NTPC Scholarship Scheme for SC/ ST/ Physically Challenged Students pursuing MBBS from Govt. Medical Colleges in India 2015
Objective of the NTPC Scholarship Scheme
As a manifestation of Corporate Social Responsibility, National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) has decided to institutionalize a Merit Scholarship Scheme for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/physically challenged students pursuing MBBS
Coverage: All students belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Physically Challenged categories pursuing full time MBBS from Govt. Medical Colleges, shall be eligible to apply for the NTPC Scholarship
NTPC Scholarship Scheme Details
The management from time to time will decide the number of scholarships
Number of Scholarships: 30 per year
PC-05 (2-OH/2-VH/1-HH)
The value of the scholarships is Rs.4000/- per month per student for full course (excluding internship period)
Also See : Scholarships 2019
Eligibility for NTPC Scholarship Scheme 2015
Scholarship shall be provided to the students of SC/ST/PC categories pursuing full time MBBS from Govt. Medical Colleges
SC/ST/PC students in their 2nd year of study in the academic year 2015-16 and have obtained not less that 60% marks in 1st year exam in academic year 2014-15
Students availing of scholarship / financial assistance/stipend from any other institute need not apply
How to Apply for NTPC Scholarship Scheme 2015
The application form with full details of the scheme, can also be downloaded from NTPC website www.ntpc.co.in/notices
The duly filled in application form along with Caste/Disability Certificate, as the case may be, should be submitted, along with attested copies of mark sheets of the 1st year (annual/semester examinations) to the Head of the Institution
The Institution shall scrutinize and verify the certificates and shortlist 5 best candidates in each category SC/ST & PC and send these applications to NTPC at the following address Deputy General Manager (HR-W), NTPC LTD., NTPC Bhawan, Core No.7, Scope Complex Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
The last date for submission of filled-in application form is: 14th August 2015
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NTPC Limited
(A Govt. of India Enterprise), Govt. Medical Colleges Deputy General Manager (HR-W), NTPC LTD., NTPC Bhawan, Core No.7, Scope Complexi Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, Website www.ntpc.co.in