Bharti Infratel Ltd offers Bharti Infratel Scholarship Program (BISP) 2020-21 for or Students with Disabilities

Bharti Infratel Scholarship Program 2020 – Bharti Infratel Scholarship Program (BISP) 2020 is a CSR initiative of Bharti Infratel Ltd. The scholarship aims to encourage and help students with disabilities of Northeast India to pursue higher secondary, graduation, post-graduation or professional courses

The selected candidates will receive variable awards towards their academic fees.

About the Program

●      With a vision of encouraging and helping students with disabilities of Northeast India to pursue higher education, this scholarship provides financial support towards academic fees to identified students with disabilities from the north-east region of India, i.e. Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Sikkim, and Tripura, who are pursuing or wish to pursue higher education.
●      For Persons with Disabilities – for Under Graduate /Professional /Post Graduate Courses

Scholarship Benefits

●      Selected scholars will be provided with financial assistance towards educational fees paid to college/ university/educational institutes, till the completion of their course. The selected candidates will receive variable awards.

Bharti Infratel Scholarship Program 2020 Important Dates

Events Dates
Scholarship application start 10th August 2020
Application(Online) Deadline 10th September 2020
Last date of receiving (offline) application 20th September 2020

Eligibility Criteria for Bharti Infratel Scholarship Program 2020

The scheme is open for candidates who fulfil the following eligibility conditions
●      Students with disabilities, belonging to the North-Eastern states of India such as Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura
●      Must be between 14 and 29 years of age
●      Must have benchmark disability, i.e. 40% and above as per disability certificate
●      They must be pursuing higher education,i.e.12th (Higher Secondary) /Graduation/ Post-Graduation /Professional
●      Must have passed Class 10/Matriculation
●      Students with disabilities, who do not belong to the North-Eastern states of India but are studying in Institutes/Colleges recognized by Government of India as Institute of National Importance (INIs), located in the North-East.
●      Must be between 17 and 29 years of age
●      Must have benchmark disability, i.e. 40% and above as per disability certificate
●      They must be pursuing higher education, i.e. Graduation/Post-Graduation/ Professional
●      Must have passed Class 12/Higher Secondary

Bharti Infratel Scholarship Program 2020 Application Process

Eligible candidates can apply for this scheme by following the steps mentioned below,
Step 1 Click on the ‘Apply Now’ button below and read all details.
Step 2 Proceed with the online application by clicking on the ‘Apply Now’ button of the respective category or click on ‘Download application form’ to apply offline.
Step 3 Fill in required details and proceed.
Step 4 If applying online, upload relevant documents and submit. If applying offline, attach the relevant documents with the application and send it by post to the below-given address at The Executive, Shishu Sarothi, Centre for Rehabilitation & Training for Multiple Disability, Off Ramkrishna Mission Road, Birubari, Guwahati -781016, Assam, Tel: 0361 2470990 / 2478912 / 9207049810 or by email to

Selection Criteria

●      Selection will be based on family income, academic performance, disability, etc.



For more details and to apply online, please visit the official website