Pre-Medical Tests (PMTS) and Entrance Exam for MBBS
How to tackle biology for PMTs
Biology makes the critical difference between success and failure in all medical entrance tests.
All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Examination
No. of questions: The test has two stages: preliminary and main.
Preliminary: 200 multiple-choice questions, of which 100 are from biology.
Main: Traditionally, the paper consists of 20 questions of five marks each
Time allotted: Three hours for 200 questions, or 54 seconds for each question. A well-prepared student can make the correct choice for a biology question within 35 seconds and spare the remaining time for physics or chemistry
Type of questions: Only 10 to 15 questions are direct. Remaining questions are indirect and of various difficulty levels. Questions can be of different types like match the following, choose the correct/wrong statement, pick the odd one out, etc. In the main test, which is of subjective type, paper 2 is on biology in which you have to write detailed descriptive answers. Each question consists of sub-divisions from different topics.
All India Institute of Medical Science test – AIIMS MBBS Test
No. of questions: Sixty biology questions out of 200 questions, all objective type
Time allotted: Three and a half hours, so the students have enough time for the questions
Type of questions: Assertion-reasoning type questions have appeared of late and can create confusion in the mind of even a prepared student. Thorough and deep knowledge of the subject is necessary for this competition. Questions are comparatively tough
Armed Forces Medical College Entrance Test – AFMC MBBS
No. of questions: Of the 200 multiple-choice questions, 50 are from biology
Time allotted: Two hours
Type of questions: All the three levels of questions (easy, moderate, and difficult) are almost equally distributed
Important topics
● Plus-one syllabus: Topics such as kingdom monera, taxonomy of plants and animals, cell structure, cell cycle, nervous system, chemical coordination, photosynthesis, plant growth hormones and so on
● Plus-two syllabus: topics such as molecular basis of inheritance, biotechnology and its applications, microbes in human welfare, ecosystem, environmental issues and so forth
● In the last three years, questions from ecology have been given a lot of importance
Hot Tip: Be thorough with NCERT as well as ISC textbooks
● Try to read the whole NCERT syllabus. For all-India entrance tests, go through the ISC textbook as well. For AIPMT Mains, you have to go a little deep into the theory portion to attempt descriptive questions. Try to solve descriptive questions given at the end of each chapter in the ISC textbook. In the AIIMS test, a thorough reading of the NCERT textbook and practicing MCQs is sufficient.
● Revise the theory portion as much as you can.
● Recollect important points and frame questions of your own.
● Answer direct questions without looking at the options, because options confuse a lot.
● Practice as many MCQs including previous year’s questions as you can. You require more power of recollection to tackle biology.
Leonardo da Vinci said: “Iron rusts from disuse, stagnant water loses its purity and in cold weather becomes frozen; even so does inaction sap the vigor of the mind.” Make your mind more active in order to achieve your goals.
Check out MBBS Test Preparation CD and Previous Years Solved Question Papers Books (Seperate Book for AIPMT, AIIMS, AFMC, MHCET medical, BVP, MGIMS Wardha, JIPMER, Manipal UGET , Karnataka CET, Gujarat CET and other Entrance Exams
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