its strong roots. Indian civilization has witnessed many civilizations grow and end because they worship materialism. Indian civilization, on the other hand, believes in morality and spirituality. 

Indian Civilization and Culture Summary

The lesson revolves around how Indian civilization has withstood the passage of time. Despite our people being called ignorant and uncivilized, India stood still on the seeds of morality sown by our ancestors. The true meaning of civilization is “good conduct” which makes our nation capable of teaching others instead of learning from the West which is obsessed with material possessions and physical comfort. Their idea of happiness lies in fulfilling their innumerable wants whereas our ancestors believed that happiness is a mental condition. Being rich doesn’t guarantee happiness and being poor doesn’t mean sadness which is why, our ancestors refrained us from indulging ourselves in the worldly pleasures. From what they have taught us, we have learned to treat all professions equally. It is not that we did not have the means to invent machinery but our forefathers knew that real health lies in the usage of our own hands and feet. They were against large cities because of all the evil that resides in them. They knew that the sword of ethics is more powerful than the sword of any king or ruler. 
Gandhi further mentions how perfection can never be attained but Indian civilization tends to uplift moral beings as it believes in God whereas Western culture encourages immorality because it is Godless. The author thanks modern civilization for making him sure what he wants for India is not to fall on the journey of materialism. The trait that makes modern civilization different is that it leads humans to have innumerable wants that never end whereas ancient civilization teaches us to have control over our wants and in managing them so that they do not get excessive. The reason why modern civilization leads to never-ending human wants is because its people are always aspiring to live in the future and wanting to be in the state of being divine. He further says that European developments might suit their people undoubtedly but if India went on the same lines, it would mean destruction. We can integrate some of the good aspects of European civilization that we are capable of inhibiting but it does not mean that Europeans need not get rid of the ill-aspects that have gotten in it during advancement. In the end, he mentions that focusing on physical comfort upto a certain level is crucial but excess of it becomes an obstruction which is why having innumerable wants and running after satisfying them is misleading or rather, a trap. One must seek physical and intellectual fulfillment upto a certain limit because after that, it leads to physical and intellectual destruction. Hence, humans shall only indulge in these worldly pleasures to an extent where it does not disturb its actual motive which is, service of humanity.


Indian Civilization and Culture Summary in Hindi


यह पाठ इस बात के इर्दगिर्द घूमता है कि भारतीय सभ्यता ने समय बीतने का सामना कैसे किया है। हमारे लोगों को अज्ञानी और असभ्य कहे जाने के बावजूद, भारत अभी भी हमारे पूर्वजों द्वारा बोए गए नैतिकता के बीज पर खड़ा है। सभ्यता का सच्चा अर्थअच्छा आचरणहै जो हमारे राष्ट्र को पश्चिम से सीखने के बजाय दूसरों को सिखाने में सक्षम बनाता है जो भौतिक संपत्ति और भौतिक आराम से ग्रस्त है। खुशी का उनका विचार उनकी असंख्य इच्छाओं को पूरा करने में निहित है जबकि हमारे पूर्वजों का मानना ​​था कि खुशी एक मानसिक स्थिति है। अमीर होना ख़ुशी की गारंटी नहीं है और गरीब होने का मतलब दुःख नहीं है, यही कारण है कि, हमारे पूर्वजों ने हमें सांसारिक सुखों में लिप्त होने से रोका था। उन्होंने हमें जो सिखाया है, उससे हमने सभी व्यवसायों के साथ समान व्यवहार करना सीखा है। ऐसा नहीं है कि हमारे पास मशीनरी का आविष्कार करने के साधन नहीं थे, लेकिन हमारे पूर्वज जानते थे कि वास्तविक स्वास्थ्य हमारे अपने हाथों और पैरों के उपयोग में है। वे बड़ेबड़े नगरों में व्याप्त सभी बुराईयों के कारण उनके विरुद्ध थे। वे जानते थे कि नैतिकता की तलवार किसी भी राजा या शासक की तलवार से अधिक शक्तिशाली होती है।

गांधी जी आगे उल्लेख करते हैं कि कैसे पूर्णता कभी प्राप्त नहीं की जा सकती, लेकिन भारतीय सभ्यता नैतिक प्राणियों का उत्थान करती है क्योंकि यह ईश्वर में विश्वास करती है जबकि पश्चिमी संस्कृति अनैतिकता को प्रोत्साहित करती है क्योंकि यह ईश्वरविहीन है। लेखक आधुनिक सभ्यता को यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए धन्यवाद देता है कि वह भारत के लिए जो चाहता है वह भौतिकवाद की यात्रा पर नहीं जाना है। जो विशेषता आधुनिक सभ्यता को अलग बनाती है वह यह है कि यह मनुष्य को ऐसी असंख्य चाहतों की ओर ले जाती है जो कभी खत्म नहीं होती हैं जबकि प्राचीन सभ्यता हमें अपनी इच्छाओं पर नियंत्रण रखना और उन्हें प्रबंधित करना सिखाती है ताकि वे अत्यधिक बढ़ जाएं। आधुनिक सभ्यता मानव की कभी ख़त्म होने वाली चाहतों की ओर ले जाने का कारण यह है कि लोग हमेशा भविष्य में जीने की आकांक्षा रखते हैं और दिव्य होने की स्थिति में रहना चाहते हैं।

वह आगे कहते हैं कि यूरोपीय विकास निस्संदेह उनके लोगों के अनुकूल हो सकता है, लेकिन अगर भारत उसी तर्ज पर चला गया, तो इसका मतलब विनाश होगा। हम यूरोपीय सभ्यता के कुछ अच्छे पहलुओं को एकीकृत कर सकते हैं जिन्हें रोकने में हम सक्षम हैं लेकिन इसका मतलब यह नहीं है कि यूरोपीय लोगों को उन बुरे पहलुओं से छुटकारा पाने की ज़रूरत नहीं है जो उन्नति के दौरान इसमें शामिल हो गए हैं। अंत में, उन्होंने उल्लेख किया कि एक निश्चित स्तर तक भौतिक आराम पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना महत्वपूर्ण है लेकिन इसकी अधिकता एक बाधा बन जाती है, यही कारण है कि असंख्य इच्छाएँ रखना और उन्हें संतुष्ट करने के पीछे भागना भ्रामक या बल्कि एक जाल है। व्यक्ति को एक निश्चित सीमा तक शारीरिक और बौद्धिक संतुष्टि की तलाश करनी चाहिए क्योंकि उसके बाद, यह शारीरिक और बौद्धिक विनाश की ओर ले जाती है। इसलिए, मनुष्य को इन सांसारिक सुखों में केवल उस सीमा तक ही लिप्त रहना चाहिए, जहां यह उसके वास्तविक उद्देश्य, यानी मानवता की सेवा, को परेशान करे।


Video Explanation of Indian Civilization and Culture



Indian Civilization and Culture Lesson Explanation


  1. I believe that the civilization India has evolved is not to be beaten in the world. Nothing can equal the seeds sown by our ancestors. Rome went, Greece shared the  same fate, the might of the Pharaohs was broken, Japan has become westernized; of  China nothing can be said, but India is still, somehow or other, sound at the foundation.  The people of Europe learn their lessons from the writings of the men of Greece or Rome which exist no longer in their former glory. In trying to learn from them, the Europeans imagine that they will avoid the mistakes of Greece and Rome. Such is their pitiable condition.

Word Meaning:
– the stage of human social and cultural development and organization that is considered most advanced
Evolved – caused to develop
Beaten– having been defeated
Fate– destiny
Pharaohs– rulers of ancient Egypt
Westernized– be in the process of adopting or being influenced by the systems of the West
Glory– magnificence, beauty
Pitiable condition- a sad or weak state that makes you feel pity for someone

Explanation of the Above Passage – Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi is of the opinion that the developments that took place in India over the period of time cannot be taken to have been defeated by the rest of the countries. He justifies his statement by explaining the importance of “seeds sown” or in other words, the teachings and morals of our ancestors that built the foundation of our civilization. He mentions that the nations like Rome, Greece, Japan and the rulers of ancient Egypt have all forgotten their age-old practices in the journey towards modernisation. Even though one can not surely say the same for China but India still continues to practice the old traditions. 

The people of Europe are known to practice the teachings of Greece and Rome which cannot be seen in the behaviour of anyone. However, while following them, Europeans are hopeful of avoiding the mistake of Greece and Rome which according to the author is pitiful.

Passage – 

  1. In the midst of all this, India remains immovable and that is her glory. It is a charge against India that her people are so uncivilized, ignorant and stolid, that it is not possible to induce them to adopt any changes. It is a charge really against our merit. What we have tested and found true on the anvil of experience, we dare not change. Many thrust their advice upon India, and she remains steady. This is her beauty; it is the sheet anchor of our hope.


Word Meaning:
In the midst
– in the middle of
Immovable– unwavering; firm
Uncivilized– (of a place or people) not socially, culturally, or morally advanced
Stolid– slow-witted
Induce– succeed in leading someone to do something (convince)
Anvil– a metal block on which a blacksmith shapes metal objects with hammer
Thrust– push suddenly in a specific direction
Sheet anchor– security

Explanation of the Above Passage – While other nations were moving far away from their ancient teachings, India remained stuck to its ancestral teachings while maintaining the beauty of it. It is believed that Indian citizens are backward, unaware and lack intelligence which is why they are unable to take on change. Gandhi mentions that this belief is against our favor but with what has been seen with experience, we must not risk forgetting our morals and values in the name of civilization.
Even though many force their opinions on India to convince it to modernize, we still stand firm and that is what Gandhi describes as “beauty” as it provides security and hope to succeed.


  1. Passage – Civilization is that mode of conduct which points out to man the path of duty. Performance of duty and observance of morality are convertible terms. To observe morality is to attain mastery over our minds and our passions. So doing, we know ourselves. The Gujarati equivalent for civilization means “good conduct”.


Word Meaning:
of conduct– a manner or way of doing, acting or existing
Morality– the standard of society used to decide what is right or wrong behavior
Convertible– that can be converted; exchangeable
Equivalent– equal in value, amount, function, meaning, etc.

Explanation of the Above Passage – Civilization is the guide that tells people what they are supposed to do. Gandhi calls performing one’s duty and upholding one’s morals to be the same thing. This is because one needs to have full control over their mind and desires in order to act with morality and in order to attain it, one becomes fully aware of oneself. This has been compared to the Gujarati meaning for civilization which is, good conduct. 


  1. Passage – If this definition be correct, then India, as so many writers have shown, has nothing to learn from anybody else, and this is as it should be.

Explanation of the Above Passage – He says that if civilization equals good conduct then, as already said by many other writers, India does not require change and even above that, it does not need to learn from the rest of the world.


  1. Passage – We notice that the mind is a restless bird, the more it gets the more it wants, and still remains unsatisfied. The more we indulge in our passions, the more unbridled they become. Our ancestors, therefore, set a limit to our indulgences. They saw that happiness was largely a mental condition.


Word Meaning:
– allow someone to enjoy something desired
Unbridled– Unrestrained; uncontrolled 

Explanation of the Above Passage – He compares the human mind to a “restless bird” because it never gets satisfied no matter how much it gets. The more one allows oneself to dive into luxury, the more one craves for it which is why our ancestors suggested everything in moderation and control. This is because happiness is seen as a mental condition that can never be attained by uncontrollably fulfilling one’s desires.


  1. Passage – A man is not necessarily happy because he is rich, or unhappy because he is poor. The rich are often seen to be unhappy, the poor to be happy. Millions will always remain poor. Observing all this, our ancestors dissuaded us from luxuries and pleasures. We have managed with the same kind of plough as existed thousands of years ago. We have retained the same kind of cottages that we had in former times and our indigenous education remains the same as before. We have had no system of life-corroding competition. Each followed his own occupation or trade and charged a regular wage. It was not that we did not know how to invent machinery, but our forefathers knew that, if we set our hearts after such things. we would become slaves and lose our moral fibre. They, therefore, after due deliberation decided that we should only do what we could with our hands and feet. They saw that our real happiness and health consisted in a proper use of our hands and feet.


Word Meaning:
– advised against, persuaded against
Plough– a farm tool that breaks earth and soil; furrow
Former times– preceding in time; prior or earlier
Indigenous– native; home-grown
Lifecorroding– destroying life gradually
Moral fibre– character
Deliberation– reflection, consideration and discussion

Explanation of the Above Passage – It is not always true that happiness comes from being rich or sadness comes from being poor. However, it is the opposite, even though most of the population continues to live in poverty. This is the reason why our forefathers stopped us from involving ourselves in too much luxury. This is how the ancient farming styles like ploughing, the type of cottages and education system have stayed intact for thousands of years. Furthermore, this has helped in avoiding the culture of cut-throat competition because everyone followed their own business and concerned themselves with their own income. 

Our ancestors were well aware of the fact that modernisation of technology would only make us slaves while compromising our moral values, otherwise even they had the knowledge and means to develop machinery. They always insisted on using our own hands and feet to accomplish everything instead of depending upon machinery and technology. It is because they were this far-sighted that they could see that real well-being of our body and mind can only be attained if we make use of our own hands and feet.


  1. Passage – They further reasoned that large cities were a snare and a useless encumbrance and that people would not be happy in them, that there would be gangs of thieves and robbers, prostitution and vice flourishing in them and that poor men would be robbed by rich men. They were, therefore, satisfied with small villages.


Word Meaning:
– based on logic or good sense
Snare– trap
Encumbrance– burden
Prostitution– the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment
Viceevil; wickedness
Flourishing– thriving, growing in a healthy manner

Explanation of the Above Passage – Our forefathers knew that big cities with westernization are a trap and would burden the people unnecessarily. People would be so involved in worldly pleasures that they would forget what real happiness is. Big cities are filled with gangs, thieves and robbers. Practices of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment is very common in large cities and it is an acceptable trend for rich to steal from the poor. All the evil and wickedness made our ancestors more satisfied with the small villages in India.


  1. Passage – They saw that kings and their swords were inferior to the sword of ethics, and they, therefore, held the sovereigns of the earth to be inferior to the Rishis and the Fakirs. A nation, with a constitution like this, is fitter to teach others than to learn from others. This nation had courts, lawyers and doctors, but they were all within bounds. Everybody knew that these professions were not particularly superior. Moreover, these Vakils and Vaids did not rob people; they were considered people’s dependents, not their masters. Justice was tolerably fair. The ordinary rule was to avoid courts. There were no touts to lure people into them. This evil too was noticeable only in and around capitals. The common people lived independently and followed their agricultural occupation. They enjoyed true Home Rule. 


Word Meaning:
– moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity
Sovereigns– (here) a person who has supreme power or authority
Inferior– lower in rank, status or quality
Rishis– a Hindu sage or saint
Fakirs– a Hindu holy man
Superior– higher in rank, status or quality
Tolerably– moderately good or agreeable
Touts– persons employed in soliciting customers
Lure– entice, tempt
Home Rule– a political arrangement in which a part of a country governs itself independently of the central government of the country

Explanation of the Above Passage – Our ancestors were wise to know that morals and values possess the greatest power, more so than any king’s swords which is why they favored saints above the crowned rulers. Hence, they believed that instead of following the modernization trend from outside countries, India could rather teach the rest of the world. India is fitter than other nations because it is self-sufficient in terms of courts, lawyers and doctors and that all professions are regarded highly and equally. Unlike other nations, in India, lawyers and doctors do not befool people to steal from them – they are highly reliable and do not act superior. Here, we value fair play and focus on solving matters outside courts instead of having tricksters lure them into court. Even if there were any ill-practices, they only happened in and around the capital cities. Apart from that, the rest of the population lived freely while undertaking agricultural activities and enjoying being their own rulers.


  1. Passage – The Indian civilization, as described by me, has been so described by its votaries. In no part of the world, and under no civilization, have all men attained perfection. The tendency of Indian civilizations is to elevate the moral being, that of the western civilization is to propagate immorality. The latter is godless; the former is based on a belief in God. So understanding and so believing, it behoves every lover of India to cling to the old Indian civilization even as a child clings to the mother’s breast.


Word Meaning:
– devotees
Attained– succeed in achieving something one has worked for
Tendency– proneness to a particular kind of thought or action
Elevate– raise; exalt
Propagate– spread ideas, beliefs etc more widely
Immorality– evil, sinful or wrong behavior
Latter– denoting the second or second mentioned of two people or things
Behoves– be right or necessary
Cling– adhere; stick

Explanation of the Above Passage – Gandhi mentions that his definition of Indian civilization matches with those of the devotees. He throws light upon the fact that humans are imperfect in every part of the world despite which civilization they belong to. India, however, has a culture of uplifting men by making them aware about their morals and values whereas the West tends to encourage wrongful activities. In the West, they do not believe in the presence of divine power whereas Indian civilization is based on its belief in God – a belief so strong that it is compassionate and real. The believers have been compared to a child clinging to the mother’s breast because every believer wants to stay just as close to  the ancient Indian civilization.


  1. Passage – I am no hater of the West. I am thankful to the West for many a thing I have learnt from Western literature. But I am thankful to modern civilization for teaching me that if I want India to rise to its fullest height, I must tell my countrymen frankly that, after years and years of experience of modern civilization, I have learnt one lesson from it and that is that we must shun it at all costs.

Word Meaning:
– in an open, honest or direct manner
Shun– keep away from

Explanation of the Above Passage – Gandhi clarifies that he does not hate the systems or beliefs of the West. Instead, he is grateful to a lot of things he had learnt from Western literature. Above all, he is most thankful to modernization for teaching him that if he truly wants India to reach its highest potential, the only advice that he can give Indians is to stay away from Western practices at all costs. He mentioned that he is saying this after years of experience in the West.


  1. Passage – What is that modern civilization? It is the worship of the material, it is the worship of the brute in us — it is unadulterated materialism, and modern civilization is nothing if it does not think at every step of the triumph of material civilization.


Word Meaning:
– one who lacks intelligence, sensitivity or compassion
Unadulterated– complete
Materialism– a tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values
Triumph– achieve a victory; be successful 

Explanation of the Above Passage – Gandhi asks the readers the actual meaning of the modern civilization that he is asking us to stay away from. He elaborates that it is the obsession with material things that makes us dumb and lack intelligence, sensitivity and passion. He again emphasizes that it is truly the practice of worshiping all material possessions and physical comfort but it is of no use if it does not make man think at every point of his life.


  1. Passage – It is perhaps unnecessary, if not useless, to weigh the merits of the two civilizations. It is likely that the West has evolved a civilization suited to its climate and surroundings, and similarly, we have a civilization suited to our conditions, and both are good in their own respective spheres.

Explanation of the Above Passage – Gandhi mentions that comparing the two civilizations is not totally meaningless but it is not needed at all because Western civilization has developed out of the needs and wants of the people of the West, suiting their climate and surroundings. Similarly, Indian civilization seems rightful for its people, surroundings and atmosphere.


  1. Passage – The distinguishing characteristic of modern civilization is an indefinite multiplicity of human wants. The characteristic of ancient civilization is an imperative restriction upon, and a strict regulating of, these wants. The modern or western insatiableness arises really from want of living faith in a future state and therefore also in Divinity. The restraint of ancient or Eastern civilization arises from a belief, often in spite of ourselves, in a future state and the existence of a Divine Power.


Word Meaning:
– characteristic of one thing or person that tells the difference between them
Indefinite– lasting for an unknown length of time
Multiplicity– a large number of variety
Imperative– of vital importance; crucial
Restriction– an act of limiting someone’s actions or movement
insatiableness (n): state of not being satisfied
Divinity– the quality or nature of God’s being; the state of being divine

Explanation of the Above Passage – The trait that makes modern civilization different is that it leads humans to have innumerable wants that never end whereas ancient civilization teaches us to have control over our wants and in managing them so that they do not get excessive. The reason why modern civilization leads to never-ending human wants is because its people are always aspiring to live in the future and wanting to be in the state of being divine. On the other hand, ancient civilization comes from the belief of being futuristic but also in the presence of God.


  1. Passage – Some of the immediate and brilliant results of modern inventions are too maddening to resist. But I have no manner of doubt that the victory of man lies in that resistance. We are in danger of bartering away the permanent good for a momentary pleasure.


Word Meaning:
– extremely annoying
Resist– withstand the action or effect of
Bartering– exchanging goods, property etc
Momentary– lasting for a very short time, brief

Explanation of the Above Passage – Gandhi mentions how the fast and unbelievable results of the modern inventions are difficult to refrain from but he tells the readers that he is a strong believer of how self-control is better than the feeling of having it all. This is because giving in to your wants only gives us happiness that lasts a very short time but it takes away long-term happiness.


  1. Passage – Just as in the West they have made wonderful discoveries in things material, similarly Hinduism has made still more marvellous discoveries in things of religion, of the spirit, of the soul.


Word Meaning:
Hinduism– A religion of India that emphasizes freedom from the material world through purification of desires and elimination of personal identity
Marvelous– extremely good or pleasing; splendid

Explanation of the Above Passage – Undoubtedly, the West has made some amazing modern inventions when it comes to worldly things and physical comfort. However, Hinduism on the other hand, has made more terrific findings in matters of religion concerning the mind, body and the soul.


  1. Passage – But we have no eye for these great and fine discoveries. We are dazzled by the material progress that Western science has made. I am not enamoured of that progress. In fact, it almost seems as though God in His wisdom has prevented India from progressing along those lines, so that it might fulfil its special mission of resisting the onrush of materialism.


Word Meaning:
– amaze or overwhelm someone with a particular impressive quality
Enamoured– be in love with, delighted with
Progressing– develop towards an improved or more advanced condition
Onrush– surge, flow

Explanation of the Above Passage – Gandhi tells the readers that he is not fond of modern inventions despite their amazing discoveries. Even though some of the findings of modern science are impressive, he is not delighted with it. He feels that it is the blessings of the Divine Power that India so strongly believes in, which is stopping India from going in that direction. According to him, it is God who wants India to resist seeking comfort in material things.


  1. Passage – After all, there is something in Hinduism that has kept it alive up till now. It has witnessed the fall of Babylonian, Syrian, Persian and Egyptian civilizations. Cast a look around you. Where is Rome and where is Greece? Can you find today anywhere the Italy of Gibbon, or rather the ancient Rome, for Rome was Italy?


Word Meaning:
– to see an event happen
Babylonian– an inhabitant of Babylon or Babylonia
Syrian– a native or inhabitant of Syria
Persian– a native or inhabitant of ancient or modern Persia (or Iran)
Cast a look – look quickly in the prescribed direction
Gibbon– the English historian of the eighteenth century who authored the famous book The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Explanation of the Above Passage – The writer highlights that if Hinduism has sustained all odds over the period of time, there must be something special about it. Other civilizations like that of Babylonians, Syrians, Persians and Egyptians, have all ended but our ancient civilization stands firm. He asks the readers to observe other nations and think where Rome and Greece went. There is no trace of the Italy of Gibbon or ancient Rome even though Rome was Italy.


  1. Passage – Go to Greece. Where is the world-famous Attic civilization? Then coming to India, let one go through the most ancient records and then look around you and you would be constrained to say, “yes, I see here ancient India still living”.


Word Meaning:
– of, relating to, or having the characteristics of Athens or its ancient civilization
Constrained– severely restrict in scope, extent or activity

Explanation of the Above Passage – He then compares India with Greece in terms of keeping their ancient teachings alive. Greece has no trace of its well-known attic civilization in the modern times whereas one can clearly find ancient India if they go through our ancient records – they would know that it is still alive in today’s India.


  1. Passage – True, there were dungheaps, too, here and there, but there are rich treasures buried under them. And the reason why it has survived is that the end which Hinduism set before it was not development along material but spiritual lines.


Word Meaning:
– a heap of dung or refuse, especially in a farmyard
Buried– covered up 

Explanation of the Above Passage – It is true that one can find hills of dung and garbage in India but there is no denial of the fact that if one digs deeper, there are also treasures that can be found. Gandhi points out that the reason why Hinduism has lasted while others have collapsed is because its end-goal was never obsessing over material things in the name of development but on becoming spiritual beings. 


  1. Passage – Our civilization, our culture, our Swaraj depend not upon multiplying our wants —self—indulgence, but upon restricting wants – self denial.


Word Meaning:
– self-government or independence for India
Self-indulgence- the act of allowing yourself to have or do anything you enjoy excessively
Self-denial– the denial of one’s own interests and needs; self-sacrifice

Explanation of the Above Passage – Our entire way of life, independence and advancement revolves not in fulfilling our wants and burying oneself in material pleasures but in having self-control over our wants so that we do not overindulge in them.


  1. Passage – European civilization is, no doubt, suited for the Europeans but it will mean ruin for India if we endeavour to copy it. This is not to say that we may not adopt and assimilate whatever may be good and capable of assimilation by us, as it does not also mean that even the Europeans will not have to part with whatever evil might have crept into it.

Word Meaning:
– destruction
Endeavour– an attempt to achieve a goal?
Assimilation– integration
Crept– move slowly and carefully in order to avoid being heard or noticed

Explanation of the Above Passage – He says that European developments might suit their people undoubtedly but if India went on the same lines, it would mean destruction. We can integrate some of the good aspects of European civilization that we are capable of inhibiting but it does not mean that Europeans need not get rid of the ill-aspects that have gotten in it during advancement.


  1. Passage – The incessant search for material comforts and their multiplication is such an evil and I make bold to say that the Europeans themselves will have to remodel their outlook, if they are not to perish under the weight of the comforts to which they are becoming slaves. It may be that my reading is wrong, but I know that for India to run after the Golden Fleece is to court certain death. Let us engrave on our hearts the motto of a Western philosopher: “Plain living and high thinking”. Today it is certain that the millions cannot have high living and we the few, who profess to do the thinking for the masses, run the risk, in a vain search after high living, of missing high thinking.


Word Meaning:
– continuing without pause or interruption
Remodel– change the structure or form of something
Perish– lose it’s normal qualities; rot or decay
Golden Fleece– an object very difficult to attain. The Golden Fleece of Greek mythology was well protected by snakes and flames, and to secure it Jason had to employ the magic of Media
Profess– claim

Explanation of the Above Passage – Gandhi calls the never-ending desire to fulfill one’s temporary wants and its continuous increase an ‘evil’ that even the Europeans would want to get rid of sooner or later if they realise that it is eating their roots up and making them act as slaves. He accepts that he may be wrong in saying that for European civilization but he is sure that if India went on the same lines, it would mean destruction. He compares attaining European civilization to running after the “Golden Fleece” because the Golden Fleece is something very hard to attain and comes with high chances of being unsuccessful.
He wants his readers to follow the motto of a Western philosopher – “Plain living and high thinking” wholeheartedly because not everyone can afford a lavish lifestyle (high living). The few people who claim to think about the welfare of the entire nation are also at risk of seeking to look after high living unsuccessfully while missing out on high thinking.


  1. Passage – Civilization, in the real sense of the term, consists not in the multiplication, but in the deliberate and voluntary restriction of wants. This alone increases and promotes contentment, real happiness and capacity for service.

Word Meaning:
– done consciously and intentionally
Contentment– a state of happiness and satisfaction

Explanation of the Above Passage – Gandhi emphasizes how actual civilization rests in voluntary self-control and not in multiplicity of human wants. Having control over one’s desires is what brings true satisfaction and long lasting happiness along with increased human productivity.


  1. Passage – A certain degree of physical harmony and comfort is necessary but above a certain level it becomes a hindrance instead of help. Therefore, the ideal of creating an unlimited number of wants and satisfying them seems to be a delusion and a snare. The satisfaction of one’s physical needs, even the intellectual needs of one’s narrow self, must meet at a certain point a dead stop, before it degenerates into physical and intellectual voluptuousness. A man must arrange his physical and cultural circumstances so that they do not hinder him in his service of humanity on which all his energies should be concentrated. 


Word Meaning:
– agreement of ideas, feelings or actions
Hindrance– something or somebody that obstructs
Delusion– misleading; misconception
Degenerates– decline or deteriorate physically, mentally, or morally
Voluptuousness– relating to or characterized by luxury or sensual pleasure

Explanation of the Above Passage – Focusing on physical comfort upto a certain level is important but excess of it becomes an obstruction instead of being useful which is why having innumerable wants and running after satisfying them is misleading or rather, a trap. One must seek physical and intellectual fulfillment upto a certain limit because after that, it leads to physical and intellectual destruction. Hence, humans shall only indulge in these worldly pleasures to an extent where it does not disturb its actual motive which is, service of humanity.


BSEB Class 12 English Lessons Explanation


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