

Howard Hughes Medical Institute notifies Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program 2024, Apply now


Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program 2024 – Howard Hughes Medical Institute invites applications for Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program 2024 from Science Researchers and Physician-Scientists in the Biomedical and Life Science disciplines. Fellowship aims to award funds for advanced research in the field of biomedical and life science.


About Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program 

  • The Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program seeks to increase diversity in the professoriate by supporting early career researchers who show exceptional promise of becoming academic scientists, which includes the potential to build and contribute to an equitable and inclusive scientific culture. Through their successful careers, Hanna Gray Fellows will move science forward and will recruit, mentor, and inspire the next generation of scientists from all backgrounds.


Scholarship Amount

Postdoctoral Training Phase

  • Fellows will receive annual support of a $70,000 salary for the initial year and a $20,000 expense allowance, paid through a non-renewable grant to the training institution. This phase of the award is for a minimum of two and maximum of four years.

Faculty Phase

  • Fellows will receive $250,000 in research funding and a $20,000 expense allowance per year, paid through a non-renewable grant to the institution where they have attained a faculty position. This phase of the award has a maximum length of four years.

Conditions of the Award

  • Fellows in both postdoctoral training and faculty phases are required to devote at least 75% of their total effort to research.
  • To transition to the faculty phase of the program, fellows must obtain a tenure-track (or equivalent) faculty position at a U.S. (including Puerto Rico) research institution with a doctoral-level graduate program in their area of interest.
  • Fellows will be expected to attend an HHMI science meeting each year and provide an annual progress report.


Important Dates

  • Application Deadline: 28th February 2024
  • Fellows Notified: October 2024
  • Awards Begin: January 2025


Eligibility Criteria

  • The program application is open to individuals who:
    • are from gender, racial, ethnic, and other groups underrepresented in the life sciences, including those individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. This includes, but is not limited to, women of any ethnic or racial group as well as any individual identifying as Hispanic, Black, Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander, or American Indian / Alaska Native.
    • are basic science researchers and physician-scientists in the biomedical and life science disciplines.
    • hold a PhD and/or MD (or equivalent), which must be conferred by the start of the grant term.
      • U.S. citizens must have a degree from a research institution in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico) or an international research institution.
      • Non-U.S. citizens and applicants with other nationalities must have a degree from a research institution in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico).
    • have been accepted to join a laboratory as a postdoctoral researcher at a research institution located in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico) at the time of the application due date.
  • PhD applicants can have no more than 18 months of postdoctoral research experience at the time of the application due date.
    • The date or anticipated date of conferral of the doctoral degree must be on or after Feb 28, 2022, and before January 15, 2025.
  • MD or MD/PhD applicants in residency, clinical fellowship, or postdoctoral training can have no more than 18 months of postdoctoral training by 28th February, 2024.
  • For the purposes of this award, research activities during residency or clinical fellowship are not considered postdoctoral training.


Application Process

  • Interested candidates can apply online by www.hhmi.org/hgf-mpd

Components of the Application

  • Summary of the applicant’s educational and training record
  • Personal statement relating past experiences and career goals
  • Overview of the applicant’s prior research experience
  • A list of publications with statements of significance
  • Summary of the applicant’s planned research for postdoctoral phase
  • An evaluative statement provided by the applicant’s research training mentor
  • A statement of support with a training plan provided by the postdoctoral training mentor


For more details and to apply online, please visit official website


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