SCAR Fellowship Scheme 2013-2014,Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Scholarships for 2013-14, SCAR Fellowship Eligibility, Application Form, Application Fee, Important Dates
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)
The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) is a body of the International Council for Science (ICSU) and is the leading independent organisation for facilitating and coordinating Antarctic research, and for identifying issues emerging from greater scientific understanding of the region that should be brought to the attention of policy makers. Its major objective is to initiate, develop, and co-ordinate high-quality international scientific research in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean region, and on the role of the Antarctic region in the Earth system. It works closely with other organisations with a polar interest.
Also See : Scholarships 2019
SCAR Fellowship Scheme
The SCAR Fellowship Programme is designed to encourage the active involvement of early career scientists and engineers in Antarctic scientific research, and to build new connections and further strengthen international capacity and cooperation in Antarctic research.
The SCAR Fellowships are intended to allow researchers to undertake short-term visits to major international laboratories, field facilities, and/or institutes in or operated by SCAR member countries, so as to become acquainted with recent advances in research and/or to develop long-term scientific links and partnerships. The work must be carried out in a research group of a SCAR member country different from that of the (i) applicant’s origin and (ii) current residence.
Topics for support should make a contribution to the scientific objectives of SCAR as embodied in the Standing Scientific Groups and the current Scientific Research Programmes.
Who is Eligible ?
1. Current PhD researcher or 5 years from finishing PhD (in special cases over 5 years may be accepted, e.g. maternity/paternity leave, please contact
2. Visiting a facility in or run by a SCAR member country, which is different from (a) applicant’s country of origin and (b) current country of residence
3. Should contribute to the objectives of one or more of the Standing Scientific Groups and current Scientific Research Programmes endorsed by SCAR (for details see
What is the Scholarship Award ?
(a) 3 to 4 awards for 2013-14
(b) up to US$15,000 per award
(c) Home institute to bear in-home country costs (e.g. visa costs, domestic travel)
(d) Host institute to waive bench fees, if any
Application Form Submission online at:
For any clarifications – email
Last Date to apply : 4th June 2013