Democratic Rights


NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science (Civics) Chapter 5 Democratic Rights


Democratic Rights – Given in this post is NCERT Solutions Class 9 Social Science (Civics) Chapter 5 Democratic Rights Important Question Answers. The important questions we have compiled will help the students to brush up on their knowledge about the subject. Students can practice Class 9 Political Science important questions to understand the subject better and improve their performance in the board exam. The NCERT Solutions Class 9 Social Science provided here will also give students an idea about how to write the answers.


Class 9 Civics Chapter 5 Democratic Rights MCQs, Question Answers (Short and Long type Questions)


Chapter 5 Democratic Rights MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions 1 mark each) 


  1. When did the 9/11 attack on New York take place?
  1. 9 November, 2000
  2. 9 November, 2001
  3. 11 September, 2000
  4. 11 September, 2001

Answer – D. 11 September, 2001


  1. Which organisation collected information on the condition of the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay?
  1. Amity international 
  2. Amnesty international
  3. Anonymity international
  4. Ardent international

Answer – B. Amnesty international


  1. Guantanamo Bay is an area near _________
  1. US
  2. Caribbean islands
  3. Cuba 
  4. Brazil 

Answer – C. Cuba 


  1. Saudi Arabia is ruled by ______
  1. An elected ruler 
  2. A military dictator 
  3. A hereditary king
  4. Nobody 

Answer – C. A hereditary king


  1. Nearly how many people were secretly imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay?
  1. 6000
  2. 600
  3. 60
  4. 666

Answer – B. 600


  1. In Saudi Arabia, who elects the legislature and the executive?
  1. The people 
  2. Voters 
  3. The king 
  4. The president 

Answer – C. The king


  1. In Saudi Arabia, Non-Muslim residents can follow their religion ___
  1. Publicly 
  2. Freely 
  3. Openly 
  4. Privately 

Answer – D. Privately


  1. In Saudi Arabia, testimony of one man is considered equal to that of _____ women.
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. No

Answer – B. 2


  1. Kosovo was a province of _________ before its split.
  1. Somalia 
  2. Czechoslovakia 
  3. Armenia 
  4. Yugoslavia 

Answer – D. Yugoslavia 


  1. Kosovo’s population was overwhelmingly ethnic_________.
  1. Romanian 
  2. Armenian 
  3. Albanian 
  4. Slovenian 

Answer – C. Albanian 


  1. In the entire Yugoslavia, _____ were in majority.
  1. Albanians 
  2. Serbs 
  3. Indians 
  4. Kosovans 

Answer – B. Serbs 


  1. Milosevic was a 
  1. Tyrant 
  2. Serb nationalist 
  3. Narrow minded leader
  4. Both B and C 

Answer – D. Both B and C


  1. Milosevic was tried by the-
  1. UNSC
  2. UNGA
  3. IMF 
  4. ICJ

Answer – D. ICJ


  1. Milosevic was a 
  1. Democratically elected leader 
  2. Serb nationalist 
  3. Narrow minded leader
  4. Both B and C 

Answer – D. All of the above 


  1. What is the expanded form of ICJ?
  1. Indian Central Judiciary 
  2. International Court of Justice
  3. International Court of Judiciary
  4. Indian Code of Judgement

Answer – B. International Court of Justice


  1.  Rights are _________ of a person over other fellow beings, over the society and over the government.
  1. Advantages 
  2. Superiorities 
  3. Claims 
  4. Comforts 

Answer – C. Claims 


  1. Rights acquire meaning only in ________. Every __________makes certain rules to regulate our conduct.
  1. India 
  2. Laws 
  3. Constitution 
  4. Society

Answer – D. Society 


  1. Rights are _________ which can be used when things go wrong.
  1. Claims 
  2. Guarantees 
  3. Laws 
  4. All of the above 

Answer – B. Guarantees


  1.  Which one of the following is not a fundamental right?
  1. Right to equality 
  2. Right to freedom 
  3. Right to property 
  4. Right against exploitation

Answer – C. Right to property


  1. The right to Assembly in a peaceful manner comes under __________.
  1. The Right to equality 
  2. The Right to freedom
  3. The Right to property 
  4. The Right to form associations 

Answer – B, The Right to Freedom


  1. Which one of the following is not a form of exploitation?
  1. Human Trafficking 
  2. Begar 
  3. Child labour 
  4. Feminism 

Answer – D. Feminism


  1. Any section of citizens with a distinct language or culture has a right to conserve it under __________
  1. Right to equality 
  2. Right to freedom 
  3. Cultural and Educational Rights
  4. Right against exploitation

Answer – C. Cultural and Educational Rights


  1. Admission to any educational institution maintained by government or receiving government aid cannot be denied to any citizen on the ground of religion or language as per the –
  1. Right to equality 
  2. Right to freedom 
  3. Cultural and Educational Rights
  4. Right against exploitation

Answer – C. Cultural and Educational Rights


  1. We have the right to seek enforcement of fundamental rights under the –
  1.  Right to equality 
  2. Cultural and Educational Rights
  3. Right to Constitutional Remedies
  4. Right against exploitation

Answer – C. Right to constitutional remedies


  1.  _________ is a demand for legal or moral entitlements a person makes on fellow citizens, society or the government.
  1. Claim 
  2. Covenant 
  3. Convenience 
  4. Right 

Answer – A. Claim


  1. ___________ is a formal document containing an order of the court to the government issued only by High Court or the Supreme Court.
  1. Memorandum 
  2. Writ 
  3. Summon 
  4. Order 

Answer – B. Writ


  1.  A court’s order requesting someone to appear before it is called a-
  1. Memorandum 
  2. Writ 
  3. Summon 
  4. Order 

Answer – C. Summon


  1. Which of the following is not an instance of an exercise of a fundamental right?
  1. Workers from Bihar go to the Punjab to work on the farms
  2. Christian missions set up a chain of missionary schools
  3. Men and women government employees get the same salary
  4. Parents’ property is inherited by their children

Answer – D. Parents’ property is inherited by children


  1. Which of the following freedoms is not available to an Indian citizen?
  1. Freedom to criticise the government
  2. Freedom to participate in armed revolution
  3. Freedom to start a movement to change the government
  4. Freedom to oppose the central values of the Constitution

Answer – B. Freedom to participate in armed revolution


  1. What year was the National Human Rights Commission established?
  1. 1995
  2. 1993
  3. 1991
  4. 2001

Answer – B. 1993


  1. Which of the following rights is available under the Indian Constitution?
  1. Right to work
  2. Right to adequate livelihood
  3. Right to protect one’s culture
  4. Right to privacy

Answer – C. Right to protect one’s culture


  1. Within ______ hours of being apprehended, the detained individual must appear before the closest magistrate.
  1. 24
  2. 42
  3. 48
  4. 72

Answer – A. 24


Name the Fundamental Right under which each of the following rights falls:

  1. Freedom to propagate one’s religion
  1. Right to freedom of religion
  2. Right to equality 
  3. Right against exploitation
  4. Right to freedom 

Answer – A. Right to freedom 


  1. Right to life
  1. Right to freedom of religion
  2. Right to equality 
  3. Right against exploitation
  4. Right to freedom

Answer – D. Right to freedom 


  1. Abolition of untouchability
  1. Right to freedom of religion
  2. Right to equality 
  3. Right against exploitation
  4. Right to freedom

Answer – B. Right to equality


  1. Ban on bonded labour
  1. Right to freedom of religion
  2. Right to equality 
  3. Right against exploitation
  4. Right to freedom

Answer- C. Right against exploitation.


Very Short Answer Type (1 mark each)


  1. What are Rights?

Rights are reasonable claims of persons recognised by society and sanctioned by law.


  1. What is Amnesty international?

Amnesty International is an international organisation of volunteers who campaign for human rights. 


  1. What does Amnesty International do?

This organisation brings out independent reports on the violation of human rights all over the world.


  1. Name the global human rights organisation that gathered data on the treatment of detainees at Guantanamo Bay (US).

Amnesty International.


  1. Write the expanded form of NHRC.

National Human Rights Commission.


  1. What is a covenant?

A covenant is a promise made by individuals, groups or countries to uphold a rule or principal. It is legally binding on the signatories to the agreement or statement.


  1. Within ______ hours of being apprehended, the detained individual must appear before the closest magistrate.

24 hours.


  1. What justification did America give for holding prisoners at Guantanamo Bay?

America viewed them as adversaries and blamed them for the September 11, 2001, attack in New York.


  1. What year was the National Human Rights Commission established?

In the year 1993.


  1. Who is a Dalit?

A person who belongs to the castes which were considered low and not touchable by others. Dalits are also known by other names such as the Scheduled Castes, Depressed Classes etc.


  1. What was the date on which the 9/11 attack occurred?

 11th September. 2001


  1. What is an ethnic group?

An ethnic group is a human population whose members usually identify with each other on the basis of a common ancestry. People of an ethnic group are united by cultural practices, religious beliefs and historical memories.


  1. What does PIL stand for?

Public Interest Litigation


  1. What is a writ?

A writ is a formal document containing an order of the court to the government issued only by High Court or the Supreme Court.


Short Answer Type Questions (3 marks each)


  1. How were the captives at Guantanamo Bay treated?

Answer – 

The way inmates were treated at Guantanamo Bay was quite demeaning.

In the US, there was not a single trial before a magistrate. They were subjected to unlawful forms of torture.

This location was not in the US. Nobody was aware of the prison’s location because it was in a region close to Cuba that the American Navy controlled.

The inmates were not allowed to meet their loved ones, the media, or even UN representatives.


  1. Describe the rights of Saudi citizens.

Answer – 

  1. The citizens of the nation have no power to choose or replace the hereditary king who reigns over it.
  2. Both the legislature and the executive are chosen by the king. He appoints the judges and has the authority to overturn any judgments they make.
  3. Political parties and other political organisations cannot be formed by citizens. Anything that the monarch does not like cannot be reported by the media.

There is no religious freedom. Being Muslim is a requirement for citizenship. Residents who are not Muslims are free to practise their religion in private but not in public.


  1. Why does the Constitution mention the rights of minorities to culture and education?

Answer – 

  1. Every group of citizens has the right to protect its own culture and language.
  2. No citizen may be denied admission to a government-run or government-funded educational institution on the basis of their religion or language.
  3. The right to build and run educational institutions of one’s choosing belongs to all minorities. Minority in this context does not exclusively refer to a national religious minority. In some places, the majority of the population speaks one language, while the minority speaks another.


  1. Do the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and OBC reservations violate the right to equality?

Answer – 

No, these objections do not conflict with the right to equality. In a broader sense, equality does not imply treating everyone equally, regardless of their needs. Giving everyone the same chance to reach their potential is what is meant by equality. To ensure equal opportunity, it is occasionally important to grant employment reserves to socially and economically disadvantaged groups in society. According to the Constitution, these kinds of reservations do not violate the right to equality.


  1. Describe the “Right to Equality” that Indian citizens have.

Answer – 

Before the law, all citizens are on an equal footing regardless of caste, colour, region, religion, race, sex, or place of birth. 

Access to public spaces including stores, restaurants, hotels, and movie theatres is a right for every citizen. 

There shall be no restriction on the use of any government-maintained or publicly accessible wells, tanks, bathing ghats, roads, playgrounds, or public resorts. 

In terms of employment, all citizens shall have equal opportunity.


  1. Describe the concept of “religious freedom.”

Answer – 

India is a secular nation, as stated. A secular state does not designate any particular religion as its official religion. Indian secularism upholds an impartial and principled attitude toward all religions. The state must treat all religions equally and impartially. Every person has the freedom to proclaim, practise, and spread any religion they so choose.

Religious instruction shall not be taught in government-run schools. No person shall be required to participate in any religious instruction or to attend any religious worship in educational institutions run by private organisations.


  1. The Indian Constitution expressly forbids which severe form of social discrimination?

Answer – 

The Constitution expressly commands the government to stop the practise of untouchability, a severe form of social discrimination. Untouchability has been outlawed in all its forms. In this context, untouchability refers to more than just refraining from touching members of specific castes.

It refers to any ideology or social custom that denigrates people because of the caste to which they were born. Due to this practice, they are not allowed to interact with other people or use public spaces as equal citizens. Consequently, untouchability became a crime under the Constitution.


  1. How is it possible to describe India as a secular state?

Answer –

A secular state is one that accords no privileges or preferences to any certain faith. Additionally, it does not penalise or exclude someone based on the basis of religion they follow.

A secular state is one that does not declare any particular religion to be the official religion. Like everywhere else in the globe, the majority of people in India practise many religions. Indian secularism upholds a stance of equal and principled detachment from all religions. The state must treat all religions equally and impartially. Every person has the freedom to declare, practise, and spread the religion they so choose. Every sect or religious group is allowed to conduct its religious business as it sees fit. The state of India is secular.


Long Answer Type (5 marks each)


  1. How do rights work? What connections do they have to society?

Answer – 

  1. Rights are assertions of a person’s dominance over other people, society, and the government. The claims must make sense. They ought to be such that they can be shared equally with others. A right therefore entails a responsibility to respect other rights.
  2. Every community establishes specific laws to control how we behave. They inform us of what is right and bad. The foundation of rights is what the society acknowledges as legitimate. Because of this, the idea of rights varies throughout time and between societies.

Some claims become enforceable when they are recognised by the law. Then, we can insist that they apply. Therefore, if we want to refer to any claim as a right, it must fulfil these three criteria. Rights are justifiable claims made by individuals that are accepted by society and protected by the law.


  1. Why is the “Right to Freedom” referred to as a collection of different rights?

Answer – All Indian people are allowed to exercise a number of liberties protected under the right to freedom under the Indian Constitution. Each and every citizen is therefore entitled to the following freedoms:

  1. The right to free speech and expression
  2. The right to peacefully assemble
  3. The right to establish groups and unions

4-The ability to travel unrestrictedly across the nation

5- The right to live anywhere in the nation,

6- The right to practise any profession or run any occupation, trade, or business.


  1. Describe the growing range of rights.

Answer – Following points show the growing range of rights – 

  1. The courts occasionally issued rulings that broadened the scope of rights. The Fundamental Rights are the source of some rights, like the freedom of the press, and the right to education.
  2. Education in schools is now a fundamental right for Indian residents. All children up to the age of 14 must get free and required education, which is the responsibility of the governments.
  3. A law that grants citizens the right to information has been passed by the legislature. The Fundamental Right to Freedom of Thought and Expression was used to pass this Act. 
  4. The right to food has just been added to the Supreme Court’s definition of the right to life. Additionally, rights are not just the Fundamental Rights listed in the Constitution.
  5. The Constitution offers a great deal of rights, some of which may not be fundamental, but come under category of human rights.


  1. Amnesty International: What is it? Describe the conditions of the detainees in Guantanamo Bay as per the Amnesty International report.

Answer – Amnesty International is a multinational group of volunteers works to promote human rights. This organisation compiles data on the conditions of the inmates at Guantanamo Bay and publishes impartial reports on human rights abuses around the globe.

As per the Amnesty International report-

  1. The captives were subjected to forms of torture that were against US law.
  2. They were not receiving the care that even prisoners of war are entitled to under international agreements.
  3. Many prisoners have tried going on a hunger strike as a form of protest against these conditions.
  4. Even after they were formally found not guilty, prisoners were not freed.


  1. How would you define “Untouchability”? What did Sainath discover while exploring the various regions of the nation?

Answer – Untouchability is the social belief or custom that denigrates someone because of the caste to which they were born.

R Sainath published a series of news articles in The Hindu in 1999 detailing the continued practise of untouchability and caste discrimination against Dalits and members of Scheduled Castes. He visited several regions of the nation and discovered that: 

  1. For Dalits and everyone else, tea shops kept two different types of cups on hand.
  2. Barbers turned away Dalit customers.
  3. Dalit children had to sit in a separate section of the classroom or get their water from a different pitcher.
  4. The wedding procession did not allow Dalit grooms to ride horses.
  5. Dalits were either prohibited from using the common handpump or, if they did, had to wash it first to make it clean.


  1. How can the legal system defend citizens’ fundamental rights?

Answer – The judiciary safeguards people’ fundamental rights in the following ways:

  1. We have legal recourse if any of our rights are violated. If it falls under a Fundamental Right, we can go straight to the Supreme Court or a state’s High Court.
  2. Fundamental rights are protected from the activities of legislatures, the executive, and any other governmental bodies. 
  3. Any legislative or executive measure that restricts or abridges one or more Fundamental Rights shall be void. Such legislation of the federal and state governments is subject to dispute, and courts also uphold fundamental freedoms against private individuals and organisations. 
  4. Directions, orders, or writs may be issued by the Supreme Court or High Courts in order to enforce Fundamental Rights.
  5. Additionally, they have the power to penalise violators and compensate victims.


  1. What guidelines must the government and police adhere to when they detain someone on the basis of the legislation in effect?

Answer – 

  1. According to the Constitution, no one may be deprived of their life or personal freedom unless doing so in accordance with a legal process. It implies that no one can be executed unless the death penalty has been imposed by the court.
  2. A government official or police officer may detain or arrest any individual without a valid legal reason. Even then, they must adhere to certain rules: A person who is detained in custody and then arrested must be notified of the circumstances surrounding their imprisonment.
  3. Within 24 hours of being held and arrested, the subject must appear before the local magistrate.
  4. Such a person has the right to speak with or hire a lawyer to represent him or her.

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