BSEB Class 12 English Rainbow Book Lesson 1 Indian Civilization and Culture Question Answers


Indian Civilization and Culture Question Answers: Looking for Indian Civilization and Culture important questions and answers for BSEB Class 12 English Rainbow Book? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practicing BSEB Class 12 English question answers can significantly improve your performance in the board exam. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Indian Civilization and Culture question answers now. The questions listed below are based on the latest BSEB exam pattern. All the exercises and Questions Answers given at the back of the lesson have also been covered. 


BSEB Class 12 English Chapter 1 Indian Civilization and Culture Textbook Question and Answers 


A. Answer the following questions orally:

  1. What do you know about Gandhiji?


Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Bapu or the Father of the Nation, was more a spiritual leader than a politician. He is known as the father of our nation. He led the nationalist movement against the British rule of India. He is globally known for his doctrine of nonviolent protest (Satyagraha) to achieve political and social progress.


  1. What did Gandhi do for the farmers in Bihar?


Gandhi came to Champaran in 1917. Here the farmers were forced to yield indigo on 15% of the land and had to surrender their entire yield as rent. Gandhi stood for the interest of the poor farmers but the administration ordered him to leave Champaran. He disobeyed their order and as a result, he was asked to appear in the court. When he appeared in court, the farmers surrounded the entire court in unison and demonstrated fearlessly. The officials failed to control the crowd and Gandhi was saved from being sentenced. The government conducted an inquiry into the case where Gandhi presented evidence of exploitation of the farmers. In the end, the decision was in the favor of the farmers. This was the first triumph of Civil Disobedience in modern India.


  1. What do you understand by civilization and culture?


Civilization is that mode of conduct which points out to man the path of duty. The Gujarati equivalent for civilization means “good conduct”

The culture in its simplest form refers to the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a particular people or society

Culture exists so that it could be embodied in civilization. The process of civilization brings a place and people to a phase where they can be developed socially and culturally to realize a more advanced stage of human existence.

Hence, culture is what we are and civilization is what we have.


  1. What do our holy scriptures tell us about universal human values? 


Our holy scriptures tell us the real meaning of life and existence. They explain to us how real accomplishment lies in spirituality and not materiality. They teach us self-control that makes us self-reliant.


B.2. Answer the following questions briefly

  1. What, according to the author, is modern civilization?


According to the author, modern civilization is Godless. It is the worship of the material and the brute in us. It is unadulterated materialism, and modern civilization is nothing if it does not think at every step of the triumph of material civilization. The distinguishing characteristic of modern civilization is an indefinite multiplicity of human wants.


  1. What did the author convey to the countrymen about dealing with modern civilization?


 The author conveyed how thankful he is to modern civilization for teaching him that if he wants India to rise to its fullest height, he must tell his countrymen frankly that, after years and years of experience of modern civilization, he has learnt one lesson from it and that it must be shunned at all costs.


  1. What is the distinguished characteristic of modern civilization?


The distinguishing characteristic of modern civilization is an indefinite multiplicity of human wants. The characteristic of ancient civilization, on the other hand, is an imperative restriction upon, and a strict regulating of, these wants. The modern or western insatiableness arises really from the want of living faith in a future state and therefore also in Divinity.  The incessant search for material comforts and their multiplication is purely an evil.


  1. The author perceived danger from modern inventions. How?


As per the author, some of the immediate and brilliant results of modern inventions are too maddening to resist. But he has no manner of doubt that the victory of man lies in that resistance and not in over-indulgence. He feels that we are in danger of bartering away the permanent good for a momentary pleasure arising out of the modern inventions.


  1. What does the author prefer to materialism?


The author prefers spirituality over materialism. He feels there is no development above taking oneself on the spiritual path.


  1. What does our civilization depend upon?


Our civilization, our culture, our Swaraj depends not upon multiplying our wants with self—indulgence, but upon restricting wants with self denial.


  1. What is civilization in the real sense of the term? 


Civilization, in the real sense of the term, consists not in the multiplication, but in the deliberate and voluntary restriction of wants. This alone increases and promotes contentment, real happiness and capacity for service.


B.1. 1.Complete the following sentences on the basis of what you have studied :

a) India’s glory is that it …………………………

b) The charge against India is that…………………………………….

c) We dare not change what…………………

d) Our ancestors set a limit to our indulgences because………………..

e) Our forefathers did not invent machinery because…………………


  1. a) India’s glory is that it is immovable.
  2. b) The charge against India is that her people are uncivilized, ignorant and stolid.
  3. c) We dare not change what we have tested and found hue on the anvil of experience.
  4. d) Our ancestors set a limit to our indulgences because the more we indulge in our passions, the more unbridled they become.
  5. e) Our forefathers did not invent machinery because if we invented machinery, we would become slaves and lose our moral fibre.


B.1. 2. Answer the following questions briefly :

1) How is Indian civilization different from European civilization?


The people of Europe learnt their lessons from the writings of the men of Greece or Rome. In trying to learn from them, the Europeans imagined that they would avoid the mistakes of Greece and Rome. Such is their pitiable condition. On the other hand, Indian civilization is based on the strong foundation of seeds sown by its ancestors. Based on the Gujarati equivalent for civilization, which means “good conduct”, India has nothing to learn from anybody else. This is because our ancestors have tested and found this true on the anvil of experience.


2) Why does Gandhi say that ‘mind is a restless bird’? What makes the mind restless?


Gandhi calls the mind “a restless bird” because the more it gets the more it wants, and still remains unsatisfied. By saying this, he further meant that the more we indulge in our passions, the more unbridled they become.


3) Why did our ancestors dissuade us from luxuries and pleasures? Did they do the right thing?


Our ancestors saw that the more we indulge in our passions, the more unbridled they become. Therefore, they set a limit to our indulgences as they saw that happiness was largely a mental condition. Hence, they dissuaded us from luxuries and pleasures.

Yes, they were right in doing so because being rich does not guarantee happiness. In fact, the poor are seen to be happier.


4) Why, according to Gandhi, have we stuck with the same kind of plough as existed thousands of years ago? Should we do the same thing even today?


According to Gandhi, we used the same kind of plough as existed thousands of years ago because our ancestors saw that our real happiness and health consisted in proper use of our hands and feet. It was not that we did not know how to invent machinery, but our forefathers knew that, if we set our hearts after such things. we would become slaves and lose our moral fibre. They, therefore, after due deliberation decided that we should only do what we could with our hands and feet. 

In my opinion, usage of plough widely even today would not guarantee agricultural produce enough to cater the entire population of our country. Hence, we should not do the same thing today.


5) How did our ancestors view large cities? Why were they satisfied with small villages?


Our ancestors viewed large cities as a snare and a useless encumbrance. They knew that people would not be happy in them as there would be gangs of thieves and robbers, prostitution and vice, where rich rob the poor. Hence, they were satisfied with small villages.


6) How did our ancestors enjoy true ‘Home Rule’? 


India is self-sufficient in terms of courts, lawyers and doctors. Here, all professions are regarded highly and equally. Unlike other nations, in India, lawyers and doctors do not befool people to steal from them – they are highly reliable and do not act superior. Here, we value fair play and focus on solving matters outside courts instead of having tricksters lure them into court. Even if there were any ill-practices, they only happened in and around the capital cities. Apart from that, the rest of the population lived freely while undertaking agricultural activities and enjoying Home Rule.


C. 1. Long Answer Questions

  1. ‘I BELIEVE that the civilization India has evolved is not to be beaten in the world.’ What does Gandhi mean by this statement? Do you subscribe to his views?


Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi said, “I believe that the civilization India has evolved is not to be beaten in the world”. By saying this, he meant that nothing can equal the seeds sown by our ancestors. He is proud of the sound foundation of Indian Civilization which has successfully withstood the passage of time. The western civilization which has the tendency to privilege materiality cannot match the Indian civilization that elevates the moral being.

India remains immovable and that is her glory. It is a charge against India that her people are so uncivilized, ignorant and stolid, that it is not possible to induce them to adopt any changes. It is a charge really against our merit. What we have tested and found true on the anvil of experience, we dare not change. Many thrust their advice upon India, and she remains steady. This is her beauty; it is the sheet anchor of our hope. 

However, Indian civilization is also flexible and we can integrate some of the good aspects of European civilization that we are capable of inhibiting for the benefit of our civilization. 


  1. ‘We notice that the mind is a restless bird, the more it gets the more it wants, and still remains unsatisfied.’ Pick out other metaphors used in the lesson. How do these metaphors help Gandhiji in persuading the readers?


Gandhi has used the power of metaphors in his writing beautifully, to convince the readers. It has not only made the readers understand his idea better but also persuaded them to keep our ancestral morals alive. 

He feels that the Western civilization revolves around continuously chasing materialism and physical comfort. Hence, he has compared the mind to “a restless bird” that is never satisfied no matter how much it gets. Thus, he wants the reader to have voluntary resistance and self-control to refrain them from overindulgence in the worldly pleasures. 


Another example of a metaphor well-used is when he states that “what we have tested and found true on the anvil of experience, we dare not change”.  Here, he compares the foundation of Indian civilization to be as strong as the block of metal being hammered by the blacksmith. It is a charge against India that her people are so uncivilized, ignorant and stolid, that it is not possible to induce them to adopt any changes. It is a charge really against our merit. Many thrust their advice upon India, and she remains steady.


He has also called India’s ability to stand firm “the sheet anchor of our hope” . Just like a large ship remains steady with its sheet anchor amidst a sea storm, India also remains immovable and that is her glory.


He further reasoned that large cities were a “snare”. Just like a snare is a trap for catching birds or mammals, big cities are a useless encumbrance that would not let people be happy in them as there would be gangs of thieves and robbers, prostitution and vice flourishing in them and that poor men would be robbed by rich men. 


  1. ‘A man is not necessarily happy because he is rich, or unhappy because he is poor. The rich are often seen to be unhappy, the poor to be happy.’ What, according to Gandhi, holds key to real happiness? How does Gandhi define ‘happiness’?


“A man is not necessarily happy because he is rich, or unhappy because he is poor. The rich are often seen to be unhappy, the poor to be happy.”

Millions will always remain poor. Observing all this, our ancestors dissuaded us from luxuries and pleasures. We have managed with the same kind of plough as existed thousands of years ago. We have retained the same kind of cottages that we had in former times and our indigenous education remains the same as before. We have had no system of life-corroding competition. Each followed his own occupation or trade and charged a regular wage. It was not that we did not know how to invent machinery, but our forefathers knew that, if we set our hearts after such things. we would become slaves and lose our moral fibre. They, therefore, after due deliberation decided that we should only do what we could with our hands and feet. They saw that our real happiness and health consisted in a proper use of our hands and feet.


  1. Why did our ancestors feel satisfied with small villages? Did they do the right thing? Will it be wise today to follow our ancestors in this connection? Give your own view.


Our ancestors felt that large cities are a snare and a useless encumbrance and that people would not be happy in them, that there would be gangs of thieves and robbers, prostitution and vice flourishing in them and that poor men would be robbed by rich men. They were, therefore, satisfied with small villages.

They were right in doing so but even if we want to follow the ancient civilization, India today is moving towards capitalism and development which is forcing people to move out of small villages and migrate to big cities in order to earn a living. The Western philosophy of “Plain living and high thinking” is hard to live by. Today it is certain that millions cannot have a high living. With the rapidly increasing population and the competition, traditional occupations are not feasible, making it difficult to follow the ways that our ancestors used to swear by.


  1. Discuss the negative features of western civilization.


The western civilization propagates immorality. It is godless. It is the worship of the material and the brute in us — it is unadulterated materialism. Large cities are a snare and a useless encumbrance and that people can not be happy in them, as there are gangs of thieves and robbers, prostitution and vice flourishing in them and that poor men are robbed by rich men. Western civilization promotes incessant search for material comforts and their multiplication which is such an evil as it is putting the nations under the weight of the comforts to which they are becoming slaves.  


The ideal of creating an unlimited number of wants and satisfying them seems to be a delusion and a snare. The satisfaction of one’s physical needs, even the intellectual needs of one’s narrow self, must meet at a certain point a dead stop, before it degenerates into physical and intellectual voluptuousness. A man must arrange his physical and cultural circumstances so that they do not hinder him in his service of humanity on which all his energies should be concentrated. 


  1. What is the essential difference between the Indian civilization and the Western civilization? How is our civilization superior to the Western civilization?


The essential difference between Indian and Western civilization is the indefinite multiplicity of human wants in the West. The characteristic of ancient civilization is an imperative restriction upon, and a strict regulating of, these wants. The modern or western insatiableness arises really from the want of living faith in a future state and therefore also in Divinity. The restraint of ancient or Eastern civilization arises from a belief, often in spite of ourselves, in a future state and the existence of a Divine Power.

Indian civilization has nothing to learn, but to teach a lot to the modern civilization. It is based on the belief in God which is understanding and so believing that it behoves every lover of India to cling to the old Indian civilization even as a child clings to the mother’s breast. Our civilization does not depend upon multiplying our wants with self—indulgence, but upon restricting wants with self denial. The sound foundation of Indian Civilization has successfully withstood the passage of time. The western civilization which has the tendency to privilege materiality which cannot match the Indian civilization that elevates the moral being.


  1. A certain degree of physical harmony and comfort is necessary but above a certain level it becomes a hindrance instead of help.’ Elaborate. 


It is true that a certain degree of physical harmony and comfort is necessary but above a certain level it becomes a hindrance instead of help. Therefore, the ideal of creating an unlimited number of wants and satisfying them seems to be a delusion and a snare. The satisfaction of one’s physical needs, even the intellectual needs of one’s narrow self, must meet at a certain point a dead stop, before it degenerates into physical and intellectual voluptuousness. Hence, humans shall only indulge in these worldly pleasures to an extent where it does not disturbs its actual motive which is, service of humanity.



Discuss the following in groups or pairs:

  1. Truth and non-violence have been the biggest weapons of mankind.


Truth and non-violence are known as the twin pillars of Gandhian thought. He believed that truth is the ultimate reality which is God and non-violence as the peak of selflessness. To him, non-violence is not a negative aspect but the highest form of pure love. 

During the freedom struggle, Gandhi introduced the spirit of Satyagraha to the world. Satyagraha means devotion to truth, remaining firm on the truth and resisting untruth actively but non-violently. According to Gandhi, a satyagrahi must believe in truth and nonviolence as one’s creed and therefore have faith in the inherent goodness of human nature. Besides, a satyagrahi must live a chaste life and be ready and willing for the sake of one’s cause to give up his life and his possessions, he would assert.

He believed that truth and non-violence are the two sides of the same coin and considers ahimsa as the means,and truth as the end. He was a great supporter of peace and believed that these two elements together are the only means towards world peace. 

Truth is the biggest weapon because it takes a lot of guts to face reality. Bitter truth is always better than a sweet lie.

Non-violence is also a powerful and just weapon as it cuts without wounding. This also makes it a weapon of the strong.


  1. High thinking can not go alongside high living. 


High thinking is the ability to reason properly. It is the ability to be able to see clearly the true meaning of life and everything that it constitutes. High living on the other hand, refers to a lavish lifestyle filled with luxuries and indulgences. It is based on fulfilling one’s material wants without refrain. 

Someone capable of high thinking finds high living meaningless as he is able to detach himself from the material possessions. It comes with time, peace and spirituality whereas modern lifestyle is obsessed with materiality which leads to anxiety and the unnecessary urge to always seek for more.

High thinking does not entirely refrain from high living but instead, it teaches when to stop. It is more dependent on self -control and self-reliance. Since high thinking and high living hardly go hand in hand, the Western philosopher has rightly suggested everyone to follow – “Simple living, high thinking”.



Write a paragraph in about 100 words on each of the following:

a. The real dignity of man lies not in what he has but in what he is.


The worship of materialism is temporary but that of spirituality is permanent as the former is only focused on fulfilling wants whereas the latter is concerned with the peaceful integration of mind, body and soul. 

What a man has is his possessions that can be bought with money. Wants are never-ending and with a restless bird-like mind that humans have, it is difficult to get out of the loop of always longing for more. 

What a man is, is the qualities that stay with him. It signifies his morals and values that form the basis of his very being. Hence, this is where the real dignity of man lies and not in the possession of worldly objects.


b. The crown and glory of life is character. 



D.1. Dictionary Use

Ex. 1. Correct the spelling of the following words: 


disuaded  ocupation votries imorality unadultereted
matarialism beleif madning engrev harmoney



Disuaded – Dissuaded

ocupation – Occupation

Votries – Votaries

Imorality – Immorality

unadultereted – Unadulterated

matarialism – Materialism

Beleif – Belief

Madning – Maddening

engrev – Engrave

Harmoney – Harmony


Ex. 2. Look up a dictionary and write two meanings of the following words — the one in which it is used in the lesson and the other which is more common 


reason thinking wants ruin copy




As per lesson- a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event

As per common usage- a statement given to explain a belief or an act; a motive or cause



As per lesson- the process of considering or reasoning about something

As per common usage- to reflect on a matter



As per lesson- have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for

As per common usage- a desire for something



As per lesson- the physical destruction or disintegration of something or the state of disintegrating or being destroyed.

As per common usage- reduce (a building or place) to a state of decay, collapse



As per lesson- imitate the style or behavior of

As per common usage- a thing to be made similar or identical to another


D.2. Word-formation

Read carefully the following sentence taken from the lesson:

Each followed his own occupation...

In the above sentence the word ‘occupation’, which is an abstract noun, is derived from the verb ‘occupy’. Now, derive abstract nouns from the verbs given below and use them (abstract nouns) in sentences of your own:


convert perform define  please educate observe



Convert – Conversion – The process of conversion of water to ice requires water to be frozen.

Perform – Performance – The annual day is lined up with splendid performances by students.

Define – Definition – The Gujarati definition of civilization is good conduct.

Please – Pleasure – One must not give up long-term goals for momentary pleasures.

Educate – Education – In rural India, girls still have lesser access to education as compared to boys.

Observe – Observation – The patient is critical and has been kept under the observation of doctors.


D.3. Word-meaning

Ex 1. Find from the lesson words the meanings of which have been given in Column A. The last part of each word is given in Column B: 


someone related who lived long time ago …………. tor
of one’s homeland  …………nous
being a burden to  …………ance
to spread ideas, beliefs, etc …………..ate
slow-witted …………..lid
advise against  ………….ade
exchange goods, property etc …………..ter 




someone related who lived long time ago ancestor
of one’s homeland  indigenous
Being a burden to hindrance
To spread ideas, beliefs, etc propagate
slow-witted stolid
Advice against dissuade
Exchange goods, property, etc barter


Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words (gerunds) from the given list:


living thinking writing bartering maddening


(i) Pragya’s ……………….  is not very legible.

(ii) The police could not control the……………..crowd.

(iii) We are in danger of…………….away the permanent good for a momentary pleasure. 

(iv) Gandhi always believed in simple…………………

(v) Amandeep’s……………was quite logical. 



(i) Pragya’s writing is not very legible.

(ii) The police could not control the maddening crowd.

(iii) We are in danger of bartering away the permanent good for a momentary pleasure. 

(iv) Gandhi always believed in simple living.

(v) Amandeep’s thinking was quite logical.


D. 4. Phrases

Ex.1. Read the lesson carefully and find out the sentences in which the following phrases have been used. Then use these phrases in sentences of your own: 


satisfy with be suited to  believe in cling to in vain



Satisfy with – It is important to keep ourselves satisfied with what we have while we work hard for our dreams.

Be suited to – Western civilization is best suited to people of the West.  

Believe in – A person who believes in God is considered spiritual.

Cling to – It is not advisable to cling to one’s mistakes

In vain – Losing a competition doesn’t signify that all the efforts went in vain.



Read the following sentence from the lesson carefully:

We are dazzled by the material progress that western science has made. 

In the above sentence ‘dazzled’ and ‘made’ are past participles of the verbs ‘dazzle’ and ‘make’ respectively.

Ex. 1. Complete the sentences given below by using the appropriate forms of the verbs given in brackets:

  1. Indian Civilization has………… alive till now. (keep)
  2. I see here ancient India still…………..(live)
  3. We have……………..many things from western literature. (borrow)
  4. We have been……………..west since long. (copy)
  5. Arya did………………so. (speak)
  6. Nehru had………………….so many letters to his daughter from jail. (write) 



  1. Indian Civilization has kept it alive till now. (keep)
  2. I see here ancient India still alive. (live)
  3. We have borrowed many things from western literature. (borrow)
  4. We have been copying west since long. (copy)
  5. Arya did say so. (speak)
  6. Nehru had written so many letters to his daughter from jail. (write) 


Ex.2. Study the following sentence from the lesson

We notice that the mind is a restless bird, the more it gets the more it wants….

Mark the use of double comparative in the above sentence. Look at the examples given in the table: 


The + comparative (1st) The + comparative (2nd)
The harder you work, the better you achieve
The more she earns  The more she wants 


Form ten sentences of your own choice on this pattern


  1. The more you study, the more you learn.
  2. The more, the merrier.
  3. The more practice you do, the better you become.
  4. The less you worry about others, the less they will bother you.
  5. The less I worry, the more relaxed I feel.
  6. The older we get, the wiser we become.
  7. The faster you drive, the quicker you will get there.
  8. There are more and more people coming to this vacation spot.
  9. The hotter the weather, the more water we should drink.
  10. The more you practice, the more you learn.


BSEB Class 12 English Chapter 1 Indian Civilization and Culture Extra Questions and Answers 


Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)


  1. What does the author believe about Indian civilization?
  1. It is outdated.
  2. It is inferior to Western civilization.
  3. It is still sound at the foundation.
  4. It has nothing to learn from its past.

Ans: C. It is still sound at the foundation.


  1. Which ancient civilizations does the author mention as having perished?
  1. Greek and Roman.
  2. Japanese and Indian.
  3. Persian and Indian.
  4. Egyptian and Chinese.

Ans: A. Greek and Roman


  1. According to the passage, what is the Gujarati equivalent of civilization?
  1. Modernization.
  2. Technology.
  3. Good conduct.
  4. Knowledge.

Ans: C. Good conduct


  1. What is a primary characteristic of modern civilization according to the author?
  1. Restriction of wants.
  2. Multiplication of human wants.
  3. Focus on morality.
  4. Spiritual growth.

Ans: B. Multiplication of human wants.


  1. What does the author suggest about happiness?
  1. It is linked to wealth.
  2. It is a purely physical state.
  3. It is largely a mental condition.
  4. It is dependent on modern comforts.

Ans: C. It is largely a mental condition.


  1. What is the chief evil of modern civilization, as per the author?
  1. Restraint of desires.
  2. Over-indulgence in material comforts.
  3. Lack of technological innovation.
  4. Dependence on agriculture.

Ans: B. Over-indulgence in material comforts


  1. Why did Indian forefathers resist the use of machinery?
  1. They lacked knowledge.
  2. They feared becoming slaves to it.
  3. It was too expensive.
  4. They believed it harmed the environment.

Ans: B. They feared becoming slaves to it


  1. What was the main occupation of ancient Indians?
  1. Industrial work.
  2. Agriculture.
  3. Military service.
  4. Scientific research.

Ans: B. Agriculture.


  1. According to the passage, what kind of sword is superior?
  1. The sword of kings.
  2. The sword of ethics.
  3. The sword of power.
  4. The sword of technology.

Ans: B. The sword of ethics.


  1. How does the author describe Indian justice in the past?
  1. Corrupt and biased.
  2. Fair and independent.
  3. Highly bureaucratic.
  4. Dependent on large courts.

Ans: B. Fair and independent


  1. What has prevented India from progressing materially?
  1. Lack of resources.
  2. God’s wisdom.
  3. European influence.
  4. Resistance to technology.

Ans: B. God’s wisdom


  1. What does the author say about the tendency of the Western civilization?
  1. It elevates the moral being.
  2. It aligns with Indian traditions.
  3. It promotes spiritual growth.
  4. It propagates immorality.

Ans: D. It propagates immorality


  1. What does the author say about copying European civilization?
  1. It will lead to ruin for India.
  2. It will bring prosperity to India.
  3. It is essential for progress.
  4. It is beneficial for cultural growth.

Ans: A. It will lead to ruin for India.


  1. What motto does the author suggest India should adopt?
  1. “High living and plain thinking.”
  2. “Plain living and high thinking.”
  3. “Material progress is key.”
  4. “Follow the West for success.”

Ans: B. “Plain living and high thinking.”


  1. According to the lesson, what is civilization in the real sense?
  1. Multiplying physical needs.
  2. Voluntary restriction of wants.
  3. Accumulating wealth.
  4. Chasing material progress.

Ans: B. Voluntary restriction of wants


  1. What is the author’s view of material progress?
  1. It brings permanent happiness.
  2. It is necessary for spiritual growth.
  3. It is the ultimate goal of life.
  4. It should be resisted.

Ans: D. It should be resisted


  1. What is the role of service in true civilization?
  1. It is secondary to self-advancement.
  2. It should be the central focus.
  3. It is not required.
  4. It hinders progress.

Ans: B. It should be the central focus


  1. What kind of competition existed in ancient India?
  1. Life-corroding competition.
  2. No competition at all.
  3. Healthy and regulated competition.
  4. Intense technological competition.

Ans: C. Healthy and regulated competition


  1. What type of education did ancient India preserve?
  1. Foreign education.
  2. Indigenous education.
  3. Modern education.
  4. Western-style education.

Ans: B. Indigenous education.


  1. What does the author ultimately advocate for India?
  1. Balanced assimilation of useful elements.
  2. Full adoption of Western practices.
  3. Abandonment of its own traditions.
  4. Complete isolation from the world.

Ans: A. Balanced assimilation of useful elements.


Extract Based Questions


A. In the midst of all this, India remains immovable and that is her glory. It is a charge against India that her people are so uncivilized, ignorant and stolid, that it is not possible to induce them to adopt any changes. It is a charge really against our merit. What we have tested and found true on the anvil of experience, we dare not change. Many thrust their advice upon India, and she remains steady. This is her beauty; it is the sheet anchor of our hope.

Civilization is that mode of conduct which points out to man the path of duty. Performance of duty and observance of morality are convertible terms. To observe morality is to attain mastery over our minds and our passions. So doing, we know ourselves. The Gujarati equivalent for civilization means “good conduct”.

  1. What is considered India’s glory?

Ans: India’s immovability and steadiness in the face of criticism and advice from others.


  1. What accusation is often made against the Indian people?

Ans: The Indian people are often accused of being uncivilized, ignorant, and resistant to change.

  1. How does the writer respond to the charge of India’s resistance to change?

Ans: The writer views this resistance as a merit rather than a fault, emphasizing that India refuses to change what has been validated through experience and remains steady in its beliefs.


  1. How does the writer define civilization?

Ans: The writer defines civilization as a mode of conduct that guides people towards the performance of duty, with duty and morality being interchangeable concepts.


  1. What is the Gujarati equivalent of civilization?

Ans: The Gujarati equivalent of civilization means “good conduct.”

B. We notice that the mind is a restless bird, the more it gets the more it wants, and still remains unsatisfied. The more we indulge in our passions, the more unbridled they become. Our ancestors, therefore, set a limit to our indulgences. They saw that happiness was largely a mental condition.

A man is not necessarily happy because he is rich, or unhappy because he is poor. The rich are often seen to be unhappy, the poor to be happy. Millions will always remain poor. Observing all this, our ancestors dissuaded us from luxuries and pleasures. We have managed with the same kind of plough as existed thousands of years ago. We have retained the same kind of cottages that we had in former times and our indigenous education remains the same as before. We have had no system of life-corroding competition. Each followed his own occupation or trade and charged a regular wage. It was not that we did not know how to invent machinery, but our forefathers knew that, if we set our hearts after such things. we would become slaves and lose our moral fibre. They, therefore, after due deliberation decided that we should only do what we could with our hands and feet. They saw that our real happiness and health consisted in a proper use of our hands and feet.


  1. How does the passage describe the mind?

Ans: The mind is described as a restless bird that remains unsatisfied, no matter how much it gets.


  1. Why did the ancestors set limits on indulgences?

Ans: They believed that excessive indulgence results in unhappiness and that true happiness is a state of mind, not dependent on wealth or material comforts.


  1. What did the ancestors believe about the relationship between wealth and happiness?

Ans: They believed that wealth does not guarantee happiness and that the poor can often be happier than the rich.


  1. Why did the ancestors avoid adopting machinery and modern luxuries?

Ans: They feared that dependence on machinery would make people slaves to materialism and weaken their moral fibre.


  1. What constitutes real happiness and health?

Ans: Real happiness and health consist in the proper use of one’s hands and feet, emphasizing self-reliance and simplicity.

C. They saw that kings and their swords were inferior to the sword of ethics, and they, therefore, held the sovereigns of the earth to be inferior to the Rishis and the Fakirs. A nation, with a constitution like this, is fitter to teach others than to learn from others. This nation had courts, lawyers and doctors, but they were all within bounds. Everybody knew that these professions were not particularly superior. Moreover, these Vakils and Vaids did not rob people; they were considered people’s dependents, not their masters. Justice was tolerably fair. The ordinary rule was to avoid courts. There were no touts to lure people into them. This evil too was noticeable only in and around capitals. The common people lived independently and followed their agricultural occupation. They enjoyed true Home Rule. 

The Indian civilization, as described by me, has been so described by its votaries. In no part of the world, and under no civilization, have all men attained perfection. The tendency of Indian civilizations is to elevate the moral being, that of the western civilization is to propagate immorality. The latter is godless; the former is based on a belief in God. So understanding and so believing, it behoves every lover of India to cling to the old Indian civilization even as a child clings to the mother’s breast.


  1. What did the ancestors consider superior to kings and their swords?

Ans: They considered the sword of ethics superior to kings and their swords.


  1. How were professions like lawyers and doctors perceived in ancient Indian civilization?

Ans: They were considered people dependent, not their masters, and their work was kept within bounds.


  1. What was the ordinary rule regarding courts in ancient Indian society?

Ans: The general practice was to stay away from courts, and there were no agents to lure people into legal disputes.


  1. In what ways do the Indian and Western civilizations compare?

Ans:  Indian civilization aims to elevate the moral being and is rooted in belief in God, while Western civilization is seen as propagating immorality and being godless.


  1. What advice does the passage give to lovers of Indian civilization?

Ans: It urges them to cling to the old Indian civilization as a child clings to its mother’s breast, valuing its spiritual and moral foundation.

D. Some of the immediate and brilliant results of modern inventions are too maddening to resist. But I have no manner of doubt that the victory of man lies in that resistance. We are in danger of bartering away the permanent good for a momentary pleasure.

 Just as in the West they have made wonderful discoveries in things material, similarly Hinduism has made still more marvellous discoveries in things of religion, of the spirit, of the soul.

But we have no eye for these great and fine discoveries. We are dazzled by the material progress that Western science has made. I am not enamoured of that progress. In fact, it almost seems as though God in His wisdom has prevented India from progressing along those lines, so that it might fulfil its special mission of resisting the onrush of materialism.

After all, there is something in Hinduism that has kept it alive up till now. It has witnessed the fall of Babylonian, Syrian, Persian and Egyptian civilizations. Cast a look around you. Where is Rome and where is Greece? Can you find today anywhere the Italy of Gibbon, or rather the ancient Rome, for Rome was Italy?


  1. What is the danger of embracing modern inventions?

Ans: The danger is that we may trade lasting goods for temporary pleasure.


  1. How does the passage compare the discoveries of the West and Hinduism?

Ans: The passage compares Western material discoveries with Hinduism’s spiritual discoveries, suggesting that while the West has advanced in material things, Hinduism has made great discoveries in religion, spirit, and soul.


  1. Why is India resistant to materialism?

Ans: India has been prevented by divine wisdom from pursuing material progress, so it can fulfill its special mission of resisting the overwhelming push towards materialism.


  1. What civilizations does the passage mention as having fallen?

Ans: The passage mentions the fall of Babylonian, Syrian, Persian, and Egyptian civilizations.


  1. Why did Hinduism survive while other civilizations have fallen?

Ans: Hinduism has survived because it possesses something unique that has kept it alive through the fall of other great civilizations like Babylonian, Syrian, Persian, and Egyptian.

E. Civilization, in the real sense of the term, consists not in the multiplication, but in the deliberate and voluntary restriction of wants. This alone increases and promotes contentment, real happiness and capacity for service.

A certain degree of physical harmony and comfort is necessary but above a certain level it becomes a hindrance instead of help. Therefore, the ideal of creating an unlimited number of wants and satisfying them seems to be a delusion and a snare. The satisfaction of one’s physical needs, even the intellectual needs of one’s narrow self, must meet at a certain point a dead stop, before it degenerates into physical and intellectual voluptuousness. A man must arrange his physical and cultural circumstances so that they do not hinder him in his service of humanity on which all his energies should be concentrated.


  1. What does true civilization consist of?

Ans: True civilization consists not in multiplying wants, but in the deliberate and voluntary restriction of them.


  1. How does the passage describe the relationship between physical comfort and happiness?

Ans: The passage suggests that while a certain degree of physical harmony and comfort is necessary, but beyond a certain point, it becomes an obstacle to happiness.


  1. What is the ideal regarding the creation and satisfaction of wants?

Ans: The ideal is not to create an unlimited number of wants and satisfy them, as this leads to delusion and distraction.


  1. What must happen when satisfying physical and intellectual needs?

Ans: The satisfaction of physical and intellectual needs must stop at a certain point, or else it will lead to excessive indulgence and loss of balance.


  1. What is the ultimate focus a person should have?

Ans: A person should focus on arranging their circumstances in a way that does not hinder their service to humanity, concentrating all their energies on this purpose.
