Yenepoya University Mangalore announces admission to Basic B.Sc. (Nursing), Post Basic B.Sc. [Nursing) and M.Sc. (Nursing) Course 2021
Yenepoya University BSc and M.Sc Nursing Admission 2021 – Yenepoya University, Mangalore invites applications from the eligible candidates for admission to Basic B.Sc. (Nursing), Post Basic B.Sc. [Nursing) & M.Sc. (Nursing) Course for the academic year 2021-22.
Course offered
- Basic B.Sc. (Nursing)
- Post Basic B.Sc. (Nursing)
- M.Sc. (Nursing)
Yenepoya University BSc and M.Sc Nursing Admission 2021 Important Dates
- Application Process :- Ongoing
- Last date for receipt of application by the university :- June 2021
Eligibility Criteria for Yenepoya University BSc and M.Sc Nursing Admission 2021
For Admission to Basic B.Sc. [Nursing) Course :
- The minimum age for admission shall be 17 years on or before 31st Dec. of the year of admission.
- 10+2 class pass with 45% aggregate in PCBE or its equivalent for general merit category and 40% for SC/ST candidates.
- Candidates shall be medically fit.
For Admission to Post Basic B.Sc. [Nursing) Course :
- Hold a diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM) from any board approved by the INC or any State Nursing Council.
- Have passed pre-university examination in arts/science/commerce conducted by the Department of Pre- University Education, Karnataka State or its equivalent recognized by Yenepoya University.
- Should have registered with any State Nursing Council.
- Be medically fit.
- Should not be above 48 years of age on December 31st in the year of admission.
For Admission to M.Sc. [Nursing) Course :
- The candidate should be a Registered Nurse and Registered midwife or equivalent with any State Nursing Registration Council.
- The minimum educational requirements shall be:
- A pass in B.Sc. Nursing from any recognized university with minimum 55% marks.
- Minimum one year of work experience prior or after Post Basic B.Sc Nursing.
- Candidates shall be medically fit.
Yenepoya University BSc and M.Sc Nursing Admission 2021 Application Process
- Students seeking admission to Nursing Programmes are required to submit the Admission Enquiry form available on the website.
- Eligible candidates can apply online through the official website
- Application forms can also be had from the university office during working hours or downloaded from our website
- Students who wish to apply for courses can obtain the application form or CD from the University, on payment of Rs.250. Applications can also be downloaded from the website and printed and sent along with a demand draft for a sum of Rs.500 towards registration enclosing the receipt of purchase of CD.
- In case the applications are obtained without payment for CD, the application should be sent along with a demand draft for a sum of Rs. 750. All D.D’s should be drawn in favour of the college payable at Mangalore. In case of B.Sc. Nursing, BPT and CNM courses, the amount will be Rs. 200 towards CD and Rs.100 towards registration. Every student is required to be reguLar and punctuaL in attending classes.
- No student shall absent himself/herself without satisfactory explanation. 80% attendance is a prerequisite, as per University Regulations, to enable the student to attend the University Examinations.
For more details & apply online, visit the official website