The university grants commission invites applications for the award of post doctoral fellowship to women candidates for the year 2009-2010/2010-2011 from the unemployed women candidates those who are Ph.D degree in their respective subjects
The objective of this award is to provide an opportunity to carry out the advanced studies and research in science, engineering and technology, humanities and social sciences in Indian universities and colleges recognized under section 2(f) and fit to receive assistance under section 12(B) of the UGC act 1956/Institute of national importance established by the central/state govt
The candidate of general/open category should not be more than 55 years of age as on 1st July of the year of application having 55% marks at UG level and 60% at PG level
The total duration of the fellowship is five years
There shall be reservation for SC/ST/OBC/physically handicapped candidates as per provision of the constitution and instructions issued by the govt of India from time to time. The candidates of SC/ST/OBC/PH categories having 50% marks at UG level and 55% marks at PG level are eligible to apply under the scheme. The upper age limit for applicants is 60 years for SC/ST/OBC/PH minority communities, as on 1st July on the years of application
Only Ph.D. awarded unemployed candidates will be eligible for the award of post doctoral fellowship
Fellowship-@Rs 25,000/- p.m.-for fresh candidates; @ Rs 30,000/- p.m.-for research experience holders; contingency-@ Rs 50,000/-p.a.-for five years
Departmental assistance-@ 10% of fellowship p.a. per student to the host institution for providing infrastructure-for five years
Escorts/reader assistance-@ Rs 2,000/- p.m. in cases of physically handicapped and blind candidates-for five years
The applications in the prescribed format given below, may be sent to the deputy secretary, (selection and awards bureau), university grants commission, Delhi university, south campus, Benito Juarez marg, New Delhi-110021 duly forwarded through the university/institution/college where the fellow desires to undertake research work within one month from the date of advertisement
The selection will be made on the basis of merit and on the recommendations of the selection committee, constituted by the commission. The decision of the commission shall be final. Direct and incomplete applications will not be entertained. Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification. The application form for the scheme and other terms and conditions may also be downloaded from the university grants commission’s website (
Also See : Scholarships 2019
University Grants Commission (Selection and awards bureau)
Delhi university, south campus, Benito Juarez marg, New Delhi-110021
No F15-1/2008(SA-II) policy file